The Walking Dead RP

Alaina sighed with relief that they weren't walkers. But what was worse? People or walkers? She gripped her knife in case she needed it and looked both them in the eyes trying to see if they were a threat. "Relax. I was just resting. You know what it's like running all day from those things?"
Sky's condition had steadily grown worse. An hour ago she had fallen asleep and would not awake no matter how much Darren poked, shook, or yelled. He was beginning to grow even more worried and had even gone to the extreme of checking her body for bites, finding none. He didn't know whether to be happy of upset by this. At least if it had been a bite he would know what to do. He was at a complete loss now.

Sky turned over onto her side, the first movement since she had fallen asleep. Darren smiled excitedly, hoping she would wake up finally. Her eyes opened and she sat up, puking a mixture of blood and puke into the bucket Darren had dug up earlier. 
Jaycee frowned, walking past the girl. "Yeah, whatever," she grumbled, double checking to make sure none of her supplies were missing. She should have broken the ladder. There was a dumpster. She could just push it over when she needed up. She wouldn't need up anymore in the morning. At least that much was good. It got chilly on the roof. It was too high up. "What's your name?" she asked.
Jamie's eyes quickly opened and widened as Elliot jumped up and left the room. She sighed and brought her knees up to her chest, hugging them. She rested her head on her knees and closed her eyes and rocked back and forth slowly. Just stop asking him questions already.. She scolded herself. After a few minutes, she got up and walked upstairs to her room. She looked around it then walked over to her desk. Opening a bottom drawer, she took out a photo album and then brought it over to the bed. She laid down on her stomach and began to flip through the photos. She tried to smile at the memories, but a couple of tears fell from her eyes and ran down her cheeks. She took a deep breath and continued flipping through the photos slowly.
"That's why you don't run," Rex stated, still holding his gun at ready, "You fight. You fight and you don't trespass on other people's camps." This wasn't his camp, but he knew it was Jaycee's, and she obviously wasn't expecting the stranger.
Elliot stood behind the gate as he watched the rest of the walkers fall to the ground, staining the rest of their kind even more with blood. What am I doing behind bars? Elliot frowned as he swiped his finger across the barricade, covering the tip of his finger with blood. The man stared at his finger for a moment and then looked down at the dead zombies. Crouching down, Elliot began examining the walkers, trying to see what he could find out about their pasts. That one was going to get married. Elliot looked over to the walker that had an engagement ring on their ring finger. That one looks like a business man. Elliot's eyes scanned over the walker with a very nice looking suit, if it wasn't stained with blood.

Getting up, Elliot walked into the kitchen and washed his finger tip off. Knowing that no one else was in the room other than himself, Elliot laid down on the couch and covered his face with his hands. I wonder if Patrick is still alive...? Even if Elliot did despise every part of his brother, he still had that small part of him that still loved Patrick. Sighing in frustration, Elliot let his eyes shut close as he took a quick nap. I should start preparing to hibernate. Elliot joked in his mind, causing the small hint of a smile to appear on his lips.
Jamie flipped through a few more pages of photos then stopped and looked up at the doorway. I wonder how Sky is doing.. She got up, leaving the photo album open, and walked out into the hall. She walked down the hall to the master bedroom and looked in at Sky and Darren. "How's she doing..?" She asked. She slowly stepped into the room and sat in a chair that was in the corner of the room. She looked up at Darren as she waited for an answer.
"Not too good," Darren frowned. She was awake but wasn't responding to anything. She hadn't even turned her head when Jamie walked in. She was staring at the wall.

Darren got up. "You mind staying with her for a minute? I'm going to go clean this bucket."
((Wait. What happened to the Buckley's? Buckley's always works! lol can I create another charrie?))
"If you fight all the time it increases the chances of you getting killed, doesn't it. That's why you avoid those things." She turned to the girl. "My name is Alaina. And I'm sorry I 'trespassed' your camp. Didn't think the owners were still alive."
((Of course you can't. Just kidding. You can))

Jamie frowned a bit, looking at Sky. "Of course..." She rested elbow on the arm of her chair. She then laid her head in her open hand as she watched Sky. She sighed softly and closed her eyes for a moment.
(Buckley's is crap! xD What's Buckley's?)

Sky sat up finally, pulling her knees to her chest. "Where are we?" she whispered, still looking at the wall. "I thought we were in the van." Her voice was small and meek, each word a struggle. 
Jaycee shrugged. "Well, I am still alive because I'm not weak and I don't run. It's much easier to shove a knife through a skull than run five miles until you've lost them."
Jamie's eyes opened as Sky spoke. She got up and walked to the bed, kneeling beside it. Shaking her head, she answered her. "No, Sky.. We made it to Oklahoma. We're at my house..." She tried to smile at her, but it was hard to smile with the condition that Sky was in. She glanced down at the floor then looked back up at Sky.
"Did you find your dad?" Sky asked after a moment. It took her a second to understand what she had said. Oklahoma. It had been seven hours since she actually remembered doing something.
((Wait. You don't know what Buckley's is? You lucky human...Buckley's is torture for your taste buds...))
Jamie shut her eyes tightly as she asked the question. She didn't know whether to tell her the truth or lie about it. She didn't really want to worry Sky in any way. She opened her eyes and looked up at her. "Y-yea.. He's fine.." She forced a smile and held back the tears. She stood up and walked back to the chair in the corner of the room. She sat down in it and stared at the wall.
"That's good," Sky smiled, looking over at her. "Where's Darren. Is he still here?"

Darren was still downstairs. He had dumped the bucket outside and was cleaning it out as best as he could.
Jamie glanced at her. "Yes.. He'll be back in a few minutes." She smiled at her then turned her head a different way so she could let the smile fade. She sighed silently and shut her eyes. Her head rested in her hand once again.
(You guys actually don't know what buckleys is? :0 )

It seemed like Jaycee was perfectly fine doing all the talking, so Rex remained silent. Silently watching, silently guarding. Like a protective statue.
Sky nodded. "Okay," she whispered, looking back down. She could tell something was off, but what was it?

Darre came back up a few minutes later, smiling widely when he saw Sky was up.
As Darren came back into the room, Jamie opened her eyes and looked up at him. She got up and walked out of the room without another word. She walked downstairs and got out a bottle of water. She sat in a chair in the living room and started drinking it. She looked at the couch, noticing Elliot was asleep. She set the bottle of water down on the side table and stood up. She grabbed the folded blanket off the back of the couch and covered him with it. She smiled a bit and sat back in the chair, picking up her bottle of water again.
((I know right? To be honest, I'm kind of addicted to the taste of Buckley's lol I enjoy it for some reason xD ))


Elliot's eyes snapped open. He's alive. Glancing out the window, Elliot narrowed his eyes onto the entrance, like he was waiting for his brother to pop in and kill all the walkers that came over to the gate. Staring down at the blanket, Elliot sighed and decided it wasn't a good idea to be worrying about someone if there's a 50 50 chance that they may or may not be alive.

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