The Walking Dead

Declan nearly spazzed as he was being forced into the sleeping bag. He kicked once he was all the way into the sleeping bag, but once Jackson began walking away, he pouted like a child who had just been forced to leave the house wearing something embarrassing.

He would have crawled out from under the black material, but the heat of the sweatshirt and sleeping bag combined made him change his mind. He welcomed the warmth and, without thinking, snuggled further into the sleeping bag.
Jackson smiled at Declan, watching him contently, snuggled up in his own sleeping bag, his sweatshirt smelled like him, he had a calming scent of nature, dirt, flowers, trees, mint, pine etc. due to having traveled through the forests with Remy, they came back to find supplies and now they were stuck, but then again, at least he met Declan..

Jackson sighed, he closed his eyes and nuzzled his head against the soft, thick fabric of the sleeping bag, eventually drifting off, his snores barely audible.
Declan pulled the sleeping bag over his head to keep out the cold and the scent of what seemed to be Jackson filled his nostrils. He didn't think anything of it, seeing as he was half asleep, but he found it slightly comforting. His eyes fluttered closed as his breathing calmed down to a slow and even pace.

Soon enough, under the warmth of the sleeping bag, the scent of Jackson's sweatshirt lulled him to sleep.
Jackson woke up to burning heat, he groaned, the sun must've been up. He rolled over , face planting into the fabric below him. Remy grunted, she was standing, gazing at Declan with a confused expression plastered over her youthful face. Jackson tugged his sleeping bag over his head, the position he was in surely looked awkward, and unnatural.

Jackson hated mornings, god he did. He hated the way the sunlight made him squint for the first hour of the day, he hated how he had to get up from his warm blankets and face the cold world lingering beyond. And god, he hated getting dressed. Jackson rubbed his eyes and eventually sat up with a irritated grunt, squinting up at the morning sun before glaring at Remy, his gaze went soft and he said with a yawn "Hand me my sunglasses?"
A pair of blue eyes slowly opened under the sleeping bag. They squinted and then closed again before their owner yawned. His head was still covered by the sleeping bag, but he felt extremely hot, unlike the night before.

Declan was curled up in a ball inside the sleeping bag. He was one of those people that seemed slightly smaller when sleeping. His first action of the day was hugging himself again, ignoring the heat and trying to go back to sleep. However, his eyes snapped open when he heard a voice not too far away. Quickly shuffling out from the sleeping bag, he sat up and rubbed at his eyes. His hair was sticking up in brown tufts at odd angles. When he opened his eyes again, he noticed a girl with bright red hair standing, staring at him. He blinked and glanced at Jackson, who seemed to have just woken up a few moments ago.
Jackson rubbed his eyes and Remy snorted, throwing him his sunglasses, Jackson tugged them on and sighed, willing himself out of the sleeping bag. He stood and grunted irritably, he ran his hand through his messy hair and sighed, pulling up his backpack and taking out a granola bar, chewing it with a bitter look on his face, he was never a fan of those bars, but he ate them anyway. He gazed at Declan, his eyebrow raised "Declan, Remy, Remy, Declan." He made poor hand jesters and eventually sighed, wondering over to the edge of the building.
Declan stood and ruffled his hair, getting it to lay flat on his head. His gaze followed Jackso to the edge of the building before shifting to Remy. He realized he was still wearing the sweatshirt, so he pulled it off, accidentally removing his t-shirt as well. He grunted and grabbed the shirt from the sweatshirt before slipping it back on. Slinging the sweatshirt over his shoulder, he refocused on Remy. "Not a morning person?" he asked, gesturing towards Jackson.

Declan, however, was a rated happy person I'm the morning. It was nighttime during which he wasn't the best.
Remy nodded "He gets better around noon." She said in a cheerful tone, she walked over and began to clean up the sleeping bags while Jackson aimlessly gazed out at the city, he shivered faintly and muttered "Hey, Declan, sweatshirt?" He rubbed his arms, which now were covered in goosebumps, his eyes narrowed some at the breeze, "Damn it." He muttered, "Remy, we're gonna have to go inside soon to get more food, its gonna rain." He gazed up at the darkened clouds uncertainly before getting up and walking over to the doors, the zombies couldn't reach the top three stories, they made sure of that the moment they reached the place. He sighed and opened the doors, motioning them in, Remy, carrying a big bundle of stuff trudged into the office building willingly. Jackson sighed, wondering off to go get food in the building, they raided a food store, with enough food to hold them at least a year, he walked over to the cubical it was all held in and sighed happily.
Declan watched as Jackson walked inside and went off to do who knows what. He didn't even take the sweater, thought Declan. He tucked the sweatshirt under his arm and grabbed his rucksack before following inside. He sighed and looked around. The place seemed pretty untouched.

