The Walking Dead

Declan spun around when an arrow flew past him. He spotted Jackson and Remy at the corner where he had been. He waved them over before turning to the third walker. As he was about to swing again, this walker turned more quickly than the first. Not giving Declan time to react, it launched itslef at him, smashing its teeth together, trying to get a bite of him. The machete went up as Declan attempted to kill this walker, too, but it only helped to give the zombie something to bite on. Its face seemed to be in the first few stages of rotting. It had probably been someone trying to get through the building as well.

By then, the other two walkers had been alerted, and were quickly - quickly for dead people - making their way down the hall, towards a struggling Declan.

The walker trying to grab at Declan was pretty big, allowing it to have a small chance against the living male, seeing as he was slightly smaller. I'd already be dead if he had any muscle control, thought Declan. That small moment of thought was enough to let the walker push at Declan, slamming him against the wall. However, this time Declan managed to act fast enough, and just as the walker was about to reach him, the machete in Declan's hand went straight up its skull; going through its chin, up out the top of its forehead.
Jackson grabbed the forth walker, growling, instead of using any weapon he grabbed its chin, he was fuming. He watched the walker snap at him and in one fluid motion he twisted the walkers head, it fell to the ground and Jackson distastefully wiped off his hands on his already disgusting raincoat, he tugged it off and sighed, throwing it over the last walker, it stumbled around, an amused smirk crawled over Jackson's face and he grabbed a knife and the walkers head, jabbing it straight into its forehead before pulling it out, wiping it off on his fingers with a sigh.

Remy watched the entire thing, her eyes were wide and tears were dripping down her face, she was terrified of the creatures. Jackson walked over and curled his arms around her, she cried into his chest and he frowned some, resting his chin on top of her head, his hand running through her hair, he didn't know what he would do if he lost Remy, she was like a sister and they had grown close in the months they spent together.
Declan glanced over his shoulder at Jackson and Remy. Again, an eyebrow silently went up as he watched. He shook his head and turned back around to head down this hall. He stepped over the bodies and readjusted his bag over his shoudler. The weapon still gripped tightly in his hand, he rounded the corner leading to the next hall, relieved to see that it was empty.
Harli looked over the side of the building. She seen Bryan still by the truck. "Bryan!" She called out. "Come on!" She frowned at him. He looked back at everyone. "Y'all can go inside." She slid down the latter and walked over to Bryan. She looked to where he was looking. "What do you see Bry?"

Steven nodded to Harli and held up his pistol as he pushed the doors open. He came up to the second story of the mall. To his right there was a Pizza place and to his left there was a burger place. He placed his shirt over his nose. "The food court...."
Bryan blinks, and his sight of his little sister from the distance disappears. He ignore's Harli, and walks to where he seen his sister. Walking slowly, not caring if there was walkers around. Little wind blew, giving Bryan fresh feel. Bryan doesn't look back. Just looks around, as he approach's where his sister was seen only he seen her. he stops. Get's on his right knee feeling the parking lot concrete. He looks back at Harli, the mall. Looks around and stands up. And looks at harli with a werid look on his face. As if he knew he what e saw was real.
Harli ran over to Bryan. What did he see? She thought. She placed her hands on his shoulders as she looked him in the eye. "Bryan what did you see?" Her eyes searched his closely as she glances around not seeing a single soul other than a few scattered walkers.
Bryan acknowledge's Harli looking her in the eye slowly moving his head toward her. Bryan looks at Harli for four seconds then walks off, as harli's hands falls off his shoulders not going too far from harli. He stops and turns back to harli looking at her. he nods his head toward the mall, staying silent and keeping no expression on his face. Bryan turns around and starts walking toward the mall, as he was done doing what ever he was doing.
Harli stood there for a second and then did something she usually never does. She chased after Bryan trying to catch up. Once she caught up with him she stopped and grabbed his arm turning him around. She then threw her arms around his torso, hugging him. She then let go after a few seconds and smiled his way as she walked toward the latter.
After Harli hugged Bryan, he felt little comfort. Eye's and head lowered. And then he got on the ladder, following Harli. As both reach the top. bryan cross's his arms and looks back to the ladder and back at Harli. Waiting to whats next.

Back to Darrel and Kat. With a new song in the CD player of the SUV. Playing a country song. "When the man comes around" By Johnny Cash. Darrel sings the lyrics to himself, as low as he can. With the sound being low to where it won't wake up Kat.

