The Walking Dead

Bryan leans his head back. Trying to ignore the pain with the knife still in his left leg thigh. The man, walks up to bryan trying to make sure bryan is still alive. The man grabs byans head and leans it foreard toward him. And slowly takes the tape to see if bryan says anything. Brya looks at the man with a hate look. "When I get out of here. I am literally going to cut your head off. and sholve it up your.." the man quickly puts the tape back on bryans mouth. "Terrific imagination you have there. Love it.." The man smiles wide at Bryan looks at the walkers head on Stevens lap. The man sighs to himself. "Don't those two just make a cut couple?" The man smiled. "We belong with these...monsters...we do..." He said sitting in the middle between Bryn and Steven on the large table.
(Haha and now since I was gone again I must read back again..I really need to stop doing that "^^")
With a sigh, Declan glared at the resting Jackson. "Lazy ass..." he grumbled to himself before walking to his bag on the floor. Shuffling through the rucksack, he eventually comes across the knife Jackson had given him. He gripped the small cutting tool in his hand and stood, turning towards the staircase again. The shuffling upstairs had grown louder, more noticeable. He carefully made his way up the stairs, pausing every once in a while to listen to the sounds coming from the room.

As he turned into the hall, the scratching became more frantic again. Taking in a deep breath, Declan reached out and tried the door knob. It was locked.
Darrel riding along the country road, already had passed the cabin where Bryan, Harli, Steven, Jaylee, and Megan where. He gets ever close to the mall. Darrel while looking toward the road ahead he reachs into his black dress shirt. Turns the little white cap on the little orange bottle. As he pulls out one little white pill he had before when you first saw him. He swollows it and screws the cap back on and puts the pill back into his front dress pocket on his shirt.

Back in town

Ron, a big gentle giant of a man. a trusted man of Darrel's walks with the M16 carbine in his hand. To where Kat staying to make her feel more comfortable by showing her around the town. Ron walks up the short stairs of the house and knocks on the door. Looking back and back at the door. To see if Kat will answer.

Back at the mall in the security office...

"Wondering why I haven't toke the pretty ladies yet?" The man asked Steven bryn though they could not answer with tape on there mouths.

He laughs crazy like to himself. Our friends...frenemy's...enemy....friends...enemy...friends....need more ...pleasure....the ones before..." The man takes his black security hat off and motions it in respect for the dead. Putting the hat on his chest holding it with both hands. Looking at Steven. " long needed..." Explained the very crazy man. "Yes...they are all pretty...pretty ladies...they will do...nicely..." He puts the hat back on his head. And rubs his right jaw with his left hand.
Jackson sighed and shifted in his sleep, his eyebrows furrowed and he rolled over onto his stomach, eventually falling off of the couch and jumping up "ninja style". Both of his hands were held up in front of him and he looked paranoid. He eventually calmed down and gazed up the stairs at Declan, he got up and walked up there quietly.
Kat had finished eating a while ago, and was cleaning her carbine as she heard a knock at her door. Setting down the barrel she had been cleaning, she looked over to the door curiously. Her pistol was still belted at her hip, and she kept her right hand near it, ready to draw, as she walked to the door.

Kat's left hand unlocked the door, and she slowly opened it, peering outside to see the man there before she opened it wider. A curious expression on her face, Kat looked at the man there. She raised her right hand a bit, and waved slightly at him. A raise of one of her eyebrows was obviously a question, wondering what he wanted. Had Darrell sent him for some reason?
Steven kept looking down at the snapping walker head in his lap. His eyes locked on the decaying woman's face. He let out a growl as his thoughts went strait to Megan. Why? He didn't know. Sex Slaves? He thought. This guy is disgusting.

Harli grabbed fist fulls of her hair as she looked around. "Where are you!" she called out. "they left they are gone. I know it. The little boy was standing by a bench smiling and waving at Harli.
"Hi there...Darrel sent me..I didn't mean to bother you. But he wanted me to show you around the town. My name's Jon." Jon looking down at Kat, as tall as he is. Put's his right hand expecting a hand shake. A very kin smile, comforting smile showed on his face.

Darrel, pulls up to the mall. Passing a few walkers Smiling at them oddly. I hope this idiot didn't screw things up. He didn't respond to the radio. Darrel cut of the red SUV he had drived and gets out with keys in hand and close's the door behind him. Putting the key in his black dress pants. Before climbing up the ladder h adjust his white cowboy hat and climbs up. Getting up the ladder, and looking overview of the parking lot.
Kat shook her head after a moment, to let him know he wasn't bothering her. She shook his hand too, returning his kind smile with a slight one of her own. After shaking his hand, she pointed to herself, then spelt out the word 'Kat' in sign language. Luckily, 'K' 'a' and 't' were pretty easy to understand, even if one didn't know sign language. She then held up a finger, telling him to wait a moment, and left the door open as she walked over to the table where her gun was. It was her silent way of inviting him in as she got something.

