The Walking Dead RP

Sky took the other car. It had a dead body in the passenger seat and the rest of the car was empty of people. She found the button in the front seat that popped the trunk and almost screamed as a walker popped out. She quickly swung her bat at its head, sending it to the ground. She began looking through the car once she made sure the Walker was completely dead. The trunk didn't hold anything else except a crowbar. She grabbed that, sure it would come in handy at least as a heavy weapon. The backseat was full though. She barely held back her joy as she lifted out a purse holding many things, including a few mechanical pencils. She shoved them quickly into her bag and continued rooting through the car. 

Jaycee smirked. "I'm heading to the old comic shop. They usually had something on their front desk."
".... Mind if I come?" Rex cautiously asked. He didn't want to go with her because he was lonely or needed help. The reason was that she was so young and he would hate to see her on her own.
Jamie backed up and looked around again. She moved to the front door of the car and slowly opened the door, backing up as the dead body fell out onto the ground. Making a disgusted face, she reached down to pop the trunk then walked to the back of the car. She dug around, moving a blanket out of the way and found a small box that contained about 10 cans of food. She picked up the box and slid it into the backseat of the van then went back to searching the car.
"Not at all," Jaycee smiled. "It'll be nice to have a friendly face around." 
Sky glanced over. "Grab the blanket too," she said as she lifted a suitcase. "We'll need it in a few weeks." She unzipped the suitcase, not finding anything useful in it except a thick sweater. She slung it over her shoulder and kept digging through the stuff.
Jamie nodded, grabbing the blanket out of the trunk and holding onto it as she searched the backseat again. She only found a few short-sleeved shirts that were her size and took them. She sighed and stepped away from the car. "Even if whoever was in this car would've lived longer, they wouldn't have survived on what they had.." She walked back towards the van and put her findings inside.
Sky nodded. "You would think people would bring more to the end of the world," she said. She smiled as she finally found a cooler. The ice in it was long melted but there were several water bottles in it. She pulled the cooler out, dumping the dirty, melted ice out.
Jamie opened the trunk of the van, taking the hose and the gas can out. She carried the objects to the car and opened the lid to the gas tank then took off the cap. Sighing, she slipped the hose inside of the tank. Once it was in she siphoned the gas from the vehicle, making a disgusted face after it had began filling the gas can. Soon enough, though, it had finished coming out of the tank. It had barely filled the can any more than it was. "You'd think they'd have more gas in their car, too.."
Sky nodded. "People are so stupid sometimes," she said, pushing the cooler into the trunk of the van. She put the sweater with the shirts and blanket. "Hopefully we find some more clothes," she frowned. "I don't know how long this shirt is going to hold up."
Jamie carried the gas can back the van and put it in. She nodded, stepping to the back door and pulling out one of the shirts. "I think the time is up for my shirt.." She set her baseball bat down for a moment to take her shirt off and slip the other one on. She looked at the shirt in her hand for a moment then shrugged, picking up her bat and using the shirt to wipe the guck off of it. When she was done, she threw the shirt on the ground. "Gross..."
Sky nodded, grabbing a few more useful things out of the car before giving up. She was elated with the discovery of the pencils. She had saved her sketchbook, but she had ran out of lead two days before. She put the rest of her findings into the van, the sweater, the empty suitcase to be used for storage later on, and a few roadmaps of Georgia. She kept one to bring to the front seat with them.
Jamie looked around, seeing one vehicle they hadn't yet searched. It was an older, beat up, pickup truck and there was no one inside of it. She opened the doors and looked around the truck. In the floorboards of the backseat she found another box of canned food. This box contained maybe fifteen to twenty cans at the most. She smiled brightly and picked it up, carrying it to the van. She merged the smaller box of canned food inside of the bigger box, setting the box in the back seat and laying the shirts and blanket on top of it. After doing that, she walked back to the truck, looking around under the seats, and pulled out a carjack. "We're gonna need this if we need to change a tire, huh?"
Jamie carried the carjack over to the van and slid it into the trunk. She pulled the gas cans out and siphoned the two vehicles that hadn't been siphoned yet. When she was done, she put the gas can back into the van and closed up the trunk and shut the back doors. She looked around one last time then climbed into the driver's seat, setting her bat down, putting her bag in the backseat, and closing her door.
Jamie started the vehicle and drove off. When they were around the vehicles, she began driving faster. She glanced over at Sky. "Figuring out where we're going now?"
Sky nodded. "There's a few small towns up north like I thought," she said. I think our best bet would be taking the North West exit. It leads to a smaller town. The smaller the town, the less people that can become Walkers."
Jamie nodded and continued driving. When they reached the North West exit about 35 minutes later, she took it and got off the highway. They entered a small town with only a few walkers roaming around in the streets. She sped down the road until she saw a few houses with a general store across from them. She ran over the walkers closest to the store then stopped the car, unbuckling and grabbing her bat and bag, ready to hop out.
Sky grabbed her bat and bag, opening her door quickly before jumping out and shutting it, quickly in an attempt not to attract Walkers.
Jamie got out quickly and went to the window of the store looking inside. She saw three walkers. She nodded, knowing that they could handle that. She opened the door and went in. She rushed over to the closest walker and swung her bat. Her bat crashed into the walker's head and it dropped to the ground. Then she ran over to the next one and did slammed the bat into its head. She looked over at Sky, watching her kill the last.
Sky ducked through the aisles sneaking up on the last one and slamming her bat onto its head. She stood up, looking around.
Jamie looked around then started looking through the aisles, looking out for any more walkers. She stopped in one aisle with cans of food on the floor and on the shelves. There wasn't as much as there should be, but it would help. She ran back up to the front of the store and grabbed a basket, motioning for Sky to follow her as she went back into the aisle.
Jamie knelt down and picked the cans up off the floor, putting them into the basket. Once she had picked up all the ones off the floor she stood up and started taking what was left on the shelves.
Jamie finished gathering the food into the basket. She looked around then started walking down isles again, looking for anything else that may be useful.

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