The Walking Dead

*~*~* Flashback *~*~*

Harli stood in the kitchen of her home holding a knife. It was pointed at her father who was coming at her again. He slapped her knife out of her hand and let his fist collide with her jaw. She let out a yelp as she fell to the floor. Her father kicked her mulitiple times in the ribs until one broke. When he started to walk away she struggled to get the knife and stand to her feet. She walked behind him and sank the knife in his back 6 times until he lay on the floor dead.

Harli shook lightly as she came out of it. she looked around and Bryan was gone. "Where is Bryan!" She quickly jumped out of the truck and looked around. She then took off toward the back off the truck, running into him. She fell to the ground with an oof. She looked up and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god." She said aloud.
As harli ran into Bryan from behind just as bryan lifts up the box filled with can food. "The hell!?" bryan drops the canned food on his feet. And falls back leaning on the truck. "What the Harli!?" Bryan yelled Bryan start to pick u the box and the canned foods that's on the grass. "Damn stupid..." Bran said walking to the cabin stairs.
"Sorry about that." Megan said to Chance. "I don't know where we are but I think it's safe. Come on." She held her hand out to him with a kind smile. When he did she walked with him up to the Cabin. "Least it's better than the run down trailer I was shacking up in."
Chance held on to the womans hand for dear life. The little boy smiled p at her through the fear and begin to speak. "My name is Chance. I am this many!" He held up 7 fingers. She walked into the cabin woth the woman and stopped when he seen another man. He hid behind the lady.

Steven looked up and seen a child and another girl. He shot up and pointed his gun at her. "Who are you!?" He glared and looked at the kid. He looked scared shitless. He lowered his gun and smiled at the boy. "I'm not going to hurt y'all."

Harli stayed on the ground but moved around the truck and leaned against the tire. She held her pistol in her hand and watched the tree line closely. She sighed and shook her head as if all the bad memories would shake away from her mind.
"I'm Megan," She said to Chance, and she stopped when she entered the cabin, staring down the boy. "I'm guessing you're with that boy and girl with the truck." She said. "Me and Chance were found by them." She explained. "Nice place." Megan never stayed in a cabin before, and it had a good rustic feel to it.
As Bryan laid the canned goods on the couch. bryan couldn't help but to look behind him. And see tough the open screen door. Harli was on the ground. "Show her your human." he thought to himself. Bryan looked around the cabin and went back outside. to check up on Harli. He walked up on her looking down at her. "Don't do this. Not now. Look...." bryan kneeled down to where harli was and sat with her. "I'm...." Bryan looked at Harli. "Your right...the world gone to hell....everyone's on edge...and I'm making the situation any's none of my business what happened in your past. I'm...sorry...I'm not a happy go fun person when the world has sunk into hell." Bryan explains
Harli looked up to Bryan with her lime green eyes. They where rimmed with tears. She shook her head and looked back at the tree line. She didnt say anything. She didnt know what to say. She stood up and placed her gun in its holster.

Steven smiled down at the woman then to chance. "So are you his mother?" He motioned to Chance. He walked over ot his skate board and walked back over to chance he handed the bot the skateboard and then looked back at the woman.

Chance's eyes lit up as he ran to the hallway and placed the skateboard on the ground. He sat on it and rolled down the hall yelling out "WEEEE!!!" He giggled and turned and rolled down the hall again. He kept going untill he laid down int he hall and fell asleep.
" I'm not his mom." Megan said. She looked over at the sleeping boy. "He said those things got his parents..." She had a flashback to when her family got ambushed by a bunch of those things. She couldn't do anything to save them. Her baby sister was the same age as Chance...and she had to put her down when she got bit. she shook her head to forget about what happened.
Bryan got up just as Harli did. Bryan knowing Steven is inside. Bryan decides to stay outside for awhile. Bryan walks over to the stairs and sits on the first step. Bryan pulls out his bowie knife and starts to carve something into the first step. Knowing its Harli's place he thought she wouldn't care nor know it was him.
(Turtles, do not chase after Chance. I have a plan with Gunslinger)

The little boy woke up and ran outside to play. He ran to the wooded area and picked up a stick hitting it against a tree. He looked in the woods and creeped into the woods. He walked pretty far and spotted a walker. He stood there shocked as it walked forward. He reacted to late. The walker lunged forward and bit into the boys neck. He screamed at the top of his lungs and pushed it away. He then started to run.

Steven smiled as the boy took off to play. "So what did you do before all of this?" Steven asked Megan. He sat down and started to finish cleaning the gun Harli gave him to protect the cabin. He looked over to the girl and smiled. "You can sit."

