The Walking Dead

Megan walked around, taking care of a few walkers by bashing their heads in with her crowbar. She saw a spare gas can littered on the side, apparently someone had the same idea though they didn't make it. she picked it up and moved it around. There was some gas in there but not that much. It would do for now.
Jaylee walked past the light foliage behind the cabin looking for anything interesting or of use. However, the lone moan of a walker stopped her in her tracks.

She waited but nothing came as she stood poised for attack with her broken bottle listening to the walker moan. She cautiously approached the moans and found herself looking at a vine infested tree. With a machete pinning it to the tree along with several vines was walker.

The walker, a rotting dead man that appeared to be in his 30s, had no legs and was missing one of its arms. It was wearing a military type clothing set with a fairly large pack on its back. Was he an veteran? This lowered Jaylees hope for survival considerably. If an experience war veteran was turned into a walker, what hope did a veterinary doctor like herself had?
(Oh WOW I really did not know this started now I need to post but before that I need to read back ^^)
Harli walked into the store and eyed a walker trying to get over a counter. "Bryan?" She whispered. "Do you think someone is alive over there?" She pulled out her knife and walked up behind the walker. She sank her blade into its skull and dropped the walker to the ground.

(Chance passed out when he hit the ground)
(((Berace your suppose to be back at the Cabin with Steven. If you don't mind edit your last post. Or post a new one of what she' currently doing at the cabin. Sorry for the confusing. xD )))

A Flash Back Appear for Bryan...before the world went to madness....

I'm burning for you by blue oyster cult i playing on the radio. As Bryan is pulling up in a apartment driveway. With a few other vehicles. It's night time, around 7:41PM it says on the dashbored clock. The person revealed is Bryan. He is seen smiling turning off the mustang. Grabbing a bunch of red rose's that are sitting in the passingers side. Closing the mustangs door behind him. He walks up the apartment stairs that outside. And making it up the stairs. before entering the room 158 apartment. Bryan take's off his black bandana. Stuffs it in his right pants pocket. He try's to open the apartment door with the keys. But it wont open. It seems its locked another way. Bryan looks at the door and begins to knock on it.

"Let's check" After harli stabbed the walker. A small child fell on the floor. "Bryan walks over by the child. But see' another walker. pull out his bowie knife and stabs the walker in the head. Grunts to himself pulling the knife out.
Megan was putting more supplies in the back of the truck that she found. Only a couple gallons of gas and scattered food she could find. She found a shovel and other blunt objects that could be used for weapons. She never did like using guns, made too much noise, attracted the Walkers. She took a good long look out into the streets ahead eyeing a few Walkers coming her way. She skated over and took care of them quickly. She didn't want to wait here for too long.
Harli walked toward the kid and picked him up. He was light. Harli then ran outside to the truck and yelled out to Megan. "Watch over this kid while we get the rest of the stuff!" She set the child down in the back seat of the truck and ran back inside. She grabbed a basket and ran over to the home products. She found a box of trash bags and lined her basket with it. She then threw the box at Bryan. "Line your basket and get canned food!"
Megan cursed at how loud Harli was and went over to the truck. She looked in and saw a young boy passed out in the seat. She had a soft spot for kids and she wondered what this little kid has been through. She looked back towards the road with her crowbar in hand, keeping guard over the little boy.
Bryan catch's the box and lines it up just as harli said. Bryan starts to get what was remaining can food off the shelf. "Yes boss lady. You want me to kiss your ass while I'm at it?" Bryan stops loading half way though the box. "Why do we have to take the boy for? The parents might be somewhere near by?" Bryan asked crossing his arms looking at Harli. "We already got enough mouths to feed."
Harli was filling up her bag that was in the basket when she shot him a glare. She then listen to what he was saying and stopped. Harli looked at him with angry eyes. She choked out trying not to sound like she was phased by what he said. "Because I'm not leaving a f*cking child out here on his own." She then stalked off.

Steven was sitting at the cabin waiting for the group to get back. He wondered what was talking them so long. He huffed and laid back to rest but he got up and went up stairs to look around. There where 4 rooms. Steven was happy. Only 2 people had to share a room. But he didn't know that Bryan and Harli picked up two more.

