The Walking Dead

Steven shook his head. "Just wait." He grumbled as he looked out the window. He huffed as Harli stopped in front of the cabin. Steven hopped out and skated up to the stairs. He kicked his skateboard up and walked up the steps. He took the baseball bat and raised it as he opened the door.

Harli stopped the truck and looked over a Bryan. "It has some. Not a lot. We are going to have to go on a run." She hopped out and checked the bullets in her gun. "Me and you will go Bryan. Ill make sure Steven has a gun to protect himself and her." She pointed at the girl.
"Huh? I can take care of myself for a minute you know. No need for a bodyguard." She said. Jaylee reached again into her bag and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. Grabbing the neck, she smashed the glass bottle onto the ground into shards. She now had small but sharp weapons to defend herself. Keeping the the largest piece that was the neck, she handed Steven a piece of cloth along with a glass shard. She carefully wrapped the other large shards with a old scarf and placed it in her bag as she followed the others up the nice porch of Hari's cabin.
"You sure you wanna give him a gun? I think he'll rather bash those freaks with his skatebored." Bryan said opening the door. And stepping out. Closing the door behind him. Bryan walks to the cabin checking it out. Walking up the stair's behind Steven. Stops at the third step and looks at Harli "Are there any other cabins around here? There might be humans around here looking to scavage. Got to be prepared to fight off other then just those freaks." Bryan pointed out.
Steven made it up the steps and checked all the rooms. He looked in the far left room and opened the window. He climbed through and walked around the roof. Getting a good look around. "We can keep watch up here." He said talking to Harli.

Harli walked into the cabin looking at Bryan. "Yes Im going to give him a gun. I trust him with it. and No I don't think there is" She walked into the same room and holds the pistol out through the window handing it to Steven. She then turned to Bryan. "Let go." She took off down the stairs, outside to the truck.
Bryan looks at Harli as she walks to the truck then up at Steven. An walks to the truck on the passingner side. Opens the door and puts the seat belt on. Rolls down the window. Contiuing to look at Steven. having some what strange hate for him. though Steven never did anything to Bryan.
Steven hung from the roof and dropped to the ground. He went to a shed in the back and yanked it open. He begin to look through the tools. His eyes fell on something that was covered with a tarp. He got closer and pulled the tarp off. A motorcycle sat under the tarp. A smile grew on his face.

Harli pulled away from the cabin and down the bumpy dirt road. She sped up as she hit pavement and drove along the highway. She glanced over at Bryan with a confusing look. He cleared her throat before she spoke. "Why do you dislike Steven so much?"
Bryan looked over at Harli. "Is that really a question to ask. In the situation we're in? We all barley know each other." Bryan replied. Looking to his right, out he window. "You shouldn't look much into it. You might get a headache." Bryan looked back at Hali and smiles. As he continues to be a bit of a jerk.
Harli clears her throat her face and voice showing no signs of distress aver what he said. "Bryan," She spoke softly as she drives a bit quicker. "I grew up with parents who beat me. I'm also a wonderful shot with a gun. Keep acting the way you are and I will put a bullet in your brain." She spoke with a calm voice, her eyes on the road.
Bryan looks over to his right at the window smiling. Believing Harli is just playing around. "Nothing to be a pussy over..." Bryan looks at Harli "Just keep driving. And don't run into a deer or a rabbit while driving." Bryan said wih a normal tone in his voice. "We're all just strangers making it though this hell."
Harli's hand whipped up and her Desert Eagle pointing at Bryan's head. "Now Bryan. You look and sound like a southern boy. You are suppose to respect the people around you thats how souther mothers raise their boys. Respect me or Ill push you out of my truck head first." She kept her eyes on the road as she kept the gun pointed at his head.
Bryan's smile's turns into a frown. Then looked at the desert eagle down. "You..have a nice teeth...nice please take the gun out of my face...pretty lady..."Bryan smiles looking dead at harli. Sweat starts to poor down to his neck wth the AC not on. He moves his hand to the AC and turns it on. To cool off.
Cursing as she skated through the street dodging scattered remains of people, she looked back as she lost the walkers that were chasing her. Her knee was scabbed and bleeding after she fell on the road a few minutes ago but the adrenaline pumping through her made her ignore the pain. she had a bloodied crowbar in her hands and some remnants of guts. she didn't have the time to wipe them off as she was in a hurry to get back to the trailer she was staying in at the time. She made a sharp turn and suddenly lost her footing on some loose gravel and fell on the ground again, scrapping her elbow this time. "Shit!" she gasped, looking around to make sure no Walkers were around.

