The Walking Dead RP

Jamie continued driving. She glanced in the review mirror, back at Darren, every once in a while. She reached a spot in the highway where there were a bunch of cars scattered around. She slowed down and slowly drove around them all.
"What are you drawing?" He asked. It looked like she had drawn just a face, but he noticed that she was adding different details.
"One of them," Sky said simply, still working.

Darren looked at a half destroyed mile marker and found where they were on the map. "We'll be on this stretch for awhile."
"Oh." Heinz shifted in his seat. "Not so lovely, then, I suppose." He sort of smiled and scratched the back of his head.

Jay looked out of the window and listened to Heinz's and Sky's exchange. She wished she could go back home and find all of her family back where they belong, safe and sound.
Jamie nodded and continued to drive around the cars. Once she was passed them, she sped back up. She noticed a few walkers on the other side of the highway. She watched in the mirror as they turned towards the car and started following. They were out of sight in moments and she looked back at the road.
"What are we going to do if we run into a hoard of munchers?" Jay asked. She wanted to prepare if that ever did happen.
Jamie stared ahead, thinking how to answer the question. She finally shook her head "I don't know..." She sighed and continued driving.
Jay nodded. "Maybe we should blend in. That's what I do," She motioned down at the blood on her shirt and arms. "If you smell and act like them, they don't really pay attention to you. As long as we don't shoot or anything then..." She thought, then finished off with, "Yup."

((Haha, I don't understand what Sky meant so I don't know how to reply :P ))
(Someone has to document what's happening in case on the off chance people survive.)

"Except I don't think the Biters know how to drive," Darren pointed out.
((Oh! Okay :D ))

Heinz nodded. "I guess so." He turned back to face the windshield and rested his chin on his knees.

Jay shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, but we can't really drive through them. If there's enough of course. I've seen them break through windows before." She hesitated for a moment then continued, "I guess we could 'play dead' and stop the car if we have enough time. I don't know if that would work, though."
Jamie stayed quiet a bit longer before talking. "They're slow. As long as we can find a way around them, we can just keep driving..hopefully.."
Sky frowned, silently going back to her drawing.

"If we saw them from a distance we could stop and try to send off a flare or something to get them to go away," Darren suggested.
Jamie nodded. "That might work, too." She smiled and bit and looked out different windows before finally looking back at the road. "I haven't seen many so far though.. But anything's possible."
"I guess we'll just have to keep our eyes open. I just want to make sure no one gets hurt," Jay said and leaned her head on the window. 
((I'm going to leave soon. I may or may not be here tomorrow))
Jay stayed silent for a while, then let out a few exasperated sighs. She shifted in her seat, wanting to be able to stretch her legs or something. "Oh my gosh, it's so boring," She moaned and banged her head on the window, then rubbed it. "Ow," she muttered.
"I want this stupidness to end," She muttered but sighed. "Yeah, I guess. I guess ADD is kicking in again," Jay muttered and unbuckled her seat belt.
Sky looked up as Jay climbed into the back seat, but didn't say anything. She made a mental note to check for books at the next stop. She was craving a novel.
Jay waved to the people in the back. "Whenever we make a stop we need to get like, I don't know, a book, or a game, or whatever. Books are good. Except I get car sick when I read them in the car. Which is an issue." She sat back in the chair and began to hum some songs. "I wish I had my iPod. But it died and then the electricity kind of died so yeah." She kept on rambling on and on, trying to entertain herself. She didn't really care if no one was listening, she just wanted to keep her brain distracted from thinking.
Darren smiled. "I've got something," he said. He pulled a large wooden box out. It was one of the things he had taken from his truck. He popped the top off, exposing the CD collection he had had for years.

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