The 7 year old Chance begin to stir. He sat up with his teddy bear in hand and looked around. He was in a truck. He looked out the window and seen a woman watching over him. The little boy pushed open the door and whispered to the woman. "Is you gonna help me?" He asked the woman. He hugged his teddy bear tight.
Bryan got a little mad because Hali's tone. Bryan got he rest of the canned foods loaded them into the box and went outside to the truck. Loaded the box in the back. Bryan felt guilt about being such a ass toward harli. He walked up behind her as she had the child in her arms. Bryan looked at the gas station at a distance looking at Megan. "He's your responseabilty." Bryan looks at the child and walks toward the truck.
She looked back as she heard a sudden sound and only saw the little boy. Her features softened and she smiled. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let any of those monsters hurt you, okay?" She said to reassure him. She didn't want him to be scared, nor did she want to see him get hurt. She saw the other guy walking out and nodded.
Harli slid to the ground and hugged her knees. She couldn't let this child die. She placed her head between her legs to try and even out her breathing as she tries to keep calm. A sob come from her mouth as she clutched her legs tighter. Her teeth clench and she holds back tears.

Chance let tears roll down his cheeks. "The bad guys goes my mommy and daddy." He squeezed his teddy bear and cried some. He looked up at the clear road and field. Luckly no walkers where around. He was safe for this moment. He climbed out of the truck and hugged the woman's legs. "Tank you."
Megan felt so bad for this little boy. She bent down and picked him up. "You're welcome." She placed him back in the back seat of the truck and handed him his teddy bear. She turned to Bryan. "Are you guys done in there?" she asked. "I found a couple of gallons of gas and canned food outside."
Bryan can't help but to look though the glass window. And see harli and the little boy. "Pathetic.." Bryan said out loud to himself. Itching his forehead. then rubbing his eyes yawning. looks at Megan "yeah..we're done..get in.." Bryan Walks to the drivers side of the truck opens the door and gets in. Cranks up the truck and wait for hali, the boy and Megan.

Bryan closed his eyes hit the steering wheel. And cut off the truck leaving the keys inside the truck. He walks past megan and walks inside store when Harli is. As Bryan looks down at Harli. "Stop doing that. Get up now. We don't have time for being a pussy." bryan grabs harli by her right arm trying to get her up.
Harli pulls her arm away and stands up to Bryan. "Who the hell do you think you are. I told you once before fucking respect." She wipes the tears from her cheeks and moves to her basket. She closes up the bag and wipes the fresh tears away.
Bryan looks at harli with a concerned look. Perhaps guilt for the way he has been acting but then just smiles. and follow's harli And walks back to the truck. Getting in the drivers set and cranking it up again. Yellig out the window to Harli, megan and the child. "If anyone has any other pu**y Sh*t they wanna get out. Now is the time." Bryan said looking ahead.
"Just shut up and drive already." Megan said as she got in to the truck next to the boy. "And I don't think you should swear in front of him." She closed the door and put the seat belt over the little boy. "Jack ass..." she murmured under her breath.
As Harli gets in the passenger side. With Bryan Bryan looks back at Megan. After hearing her call him a jack ass "Who are you his mother?" Bryan asked with a curious look on his face. He starts to drive away back to the cabin.
"He's scared enough and we don't need you yelling to scare him even more." Megan shot back without even looking at Bryan. "Common sense." She sighed.
"If he's scared wait til he see's Steven.." Bryan smiles to himself. "Common sense? how many mouths can we feed?" Bryan points out looking at the front rearview mirror. "Which is better? Common sense or having a soft heart? We don't know the boy....did you ever thought he might just be a trap? Think about it...left over canned food....a little boy...someone could of just left him people two...could find him..take him to our safe house...might of put us in danger..." Bryan nods his head in disappointment. looking ahead.
"Just shut up okay? What if it was you? I'm not leaving a child behind." Megan continued on. "End of discussion!" She shook her head at Bryan. She couldn't believe he would say those things, especially about a child. She refused to believe he was bait, or a trap.
(((This role play is starting to heat up. Great job to everyone!)))

"If it was me. Then I wouldn't wanna get on the bad side of the loud mouth sitting in the front." Bryan looks over at harli. "The one driving not the cry baby." Bryan nodded over at Harli then smirked. Looking ahead almost arriving at the cabin.
Harli sighed and leaned up from her seat behind Bryan. She places her lips by his ear and whispers to him. "Bryan please, Everyone is on edge because of the world has gone to shit but please stop. Okay?" She sat back down in her seat and chewed on her lip hoping the man would stop until they got to the cabin. She would talk to him.

Chance placed his hands over his ears and whimpered lightly. His black and brown teddy bear sat in his lap and his boot covered feet hung off the seat not touching the floor. He watched the adults argue.
As Bryan drove up to the Cabin. He stopped the truck and looked over at Harli with a bit of a guilt look on his face. Stopping the truck by the cabin he cut the truck off and got out. And went to the back of the truck to get the box filled with canned food.

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