((if you don't mind, she can be stumbled upon by someone ^^; ))
Harli placed her gun in its holster and looked ahead when a girl fell in front of the truck. She slammed on the breaks causing her body to slam against the steering wheel. The breath was knocked out of her as she gasped for air. She opened the door and stumbled out of the truck with her pistol in her hand. "Who...... Are........ You......" She choked out between breaths.

Steven made his way to the cabin and went inside. He plopped on the couch and begin to clean the gun that was given to him. A smile crept to his face as he looked over to the dammed skateboard in the corner of the room. He sighed and kept cleaning the gun.
As Harli stopped the truck. With the seat belt on. It got tight and almost toke his breath away with the belt across his chest. "What the hell?!" As harli got out Bryan looked at harli and got out with her. unbuckled the seat belt and while getting out hepulled his Bowie knife out leaving the truck door open. And seen the woman on the ground.
"I could ask you the same question." She said with a glare, ignoring her bleeding elbow and knee.. she stood up and readied her crowbar in case this other girl attacked. She's had to fight off humans already and that wasn't pretty. She panted as she was exhausted from her long skate ride.
Harli still could badly breath. "Look.... Do.... You..... Want..... To...... Join..... Us......?" She placed her gun in its holster as she held on to the truck. "We..... Have...... Other People....." She breathed out. "Dammit" She cursed as she placed a hand on her chest and tossed Bryan the keys. I need you to drive."

Chance sat in the sizzling hot car on the highway as bad people walked by. Only a few not to much. Tears ran down his face as he thought about his mother. "Mommy..." He mumbled as he clutched on to his teddy bear tighter trying to ignore his light head and his rumbling tummy.
Bryan caught the keys. "Hurry up." Bryan put his knife in his shealth and walked over to the drivers side. Opened the drivers side door and sat in as he cranked up the truck. "Don't have all day!" Bryan screamed at harli. Outside the drivers window.
Harli looked at the girl. "Please come with us. It won't sit right with me if I let you go out on your own." Harli walked to the open door. "LETS GO!" She called out to the girl as she hops in and closes her door waiting for the girl to get in the truck.
"Fine." She said. she stumbled over to the truck and got in. She didn't trust people right away, or more like finding it hard to at times likes these. She took off her jacket and used it to wipe her bloodied knee and elbow. She even wiped off her crowbar and sat it on the seat next to her.
taking off in the truck with both women in the truck now back on the road countryside. there is no other vehicles on the road so far Bryan turned on the radio and flips through the radio station to try to find something new that can tell them what's going on. Bryan looks at the front mirror reflecting back at Harli observing her.
Harli was taking deep breaths trying to even herself out. She moved her hair from her face and her lime green eyes watched the road. pulling out her knife she played with the blade as they drove down the road. "Right down here is a small food store." She remarked as cars started to come into view.

Chance got out of the car and moved across the street to the store. He pushed open the door quietly and begin to look around. He found a box of crackers and smiled as he tore it open. He climbed onto of a counter and begin to eat. All the noise got the attention of a walker. It begin to walk up and the little boy looked up at it. He screamed and tried to get away but fell off the counter.
She stared out the window as she saw several walkers here and there. With her spare hair tie she pulled her hair up in a loose pony tail. She stared at these two new people she was with and sighed a bit. When they pulled up to the small food store and stopped, she got out right away grabbing her crow bar and heading around to scavenge for gas or other items around the food store first
As vehicle started to appear by the food Mart. There was a few walkers parking lot. Bryan parked the truck away from the walkers but close enough to the front market doors. "Alright ladies let go shoping..." Bryan open the door and cut the truck off. Put the keys in his pocket and drew out his knife.
Harli grinned as she hopped out and took off for the back of the store. All she knew was there could be useful items in the back. She looked around and found some metal bars and bottles of whiskey. She then placed her findings in the truck and walked up to Bryan. "Lets head inside. The new girl looks like she is going for gas first."
Bryan closes the truck door. And walks to the market front door. Opens the door but doesnt go in. holds the door open for Harli "Ladies first....." Bryan looks at Harli opening the door for her.

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