The Walking Dead RP

Patrick entered the gate as the girl let him in. "Thank you." Patrick extending a hand to the girl. "My name is Patrick Eno, I'm P, I mean, Elliot's older brother." Patrick flashed the girl a charming smile, slinging his gun back and waiting for her to shake his hand.
Jamie blinked and stared at his hand as he talked. Brother..? He said... She shook her head. Just don't worry about it. She looked up at him and smiled a bit. She shook his hand slowly. "I'm Jamie.." She spoke softly. She turned and led him into the house. As she walked inside the house, she left Patrick in the living room and searched through the rooms until she found Elliot. She stood in the doorway and looked at him for a moment before walking over to him.
Alaina noticed how tense Rex looked. "Would you relax. I don't kill people. That is unless I need to. And I doubt I need to hurt any of you"
Elliot's mind was racing. He didn't know what he should do with his older brother. We could always use him as walker bait. Elliot smirked at the idea. Sitting down in one of the chairs, Elliot frowned deeply. Why is he here? Elliot remembered that his brother was in a little cottage in Canada. Did he really travel all the way down here to look for him? Elliot sighed and massaged his temples.
Jaycee laughed softly, getting into her bag and taking out a pack of pretzels.

Sky was sipping on the juice slowly. Darren watched her slowly. She had to get better. She just had to.
"Fair enough" Alaina shrugged, but she didn't relax either, just in case he was going to attack her. She knew not to trust people so easily.
Jamie watched Elliot as he massaged his temples. She frowned slightly. "Are you okay..?" She asked. She slowly slid into his lap and looked at his face. She didn't really understand what was going on with him, so she could only think to ask if he was okay. She stared at him while she waited for his answer. Her head tilted a bit.
Rex was confused. Jaycee wasn't welcoming the girl, but she wasn't entirely shunning her either. He was beginning wonder how long he would have to stay beside Alaina, keeping his guard up. "What's the plan?" He asked, looking to Jaycee.
Elliot frowned as he felt Jamie sit on his lap. What is this girl thinking? Growling lowly, Elliot opened his eyes and stared at the girl. "It's fine." Elliot cleared his throat before petting the girl's head and leaving the room. Never show your weaknesses, right? Elliot walked passed Patrick, ignoring his brother completely.

"P?" Patrick grabbed a hold of his brother, feeling very concerned for his well being. "It's me, Patrick." Patrick frowned at his brother, furrowing his eyebrows together.

Glaring at the man, Elliot pulled away from him and walked back outside, checking the barricades. "Don't touch me." Elliot hissed at Patrick. If looks could kill, Patrick would be on the ground quivering in pain. Elliot was his brother after all, he couldn't kill his one and only family left willingly.
Jaycee looked up, munching on a pretzel. "We leave in the morning, doing one more quick raid before we leave town." She gestured towards the other girl. "If you trust her enough, she can come with. Otherwise she can take over the roof."
Rex looked to Alaina, questioningly. Could he trust her? (My phone autocorrected my trust typo to thrust... That would've been awkward lol)
Jamie sighed softly as he walked away. She got up and walked to her bed to grab the photo album that she had left open. She stared down at it and smiled softly. She closed it, keeping a finger in it to mark what page she was on. She carried the photo album downstairs, to the living room, and sat in the chair that she had been sitting in before Patrick arrived. She opened the album back up and rested it on her lap. She grabbed her bottle of water and unscrewed the cap then took a drink. Before looking through the photos once again, she set the water down back on the table and got in a comfortable position in the chair. 
((Could he thrust her? ;) ))
((Oh my ;)
"well if you guys don't thrust trust me ((sorry couldn't resist XP )) then I guess I'll just leave" She shrugs and makes her way toward the ladder.
Elliot glanced back into the house and groaned. "I guess I'll have to.." Trudging back into the household, Elliot leaned on the door frame as he got the attention of Jamie and Patrick. "Let's go out." Elliot stated with an expressionless face.

Patrick started to grin at his little brother. "Oh, P! I would love to go out with you!" Patrick gave Elliot a little wink. "But, we're brothers, after all! It's a forbidden love!" Patrick placed the back of his hand to his forehead, pretending to feel faint.

Elliot glared at his older brother, a frown etched onto his face. "You'll get wrinkles if you frown so much, P." Patrick chuckled at Elliot's facial expression.
Jamie glanced up from the photo album as Elliot walked in. She looked back down at it for a moment while Patrick answered Elliot. She laughed a bit and laid the open photo album on table beside the chair. She took another drink of water and then got up. She stretched and walked over to Elliot. "Where are we going? And are we taking a vehicle? I would suggest 'no' but.." She shrugged. "Depends on where we're going." She walked over to the door that led into the garage. She picked up her drawstring backpack and slung it over her shoulder. She picked up the bat then walked back over to Elliot, smiling up at him. "I'm ready!" She giggled.
Patrick chuckled lightly at his brother's reaction. Glancing around, Patrick asked Elliot, "Do you have any extra close combat weapons?" Gesturing at Elliot's crow bar, Patrick shaped the outline of a rod of some sort.

Elliot leaned his head against the door frame. "I think I have an axe in one of the bags. Go check." Elliot turned and went downstairs quickly, not wanting to be too close to his brother for too long.

Patrick nodded and quickly followed Elliot down the stairs, splitting off with his brother to go check Elliot's bags. Grabbing an axe, Patrick laid the blood coated trophy down on the counter as he jogged up to Elliot in the front gate.

"Was it you?" Patrick asked softly, looking out into the distance. Elliot glanced over to his brother and raised an eyebrow. "Was it you who took the necklace?" Elliot's harsh eyes softened for a moment as he lifted up the necklace from under his shirt and showed it to Patrick. "Good." The few words exchanged between the brothers caused them to create a silent alliance, in honour of their shared love. Beatrice.
Jamie started to follow Patrick and Elliot out the door. She stopped when Darren came down. "Hey.." She walked over to him and hugged him gently. "How is she?" She looked up at him waiting for his answer. Once he had answered her, she nodded slightly and hugged him again. "We're going out for a bit. We'll be back later, okay?" She smiled then turned and walked out the door. She walked up beside Elliot and glanced up at him as she started to unlatch the gate. "So you never told me where we're going or what we're doing exactly." She unlatched the gate and walked out it, looking around for walkers that may be too close. She let the both of them walk out behind her then she latched the gate back. She gripped her bat tightly and let Elliot walk ahead of her before following behind him but in front of Patrick.
"We're going out to," Elliot and Patrick said in sync, only to stop each other and just stare at the other. "We're-" Once again they spoke in sync.

Patrick sighed and smiled at girl, whose name is Jamie (which he learnt from Elliot). "We're going out to get food and," Patrick stopped talking and let Elliot take over, like they had practised finishing the other's sentence.

"Just to kill off some walkers." Elliot smirked as a dangerous glint appeared in his eye, making anyone around him flinch in fear. Except for Patrick, of course, the doctor had gotten used to Elliot's somewhat bipolar attitude.

The two brothers smirked at each other before turning back and continuing walking from the house. As much as the siblings didn't get along as they wished to, they both secretly thought the same thing:

I'm glad he's alive.

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