Kat picked up her pen from the table, which she had been using as a makeshift screwdriver, and picked her notebook up. She flipped to a blank page, and started to write.
As Kat started to write, Jon walked in front of her. But kept his distance. He started to make his hands in sign language. Jon quickly understood Kat could not speak.

Jon used the Sign language in front of Kat hoping she would see him. As she writes on her pad.

"You can't not speak?" he signaled
Kat paused in her writing as Jon stepped in front of her, glancing up at him. Her eyes widened as she realized he was signing at her, and she set the notebook down.

Kat nodded as she saw what he signed, a smile of relief on her face. She then signed back at him. "I cannot speak. Throat injury." She pointed to her throat as she spoke, where the scar was visible in her current outfit. "I'm glad someone her can sign, too." She signed to him, smiling with relief.
Jon signaled back at Kat. "My brother could not speak either. I know sign language very well. How are you enjoying your stay so far?" Jon looks at the kitchen to see what kat ate. "Darrel wanted me to show you around town. And when your settled in, and well rested. Like the rest, he wants you to earn your keep." jon signaled.
Kat nodded slightly. "It is nice here. I slept better than I have in a while." She signed. "Being shown around would be nice. Thank you." She replied, her hands moving quickly as she then asked, "What kind of things are there to do around here to 'earn your keep'?" She even did air quotes as she signed, a curious look on her face.
Declan tried picking the lock with the knife, doing a small fist pump as he heard the click. He heard a low groan come from the other side of the door and the sense of dread from before washed over him again. With a shaky breath, he slowly turned the door knob and cautiously pushed the door open. It only moved two inches before hitting something. Then that same something lunged forward and around the door, reaching out to get at Declan.

Attempting to shut the door, Declan cussed as it got blocked by the walker's foot in the door way. Its blackening teeth snapped at him; its blind eyes seemed to stare right through him. Declan couldn't get a good look at it, since he could only see half its face. The creature was suddenly slammed into the door by something else; another walker. With a strong downward swing, Declan rammed the knife into the first walker's skull. However, he couldn't get it back out, so he was left weaponless against the next monster.
Steven huffed at the woman walker head on his lap and moved slowly making her head slide down his legs. Once the head was on the floor Steven kicked it in the crazy guys direction.

"Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit!" Harli cursed as she ran to where she left the string weapons and picked up the crossbow. She begin to run through each store looking for the two men who disappeared.
Megan just sighed and let Harli do her crazy run through the mall and screaming. She thought Harli was paranoid or something. She went down a different direction of the mall and looked through each store carefully, making sure no walkers were in any of them
The crazy man doesn't move as the walkers head. Is near the mans feet. He looks at the head smiling. "Is that how you treat women who wanna low on you?" He looks a Steven picking up the head. And the crazy man doe's something very disgusting he kiss's the walkers head. And even licks the cheek. Holding the lady walkers head up to him. Making a kissing sound to the lady walkers head. Then out of rage he grunts and throws the head against the wall behind Bryan.

" god...this guy is crazier then Charlie sheen and Gary busey combined..." Bryan thought to himself.

With Darrel not knowing no one but Paul who is the crazy man holding Steven and Bryan up. In the security office. Darrel opens the door. Now on the second floor. He reach's into his back and pull's out his hand gun. Walking down silently the second floor with his guard and gun up.

Just a few minutes ago Sinovera had been calmly walking through the area surrounding the town. Now, she was running from about five walkers that had came out of nowhere. They were ugly things that smelt bad. One didn't even have any legs to be chasing her with. She was unarmed at the moment and couldn't kill any of them. They were staying too close together or else she would have tried to pick up a rock and bash their brains in. As it was she didn't want to run the risk of being bitten. Good thing she was a good runner, otherwise she could be walker food right now. Finally, they town came into view and a couple of guards were standing guard at the gates. She waved her arms for them, making a show that she wasn't an undead creature.

They both stepped forward to give her less of run to get to them. She dove in between the guards and she heard five gunshots go off. She looked back and found the Walkers dead.

“I don't know why you damn people keep dragging these things here.” One of the guards said to himself gruffly.

“Are you okay Ma'am?” The other, more polite guard asked. Rhiannon shut her eyes and did a quick feel through of her body. She had a couple of skinned knees and she may have sprained her wrist by falling on it, but other than that she was perfectly fine. She nodded her head and got up by herself.

“Thanks for that. I would have bashed their brains in a mile ago but they were far too close each other to do that.” She looked down at her arms and saw no bite marks.

“I need to pat you down before you enter.” The rude one said before roughly pushing her legs wider and making her hold her hands out to the side. He pat her down, lingering too long in some places. The search was done in about a minute.

“She's clean.” He said, taking a step back from her.

“You may go on in, miss.” The more polite one smacked the other one on the back of the head and glared at him for a moment.

