The Walking Dead RP

Jay nodded in agreement. "Yeah that's wise. You could run out of time to search all the rooms and then a swarm of brain-munchers could eat you." She began to pick up all of the cans, putting them back in her bag.
Darren was in his car truck, the windows up and the stereo on low. It was times like these when an extensive CD collection came in handy. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw the town just up ahead. There was a general store and a few cars along with some houses.
Jamie helped her pick of the cans of food. "We have some, but thank you for the offer." She glanced at Sky then looked back at Jay. "Would..would you like to join us? We could make some room in the van for you.. And extra hands are always helpful."
Jay stroked her chin as if there was an invisible beard there and slowly nodded her head. "Yeah, that would be great," She smiled.

Heinz hadn't eaten in days. All he knew was that there were evil things walking around, growling and what not. He had found a tennis racket at the school that he had attended temporarily, but that wouldn't last long. A few of the strings in the middle were already starting to break from him whacking the undead in the head.

"What's that..." He whispered and looked up. In the distance, he saw a vehicle heading his way, very slowly.
Sky nodded, popping the trunk.

Darren stopped the car upon seeing a person. He rolled down the window and stuck his head out. "Hey!"
"Guten tag," Heinz muttered. He waved slightly with a faint smile. "You know, it'd be nice of you to offer me a ride," He slurred with his German accent.
Darren nodded. "Get in the truck," he said, opening the door for him. While he got in, he got into the back so he could get to the foot stash in the hatch of the truck.
Jamie opened the back door and picked up the box of canned food. She carried it to the back of the van and slid it in. She went back into the backseat and turned the duffle bags so that they would fit on the other side of the backseat. She slid the crate of snacks and her bag onto the other side of the floor, too.
Jamie shoved the boxes of tampons and the hairbrushes under the seat. She put one first aid kit in the pouch of the back of the front seat along with the bottles of pills. She put the other first aid kits under the front seat.
Heinz climbed into the truck and sat down, looking around. He glanced in the rear view mirror and was slightly shocked at what he saw. His jaw bones were beginning to stick out, and his eyes were beginning to stick out some.
Darren handed him a half empty bag of beef jerky and a granola bar. "Eat," he said. She started driving again, wanting to get to the town before it was dark.

Sky looked up from the van, fearing the roar of a truck. "Guys," she said, pointing to the road.
Heinz swiped the bag away from the other boy. He scarfed it in his mouth, not bothering to slow down. American food, he thought to himself and shook his head, but was still grateful that he had something to eat.

Jay looked where Sky was pointing and squinted her eyes. A truck was rolling down the road, coming straight at them. "Hey, I can go talk to them if you want." She kind of wanted to talk to them, plus, she wanted to prove that she wouldn't just be wasted space in their group.
Sky felt a sliver of hope but pushed it down. It couldn't be him.

Darren drove up to the general store, confused once he saw the three girls.
Sky nodded. "Yeah," she said. She stayed close behind.

"We get out," Darren said simply. "They seem safe enough. Are you afraid of a few girls?"
"No," Heinz muttered as he opened the door.

"Alright," Jay said and she walked right over to the two boys. As soon as she reached them, she peaked through the truck window and looked inside.

"Hey there, uh, you're not bit, right?" She asked and squinted at the two boys. They are both kind of cute... She thought to herself with a smirk, then mentally smacked herself. Let's not start that, Jay screamed in her brain.

"My name's Jay."
"We're clean," Darren nodded as he opened the door, climbing out. "You?"

Sky sucked in a breath and Darren climbed out of the truck.
"Mhm. We're clean as could be," Jay nodded her head, then realized that she had said that with blood all over her.

Heinz got out of the truck along with Darren, following close behind.
Jamie sat in the backseat, her legs hanging outside of the car. She watched Jay for a few moments until hearing Sky quickly breathe in. She looked at her and put on a hand on her shoulder. "You alright?"
Darren laughed softly closing the truck door lightly.

Sky quickly walked away from the van towards the truck, towards her brother.

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