Harli heard a scream and looked where Chance was. He was gone. "BRYAN!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as she started to run for the spot where she last seen the little boy playing. "BRYAN HELP!" He stopped in the spot and looked into the woods.
Megan sat down against the wall. "I was here visiting with family. I lived in Florida, a small little town." She said. "Was going to college, about to graduate." she said, closing her eyes and thinking about her old life before all this stuff happened
Remy glared at Jackson, who was contently smirking as he sped down the streets in a mustang they found parked at a gas station. She sighed and leaned back against the black leather chair, brushing her orange hair from her emerald eyes. "Damn, greatest part of this thing is stealing the cars." Jackson said in his usual sarcastic tone. "Yeah, whatever." He smirked back, his bright blue eyes hidden underneath cracked sunglasses "Oh, tell me you don't love speeding off with me." He said in a cocky tone, winking at her before continuing to drive, snorting at the empty streets. He parked the car and jumped up onto a ladder "Well, come on slow poke." Remy glared at him and soon found herself climbing up onto the roof of a building, just in time for a 'herd' of walkers to roam out onto the streets. Remy cringed at their groans, but Jackson just looked mildly interested.
Bryan just sitting on the first step carving something on his right on the step. He

see's Chance running into the woods on the other side. Then go's back to carving.

hears a scream. "BRYAN HELP" He looks up and around slowly. He gets up holding his

knife. Bryan stayed slient he tries to hear the sound again. "HELP!" Bryan starts to

sprint toward the screaming. As he gets closer and closer the screaming gets louder.

And then he see's Chance bleeding from his neck, extreme crying chance holding his

neck where the bite was. bryan just stands there with a concerned look on his face.

Then he see's the walker behind Chance. Bryan runs toward the walker kicks the lady

walker in the chest and as she falls down he stabs her in the face four times. Bryan

out of breath from the hard stabs. Looks back at Chance as Chance is walking toward

Bryan crying stiffing. Bryan looks back at Chance. Bryan puts the knife back to his


"Come here..chance" bryan signaling chance with both his hands. As Chance was walking

toward bryan anyway. Bryan checks the bite on Chance's neck. Bryan can't believe it.

Bryan is speechless. Bryan grabs chance's right hand and walks over to a large tree.

under the tree both sit down. Bryan lets chance sit in his lap. Chance continues to

cry. "Do you like chocolate?" Bryan asked as he starts to take off his skull symbo

bandana. Chance nods his head in a yes response. "Here kid.." bryan said unwrapping

the chocolate bar and throwing the wrapper on the ground and giving chance the

chocolate bar. Bryan has been here before. he knew what had to be done after someone

was bitten. Chance began to eat the chocolate bar. " you believe in god?"

bryan asked. Chance nodded his head "Yes I used to go to church every sunday." chance

continued to eat the bar half way now.

"That's good. It's been a while since I went..what was the last thing on you read? Do

you remember?" Bryan asked looking foreward in the woods. having his right hand on

his right knee cap and his left hand wrapped around Chance. "No!" chance started to

cry becasue the bite on his neck kept hurting chance dropped the bar. "Never stop

believing in god. Even when the world has begun to look like hell. Tell me about your

mom and dad. Do you know where they are?" Bryan asked close his eyes for a second a

small tear comes down from his eyes. As he starts to pull out his bowie knife. With

his right hand. And holds it. The sun begins settle. Bryan watchs the sun as it goe's

down by the tree's from the distance. Chance lays his head on bryans chest. "monsters

got them." Chance's tears gets on bryan's dryed blood white long sleeve. Wind starts

to blow for the first time. "I want my mommy" Chance's face red from so much crying.

"Me too'll see your mother and father soon...I promise..." Bryan trys to

remember how long has it been since Chance has been biten. Keeping his guard ready.

his must do the hardest thing again. Kill this child thats soon to turn in one of

them. "The woods get slient. No more birds. Nothing pure slience. Chance's snot and plety of tears are on bryan's long white sleeve shirt.

"I used to have a little sister. Around your age. You look around nine ten. She was

tweleve years old. Blonde hair, pretty blue eyes Before hell on earth came. She came

to atlanta to vist me. At the college I was failing. Epic sucks..."

Bryan comments more tears begin to come down from Bryan's eyes. Bryan starts to lose grip of the knife almost dropping. "I miss my miss them..i never said.." just then bryan felt Chance stop breathing. Bryan grabbed the knife with more of a grip hard grip now. Bryan stayed slient. Knowing what must be done...
Kat was standing on top of the roof of a large apartment building. The building itself was actually rather infested with the walkers, at least, on the bottom two floors. The top two and roof, however, were clean. This was thanks to the the third floor staircase being destroyed. The elevator wasn't working, so the only way up or down was the fire escape, and it was only accessible from the roof.

This was where Kat had made her base. She was only able to get into the building because the buildings beside it were very close. This let her leap across the gap, and when she found how good a place to stay this was, stayed.

Kat was tall, about 5'9'', and rather lean. She was in the Air Force, a doctor, and as such had to be trained in athletics, medicine, and firearms. And she never went anywhere without a gun. Specifically, a pair of 9-M pistols and a 4-M Carbine. Standard USAF weaponry, though she had to pull a few strings to get the second pistol.

Kat had been with her squad, but an unexpected attack from the walkers separated the group. So they had needed to fend for themselves. Luckily for her, she had been carrying most of the supplies. The backpack contained rations, ammo, medical supplies, and various other things. So Kat had gotten off fine.

That couldn't be said for the rest of her team.

