The Walking Dead

Harli took a step away from the girl. "No you show me!" She glared at her. "Im not getting close to you just yet. Show me." She looked back at Jaylee and grumbled under her breath. Just when she got Bryan to open up they had to be followed.
Bryan nodded his head in a "No" sense. Keeping his knife drawn and ready to strike in a defense stance. Bryan moved a little to keep the strange lady eyes on him. But keeping his distance.
Molly sighed "alrighty then.." Molly rolled up her sleeves and moved her hair away from her neck. "See, no bites!"
Harli kept her gun up and looked over at Bryan again. "So?" She whispered to him. "What do we do Bryan?" She frowned some thinking on weather to keep this girl in the group or not.
(((Don't worry cake, this is how it is in the walking. You have to earn there trust like on the show. we'll let you go after one page. Is cool?)))

Bryan thinking maybe she was bit on parts that she wasn't showing. But then if she did, it would of stained blood on the clothes where she was biten. Bryan looks at harli "Check her for weapons. Check whats she's carrying. get Steven and Jaylee to find something to close that opening where she came though closed. After searching her we'll take her to the hot topic and lock her in. We'll go from there.."
Harli nodded. "I need you to come stand outside of Hot Topic while I search the rest of her for bites and weapons." She looked at the girl. "Come on!" She pulled her down the hall in into Hot Topic. She placed the girl behind a shelf. "Strip your weapons and clothes."
Bryan hearing what Harli said about striping. Bryan says out loud to himself. Guarding the hot topic door. " hot topic.." Bryan said with a smile thinking bad thoughts. using his knife to cleaning under his finger nails.
Molly sighed and did as Harli said. "This feels really weird just to let you know." She shouted over to the others
"I would feel the same!" She yelled back. 'Oh well,' she thought, trying to be positive 'its better than stripping in the open' Jaylee fixed the straps of the military pack as she turned to face Steven. "Well? What are you waiting for?"
Harli smiled. "The guys cant see you and we are both girls. You dont have anything I dont have." Harli looked over her torso and back then her legs. " Your clear." She smiled. She then walked off and grabbed a few pairs of shorts and shirts. "Here is some clean clothes see what fits. Ill be standing outside with Bryan." With that Harli picked up the girls weapons and walked out. She looked up at Bryan. "She is no threat. She looks like she has not eaten in days."

Steven smiled over at Jaylee. "Well I need help finding a store that sales bedding stuff. Im beat and want to sleep. So lets go find some beds." He laughed and waved for Jaylee to follow as he starts to walk down the dark hallway.
"We need to keep our guard up. She might be lieing about being alone. Sine Steven and Jay are working on blocking that off. We're going to block all the entrance's off. Walkers might not get in. But what's to stop a speeding vehicle? If she is telling the truth about being alone. She needs to earn her keep." Bryan pointed out with a serious expression.
"Okay Bryan." She nodded as she stared to walk toward the front entrance. She looked around thinking about what could be used to block the door off. She chewed on her lip then looked back to Bryan. "What could we use to block off the doors?"
Bryan smiled, and was about to make a sour joke. "We could use your fat ass.." Bryan joking around. Looking at Harli with a friendly smile.

Time- 2;37PM

Darrel now arriving at the town. As its still dark. He stops at the entrance and looks at Kat. "We're here...." Darrel said hoping Kat would hear him.
Harli let out a laugh as she shook her head at him. "Haha very funny." She spotted a Desk and a Bench. "Come on we can use these." She stripped off her jacket and moved over to the desk that was sitting close to the door. She placed her hands under the desk ready to lift waiting for Bryan.
Bryan helped harli but lifting up the desk to the door. They move the desk to the front door. "I'm hungry...haven't ate since..." Bryan and Harli sat the desk down infront of the mall doors. Still needing more more heavy stuff to block it off.
Harli nodded. "Yea I know. After this door we can go cow on some of that food we found." She smiled at him as they sat the desk down. She went over to the iron bench and started to pull it not moving it far. "Bry Help me." She pulled more. "Damn I am weak." She grumbled.
He grabbed the bench helping Harli they moved the wooden bench to the front doors by the desk. " Bryan touchs his back, after lifting the bench. "That's it for now. Let's go eat.." Bryan suggested as he walked toward the food court.
Harli nodded as she grabbed her jacket and caught up to him. She slid her jacket on as they rounded the corner to the food court. Harli jumped the counter to a random place and started to look through things. "I found alot if canned food." She looked over at Bryan. "They are good."
Harli let out a laugh and shook her head "No..." She grabbed something and held it up. In her hand was a handheld can opener. She set everything on the counter and hopped up on the counter, sitting down, letting her feet hang. "Later I'll go hunting and get us some meat." She looked through the cans. Corn, beans, green beans and peas. "What do you want?"
"Corn and green peas...beans don't agree with me..if the walkers don't kill gas will" Bryan leaned on the counter next to Harli. "You are you wanna go hunting alone? I know you think your a badass with that eagle and all. But there might be other hunters. One's with rifles."
Harli grabbed the cans for him and grabbed a green bean for herself. She walks over to a table and siits handing him his cans and the can opener. "Well if you want to come you can. You just have to be quiet and walk silently." She smiled. "Cant have you running off the animals."
"Your forgetting sweet face...I'm from Alabama..I used to hunt with my southern boys know how to hunt and fish. I remember my first was a deer...I had to drink is in the movie red dawn....that was when I was twelve years old...still have the deers blood taste in my mouth..." Bryan opening the caned food. After opening it, he starts to drink it down. And eat it. Laying the can opened on the counter.
Harli tried to keep a straight face then started to laugh. "Sweet Face? Aw Thanks for the nickname." She shook her head. "My first kill was a rabbit. I was 10. My ass hole of a foster dad taught me how to hunt and protect myself." She let out a chuckle. "That came back to bite him in the ass." She took a bite. "I killed him." She grinned.

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