The Walking Dead

Harli called out to everyone "Lets go!" She got in the drivers seat and took off down the road. Three hours later Harli pulled up to a mall. It was run down and it looked as if Walkers where trying to get in. She stopped the truck by the doors and looked around. no walkers in sight. She huffed and got out. She tried the doors but they where locked. She got back in the truck and begin to drive around the building. In the back there was an fire escape. She smiled. "Lets go guys." She pulled out her .44 cal Desert Eagle and gout out of the truck. she was the first up. she pointed her gun around checking the roof. "Clear!" She called out.

Steven came up behind Harli and looked around. "Dude There better be a Journeys here." He looked down at his DC's. They where tore up. "I need some shoes." He smiled and looked over at Bryan.

The mall--

(I know its the one from Dawn of the dead)

(((I did my research. Druid Hill is a real town. next to Atlanta)))

Darrell seen what Kat was writing down on the note pad and answered her. With a smile again. "It's called Druid hill. It's our little town. We have it well protected. Well supplied. If I had to do a actually count of how many people there is not counting myself. I'd say around over fifty. Men, women, children." Darrell said as the grabs the chips and water. And hands it to Kat. As he puts his left free hand on the steering wheel ready to go.
Kat nodded in understanding when Darrell answered her. More than fifty? Wow. More than she had expected. So Kat smiled a bit more as she took the offered bag of chips and water from him. She nodded her thanks at him, and opened the bag of chips. She was kinda hungry, now that she had the food in front of her. She quietly started to eat, and took a sip of the water.
Bryan got out of the truck as well. Not going up the ladder where Harli and the rest, still zoned out. And looks at the empty dark parking lot. he blinks, and see's someone. A little girl. That resembles his little sister. That he sadly had to put down himself. Frozen where he was. No expression was made. He just stood there. Was he losing his mind?

"Is there anybody else you know? That needs a pick up?" Darrel ask looking over at Kat. Darrell driving on the dark road though the city. "Don't be scared you help yourself to more chips..there in the back behind my seat." Darrell said. Now eyes on the road again.
Kat thought a moment, then shook her head. She had only seen a handful of people, and four of them had died. The fifth, Declan, she had no idea where he was. Kat quickly wrote on her notebook again, then showed it to him.

I don't know where anyone is. I was separated from my platoon.
Darrel takes his off the road and looks at kat's answer. And nods. "Do you...have any family?" Darrell believing it may be a sensitive area to ask. Darrel looks back at the road knowing this might be a bad question to ask. A painful one. Darrel looks to his left to the drivers window.
Kat shook her head, and scribbled something down. Then she showed it to him.

Not anymore. They were bitten. I had to put them down before they turned.

She didn't really regret it though. She was glad they didn't have to suffer through this hellish place that the world had become. At least now, they were somewhere hopefully better.
Declan shrugged and sent Remy an apologetic smile after he watched Jackson walk away. "Sorry, kid. You both seem like good people, but I have my own g-" He cut himself off and looked away from the girl. He had nearly said group. His eyes made their way back to Remy and he shrugged once more, seemingly nonchalant. "I have my own things to do." he corrected, looking down at his worn out, black combat boots.

His military pants were splattered with blood, and his green shirt was torn up and bloodied as well. He had no coat or jacket, for it had been lost a while back as he escaped from a close call with a large group of walkers. He looked back up at Remy and frowned. "Plus, I'd only slow you guys down. Three people in a group is worse than only two."

What the hell are you doing, Declan? These people don't want you to leave, they want you to stick around. You're making up excuses, which isn't necessary. You're getting lonely. You're only going to end up coming back once you leave.

The stupid voice in his head had a point. Declan wouldn't be able to survive much longer on his own. He was slowly losing his knowledge on what human interaction was; he was forgetting what it was like to be around other living people.