Kat sat down on a toppled bit of cement, looking down to the streets below. Walkers, everywhere. Like normal, or at least, as normal as things could get here, now. The lieutenant sighed, and hefted her carbine. She was planning to go out soon. Do some roof-hopping and look for her teammates. She would wait until the sun was down. It was easier to travel at night, as she was skilled at stealth movement.
Harli stood at the edge of the tree line just staring. She shook as she held her gun up pointing it at the treeline. She called out lightly. "Bryan? Are you okay?" She chewed on her lip her lime green eyes filled with fear for Bryan and Chance.

Steven nodded and smiled. "I, well, I was a professional skateboarder." He shook his head. "Got me pretty far until the dammed world went to shit." He looks over at the girl then down to his gun putting it back together. "Ill keep doing it though. Its the only thing that keeps me happy."
"Trees, god why trees!" Yelled Jaylee. She was covered in muck colored blood of the veteran walker with its machete in her hand. She carried back to the cabin with her the military pack. It was so heavy though, she had to hunch over to carry it a few feet before taking a break. The foliage didn't help either. Leaves stuck to her face as vines had to be cut to pass.

As the cabin came into view, Jaylee was sweating and exhausted.
Bryan came out of the area he was in. and was at a distacne where Harli was. With him

holding his kife in his right hand blood all ove rhis knife dripping down to the

grass. bryan head is down, looking at the ground. A look of I can't believe I done

that. Was expressed. Now getting close to Harli he stops in front of her. His head

still down. He drops the knife in front of harli. On the grass then looks at Harli like he wants to hit her in the face hard. Then he snaps "F*CK YOU! F*CK ALL OF YOU!!! I SAID I DIDN'T WANT THAT CHILD TO COME WITH US!" Bryan puts both his hands up. Both bloody hands in her face. "F*Ck you...and your good moral standards.." Bryan continues to walk to the cabin. He gets there, walks up stairs. Enter's the cabin ignore's everything and everyone around him. Trys to find the bathroom. Fresh blood on his white long sleeve mixed in with the dryed blood. Dryed tears on his face.
Missy was about to say something when she heard screaming from outside. she turned her head and watched as Bryan walk inside covered in blood. "What the hell was that about?" she asked as she stood up. She walked outside and saw Harli there. "What happened?"
Harli stood there with no expression. She ignored Megan and looked into the woods then took off running into them. She ran and ran until she ran up to Chance's body. She fell to her knees and cried hard. She picked up the boys body and started to carry him to camp.

Steven watched Harli ignore Megan and walked upstairs. He walked to the bathroom and knocked lightly. "Bryan you okay? What happened out there? Where is Chance?" He spoke softly. "Do you need to talk man?"
Bryan ignored Steven as he continued to walk to the bathroom in the Cabin. No expression was made. Just looking foreward until he found the bathroom. Bryan found the bathroom in a corner. And walked into it. He closed the door slowly and locked it. His back hit the wall and he fell down to the floor nothing to say. no expression at all.
Megan was still confused and then she saw Harli a ouple minutes later bringing back Chase's bloody body. She brought her hands to her mouth as she gasped. "No..." she whispered. "No...." She shook her head as memories of her sisters dead bodies flashed through her mind, bringing tears to her eyes
Harli set his body down by a lone tree and walked to the shed. She brought back a shovel and begin to dig. Not stopping untill she was done and her hands where bleeding. She dug 4 foot down for Chance. She would find him a rock and write on it.

Steven knocked on the door. "Come one man. Harli is going crazy what happened?" He said lightly. "We need to stay strong as a group. Bryan dude, come out. Lets talk. Lets go out and shoot walkers." He tried to get him out. Trying to figure out what was going on.
Bryan just sat there frozen. With nothing to say, nothing at all. It was almost as if he blocked Steven out. He couldn't hear nothing at all. Would killing Chance that child change him in a way that would make him even colder and further from these people. He looked at his palms bloody as they are. He keeps looking at them.
Megan shook her head and decided to help Harli out. she felt bad because Chance was the first person she saw when he woke up, and she couldn't be there to help him, to save them from those monsters like she promised. The same thing she promised her sisters. When chase was buried, she walked off to clear her head through the wooded area, not wanting to be around in case things went south again
He shot down the first gruesome flesh-craving monster that came into his line of sight. Then the second. He pulled the trigger for the third, but the barrel only let out a click. He tried again. Nothing. "Shit!" The lone male's voice rang through the dark alleyway. He turned his frantic gaze back up to the entrance of the alleyway. Dozens of walkers were now shambling towards him, some faster than others. He slipped his gun into his belt and turned, nearly running into a wall.

Dead end, idiot.

He faced the walkers again. They were drawing closer. The stench was unbearable. He glanced around and spotted a fire escape ladder leading upwards. It was a few feet away, towards the walkers. If I can make it to that, he thought. I can get out of here.

But what if there are more walkers up there? The voice inside his head shot.

It was a risk he'd have to take. He took a deep breath before going into a sprint, making his way towards the things he most wanted to avoid. He managed to grab onto the ladder before one of them snagged him, and he hurriedly started climbing his way up.

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