The Walking Dead

Ryan looked back and forth though the lighted store even though it was fairly lite didn't not mean anything to him though after what he saw he basically was not taking any chances. Ryan was still trying to process just what in the world was going on, first off since he left his bus filled with dead friends and teammates all he has seen was walking dead people just like the movies. Ryan whipped the blood off his jungle machete letting it smear all over the dead zombie's shirt...wait a sec, Ryan looked back a swung his machete at the man's skull making sure it was dead. "There." Ryan spoke to himself as he again whipped the blood on the now headless mans shirt, he took a look around the store looking around for something to eat seemed as if the place had already been looted...figures. "I bet all that's left is the horrible stuff that nobody eats.." Ryan thought as he continued down aisles keeping a watchful eye always,and keeping his ears very attentive for any other footsteps besides his own. Eventually Ryan came across three packs of some beef jerky which made him smile cause he was a big fan on jerky, "Thank goodness.." He mumbled as he grabbed then and headed out for the door looking at the other bodies he had dealt with when he came in earlier. Ryan stepped out and took a deep breath,he then walked through an alleyway and into a doorway which led into where he hid out at. The place was lite up nicely and was roomy, he also took the time to add personal barricades to weak points where a dead guy may creep through, the others were already heavily barricaded. Ryan sat down a sighed shutting the door tightly sliding a bookshelf at the door,he then opened up a bag of jerky and took a bite of one.

Steven wanted to chase after Megan but was called for by Harli. He ran inside and looked up to Harli. "Help me" She said. I lifted Bryan's body over my shoulder and walked to a room and set him down on a bed. Harli walked in. I looked out the window and the sun was setting.

Harli left Bryan in the room and went down stairs. She laid on the couch and closed her eyes. A dream came quick.

4 year old Harli snuck down stairs christmas morning. Her stuffed dog hanging from her arms. She peaked through the bars and spotted the spot where the christmas tree sat. It was gone among with the presents. She walked fully down stairs. Her mother was sitting on the couch. She stood up with lighter fluid and a lighter. She sprayed Harli's wrist with lighter fluid and lit it on fore. The little girl screamed.

Harli sat up screaming. She looked at the small scars on her wrist and holds her wrist to her chest. She grabs her gun and places it in the holster as she goes out in to the pitch black night.
Megan kept on walking until she reached the edge of the wooded area where the Cabin was at. she could see the deserted city in the distance and could hear all the moans in the surrounding area. She picked up a rock and chucked it in anger and it hit a mailbox. Too much has happened today and it all pissed her off. she liked being on her own far better than being with a destructive group. She put her skates on, adjusted her backpack filled with supplies and skated on down the road for a while before it got too late.
Cabin Nightmare...

Bryan open his eyes slowly. Looks down at the bed to his bed which is under the cover. He looks around the empty room. The one window closed, its dark outside. Pure darkness. Only the candale is lighten up the room. The door is ope which leads to the outside main room. Bryan removes the covers, and stands up. As if its no problem. Bryan looks at the window at the distance his standing at. Bryan walks out of the room and into the dark main room. Barly no light except from the candale on the night stand next to bed. Shines a little into where bryan is. He trys to take it slow down the stair case. pure slience in the Cabin.

As bryan go's down further the light dissappears. As Bryan just got down from the last step no candale light is in the living room down stairs. He see's the moon shinie off the wooden floor though the kitchen and living room window. Shadow of the tree branchs show with it on the floor. He looks toward the front door, as it starts to open slowly with a sqeekie sound.

It opens fully wide open as the sqeekie sound stops Bryan stands still and hears a truck pull up. He walks toward the sound as the headlights from the truck shine on him for a second then it seems its turning left and the truck sound stops and cuts off. Bryan walks outside on the Cabin porce and see's Jaylee, Harli, Steven, Megan and another person who is in the bed of the truck. jumps out last from the back The last person's face is unkown becasue of the darkness covers it. Unlike the moon shinie on Jaylee, Harli, Steven, and Megan. "Walker!" Harli shouted as all three except the shadow figure pull out a handgun. Point it at Bryan. Bryan lose's his breath and backs away. "I'll take care of it." The dark shadowed person in the back of the truck said as he sounded like Bryan. Coming foreward pulling out his Bowie knife cleaned with no blood on it. Bryan lose's his breath again and gasp to himself. As if she just seen a ghost. As Bryan back's away the other bryan with the knife comes closer and is revealed that bryan backing away is now a walker. Before he could act any more. The bryan with the knife runs up and stabs the other Bryan yells and puts his hand up yelling "Noo!"

but before the knife touch's his skull. Bryan walks up. His eyes open wide and he sits up from the bed. Leaning his back against the wall. His face red, and he breaths hard. Trying to get a grip.
Harli walked out into the cold wet grass and sat down. The scars all over her body seemed to burn in the moonlight. Her hand shook as she pulled her gun from its holster. She placed the barrel of the gun on her temple and said a prayer "And Shepherds we shall be For thee, my Lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

Her finger laid on the trigger.

