The Walking Dead

Harli huffed and stood. "I have to get my weapons." She took off running and slipped into Hot Topic. She grabbed her Desert Eagle and her hunting knife. She ran back out and begin to walk the long darkened hallways. She walked close to him. In a protective way. To keep him and herself protected. A walker was stumbling in front of them. Harli walked forward and stabbed it in the head. She turned to Bryan. She didnt want to talk to him like this but she was just trying to help. "I'm going to get you to open up. I dont care how." With that she turned and looked through the window of a store. 
"Let's just get this place clear ok?" Bryan suggested. As they walked around the mall making sure it was clear of walkers. Passing store's along the way. Bryan seemed to just wanna be cold and bitter again. As if the talk didn't help, but deeply it did. Bryan didn't trust no one outside his family, though he had two friends. he actually considered family. Bryan drew out his knife as harli and him walked around the mall.
((Why thank you!))

Molly stared around the cabin she didn't she didn't like the feeling. She quickly gathered her stuff and left to go find somewhere else.
Harli shook her head angrily. "Dont act like this Bryan." She said to him in a low voice as they walked the halls. "I just had you open up a bit. Dont close your self off from me. Not now." She huffed. "Your the only one I trust out of this fu.cking group." She gripped her knife tighter. "I told you about my child..."
Bryan stops. And turns around, and boldly gets in Harli's face close. "We barely know each other. We're stranger's to each other." Bryan says with a rough tone. He seems to be pushing Harli away, doesn't want no emotional attachment at all.
Molly walked around some more the dark was beginning to freak her out. A lot. In the distance she could faintly see a building. "Oh my god yess! I don't know if this a wal-mart or a prison or what ever, but it might be my best chance of survival!" She thought. She picked up the pace as she made her way towards the building.
Harli looked at him and a growl came from her throat as she got back in his face. "Aint no such things as strangers now a days honey! So get over it!" She took a breath. "You can fu.cking care about people and know nothing about them!" she shouted in his face as she turned and begin to walk to the next store to look inside. 
((Cake makesure your character goes through the fire escape. The doors to the Mall are locked.))
"Don't talk tome about care!" bryan yelled stopping then catching up with harli. "My trust was backstabbed when some..B****...decided to take a joy ride off some guys six pack. Just because I saved your life..from that thing...doesn't mean we're friends...we're nothing...understand?!" bryan now walking side by side with Harli.

Molly made her way down to the building. She tried to get in through the doors, but they wouldn't budge. She looked up and spotted the fire escape, and luckily it worked! She climbed into the building.
Harli let out a laugh as she turned to him. "Then why in the F*ck do I stick around." She started to walk away from him again looking into the next store. Her son was standing there in the store smiling at Harli. "GO AWAY!" She shouted as she slammed her fist against the glass. "You are dead!"
Molly walked through the what she now saw was a mall, making sure to make as little noise as possible. While walking she saw two people. She ducked down in the dark and watched them.
Bryan looks at Harli. As she just slammed her fist. Bryan leans against the near by wall.. And feels guilty pushing her away as she trust him. She said. He cross's his arms and looks at Harli. "You stick around...because your scared...none of us can't survive alone...not mentality..anyway....I push you away..because...I don't wanna..." Bryan begins to open up quickly. "My heart can't see the bleed from where I walked?...she put a hole in my heart..." He explains finally opening up fully.
Harli looked over at Bryan with a bleeding hand from the now cracked glass. "And it is your job to fix it." She flexed her hand. "You just dont want to." She said more quiet. "Bryan I know how you feel. Broken, a left over." She paused. "Like I said before I was knocked up by a asshole and he left me to care for my little boy. Granted I was only 17 but that dont matter at the moment we can talk about life changing mistakes later." She brought the end of her shirt up to her mouth and ripped a piece off as she tied it around her hand. "Im hungry. Lets go find some food." She gave him a semi smile as she turned to walk off. "I wonder if there a bedding store here we can sleep in. OH! Maybe they have beds!."
Molly stayed crouching in the dark not exactly sure what to do next. She took out her bag and began to check her supplies.
Bryan reached into his left pocket. And pulled out a water bottle he had taken at the store. "Here..wait.." Bryan grabs Harli's hand. Poor's the water on washing the blood off. "Bryan grabs Harli's hand and poors water on it." Grabs the shirt she ripped up and wrapped it for her. He drinks the rest of the water. Throw's it at a near trash can and miss's. "maybe your sister...she knew how to make me smile.." Bryan done with harli and opening up little by little.
Even though Harli was shorter than Bryan, she reached up and ruffled his hair with her good hand. She laughed lightly "Sooner or later you will learn,"She paused and turned around pulling him with her. "Im always right." She found a camping store and her face lit up. She pulled Bryan in and grabbed some ready made meals. "Look food!" Harli then patted her flat thin stomach. "Im a fat ass." She giggled and looked over the wall of food.
Molly put her stuff back in her bag. She thought for a bit then stood up. She walked down to the two people, put on her friendliest looking smile and said "I'm so sorry to interrupt you, but..umm I was kind walking around this mall and I saw you and umm. Well I don't know............hi. I'll leave if you want me to". Molly started to turn around thinking to herself "what the hell was that, oh hi I was just walking around your shelter and decided to interrupt your private are such a dumbass"
Bryan laugh's lightly with Harli. "I wonder I they have a Harley Davidson store in here...would kill for a bandana and leather jacket" Bryans eyes lit up as he walked by the food and stopped. "Great ghost of lynyrd skynyrd...." Bryan looks at the food ready to eat.
Harli pulled out her pistol and pointed it at the womans head. She eyed her closely. "Who in the hell are you and how did you get in?" She questioned the girl as she looks over at Bryan. He gave him the 'Sorry, this convo will have to finish later.' look.
Bryan pulls out his bowie. Looking at the other woman. "You bitten?! Answer right now?! Or she's gonna but a bullet though your head! Answer!" Bryan asked demanding a answer.
"That-that is a lot of food." Said Jaylee. She had been trailing Bryan from the truck to the large mall, leaving momentarily for the restrooms to wash the filth off herself. Standing with a clean face she stares at the food with wide eyes from behind Bryan's shoulder.
Molly put her hands up "n-no, I swear. And I got here through the fire escape." She explained. "Please don't kill me" she tried to negotiate.
"Is it just you...or is there more?" Bryan asked moving further away hearing Jaylee's footsteps behind him. looking behind him seeing Jaylee. And looks back at the lady stranger. "Don't lie.."
Molly shook her head "n-no sir. It's just me" she said keeping her hands above her head.
Harli kept her gun up, pointed at the girls head. She looked over at Bryan asking if she should lower her weapon. She winced at her hand. 'stupid glass' She mumbled under her breath. She cleared her throat. "Sow me your neck, arms, sides, and legs."

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