The Walking Dead RP

Jamie's hand fell from Sky's shoulder. She got out of the van and shut the door. She followed Sky over the the truck and stood beside Jay, her eyes still on Sky.
Jay looked over and saw Sky quickly walking towards her and the others. "And this is Sky," Jay said with a smile and thrusted her arms towards Sky.
Darren jumped at the name, turning to the girl. "I know," he smiled, pulling Sky close.

Sky closed her eyes hugging her brother tightly. 
(I must be in some frosting induced stupor or something. These posts I'm making suck!)
"Uh, okay." Jay sort of tiptoed closer to Jamie, as if shielding herself from the love-ness.

((Hehe, it's okey. It's like... 1:30 a.m. where I'm at so it's understandable xD ))
(Mine too ._.) Jamie smiled a bit as she watched them. She looked up, seeing that the sun was beginning to set. "We need to be safely inside the vehicle in a bit guys. It's almost dark."
"Alright," Jay said and sprinted towards the car. It was getting slightly cold, so she pulled out one of her jackets and put it on.

Heinz stood there awkwardly during the meet up between the two people. He didn't know if they were a pair, or long lost siblings. Maybe even friends that had lost each other. He followed the group to the car. He was still slightly hungry so he asked the girl who hadn't said much if she had any food.
Jamie nodded as she walked back to the van. She went in the backseat and pulled a bag of chips out the crate, handing it to him. She grabbed her jacket out of her bag and put it on. She shut the trunk of the van then got in the front seat. She set her bat on the floor so it rested on the seat then she closed her door.
Sky nodded. She wiped a few tears away before going back to the van. She ripped the tags off the quilts she had grabbed finding there was enough for everyone to have one, as well as three extra to lay out on the floor. She set the five aside to be passed out and worked on the mattress. Not everyone would be able to fit n the floor, but there was room for to in the front seat.
Heinz munched on his chips and climbed into the car to lay on the floor. He would have to sleep awkwardly, but he was beginning to get used to sleeping in strange positions. He then finished his chips and with his stomach filled with some sort of nutrients, he began to snore.

Jay grabbed a quilt and jumped into the car, getting comfortable. It looked like everyone was inside. She rested her head on the window, and slowly drifted off.
Jamie grabbed one of the quilts and covered herself. Once everyone was in and settled she locked the doors. She curled up in the front seat. For a while she just laid there with her eyes open, unable to rest. She thought of her father, wondering if he was okay... After a while she closed her eyes and finally was able to relax. She drifted to sleep..dreaming of her dad...
Sky got comfortable on the farthest side of the van. She pulled the quilt over her and curled up, facing the wall.

Darren laid down on his back next to a foot away from Sky He started a the roof of the van silently, slowly falling asleep.
Jamie slept with her eyes squeezed shut. She kept dreaming of her dad. She whined a bit in her sleep, turning over to face the window. *DAY 3* Once the sun rose, she woke as it was shining on her face. She opened her eyes and sat up, staring out the window. She sighed and rested her forehead on the steering wheel.
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Heinz had been up for a hour before the boy and the girl who gave him the food had awoken. He had spent it thinking about his Opa and Oma back home and if they were struggling with an apocalypse as well.

"Good morning," he said as he watched them sit up. "I don't think I ever caught your name. But mine is Heinz."
Jamie lifted her head off the steering wheel, turning around to face him. "Jamie.." She said it softly then turned to face the front again. She stared outside, starting to zone out. After a few minutes she let her head fall forward, her forehead hitting the steering wheel again. She stared at the floor and at the pedals, sighing again.
Jamie didn't hear him, due to still being zoned out. She stared at the floor longer, letting her eyes close again after a while.
Jay rubbed her eyes as she straightened herself. She looked around to see who was up. The German kid and Sky. Maybe Jamie, but her eyes were closed as if she was in deep thought. Jay threw the blanket off of her lap and opened the car door. "Hey, I'm going to go for a walk," She said as she carefully closed the door. She didn't want to attract brain munchers.

Heinz shrugged when Jamie didn't answer his question and rubbed his head. If only there was a way I could back to my motherland. He shook his head and sat where the girl was previously sitting.
Jamie soon came out of thought. She opened her eyes and looked up. "Sky, are you ready to search the houses..?"
Jay walked around and saw a brain muncher ahead. She strutted over to it, pulled out a knife, and in one quick motion, ended its gut eating life. She struggled pulling out the knife from his skull, but eventually got it out. Jay looked back to the car and saw that everyone was still in it. She continued to walk away and as she did so, she cleaned off her knives by wiping them on her shorts.

Heinz watched as Jamie asked Sky if she wanted to go through the houses. "May I join?" He asked. He really had nothing better to do. While he said that, he picked up his tennis racket that he had been sleeping on. "I, uh, have something to kill undead."

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