"Till Armageddon no shalam, no shalom. Then the father hen will call his chickens home." Singing with the lyrics. Darrel singing with a smile. Smiley white teeth showing as he sings as well with widely eyes. As if singing excites him.
Jackson narrowed his eyes "Whats your deal?" He muttered, irritatingly. He carried Remy out, sighing in relief as they found the room empty, "We gotta get out of town." He said quietly, "The exits this way." He motioned towards double doors and walked towards them, he pushed them open, grinning widely to see the mustang still there, he rested Remy in the back and hopped into the drivers seat, he glanced around , it was oddly quiet in the area, he heard groans in the distance coming closer and he gave Declan a impatient look "Well? Come on."
Harli smiled at Bryan and motioned for him to follow. She walked to a door and opened the door. She stepped in and put the end of her shirt over her nose. She placed her hand over her tummy, covering up the scars over her stomach. She walked down the big hall glancing at the stores. The store Hot Topic came in to her view and she smiled. "Come on Bryan!" She shouted as she took off running toward the store. Once she got in the store and walked straight to the shirts.

As Harli ran into Hot Topic. Bryan stayed where he was. He seemed to not care about changing his appearence or wasn't even hungry. He was worried that there might be other's inside this mall. Humans or walkers. Bryan thought it was strange that the mall door's outside was locked, and closed off. Yet the roof entry was open as well as every store being open. It was strange. "Wheres the owners? Where's security?" he thought to himself. "I don't think I can kill again...maybe...I should just find a walker or two...and.." Giving the condition Bryan is in. He walks off, trying to see if the mall is secure. Not drawing out his knife for a reason. Bryan walks past the skating rink the no ice is on the rink. Bryan stops and looks at it for a second.

A past memory puts him and a woman. Grown woman, him and her. Holding hands skating with one another. With others around the rink skating. Him and this other woman seem happy. He comes out of it, and continues to walk off exploring the mall.
Declan blinked and paused, staring at the car. How in the hell do they get around in this thing without attracting walkers? He, not being an expert on cars, assumed that most expensive looking cars were also loud. That was simply his logic. He himself was more of a motorcycle guy, but since he knew that it would be too loud, he had left his own all black Crossbones Harley behind. With great reluctance did he do it, though. It had been a gift from his father on Declan's 21st birthday.

He heard Jackson say something and shook his head, getting himself out of his momentary pause. Glancing at the other man, Declan caught sight of a rather impatient expression. A scowl formed on his own face as he want around to the other side of the car and hopped in, throwing his bag onto the floor of the car. "Where are we headed?" he asked.

Though he chose to join the two, Declan still had his doubts. For example, he had doubted getting into a car with someone he had barely met. The "Don't talk to strangers" rule is most important when there's hardly any strangers around to talk to. Ain't it ironic?
Harli got changed in some black skinny jeans, a johnny cash shirt, black biker boots and a black leather jacket. She looked around and sees Bryan didnt come. She jogs out of Hot Topic and looks around. At the end of the hall there was a little boy standing there. He had snow white hair and was wearing black jeans, a ZZ Top shirt and converse. His snow white hair was styled in a mohawk. A sob came from her throat as she takes a step toward the little boy. He smiled at Harli. "Anthony?" She called out to the boy. She then took of running toward him. Once she got close he disappeared. She ell to her knees and cried. Her baby boy was right there.

Harli then was tackled to the ground by a walker. A ear piercing scream came from her throat as she held it back. She reached for her pistol and knife. They where gone. They where with her other clothes in the store. She screamed again as she lost her grip and it almost bit her. "HELP ME!"
Bryan heard a scream from a distance he was walking. The scream echoed though the mall. Bryan knew it was Harli by the soud of her voice. Bryan pulled out his knife and ran back to where she was last. hot topic, as he ran with his knife ready. He saw Harli was in trouble. Bryan did't wanna bring himself to do it. But he ran as fast as he could toward the walker over Harli. He quickly backstabbed the walker in the skull. As he did his face was with disgusted what he just done. But he had to do it to save Harli. He toke a breath for a copuple of seconds. And held his right hand out with his knife in his left. To help Harli up. Face red from being out of breath.
Harli took his hand and stood up. Her hands shook as she looked around then to Bryan. "Bry-Bryan I'm sorry!" She whimpered. "I saw him." She sobbed as she looked around again searching for her son. "He was here. He was there. I saw him!" she shouted.
Bryan looks at harli. He knew what she was talking about. Believing her. he just looked at her. Putting his knife back into its shealth.

