The Walking Dead RP

Jamie started to zone out as she looked through the pictures. She thought about when she had found her dad in the closet, turned into a walker. He would've said in his note if he was killing himself because he had been bitten. No..He did that willingly... He wasn't bitten.. There's no way.. A few tears ran down her cheeks as she thought about this, but she ignored them. She blinked and looked around the room. She wiped her tears away then looked up at Patrick. "Excuse me for a moment.." She got up and handed him the photo album. She walked out of the room and looked at Elliot who was standing by the master bedroom door. She walked over to him, grabbed his arm and pulled him down the hall, into the bathroom with her. She shut the door and looked up at him. "We need to talk about something.."
Elliot stared down at Jamie with a tired expression. "And?" Elliot was feeling a little irritable and wasn't in the mood for some sort of time wasting activity. Leaning back on the bathroom door, Elliot tapped his foot impatiently, wanting to get out of this claustrophobic space.
Jamie jumped up on the counter and looked at him. She sighed softly. "My father wasn't bitten.. He would've said so in the note.." Her eyes shifted away, remembering she hadn't even told him of the note. "But...he still turned into a walker.." She looked up at his face once again, a tear falling down her cheek. She wiped it away and continued to stare at his face.
Elliot stared down at Jamie blankly. "You didn't know." Frowning, Elliot massaged his temples, not wanting to deal with something like this at the current moment. "It's airborne." With those words, Elliot left the bathroom, leaving Jamie alone to process what he said.

Silently approaching Patrick, Elliot sat down next to his older brother and flashed him a soft glare, too tired to even give him a proper one. Laying down on the bed, Elliot let out a frustrated sigh before closing his eyes.

"You need your rest, P." Patrick pet Elliot's head gently, glancing at his little brother once in awhile to make sure he was still asleep. Smiling softly, Patrick laid the album down on the night stand and left the room.
Jamie's eyes widened a bit. She sat on the counter for a while longer. When she heard Patrick walk down the hall, she jumped off the counter and walked to her room. She looked over at Elliot, making sure he was asleep, before walking to her closet and pulling out some clothes. She quickly changed into them then crawled into the bed. She pulled the covers up over her and closed her eyes tightly. She laid still, not able to sleep for a while.
(We need to think of a good plot that involves everyone.)

Blood bubbled from Sky's throat, her face red. She spits it into the bucket, finally able to breathe. Darren gt up, rubbing her back lightly. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'm fine," she choked out. "I think that's it."

Darren nodded. "I'll go get you some water. Elliot brought in some soup earlier. You should eat, rest."

"You too," Sky smiled.
Joe was sitting in hayloft of the barn, staring out at the house. He sighed. Lori, his girlfriend that was now a walker, was on the bottom part of the barn, locked in a stall. It was just getting dark. "I'll go see her in the morning." He decided. He laid down on the hay, his axe resting beside him. He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.
Patrick suppressed a yawn as he stepped up the stairs in a tired manner. Entering the room where his brother was sleeping, Patrick pushed Jamie out of the way and slipped in between the two young adults, wrapping his arms around Elliot and falling asleep.

"Oh, Olivia...I love you.." Elliot muttered, a soft expression on his face as Patrick wrapped his arms around his little brother and brought him into a hug.

He's still in love with Olivia, huh? Patrick chuckled as he pet Elliot's head and fell into deep sleep.
Jamie rolled over as Patrick crawled into the bed. She groaned softly and curled up. She slept peacefully throughout the rest of the night.

*Day 5*

Once again, when morning had arrive, Jamie continued to sleep in. The sun shone through the window, onto her face and she rolled over, pressing her face into Patrick's back.

Joe awoke at the first sign of sunlight. He looked out at the house and sighed. "Today's the day.." He climbed down from the hayloft and walked into one of the rooms of the barn. He found something to eat and sat down. Once he was done, he checked on Lori then left the barn.
Jaycee nodded in agreement. She had stayed silent.

Sky woke up. She was feeling better but there was still something in her throat. She looked at the empty bowls on her bedside table and got up. After retching in the bucket, she picked up the bowls and silently brought them downstairs.
"Well, I think it would be a good idea of being in a group. It might increase our chances of surviving." She looked at Jaycee who had been quiet the whole time. "What do you think?"
"We are going to stay the night up here," Rex began, "Then, first thing in the morning we will do a quick loot for supplies and head straight into the woods. I have a cabin there."
((Did they already say it? Lol I guess I forgot))

How are we gonna get to the woods? Got a car or something?" She thought the plan over in her head and thought it was a pretty good one.
Elliot's eyes fluttered open from a wonderful dream, a small smile was on his face as he looked up into. "What are you doing here?!" Elliot jumped up from the bed, breaking through the arms of Patrick.

"How was your dream about Olivia? Hmm?" Patrick teased his little brother about his dream. "I know you're still in love with her~" Patrick chuckled lightly as he got up from the bed and stretched nonchalantly, ignoring his brother's deadly glares.

Elliot stuttered, his mouth wide open. "H-How did you know?!" Elliot slowly backed away from his brother, grabbing the lamp from the night stand as a weapon. The man frowned at his older brother, feeling a little lot embarrassed about his dirty dream.

Patrick laughed filling the room with jolliness. "Oh, Elliot~ You're such a noob~" Patrick took the lamp from his brother's hands and placed it back down on the night stand, ignoring the looks he got from Elliot.



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