However safe the place seemed, Declan still dug around in his bag for his machete. He slowly walked past a few doors, carefully listening. He slid the sweatshirt inbetween his back and the bag, so that he would be able to use both hands.

The sound of shuffling from inside one of the doors made him pause. Gripping the machete even tighter, he looked around for either Remy or Jackson before quietly opening the door. The odor hit him and ge gagged. This door must have been closed or a while, because the stench was worse than most others. It was worse than... than... Declan actually didn't know how to describe it.

Stepping inside, he spotted a figure on the far side of the room. It was facing away from him, so Declan knew it hadn't noticed him yet. He approached it, and just as it turned around, in one fluid upward motion, its head was split in half. Black, murky blood spattered the walls behind the walker, as well as the floor.

Taking a few steps back, Declan bumped into something and quickly turned around, realizing it was only the desk. He relaxed and noticed a name plate among scattered papers and rotted flesh. He grimaced before reaching out to take the name plate. He turned it around and read the name. His heart nearly stopped as he stood motionless.

Gavin Garza.

The name plate slipped out of Declan's hand and hit the floor with a clatter.
Jackson rose his head 'Hey! Whats with all the racket?" He sighed and bit into an apple, setting up camp on the opposite side of the room, he crawled over to the window, staring out of it with his hand against the cold glass, "Tomorrow we'll skip town, this place is too dangerous." He murmured aloud, his breath fogging up the glass, which he subconsciously began to draw on with his finger.
Declan turned to look at the walker that lay motionless on the ground. It was face down, and too rotted to even be recognized, but Declan spotted a silver wristwatch digging into the skin of the corpse. It was a familiar wrist watch, too. Quickly heading out of the office, he saw Jackson on the other side of the room and made his way over, taking the sweatshirt in his hands as he did so.

He stopped once he was a few feet away from Jackson and threw the sweatshirt at its respective owner. "I'm leaving," he said, sliding his bag off so that he could put the machete away. "I wasn't even planning on staying yesterday. I was going to go, so now, I'm leaving."
Jackson opened his mouth to argue before he was cut off by Remys voice "Please don't go... It's not safe out there mister. We're not going to harm you." Jackson sighed and got up, he grabbed his sweatshirt and tugged it on, walking off into the office building. He signed and sat down in a cubical. Great, now his potential friend was ditching. "just like everyone." He said with a growl. They used to be in a group, and they woke up one morning alone.
(((Here comes the chief...he's riding by Elenavru/Kat to pick her up.)))

Riding in a red SUV in Atlanta close to the few other surviors. a man dressed in a fancy suit and tie wearing a white cowboy hat. With rave suglass's. light blue lins. A police badge sticking out of his front suit pocket. He is driving down the highway. Trying to dodge the abounded vechles. A few walkers are on the road but he pass's them by ignoring them. In the SUV in the passingers side there is a hand radio, and a double barrel shotgun sawed off. The unkown man seems to be part of a law enforcement.

He checks his watch on his left wrist. reach's into his inner pocket and pulls out. A small orange bottle of pills. Prescribed. The words on the bottle are to small to make out on the white paper label on the small bottle. He puts the bottle back into his inner coat pocket. Getting off the highway, and heading down to the city. Not knowing there's a women close by staying hidden.

Bryan walks the other away short distance from Steven. As if bryan just wants to be left alone. He had to put down two children, something that no human ever should ever do. His mind just isn't there no more. Not Steven, Harli, jaylee no one could kow what was going though his mind and feel his mental Bryans pain. Bryan turns his back away from Steven.
Harli laid her head back in the truck waiting on the boys. They went hunting for some reason and have not gotten back. If they where not back soon she would go out looking for them. She climbs out of the truck and sets the tailgate down. She hops up and sits on it waiting.

Steven huffed and shook his head. "Come on man, we need to go." He turned and started to walk toward the highway. It came in to view and he ran up. he set the 2 rabbits in the bed of the truck and smiled to himself as he gets in the truck.
Bryan slowly follows behind Steven enters truck as well. But looks like hedoesn't want to enter inside the truck. Instead bryan decides to sit in the back seat to settle. Jaylee looking very rough, like she's been to hell and back. And looks as if she doesn't wanna be messed with. Jaylee looking out at a distance. On the back of the truck, with a green army back pack next to her. No one in the group didn't see her with the back pack. It was too dark to notice. 
(((Here's a link to the walking dead discussion. Chat about whats going on with our charcters, storylines, etc... )))
Kat was walking down the street, still staying hidden, and heard something she hadn't heard in a while. An engine, of a car. She turned to look, to see the car coming down the road. While she did that, she wasn't paying attention to the alleyway beside her.