He face changed into a concerned look, he didn't want harli to start seeing things like he did. Bryan looked around and behind Harli. Looking right at Harli. And to the ground for two seconds and Back at Harli. Staying speechless. He see's a near by bench and sits down. Making room for two to sit down.
Harli sat down next to Bryan and pulled her knees up to her chest. She hugged her knees as she looked over at Bryan. "I saw my son Bryan." She whispered as she laid her head on her knees. She lifted her head and looked over at him. She leaned over some and kept her voice low. "What did you see outside. Who?"
Bryan rolls his long sleeves up to his elbows. Blinks and looks foreward. Then turns his head at Harli looks at her. he changes his position. Legs between the bench. His hands in front him. " sister.." Bryan said with a low tone matching Harli's. Bryan looks down at his hands then at harli.
Harli moved onto her knees and leaned forward. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. "Im so sorry Bryan." She says not letting go of him. After a minute or so she pulls away looking at him. "Bryan talk to me. Please." 
(im going to jump off for a few minutes)
"I saw my sister standing the parking lot....she came and visted me..I was going to college..soon to drop out..I was having a hard time at that time...I cought my girlfriend..second love of my life cheating..I cought them both...i didn't the was one two weeks before this all with sister...I felt like I just wanted to take the pain away..every women i been with cheated on..lied to..she cheated on me..with a skater..matt..i knew this guy..he was in one of my class' little sister came down the week after that...and she tried to cheer me up..." Bryan explains looking dead at harli.

"My little sister...I loved her...she was the only person who could ever make me smile. And realize...I was better then the women I dated...when i found out she was cheating on me..I was pissed...i almost choked the guy to death...with my bare hands...if ex..didn't pull me off..I was a bitter person becasue of it..but my sister..was my..light..when she was bitten..we was..trying to find Martha..but...she wasn't the hotel..she got bit by a walker..with no legs..blind sided us...bit her on her leg..I wanted it to be carried her..down that long country road...wondering..why..why did it have to be her? I would of done much pain.."

Bryan looks down at the bench. "She cried in my arms. Looking at me..with blue was changing infront of my eyes.....last breath came...then" Bryan starts to cry tears fall to the bench. "I'm..sorry if I been giving you a hard and everyone else..I'm falling apart with this world..." Bryan itchs his neck.
Molly walked alone in the forest clutching her hunting knife firmly. Her hands shook, everyone was gone in her old group, she had to find a new one. She made sure to make as little noise possible as she stepped through the grass.

Only the sound of birds chirping kept her from going completely insane.
Harli smiled some as she thought of this girl that made this simple man happy. She wanted him to open up more. "Bryan? Will you tell me more about your sister?" She looked up to him. "I would love to hear about her. She sounds like a wonderful person." She crossed her legs infront of her and placed her hands on her legs seeing if Bryan would open up. "And you dont have to be sorry. We all have different ways of dealing with this."
Bryan gets up. "We're not done. We gotta make sure the mall is safe. Come on.." Bryan said standing up near harli, looking down at her. It seems he just wants to move on from the subject an hide his feelings. 
((Cake your more then welcome to join us at the mall. if your in the woods which remember everone its night time. You can stumble upon the mall exiting though the woods if you want.)))
Molly made her way out of the forest, she calmed down just a bit, but not completely. She was now in a giant field, in the distance she could see a small cottage, it didn't seem to have anyone inside but she trekked forward to check anyway.

Inside the walls were covered in faded floral wallpaper, there was distressed old furniture in what used to probably be the living room, the last thing she could see was an old table and one chair. She walked up to the table and sat on the chair. 

[QUOTE="The Gunslinger]Bryan gets up. "We're not done. We gotta make sure the mall is safe. Come on.." Bryan said standing up near harli, looking down at her. It seems he just wants to move on from the subject an hide his feelings. 
((Cake your more then welcome to join us at the mall. if your in the woods which remember everone its night time. You can stumble upon the mall exiting though the woods if you want.)))


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