(If anyone got that prayer I love you)
Sitting on the bed now, with both feet on the wooden floor. Bryan still in his clothe's decides to get some fresh air. not knowing what time it is, he walks out of the room. With the door already opened. Walks down stairs His foot steps were slient. No one knew Bryan was going outside. Bryan takes a deep breath as he opens the front door, and walks down the stairs of the cabin outside. He gently close's the door. Outside his gut is hungray, but he ignore's it. His mind is just too closed off to think about anything else right. He walks where he dropped his Bowie knife, walks around in that area trying to find it in the grass. Nothing but silence outside. No facial expression was made on his face. It was almost like he was a shell of a man. Bryan see's Harli, but ignore's her what ever see's doing.
Skating around, Megan found some boxes of food, though stale, that were pretty good and she had a few. Though still hungry for a good meal she wandered on. She turned down a street and stopped, seeing a whole bunch of walkers in front of her. Several of them spotted her and shuffled their way towards her moaning. She turned around and skated away, not wanting to get caught or cornered by any of them
A lone gun shot rang around the cabin waking thoes who where sleeping. Harli shot the walker in the head as she stands up. Huundreds of walkers come out of the trees. She runs into the house and starts to grab bags. "BRYAN GET IN THE TRUCK!!!" She call out.

After being woke yp and seeing the walkers Steven helps Harli load the truck he hops in the back and waits for Bryan to get in the dammed truck. He watches as Harli pulls him by the wrist toward the truck she then whispers to him to get in.
Bryan statchs his arm away from Harli. As bran demands to get his knife first. As there is a few walkers walking toward where his knife is. Bryan doesn't care, his face changes in angry. He charges the three walkers demanding he get his knife. He kicks the first walker in the gut as the walker falls brya picks up a near by heavy rock and throws it on the walkers head. As the other two walkers come follow behind. bryan grabs his knife from the ground. And go's berserk killing both walkers. the one on the left stabbing it repeatedly falling on the ground with the walker. Grunting to himself bryan gets up before the walker on the right gets any closer bryan tackles the other walker and stabs her in the skull again and again. He can't not. stop. He needs someone to pull him off the walker before the other walkers come.
"S*it!" Harli cussed as she ran toward Bryan. She pops her knuckles and thanks the lord for weight lifting class in High School. She slips her arms under Bryans and begins to talk to him as she pulls him away. "Byran its not worth it. Come on. We have to go. We need to go. Im not leaving you here. I dont care if you kill me we need to get out of here."
Bryan zone's out. As Harli carrys him to the truck. She lays him in the back seat. And close's the door behind her. "Bryan sits up and looks around to see whats going on. Still a shell seems as many as the walkers are he isn't bothered by them as if he ebrace's them and gives up. Just doesn't care no more.
(I have no clue where Jaylee is at. Can we put her in the truck with the group and Turtle... how is the group going to find Megan? and the rest of you guys. I plan on going to the next town over to a mall. Yall wanna meet up with our group there?)

Harli jumps in the drivers seat and drives off. She rides down the bumpy road looking for the highway and looking for Megan. She speeds up determined to find the girl. She it a larg bump and cursed as she watched the road in front of her.
(( I guess along the way to the mall, Gun just messaged me about it ))

Megan heard a loud roar of a truck, the same truck from earlier. She stopped and turned around and saw Harli driving the truck. She had no idea what was going on but she waved them over anyway.
Harli stops and waits for Megan to get in. She then takes off when the girl gets in. "Where the hell where you!?" She looked at the girl in the rear view mirror. She drives out on the high way and takes off at 90MPH. Sunlight came into view as Harli stopped the truck. "We can stop here for a while. She shut off the truck and got out.

Steven jumped out and looked at Bryan. "Come on dude. Goin' huntin'." He smiled as he pulled out his hunting knife and started to walk toward the woods. She slipped in and silently walked through. She threw his knife catching a rabbit in the neck.
Bryan watch's Steven as he enters the woods. Bryan willingly, follows Steve slowly behind. bryan can't help but to step on some tree limbs along the way. Bryan looks at Steven at his back and stops. Hoping Steven will look back. "I killed a little boy...knife right into his skull..." Bryan said. "I'm not cut out for this" Bryan reachs out his right arm and grabs on to a medium sized tree. After Steven kills the rabbit.
"I was taking a walk to clear my head." Megan said when she got out. She watched the other two boys walk into the woods. "A lot has happened...." she leaned up against the truck. "We haven't even gotten a chance to get to know each other or anything. That's what happened with my last group and they all turned on each other."
(("And Shepherds we shall be For thee, my Lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

It's the Shepherd's Prayer. X3))

((Is it alright if I just have Kat go over to the other town? She can run into the there, or something.))

Kat watched the man go, worried. She hoped he'd be alright. She watched as he jumped off the building, over to the other one. She guessed that he would make it, as it was a big gap, but didn't stick around to look. She turned and walked over to her backpack. She replaced her notebook and pen back in her pocket, and lifted the backpack. She then situated her bag and weaponry comfortably, and walked over to another edge of the roof. She then got a running start, and leaped off of the roof.

