The Walking Dead RP

Elliot nodded in silent understanding, memorizing the words Joseph said. With years in the military, Elliot could tell by the man's facial expressions that he was telling the truth, but leaving a few facts out. Deciding to let it be and find out himself, Elliot grunted and left the room.

Patrick's mouth formed into an O. "I'm sorry to hear that." Patrick frowned softly at Joseph, noticing his brother leave. "I must excuse myself." With those words, Patrick hurried off and followed Elliot. "He smells like walker." Patrick muttered under his breath once he and Elliot were alone. Masking his serious voice with a cheerful smile, Patrick made it look like he was trying to cheer Elliot up.

"You smelled it to. That means..." Elliot massaged his temples, frowning heavily. "We need to investigate this more, try to find out if you can get anything out of him and I'll see if I can get anything from Jamie." With those words the two brothers nodded and went back into the house together, Elliot with an irritated scowl and Patrick with a bright and cheerful chuckle. If only these two brothers knew how deceiving they could be... Then again, their pasts made them like this...
Jamie stared at her father as Patrick and Elliot left the room. "I'm sorry about Lori.." She murmured to him.

Joe shook his head, frowning a bit. "It's just how life works." He told his daughter. "I'm sorry for making you think I was dead though... I know how much that must have upset you."

Jamie nodded at him. "I understand.." How could he? She thought to herself. She looked back up as Patrick and Elliot walked back in and smiled.
Elliot grabbed his crowbar and left the room without saying a hello. Exiting the house, Elliot began striking the crowbar into the walkers' heads, staining the gates even more so. Coughing slightly, Elliot hoped he didn't catch Sky's sickness, having one person ill is already a bunch of work.

Patrick watched as his little brother left without a word. "So," Patrick sensed the gloomy atmosphere in the room and tried to lift it. "What's your favourite colour?" Patrick grinned cheerfully, not letting the heavy aura bring him down. "They say that your favourite colour says a lot about you, so, yeah." Patrick laughed the sound echoing off the walls in of the living room.
Joe looked over at Patrick. "Blue.." He muttered before looking away.

Jamie smiled and giggled a bit. "Purple and teal!" She grinned up at Patrick. After a moment, she looked away and stared out the window. She watched as Elliot started killing off walkers. "Is he okay?" She looked at Patrick, biting her lip.
Patrick glanced over at Elliot in worry. "He's just been having a bad day. Partially my fault for teasing him about Olivia. She's probably dead though..." Patrick frowned in guilt of the act he did earlier this morning. "And I know Elliot, he tries to deal with his problems by himself instead of burdening other people with it." Patrick chuckled softly at the thought of his brother. "He may be 24, but he still has a lot more to grow." Patrick leaned back and changed the topic back to the colours. "I like orange. You know what's funny? Elliot likes the colour pink!" Patrick's laughter viomed through the house once again.
Jamie glanced at him but mostly stared out the window at Elliot while he talked. She turned back to him. She made a face. "I don't like orange.." She narrowed her eyes a bit. "That's rude." She slapped his arm gently. "It's not funny. He can like whatever color he wants." Her head turned and she stared back out the window, watching Elliot. She smiled a bit as she watched him. Her head rested on her hand as she stared out the window, not taking her eyes off of him.
Patrick chuckled at Jamie, staring out the window at Elliot. "He may seem complex, but he isn't, really." Patrick smiled softly as his brother turned around and began to walk back into the house. "Then again,"

"Yo." Elliot passed by the living room and entered the kitchen.

"I'm his brother." Patrick sat down in one of the chairs and let his eyes close for a moment before they snapped open in shock. "YOU DON'T LIKE ORANGE?!?"
Jamie's eyes followed Elliot as he walked through then into the kitchen. She blinked and turned back to Patrick, grinning. "Nope!" She laughed. She hugged her knees and stared at him sweetly, smiling. "I really don't." She giggled softly then hid her face for a moment before glancing back out at him.
Elliot popped in, munching on a snack that he shared with everyone. "I remember Beatrice had a very manly favourite colour." The two brothers turned to each other with a silly grin on their daces, well Elliot's was more of a smirk.

"Brown." Yes. There was an actual being in the world whose actual favourite colour was brown. The brothers began laughing at the memories as they began to have a silent conversation with each other, bursting out into laughter once in awhile.

"Can you believe that she doesn't like orange?" Patrick gestured to Jamie with his mouth wide open. "I mean, how could she not like such a wonderful colour!"

Elliot rolled his eyes and shut his brother's mouth. "Close that thing or else you'll start catching flies." Continuing to snack on the chips, the two brothers turned back to Jamie and her father, not knowing what to do or say. Then again, Elliot didn't really feel like having a proper conversation at the current moment.
Jamie stared at Patrick, smiling. "Shush! I don't like orange because red and yellow make orange and I don't like either of those colors! So, humph!" She scooted towards Elliot and reached into the bag of chips, pulling out a few then eating them. She smiled slightly and rested her head against his shoulder as she reached back into the bag, taking a few more and eating them. She glanced up at Elliot a couple of times, giggling softly then nuzzling his shoulder before resting her head back against it.
Patrick gasped at what Jamie did to Elliot. "Aren't you still in love with Olivia?" Patrick frowned at his little brother, trying to understand why he would leave Olivia for this other girl. Then again, there's a high chance that Olivia's dead.