A pair of walkers stumbled out of the alleyway, their groans and little grumbling sound the only thing to warn her, before one took a swipe at her.

Luckily though, Kat prided herself on her agility, and for good reason. Her quick reaction time allowed her to jump back, barely avoiding the walker's rotting hand. She raised her carbine and hardly took a second before she shot the bloody thing in it's head. As it started to drop, she shot it's companion, and both were down. Kat panted a little, having been startled by the walkers' sudden appearance. She turned and looked at the incoming red SUV. Well, she hoped whoever it was would not attack her. She had given herself away, the short bursts from her rifle having caused small flashes of light in the night.
Darrell, who is riding in the red SUV. See's and hear's a blast of a carbine rifle. The SUV chages its speed. And creeps though the darken streets. With the power out. With all windows up, Darrell looks around though the window. Trying to find what that sound came from. He the see's a woman standing there with a carbine rifle "nothing more rebellious then a young woman with a carbine rifle." He thinks to himself. he looks straight at the woman. though she could not see his face, because it by the covered by the darkness. Only his upper chest suit, both his hands on the steering wheel and his mouth and chin was lighted by the moon. He did the friendly thing and waved at her. Smiling. Leaving his headlights to shine on her.
Kat squinted at the car, the headlights shining on her. She it took a moment for her eyes to adjust, and she noticed he was waving at her. Her eyes also caught sight of the badge he wore, the moonlight illuminating it. Kat lowered her rifle and raised her hand, saluting him rather than waving. She didn't know who he was, but showing respect never hurt. She the girl then lowered the salute, and then stepped out of his way, assuming he was just going to move on.
Darrell seeing the woman salute him. He cuts off the SUV and take's a chance stepping out. opens the door very slowly. Keeping his eyes right on her. As he moves slowly with the door getting out. His face is revealed. Not leaving the SUV a further. He speaks with kind voice. "It's dangerous an dark out here. For a young lady like yourself. Even with that carbine." Darrell states as he slowly puts his hands up. "I'm unarmed. I have a double barrel in the passingers set. I'm putting my ands up. Don't shot me. " With both his hands up. Darrell continues to look at the woman with a clam look. "I was on my way out of Atlanta. Going back to town. miles away. It's safe there. Plenty of others, got food. Water. Soda. Well protected. Your more the welcome to join. If not, I'll respect your choice. And leave. Hell, I'll even give you what I found a few bag of chips and water. But I will feel guilty leaving a young woman out here." Darrell kept his hands up.
Kat listened ti the man speak, surprised at his words. So, there were still some people out here in this Hellhole that had a bit of chivalry. She was even more surprised by his offer though. Was this random man really just offering to take her to a safe haven?

Could she trust him? She didn't know him, but he seemed to be telling the truth. Besides, she'd have to be crazy to pass up a chance at something like this, and this guy seemed kind.

Well, the alternative was walking around and trying to survive.

Kat smiled slightly at Darrell and started to walk over to him. She had lowered her rifle, and let it hand as she reached in her pocket. She pulled out a notebook and pen, and stopped a foot or two away from the man. She showed it to him, then flipped to a page and started to write. After a few moments, she turned and showed it to him.

I think I'll take you up on your offer. Thank you. My name is Kathleen Nightingale.
Darrell examined what Kat was doing and and writing. "You can't...speak?..." Darrell looks at the answer. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kathleen. My name is Darrell Gram." Darrell smiles wide at Kathleen. And gets back in the SUV drivers set. He leans over and unlocks the passingers side. removing the double barrel shotgun and Hand radio. putting both in the back seat behind the passingers set where Kat will be sitting. he grabs a bag of chips and water bottle filled with refreshing water. Laying it in his lap cutting the SUV back on.
Kat nodded when Darrell asked is she couldn't speak. She was glad he could recognize it, at least. It made it less difficult, as people often assumed she was just being rude when she really just was unable to verbally reply. Of course, having been like that for ten years, she should have been used to it. She had learned sign language, but very few people knew it.

Kat returned Darrell's smile after he told her his name, although hers was just a small one. She then moved over to the passenger's seat and opened the door after he unlocked it. She got into the SUV and sat down, glad to be off of her feet. Roof hopping was rather tiring, really.

Kat pulled the door closed and instinctively locked it, just in case a walker happened to amble over to them. Then she hurriedly wrote on her notebook again, and showed it to him.

It's nice to meet you. Wish these were better circumstances though.

So, this 'safe haven' you mention. Where is it? How many people are there?

She was curious about this place, and also wanted to know what she was getting herself into.

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