--His boots

"I'm..sorry.." Darrell said, with a calm voice looking ahead of the road. "Do you like music? Classical? I have some CD's in the back. Grab a what you like pop it on in. We have a long road ahead hours before we get there."
Ryan looked around inside the theater so far it wasnot so bad besides a few zombies he had came across..except there was one problem though, the front doors toward the seemed to have had taken some damage maybe from other survivors, or just some wandering hungry zombies? No way to tell but this place was not safe enough to actually settle down for a while. Ryan sat down in one of the benches and exhaled he was beyond tired..with no luck in finding any one he believe that this whole area had been abandoned and he was the only one here. Not wanting to doze off Ryan pushed himself back up in hopes of finding something of good use,mostly all he came across was movie food and stuff to was great for now though. As Ryan came across the upper levels of the theater he DID find something very useful for chopping besides the machete he found from a car. A Fire Axe..whats was more weird is that it was actually here and not taken or anything else,he shrugged and approached the axe and grabbed it,once he did that though...the worst happened. An Alarm sounded off in the building making Ryan jump it made his ears ring making him cup them, not was one of the best of times to get outta here. Ryan immediately grabbed his stuff and some of the food running out where he came from,but once he made it outside he saw that the walkers were making their way there, his only hope was the fire exit across the street. Ryan gritted his teeth and sprinted across the street at full speed not worrying that walkers was on his trail he mostly knew this by the multiple foot steps besides his. once he made it to the alley way he launched his self up and climbed and climbed, once he was safely up he looked down seeing the hundreds of zombies yelling and groaning.
Kat nodded and turned around to look in the back. After a moment, she picked a CD and turned back around, holding it. She opened it, and put the disc into the car's CD player. She then clicked a couple buttons, and music started to play. It was a classical mix CD, and the first up to play was Fur Elise by Beethoven. Kat smiled a bit, the relaxing music a parallel opposite to their situation.

She then got comfortable where she was sitting, and wrote something else. She showed it to him after a moment.

Do you mind if I take a nap? I haven't slept in a day or so.
Remy sighed with a frown before nodding. She creased her eyebrows, "Choice is up to you." She muttered, her tone rather sad. She turned on her heel, walking silently off to find Jackson, she wore torn up black skinny jeans and a baggy red shirt, which must have been her fathers underneath a sweatshirt of her own. She found Jackson sitting down in the corner of the room, his gaze blank. His shirt, like Declan's was tattered and ripped in certain places, he had his sweatshirt back on, his grey jeans dirty and stained with blood in certain places.
Declan sighed as he watched Remy walk off. Running his hand through his hair, he turned and made his way to the edge of the roof. He watched as the walkers ambled by, stumbling into each other at times. To think that most of his family was out there, most likely in the same condition as these mindless monsters. Probably even worse. He turned and walked to the very far end of the roof, looking down into the alley below. It was filled with walkers.

After checking the alley on the other side of the building, he came to one conclusion. Either he went through the building to get down to the streets, or he remained up on the roof. He decided to take his chances with Remy and Jackson.

At least if I die, I'll die with people around.

He walked back inside and looked around. "Remy?" he called in a loud whisper. "J- ... Jackson?"
In the shadow of the room one could make out Jackson's figure, seeming to cradle a feminine structure; Remy. She had cried and drifted off and now he carelessly brought his hand through her curls of flaming hair, he replied with a quiet "Hm?" His hand drifted down Remy's cheek and he gave it a gentle kiss before sliding a blanket over her.
Declan found the two huddled in the corner. He manage to catch the kiss Jackson planted on the young girl's cheek and he tilted his head, but said nothing. He slowly made his way over and sat next to Jackon. After a long pause, he spoke. "I won't be leaving, afterall."

His knees were brought up, hugged to his chest, as he rested his chin against them and stared at the wall ahead.
"Hm." Jackson muttered, he pulled Remy up, resting her against his shoulder, he seemed to have a brotherly vibe when it came to Remy, nothing too awkward. He leaned back against the wall, tilting his head back, as well as closing his light eyes.

"What made your decision change?" He added.
(( holy crap I didn't get any alerts for this rp O.o ))

Megan smiled as she looked around the mall. "Shoes and a new pair of jeans." She walked into the empty mall and took a good look around. It was trashed as clothes and every other thing was discarded on the grou d
Darrell looked at Kat and noded in a yes sense. Darrel turns the nob a couple of inchs to the left lowering the sound of the music so Kat can take a nap. "Don't you worry. I'll wake you when we are there." Darrel smiled looking foreward to the dark paved road ahead. "Your in safe hands now.." Darrel smiles. Darrel seems like very nice man. Keeping his cool, in this madness. That the word has turned into.
Kat returned Darrell's smile with a relieved one of her own. She had not had any decent rest since all of this began. She was normally on alert, only half asleep so she could still listen out of any approaching walkers or survivors like herself. It was nice to be able to rest and know she was safe. This Darrell guy seemed pretty trustworthy. Obviously very levelheaded, and kind.

