The Walking Dead RP

((Somehow meet up with Jaycee and Rex. They are on a roof of some building in Atlanta..))

Jamie sat on the couch and stared at the floor. She sighed softly and closed her eyes.
Walking into the master bedroom, Elliot opened up the closet to be bombarded with the stench of death. Holding his breath, Elliot took the dead body in his arms and wrapped a pillow case around the head to stop the blood from leaking down into the ground. Creating a mental note to remember to clean up the mess in the closet, Elliot stepped down the stairs. Before passing by the kitchen, Elliot warned Jamie, "Close your eyes." Elliot swiftly walked passed and opened the door to the backyard. Opening up the chicken coop, Elliot laid the jody down for a moment and cleared a space off.

After doing so, Elliot gave a silent prayer before placing the corpse inside and closing the chicken coop. Locking it tightly, Elliot pulled out the paint he had found in the garage and wrote on the door to the chicken coop. "RIP". Elliot didn't know Jamie's father's name, but he'll manage to pry it out of her mouth subconsciously.
Jamie nodded, murmuring softly. "They are..." Once he walked outside, she laid down on the couch and opened her eyes. She stared at the wall, tears filling her eyes. She whined softly as they started to run down her cheeks. She covered her face with her hands, starting to sob once again. She rolled over after a moment and buried her face into the cushions of the couch.
Alaina sat on a roof, drinking the last of her water. She sighed. Looks like I need to find more... She thought to herself as she shook the empty bottle. Suddenly she heard something on the ladder. Oh man don't tell me walkers use ladders now. She rolled her eyes and sighed again as she stood up walking closer to the ladder, gripping her knife and ready to get rid of the walkers. As she peered over to see what was coming up, she saw a older looking man and a young girl with black hair climbing up. Should I kick them off?
Elliot walked back in where Jamie was and sat down next to her, bringing her into a comforting hug. When did I get so soft? Elliot didn't know, but he continued patting the girl's back in effort to calm her tears. Elliot had also cried recently, the man wished he could do the same thing for Beatrice's body, but that would be unrealistic. It wasn't a good idea to have hope for something that would most likely not happen.

Patting Jamie's back, Elliot stared back into a pair of emotionless eyes. Both of them knew that the other was there, but didn't approach. For this was a battle of the mind.
Jamie immediately wrapped her arms around Elliot as he pulled her up. She buried her face into his chest and cried for a while longer. Even when she stopped sobbing, she kept her face pressed to his chest. Finally, she looked up at him and wiped her tears away. She sniffed slightly, staring into his eyes. After a moment, without thinking, she leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. As soon as she did, she pulled away and pressed her face into his chest once again. "Sorry..." She mumbled against him. She hugged him a bit tighter, not looking up again.
Elliot felt a little shocked when Jamie had kissed him. It wasn't the best time for romance, but if it comforted the girl, why not. Elliot just pet Jamie's head and gently kissed her forehead. "It's alright," Elliot hugged the girl tighter and ignored the set of eyes that were staring right at him. After a few moments, Elliot's own eyes snapped up to look into the hungry orbs that his itself in the shadows. Elliot seemed to dare it to come out, to expose itself to the world. Do it.

Glancing back down at Jamie, Elliot pet her head once more before leaning back on the couch. Girls are such emotional creatures. Elliot's lips twitched a little at his little mental comment. I wonder if I would've broken down like this if I was a female. Elliot pondered about it for a moment, but then he easily pushed it away.

Maybe I'm just a cold hearted bastard.
Jamie slightly nodded and her body shook. She finally started to calm down as he continued to comfort her by petting her head. She smiled a bit after a few moments and laid down on him once he laid back. Her head rested on his chest. She closed her eyes and yawned. "When are we going to go out and clear the walkers away from the wall..?" She asked, murmuring the question softly to him.
Elliot glanced over to the walkers. "As soon as possible." Elliot brushed his hair out of his face as he contemplated the current situation. "We could do it now if you'd like," Getting up off the couch, Elliot stared at Jamie, waiting for her answer. Even if she doesn't come with him, the former SWAT team member would still go ahead and kill them off, it would just take a little bit longer than of would if they had two people doing it.

