The Walking Dead

Better then the nickname I had for you when we first met.....that can be pretty screwed up sometimes...even when we play the cards we're delt..." Bryan mentioned.
Harli nodded. "Yea it does suck." She finished eating and slid her can away from herself. "What did you do before all this?" She asked as she carved something into the table with her knife.
Jackson snorted "Out of this freaking city." He started up the car and sighed, he didn't even bother to put on his seat belt, not like there were any other drivers. He put the car into drive and cautiously weaved around the cars, there was the occasional walker stumbling along, but he just weaved around them like the rest of the cars. He frowned at the abandoned highway he was driving along, his eyes casting sadly along the occasional torn apart body. He nodded up towards the forests ahead, "I know it looks a little murky but its safer in there." He said in a mumble.
"I went to college...I..wasn't doing so well..I was going to drop out soon..wasn't really smart enough to make it though...parents wanted me to be someone...but honestly I can work as a plumber or a janitor and live in a trailer and be happy..." Bryan looked foreward, and around the mall. Back at harli.
Harli smiled hearing about someones life. "I worked at an auto shop outside of Atlanta. It was a little run down place but we got alot of customers." She huffed. "I never went to college. I didnt even make it out of high school due to Anthony." She raised an eyebrow. "We, the group, just have to get over everything and become our own family and not let anyone f*ck with us."
Declan scoffed as he heard Jackson speak. "Safer? The place is infested with walkers. We have a bigger chance of survival out on the road." he said as he glared into the trees as they drove by. He had spent enough time alone in forests to know that they were filled with dangers; not only walkers, but bandits and wild animals as well. "We're better off going somewhere open; somewhere where we could see all round us."
"Sorry to hear about your boy. Sh*t happens even to the best of us..." bryan begins to think that maybe Harli is useful for her auto shop skills. "Yeah...the brady bunch that kills the walkers..."
Jackson glared at Declan "Well, then why don't you just f*cking drive?" He pulled over the car and got out of the passengers seat, slamming the door behind him and sliding into the back seat with Remy, "Since apparently you know so f*cking much, be my guest."
Harli laughed again as she shook her head. "Im glad Anthony is not here. He dont have to deal with this." She yawned and stretched her arms above her head. "We need to rest up for the rest of the night. We have a big day tomorrow." She stood. "Lets go see if Steven and Jaylee found a place to sleep."

Steven let out a victory yelp as he jumped up on one of the beds. He stretched out as he rolled around. "God I can get use to this!" He Hugged one of the pillows. "I feel like a teenage girl that just found out her crush likes her." He rolls around a bit more.
"Sounds good..let's go.." Bryan Harli walk to find Steven and Jaylee. "Sometime tomorrow....gotta find batteries for the radio...its a must..." Bryan walking side with Harli. Never slet inside a mall before bryan thought to himself.
Harli heard Steven shout out. She looked over at Bryan then took off running toward the store. She stops and sees him rolling around on a bed. "What the hell! I thought you where being attacked!" She shook her head and huffed. She walked into the hallway and toward hot topic. She walked in and grabbed some night shorts and a tank top. she slips on the clothing and clips her gun holster back on her thigh. She walks back to the bed place and walks past everyone. She moves to the back of the bed store and sits on the edge of a bed.

Steven raises an eyebrow and glances at Harli's ass. He looked at Bryan with a grin. "She has a nice ass." He then walked out into the hallway in search of food.
Bryan looks at Steven. With a smile. Apparently, the thought of men hasn't changed. And notice's there isn't no other beds as they are all taken by Harli, Jaylee, and Steven. Not wanting to share, he grabs a pillow that Steven isn't using. lays the pillow against the wall. And lays down as well with his back against the wall with the pillow. his leg's stretched out. Being too tired of blow up matrass, he decides to sleep on the carpet floor instead. Time to rest he thought to himself.
Harli laid there not able to sleep. She stood and snuck past Jaylee Steven and Bryan hoping they were sleeping. She walked out and padded down the hallway toward a weapon store. She took off her shirt and wrapped it around her hand as she smashed a glass case. She slipped her shirt back on and pulled out a crossbow and a bow and arrows. she walked out in a hall with the wood the weapons were on and orange spray paint. She leaned the wood on a wall and sprayed a circle. She walked away from it and raised the bow. She rested an arrow on her finder and aimed. She let it go and it hit the circle with a thud.
(((Spark, I think the weapon shop is a bit over done. Perhaps a sporting good section? Which has Bows, a few cheap weapons, ammo, not much. etc...)))