Sinoveran smiled her thanks and began her journey into a new city, wondering if this would be a better place.
((Elenavru you will be interacting with Rhiannnonr's chacter as well. as she's just entering town.))

Darrel now reaching the area where megan, Harli and Jaylee are. First seeing Jaylee first. "Who the hell is that?...ohh....a pretty lady...yes..." He thought to himself. Jaylee looking at the ice rink. Darrel slowly walks up to her, but at a medium distance. He keeps his distance and stops. Holding his gun to her, as she's still turned around. Darrel points the gun at Jaylee's head as Darrel's smile wides he turn's his head to the right. And puts his gun down. He slowly walks away looking ahead where he's going and back at Jaylee. He see's two women, from a distance and slowly hides behind a wall. knowing they didn't see him. "Oh yes...our bargin..." He said to himself looking up. Then to his side.

Back at town Jon is seen doing sign language to Kat. "Help keep guard, moving stuff, help go scavage. help cooking. Help grow the crops." Jon signaled.
Sinovera didn't know what the proper thing to do when she came to a new town in the middle of an infection such as this. So instead of going to a town hall or something like she, she just wandered around. That probably wasn't the safest thing considering that the town may not be fully clean of those filthy creatures, but it was the only thing that she could do. The town was quickly falling into disrepair. She hoped that a walker wouldn't jump out at her.

There was a glinting to her left and her eyes immediately went to it. Buried inside a dead body's head was a knife. She couldn't see it very well, but she thought that it would be a nice thing to have in case she was attacked again. By a walker anyway. If a human came after her she and had a gun she would probably be done for.

She stepped over to the body. It was a man in his mid fifties. His skin was pale and he smelled horrid. His cold, dead, gray eyes stared at nothing and his mouth was opened in a look of shock. He obviously hadn't seen the knife coming or he trusted the person who took his life. She wrapped her slender hand around the knife and felt a sense of rightness. In the slammer she had to learn to defend herself or die. And that she did. She yanked the knife out and the entire head came with it, severed from the head because of rot. What seemed like hundreds of maggots fell onto the ground and kept dripping from the head. On the outside the man didn't seem all that rotted, but on the inside he was very rotted.

She put a hand to the head and kept her hold on the knife and pushed with one hand and tugged with the other. The knife came free with a wet sound that made her stomach lurch and the head went flying. She didn't care to see where it landed and turned her back on the alley. She wiped the knife on the tall grass to get the curdled blood and decomposing brain off of it. Once it was as clean as she could get it she slid it into her combat boot for later use and easy grabbing.
Jackson's eyes widened at the sight of the walkers, he shoved his back against the door, handing Declan a knife with a huff, he continued to attempt to keep the walkers in place, his eyes focused on the snapping jaws of the walkers. His eye twitched and he shifted, he wasn't just going to let his friend die. He watched the scene anxiously, occasionally grunting as the walkers push forcefully against the door.
Darrel hiding behind a wall, just noticed two women. Megan and Harli. Having his gun drawn, he could take a chance and shoot them. possibly killing them. Just as if he had the chance to kill jaylee but didn't. With his back against the wall calm as he is. Harli and Megan are block Darrel's way to get to the scurity office whhere Paul is. Paul holding Steven and Bryan. "What to do?...what to do?" Darrel asked himself silently talking to himself. Darrel then see's a toy store. The front window having toy's infront of it as a show case. He quickly glances to look over the wall to see what harli and Megan are doing. Harli appears to be looking though each store for walkers. Darrel must act quick if he wants to get this distract underway. As he slowly, and calmly slides his back against the wall walking toward the toy store beside him. As he enter's the toy store, Darrel hatch's up a distraction for harli and Megan to get them away from the area that he needs to enter. close to the scurity office.

Two minutes late Darrel has a remote control car. A demo car for children to play with, as he carries the car behind a bench. He bends down behind a large plant. Large enough to keep him hidden. He looks though the plant and starts the little toy car. To make the distraction. With his gun in his back pants. The car is controlled going by Megan first. By her feet then on its little way to harli. Darrel hoping the distraction will lead them away. As stays hidden.
Kat nodded. "Seems easy enough. I'm pretty sure I can do most of that." She signed back to him, smiling a bit. "So, how about that tour?" She signed, and started walking over to the door. She was curious about the town now.
Declan struggled to take the second knife from Jackson. Turning his attention back to the remaining walker, his heart fell. He knew who this was. He had known this woman. Sherry. With a grimace and great reluctance and sadness, Declan shoved the knife through the walker's head. The force on the door disappeared as the walker slid to the ground, joining its companion.

With a heavy sigh, Declan slumped to his knees, his head in his hands.
Jon walks over to the front door. opening it, but not going first. Holding it for Kat. Jon was a big, and tall man. His wife and daughter was in town with him. Jon signaled "Ladies first" Kat. Holding the door open, be a true gentlemen toward this young lady who just entered town. Jon and Kat unaware there's another young lady who just arrived in town. To settle down in.

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