Kat landed on the other roof, easily crossing the five foot gap. She then kept running, hurrying off towards the edge of the city. She wasn't going to stick around. This place would only be safe for so long. Besides, she needed to look for the rest of her squad. Maybe they had headed to the other town too?

Only one way to find out.
Ryan jumped off the couch gripping his Machete when he had heard a loud thump, he immediately began looking around up down left right and especially behind. Ryan sighed relieved that nothing had got to him while he took his nap, but now the next question was what made that sound..Ryan looked at the door he had came through he was not sure if the alley way was filled with dead freaks but he had to take the chance. Ryan slowly walked toward the door gripping the handle of the machete tightly having it readied for incoming threats, once he reached the door he took a deep breath and opened the door and to his surprise nobody was there. Ryan again confused decided that it was best that he moved on to find shelter somewhere else eventually these things were gonna find him and he was not gonna sit around and wait for them to get him. With that he grabbed all of his supplies and stuffed it in his back pack and departed moving swiftly and quietly. Ryan moved through the dark areas until he reached a fire exit that led up toward the buildings "Perfect." Ryan said as he began climbing up toward the roof top if he was sure that the dead guys were dumb and also did not know how to climb so the roof top would be a easy way to move around the town. As he finally made it to the top he took the moment to look at the as horrific everything was either dead or broken ,the streets was filled with dead bodies abandoned cars and trash almost everywhere. "How could all of this had happened..." He spoke tom him self as he took a seat on the edge of the rooftop looking off with a disgusted look on his face.
Wildly clawing at the air, Declan managed to grip the edge of the roof with one hand. The collision of his body and the building knocked the wind out of him, but he quickly recovered. He could feel his grip slipping so he attepted to latch his other hand onto the ledge. He managed to grab on and tried to step on a ledge below, trying to stand. He got a sturdy foothold and started hauling himself up onto the roof, but the ledge underneath him gave way.

Letting out a startled yelp, the male tried to keep himself up, his only support being the grip he had on the roof edge. He was able to pull his head up over the ledge and paused, trying not too make sudden movements as it might've caused him to let go. He thought he saw two figures on the ground a bit further up on the roof. There was also a faint light coming from the two, before it turned off. Declan watched as the thing -no, the person- shuffled.

Are there people on all these rooftops?
Jackson jerked his head up at the sight of movement in the corner of his eye, he caught the figure of a male getting ready to jump and slowly lifted himself from his sleeping bag, he kicked the waterproof fabric away from his body and walked over to the edge of the building, watching the man jump, he extended a hand, it wasn't entirely kind, but it was there for help, they sure did need someone else around. He gripped the mans hand and tugged him up onto the building with one fluid motion.
Declan stared at the hand offered to him. His gaze went up the arm, to the shoulder, then to the face. A man wanted to help him up.

He wants to save you, you idiot. Take the hand.

He tentitavely accepted the hand and was suddenly pulled up onto the roof. He stumbled as he tripped over his rucksack. Embarrassed by his small fumble, he straightened himself and turned to face the man who had helped him up, his hand instinctively going to the gun at his waist.
Jackson rose both of his hands, his smile disappearing from his face. "Chillax man! I'm Jackson." He eyed the man with slight curiosity before backing away quietly. Remy made a grunt and he carefully lowered his hands. "I'm not gonna hurt you bro.." Jackson threw Declan his unloaded gun with a raised eyebrow.
Declan stared at the man, then scanend him for any weapons. He narrowed his eyes and relaxed his stance, leaning down to pick up the rucksack. His stare remained on Jackson. "First of all, don't tell me to 'Chillax', and don't call me 'Bro.'" he said, his voice showing no emotion besides annoyance. His face was set in a slight scowl as he shifted his gaze to the other figure not that far away. "How many of you are there?"

He didn't bother with giving his name. I'm probably not going to stick around that long. Just get what you need and go. That was his way of living now. Don't stick around with anyone for too long. Get whatever you can and leave.
Jackson rose his eyebrow "Just me and Remy." He motioned to the sleeping female bundled with blankets, it was obvious that they didn't have much, just enough to survive. "Now, my question is, who are you and why are you in the city?" He eyed the man curiously, his hand sliding into his sweatshirts pocket, his bright eyes looked dark in the night sky, giving him a mysterious feel, yet his personality pretty much ruined what he had going.
Declan looked back at Jackson. He shifted the bag over his shoulders and narrowed his eyes again. "Name's Declan," he said, slightly calming down. "I came here from Savannah, was there with a few others until..." He trailed off, not wanting to go into a whole story. "I got forced this way by a herd that was taking up the city. There wasn't anyone left."

Why is this guy so... trusting?

After his old group had abandoned he and his father, Declan stopped confiding in the living, looking to the dead to express himself. He lost his usual laid back behavior and learned to be shelled in.

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