Elliot furrowed his eyebrows together at her name. Olivia. He had known her for many years, they were always together until they had to separate because of the apocalypse."I will never stop loving her.." Elliot muttered, trying to distract himself from the sadness with food. He and Olivia were pretty much inseparable. Elliot recalled the many times he went into Olivia, and all the dates he went to with her. Olivia was Elliot's first, and it would take a lot for her not to become his only.
Jamie stopped eating the chips for a moment, looking between the two of them. She looked up at Elliot just as he was about to put a chip in his mouth. She quickly snatched it from his fingers and ate it. "That one was mine." She grinned at him, giggling softly. She reached into the bag and grabbed another chip, taking it out to eat it.
Snatching the chip away from Jamie's finger tips, Elliot smirked as he felt a satisfying crunch as he chewed the chip before swallowing. "And that one's mine." Elliot reaches his hand into the bags and took a handful of chips before stuffing them all into Patrick's mouth. "Now stop talking about Olivia."

Patrick rolled his eyes and chewed the chips before crossing his arms and raising his eyebrow at Elliot. "Olivia's a CAR, Elliot. A car." Patrick frowned at his brother, Elliot always did get attaches to his belongings. "There are many other cars in the world Elliot!"

Elliot curled up and had a very gloomy expression on his face. "But, Olivia was my first..." Elliot sighed, remembering all the memories he had with that gorgeous piece of machinery. When he had met Jamie, Olivia was almost at an empty tank. It hurt to leave her like that. She's probably dead, "The walkers must've gotten to my baby.."
Jamie whined and then giggled softly as he took the chip from her fingers she pouted and stared at him. She looked over at Patrick as he mentioned that Olivia was a car. She smiled, holing in her laugh, not wanting to upset Elliot more. She frowned slightly at Elliot and reached over to stroke his hair, feeding him a chip while she did. She pat his head gently and smiled at him. "It's okay.. Cheer up!" She smiled wider, stuffing another chip into his mouth as she giggled a bit.
((You hurt me so QAQ))

Elliot pouted and suddenly appeared in a dark corner, hugging his knees to his chest. "I'm sorry, Olivia." Elliot sighed and reminisced over all the memories he had with that beautiful piece of machinery... Elliot could remember the day he got her like it was only yesterday... A small smile appeared on Elliot's distant face as he continued to eat the potato chips in his little emo corner.

"Mein gott, Elliot.." Patrick shook his head, chuckling lightly. Deciding it was rude to stare, Patrick turned his gaze away from his little brother and through the window. "You did a very nice job of barricading your home, Mr. Joseph." Patrick flashed Joseph a charming smile, being a doctor is actually a very good way to improve your acting skills.
Joe had been zoned out, thinking about Lori. When Patrick spoke, he turned his head to him and smiled a bit. "Thanks.."

"You stole all the chips!" Jamie whined. She jumped off the couch and walked over to the corner that Elliot was sitting in. She knelt down beside him and started eating the chips again. She blinked and looked at Elliot, seeing he was about to put another chip in his mouth. She quickly snatched the chip from his fingers then the bag from his hands. Getting up, she threw the chip in her mouth and ran back over to the couch, sitting down and laughing. "Haha! They're all mine now!" She stuck his tongue out at him then crawled behind Patrick for protection.
Elliot pouted cutely as he continued to sulk in his little corner, remembering all the experiences he had with Olivia. Thinking about that gorgeous car made Elliot's thoughts wander off to someone else. Avery. This time she was a real human girl, not a car like Olivia. The thought of Avery made Elliot's gaze become distant. I wonder if she's still alive. Most likely, Avery was quite the fighter. Elliot chuckled at the thought of his childhood crush killing zombies. Avery the zombie hunter.

Patrick shook his head at his little brother. "Don't worry about him, he'll get over it soon." Patrick chuckled and leaned back in his seat. "So," Clearing his throat, Patrick tried to start up a conversation. "What did you work as before all...this happened?"
Jamie crawled out from behind Patrick before he could lean back. She hopped of the couch again and walked back over to Elliot, kneeling down. She took a chip out of the bag and offered it to him. She waited for him to reach for it then she yanked it back and threw it into her own mouth. She did this a few more times then finally set a chip in his hand, actually letting him have it. She smiled at him, reaching back into the bag to pull out another chip and eat it while staring at him.

Joe thought for a moment before answering Patrick again. "Construction worker." He answered. He turned his head to look out the window. Lori's probably getting hungry.. He thought.
Patrick nodded and brushed his brown hair with his hand. "I was a doctor, my brother here," Patrick gestured to the sulking man in the corner who was now growing mushrooms. "Was part of the military." Patrick beamed cheerfully as he glanced out the window. "It's a beautiful day today, isn't it? Nice and sunny."

"Perfect for walker killing." Elliot muttered, still thinking about Avery. Glancing up at Jamie, Elliot flashed her a hint of a smile before eating the chip and continuing his little mushroom garden.
Jamie set the bag of his chips in Elliot's lap and sat against the wall beside him. She sat there, eating chips quietly. She looked up at Patrick after a moment, swallowing a mouthful of chips before speaking. "I was in college studying to be a veterinarian." She smiled then reached back into the bag, taking out another handful of chips. She threw one at Elliot's face then turned away, acting like it wasn't her. She glanced at him after a moment and smiled innocently then eating some more chips.

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