The Walking Dead RP

"Everyone's fine." Jamie answered, smiling sweetly at her. She brought five more bowls from the cabinet and scooped some of the soup into each bowl. She took out spoons and put them in the bowls. She set one bowl on the table for herself. She grabbed two more bowls and took one to the living room, handing it to her father.

"Thanks.." Joe smiled a bit as he took the bowl of soup from her. He picked up the spoon and began scooping the soup into his mouth.

"No problem." Jamie walked up the stairs and to the bedroom. She set the bowl of soup on the table beside the bed and looked over to see if Darren was awake. She walked back down the stairs and to the kitchen. She grabbed the last two bowls. She walked around until she found Eliot and Patrick. She smiled at them. "There you two are." She laughed softly and pushed the two bowls of soup towards them. "Here. Hope you guys are hungry." She grinned and walked back to the kitchen. She sat down at the table and picked up her spoon. She started to eat her soup, glancing up at Sky as she did.
Darren stirred awake as she left the room. After a couple sleepless nights staying up with Sky, he was wiped.

Sky smiled, still slowly making her way to the bottom of the bowl.
Jamie looked down at her food as she continued to eat. After a moment, she set the spoon down and looked at Sky. She smiled a bit before picking the spoon back up and continuing to eat her soup.
Jamie finished her soup and got up. She picked up the bowl and carried it over to the sink. She washed, dried, and put the bowl away. When she had finished, she looked over at Sky. "Done with yours?" She asked, smiling at her a bit.
Sky nodded, getting up with her empty bowl in hand. "Yep," she smiled, walking over to the sink and helping her clean up.
Sky nodded eagerly. "I feel much better now," she said. "I still don't know how I got sick. All of a sudden I just woke up in the bed upstairs."
Jamie frowned a bit. "Yea.. I don't know either. It just suddenly happened." She hugged Sky gently and smiled. "Glad you're feeling better, though."
Jamie smiled and walked upstairs to her room. She looked around then grabbed a couple of photo albums before walking back downstairs. She handed the albums to Sky. "I was looking through these earlier.. Maybe you would want to as well? It gives you something to do." She laughed softly and smiled at her.

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