So Kat nodded her thanks and laid back, closing her emerald eyes. She slowly relaxed and, after a few minutes, was resting quietly.
Declan looked at Jackson and paused. Should he tell the truth? Or lie? He blinked and tilted his head to the side, resting it against his knees. "Oh, you know, just the usual hoard of living dead blocking my way out of here." he replied casually. He tugged his rucksack off and set it down on the floor next to him.

Just as he was about to add something else, he heard something further into the building. It sounded like chains - something struggling against them. He was suddenly alert, his hand reaching out to grab his bag. The sound grew louder; it sounded more frantic. There was also a mixture of snarls and growls - groans and the snapping of teeth.

"... Just how secure is this place?" he asked, starting to get up. Although he already knew the answer, he had asked.

Not that secure.

He lifted his bag up and opened it to start digging inside. His hand made contact with the barrel of his pistol, but without ammo the gun was useless. He then felt the machete's cover; the weapon inside it. "Wake her up." he ordered, nudging Jackson's leg with his foot.
Jackson eyed Declan for a moment, using the silence to hear the shuffling and groaning, he huffed irritably, shaking Remy, she opened her eyes with a "Whaa?" He grumbled and gave her a look, she shuffled off to grab her stuff, "Grab you things." He muttered, lowly. He jogged out, snatching his bag, it was nearly empty, his sleeping bag was rolled up on the outside of it, he grabbed as much food as he could and shoved it in his backpack before narrowing his eyes at Declan's gun, "Do you want to attract more walkers?" He said in a hiss, pulling out a couple knives and a bow, sure it didn't look manly, but it sure did get the walkers away. He eyed Remy, who was taking out her knives, shuffling her feet, he frowned before his gaze hardened again, he heard the chains drop and a loud groan of a door, his gaze went flat and he held his knife tightly in his hands, his knuckles white, a gun poked out of his backpack, but that was only for desperate measures. He swiftly threw Declan a knife, raising his eyebrow before he ventured off.
Declan caught the knife, staring at it. "I have something better, idiot." he mumbled under his breath, mostly to himself. He slid the knife into his bag and replaced it with the larger cutting tool. After sliding his bag back onto his back, he looked at Remy and frowned. "Kid," he called. "Let's go."

He went off after Jackson, walking slowly to make sure Remy was still near. When he rounded a corner, the smell made him take a few steps back. The horrid stench of decomposure; decaying flesh. It was magnified by the amount of walkers in the buiding. His surroundings reeked of death. He scowled, his grip on the machete tightening.
Jackson was crouched on top of a tall bookshelf, he was wearing what looked like a raincoat, covered in the intestines of the dead walker that was in the building, his gaze was locked on a particular walker, it was shuffling around; it was a woman, her arm was gone and a large gash was in her forehead, oozing out green liquids.

Jackson's eyes seemed to have a watery haze over them; the woman was his mother. He clenched the bookshelf, his eyes following her around before they caught Remy. He clenched his jaw, sighing irritably, great, Remy forgot to get herself and Declan 'bathed' in the blood and rotting flesh of the walker, now they were f*cked. Remy instantly remembered what she had forgotten and muttered a quiet "Sh*t..."
Declan spotted Jackson and grimaced. He turned around and spotted another hall leading to the south side of the building; it was empty, no walkers. Without giving the other two a second glance, he made his way down the hall. His weapon in hand, he paused at the end of the hallway and pressed himself against the wall before carefully peeking his head around the corner.

Five walkers were scattered in the next hall, all oblivious to Declan's prescence.

For now.

He slowly turned the corner and raised his arm above his head, ready to bash in some zombie skulls. The walker closest to him - a man - began slowly turning around. Declan could see that it had lost the left side of its face; where there was supposed to be skin - or at least rotten skin - there was only bloodied, decaying, muscle. Declan brought the machete down on the first one's head with a muffled crack. Dark and clumped up blood spattered all over Declan's face and he gagged as watched the walker hit the floor.

The other four hadn't seemed to notice him. He, Declan, had gotten rather good at killing something quietly the past few days. It was a skill that came in handy.
Remy watched Declan run off and shouted to Jackson "Come on!" The walkers had begun to notice her and were approaching in their slow herd. Jackson only caught muffles before he pried his eyes off of his mother, his eyebrows where knit together and he dropped from the shelf he was on, limping along with the walkers until he found Remy, he grabbed her and sprinted off after Declan, his body was moving, but his expression and mind were blank.

He peered around the corner, spotting Declan, with a swoosh a arrow soared past his head, hitting a walker directly in the forehead, it fell over with one groan and Jackson clenched his jaw, he had willed away his tears, he obviously couldn't cry in front of Declan.

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