Darrel now pulling into town as two guards with M16 Carbines Rifles check who it is. Darrel sticks his left hand out and waves out the drivers window signaling its him. As he drives up and stops to talk tone of his guards. "It's fine, she's with me. Just another that needs help. I got the supplies, radio Jon and Ash to come and unload the supplies. While I give this young lady where she'll be staying. Keep your eyes out." Darrel waves and drives Kat to the nearest house.

Kat's eyes flicked open as Darrell spoke, and she sat up. She looked at him questioningly, then out of the car. Curiously, she attempted to peer through the dark to see the town. She couldn't make out much though, still half asleep, and looked back to Darrell.
Darrel stops the SUV infront of a decently nice looking house. Cuts off the SUV and gets out. and walks up the short the. short front stairs of the small house. "We had a family that just left this house. Decided they wanted to leave. And go out further, reach there family. No one's making anyone stay here. Free to leave. It's understood to wanna find loved ones" Darrel looking back at Kat. Reaching into his pants pocket pulling out tons of silver keys. With white labels on them. He unlocks the house and opens he door.
Kat exited the car and followed Darrell up to the house, looking around warily. She listened to Darrell as he spoke, and nodded in understanding. As he opened the door, she looked inside. She listened out for any walkers before walking inside, cautious and on guard for the walkers. It wasn't that she didn't trust the people here, she just knew that walkers had a habit of popping up unexpectedly.

Kat walked into the house and looked around, her hand resting on her hip, but close to her rifle. It seemed like a good place to stay. It didn't smell like the dead, at least. She looked over to Darrell and smiled, obviously happy with this place.
Darrel closing the door behind Kat. And walking around with Kat. "You got plenty of food, water, and yes..soda...we stock everyone's house with the same amount. Not much, since we go out and scavage what we can. The water system doesn't work, sadly. There's a lake not to far from here every Monday if needed. Head to the lake, and wash off. We try to conserve everything. even soap. No one has to live and smell like brutes don't you agree?" Darrel looked at Kat looking at her. And walking up close to her. Smiling.

Kat nodded, and listened as Darrell spoke to her. When he walked over to her, he got a bit close, and she took a step back. She didn't like people getting close to her, even before the world became the hell it was now. She dug in her pocket and fished out her notebook and pen. She wrote in it quickly, then showed it to him.

Thank you for taking me here. I think I will eat, and then sleep. I might stick around for a while, it that's alright.
Darrel noticed Kat backing off. "That's fine...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to spoke you back..I forgot some people need to earn trust first...I hope I can earn yours......if you need anything I'll be at the house right across the street..." Darrel continues to smile as he walks to the door opening it. before leaving he looks back a Kat. "Relax..there hasn't been a bitter here since we set this place up...sweet dreams......" Darrel cloing the door behind him. Walking down the stairs.
Declan slid into the driver's seat and shrugged as he settled himself. "Whatever. Don't blame me when we end up slammed into a tree." he mumbled to himself. He stared at the car's gears. The shift and the break, the wheel. Momentarily confused, he suddenly realized that he hadn't driven in a very very long time. It wasn't that he didn't know how to work a car, he knew perfectly well how to do that. It was that he had little to no control on the road.

Well, we're going to die someday. A car crash would be a nice way to go.

Shifting back into drive, Declan pressed down on the gas and they were on the road again.

It felt good, the wind blowing through his hair. It was something he had forgotten about. A strong desire to ride his Harley appeared at the back of his mind and his grip tightened on the wheel. I'll have to settle for the next fastest thing, he thought as he drove them down the empty highway.
Jackson simply pursed his lips and gazed up at the sky, before he yawned and closed his eyes, his cheek resting against the headrest. His eyebrows furrowed faintly before he sunk into his chair, the leather was warm from the sun and amazingly comfortable. He opened his eyes eventually, staring blankly ahead of them, he sighed and yawned again, picking Remy up and resting her in the passengers seat before sprawling out in the back, his legs curled up to his chest.
Declan glanced over to the sleeping Remy and sighed. He reached out with one hand to gently pat her head before setting the hand back onto the steering wheel. He noticed how awfully close in appearance the young girl was to his mother. Same freckled face, same flaming red hair, and when they were open, same bright green eyes. The resemblance was uncanny.
Jackson tensed at Declan interaction with Remy, he shifted and soon relaxed into the back seat, his head tilted back and he closed his eyes. "Where are we going?" He spoke in a smooth tone, his body was sprawled out as well as it could be in the back, his feet were kicked up on the window, which was rolled down.

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