The Walking Dead RP

Heinz threw the wrapper on the ground. It wasn't like we had to throw anything away anymore. He followed the two girls out of the door.

Jay jumped into the backseat of the car and moved a couple of the quilts so that they weren't in her way.
Jamie walked back out to the van and popped the trunk. She opened up the box that contained the canned food and stacked the cans of food into the box. When she was done, she closed the trunk and got into the van.

(I'm gonna wait for Kat to come back before typing anymore. I don't want her to get too far behind.)
Sky got into the van, a sack of t-shirts and jeans that she was sure would fit them, along with some flannels for the boys.

Darren thought for a minute. "I have two full gas cans in the trunk. We can either just take the van or we can drive both vehicles.

(Thanks for waiting for me. You guys are the best!)
(No problem ^.^) Jamie thought for a moment. "We could just take the van.. Siphon the rest of the gas out of your truck. There's a gas can that's 3/4 of the way full and another empty one in the trunk.. Taking one vehicle saves gas."
Darren nodded. "Let's take care of that real quick," he said, standing up. "I'll siphon the gas, you get the other two cans into the van."
Jamie nodded and got out the van. She was relieved that she wouldn't have to siphon it. She walked over to his truck and pulled the gas cans out. She carried them over to the van and put them into the trunk one at a time.
Darren grabbed both of the gas cans that weren't full yet. He had just filled his truck so there would be plenty of gas. He quickly started siphoning it.
Jamie left the trunk open so he could slide the other two gas cans in when he was done. She climbed back into the driver's seat and waited for him to finish.
"I've got food in the truck to," Darren said as he pushed the two gas cans in with the others. The one was now completely full with the other one a little over halfway.
Jamie got back out and walked back to the truck. "Sorry, forgot.." She gathered as much food as she could and carried it to the van, stacking it in the box in the trunk. She did that several times until all the food was out and packed into the van.
Jamie buckled up and started the van. She pulled out onto the road and started driving. "Got the map, Sky?"

(I'ma wait for Slendy before going on anymore)
((Sorry :P I'm at a friend's))

Heinz and Jay hopped into the car and they buckled their seat belts. "Ready?" Heinz asked.
Jamie continued driving down the road. While driving, she dodged as many walkers as she could, still hitting a few of them every once in a while. She followed the road signs, getting back onto the highway. Once on the highway, there weren't that many walkers anymore, so she didn't have to dodge them as often.
Jamie drove on for a few more hours. She glanced down at the gas gauge, noticing that she had only about a quarter of a tank left. She slowed down the car and pulled over. She looked up at the sky, seeing it was getting closer to being noon. She unbuckled, got out of the car, and popped the trunk. She took out one of the gas cans and carried it to the side of the van. She opened up the lid then unscrewed the cap, picking the gas can up and starting to fill the van with gas. Once she was done, she screwed the cap back on, closed the lid, put the gas can back in the trunk, and closed the trunk. She looked around for a moment then hopped back in the van, buckling up before starting it once more.
Jamie began driving again. After a while, she leaned over and took the map out of the compartment and held it up, waiting for anyone to take it and help her with directions.
Heinz leaned over and watched Sky draw in a sketchbook. "That is lovely," He commented as he watched her pencil brush the page.
Darren took the map from her carefully, looking to see where they were and where they need to be.

Sky looked up, a bit startled. "Oh," she said. "Thank you. She had been starting to draw a walker but she always started with the normal face. She built on from there, slowly decomposing their face.

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