The Walking Dead RP

After Jay was a good block away from the car, she decided to turn back around and see if they were awake or not. She began to sprint, bouncing on the ball of her feet. She reached the car and looked through the window. "I'm back," She mouthed.

"Okay," Heinz said. "I'll wait outside with uh..." He motioned over to the girl outside, since he didn't know her name yet.
Jamie laughed softly. "That's Jay," She grabbed her bag and her bat, getting out of the van, waiting for Sky to follow.
Jay followed Sky and Jamie. "So what are we doing?" She asked as she balanced on top of a curb.

Heinz followed behind, staying slightly silent.
Jamie walked across the street over to the houses. "Just looking for more supplies.." She walked up to the door of the first house. She slowly opened it and peered inside, seeing that it was clear so far. She motioned for them to follow silently as she stepped inside.
"Oh, okay." Jay followed close behind Jamie as she motioned for the group to follow inside. She stayed on her toes, and tried to not make any noise.

Heinz stayed in the back and made sure that no one or thing was following them. He had his tennis racket ready to swing if anything came near them.
Heinz sighed. "Ye, I know." He glanced at his wimpy racket, but still kept it ready.

Jay turned to Heinz and sighed. Slowly she pulled out her least favorite knife, but she still really liked it. "Here, you can take this one. Just don't... don't loose it." She cringed as she handed it to him, as if she was giving away a piece of herself.

Heinz took the knife in his left hand and nodded. "Thanks."
"I'll go ahead and go upstairs," Jay said and she skipped a couple of stairs. She looked to her right. To her left, she heard a growl. Quickly, she turned around and a brain muncher stood only a couple of feet next to her. His arms were stretched out and he tried to grab her. She jumped back and slashed her knife. "Back off!" She yelled. Of course, she fell back and landed on her back. The muncher toppled down with her, but Jay let out a cry and sent a knife into the skull of the undead. She threw the corpse off of her and wiped some of the blood off of her face. She was lucky none of the rotted blood had landed in her eyes. Ew. She finished looking around the second floor then yelled down the stairs, "It's clear up here now!"
(Sorry, my phone isn't alerting me now >.>) Jamie looked around downstairs. She checked the kitchen, the bedrooms and the bathrooms. She found one walker in the bathroom and smashed her baseball bat into its head. "Down here too!" She called back.
((It's okay ^_^ ))

Jay walked downstairs and joined the others.

Heinz went straight for the pantry and started to look for food. There were cans and such inside. Some American food he hadn't seen before. He hungrily grabbed a "Pop Tart" and opened the package. It looked very tasty, and it was, he discovered.
Jamie followed him to the pantry. She opened her bag and started filling it with food. Once she was done, she checked other cabinets in the kitchen, looking for anything useful.
Jay sat down on an old leather couch and swung her legs over the arm rest. "I think we should have a plan. So we know what we're doing and we don't have any misunderstandings."
Jamie looked at her. "The plan is to gather enough supplies so that we can travel to Oklahoma without having to stop all the time.." She continued looking for supplies, finding a couple of blankets in the hallway closet.
(I have to go for a few hours but I'll be back later for sure. I'm gonna go see Despicable Me.)

Sky went straight down the halls, looking for clothes and blankets. She found a walker in the first room and bashed its head in.
Jay blinked. "Alright, Oklahoma. Do we have enough supplies or what? I mean, I guess we could stop a couple of times on our way there but..." She shrugged. "It would be kind of hard to find gas. Unless we could borrow some from you're truck?" She looked towards Darren. 
((Okay :D Have fun :3 ))
Jamie walked back into the living room and looked at Jay. "There's three cans in the trunk of the van. One is full, another still has a little ways to go. There's been abandoned cars on the highway..and..." She made a disgusted face. "I've been siphoning the gas from them.."
Jay slowly nodded. She knew that that could be slightly dangerous. No, not slightly. Really dangerous. But whatever could get us by... "Okay. Not a bad idea. I guess that would work..." She drifted off. "I think we have plenty of food if we ration it correctly, don't you think?" She tilted her head and looked at Jamie.
"I agree." Jay smiled back and jumped off of the chair. "So I guess we gather the rest of the food and head off?" She slowly walked towards the door, but didn't open it yet.

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