Taking his crowbar, Elliot quickly felt for his gun on the side of his belt. Good. It's still there. Hopefully Elliot wouldn't have to use it, even if he did have a silencer on it. It would just be a waste of bullets and it's pretty difficult to find ammo nowadays.
Jamie sat up and stretched. "Yea, I'll go with." She got off the couch and grabbed her bat. She looked at him then walked out the door. She walked down the driveway, towards the gate. She looked around as she did, making sure there weren't any walkers inside the wall. Once at the gate, bashed the baseball bat into the heads of a few walkers. She continued doing this with Elliot by her side. She glanced at him a few times while she cleared the walkers at the wall. When they had finished, she stepped back and looked along the wall. She saw a couple of more a bit down away from the gate. She walked along the wall until she reached them. She swung her bat, hitting one in the side of the head and watching it dropped dead. Before she could turn to do the same to the second walker, it had grabbed her arm and started pulling her. She held in a scream as she yanked away from it, falling back on the ground. She sat, breathing hard, with her eyes closed tightly.
Elliot calmly shot the walker in the head, not even thinking while he did it. "What a waste of a perfectly good bullet.." Elliot frowned as he whispered to himself. Walking up to Jamie, Elliot held out a hand to help the girl up. "Are you alright?" Elliot frowned as he saw a small group of walkers approach the wall, attracted by the noise of the gun shot. "Tch. I knew it." Slipping his gun back into the holster, Elliot gripped his crow bar and stabbed it into the walker's head, causing them to give out a deathly moan before falling to the ground. "I hope their blood doesn't contaminate the soil." Elliot finished up the last few walkers and turned to look down at Jamie. Bending down, Elliot reached out for the girl with a small smile on his lips. "Are you alright?" Elliot was a little annoyed at Jamie, her screams had attracted more walkers, and if she wasn't prepared to be grabbed by the undead, why was she out here in the first place? Well, she was probably caught off guard. Many people would be. After all this place was much too safe, it pretty much screamed RAID ME!! Being in such a safe place isn't a very good idea, it'll just make you soft and unfit when we have to get moving again. Besides, walkers don't have a sense of time. They could just continue waiting and waiting for is to come out of the hole. As Mich as Elliot enjoyed being safe, he felt like a mouse trapped in IR's hole. The cat was just patiently waiting for us to run out before it pounces and eats us alive.
((Aww, she didn't even scream. Goshhhhh D= ))

Jamie sat quietly and didn't open her eyes as he had held out his hand and asked her if she was alright for the first time. She listened to him kill the group of walkers that had approached the wall, shaking a bit. By the second time he came over to her, she had opened her eyes and she looked up into his. She nodded slightly and leaned forward to hug him tightly. "I'm okay.." she murmured to him. She hugged him for a few more moments and then slowly stood up. She looked around then bent down to pick her bat back up. She sighed and then turned to him. "Sorry.." She muttered. She turned away and checked the wall once more before walking back to the house and inside. She took her bat to the sink and began washing it off, making a disgusted face as she did.
((Oops! Sorry! I didn't read it properly! Just ignore that part and say that the walkers came because of the gunshot lol))


Elliot watched as Jamie headed back inside the house. Turning back to the barricade, Elliot frowned. It was a little rusty, good thing we put up the reinforcement. Staring at the dead walkers for a moment, Elliot wonder d what Lind of people they were when they were still alive. Oh, it looks like this woman was pregnant. I wonder what happened to the baby. Considering her stomach is rippednopen, the fetus was most likely devoured.

Walking into the house, Elliot sat down and stared at his blood covered crow bar. If he washed it it would become rusty and breakweasily. Imagine fighting off a walker only to find that your melee weapon breaks. I hope whoever that person is is a fast runner. Elliot chuckld darkly and he stared off into the distance, zoning out for a moment. During that rather peaceful moment, Elliot's mind was completely blank, void of absolutely no thoguths whatsoever.
Jamie finished washing off the bat and she completely dried it with paper towels, throwing them in the garbage bin afterwards. She set the bat down and walked over to the couch. She laid down on it and rested her head in his lap, staring up at him. She smiled softly then closed her eyes. She began humming quietly. After a few more minutes, she stopped humming and opened her eyes. "So.. you were in the military before all of this?" She asked him. She didn't know exactly what to talk about with him, so she decided to talk about their lives before the apocalypse started.
Elliot glanced down at the girl, snapping out of his mindless faze. "Yes." Elliot saw there was no threat in telling her more. "I was training to become part of the SWAT team, but I have participated in a war one time, but that was only once." Elliot leaned back in the chair and let his eyes close shut, recalling all the memories he had in the military. Then there was that welcome party when the general hired strippers to come in. Elliot smirked at the memory.

Opening his eyes, Elliot stared down at Jamie. "How about you? What happened before all this started?" Elliot continued Jamie's conversation, knowing that she probably wouldn't like to hear all his war stories and experiences in the army.
Jamie nodded slowly as he spoke. She yawned and closed her eyes. Once he spoke, her eyes opened again. She shrugged and laughed. "Just lived here... Was going to college. Nothing exciting." She smiled up at him. "What about when you were growing up..? I grew up in this house.. mother died of lung cancer when I was eight. She was from Chicago, so after she died, my father and I moved up there for a few months to be with her side of the family. Even before my mother died, my father taught me to hunt and fish and ride horses." She smirked and giggled softly. "We were always really close."
Elliot smiled softly as he listened to the stories Jamie told about her family. Elliot began to think about his own family. They were all probably dead. El didn't know about his older brother, but he knew that his sister and parents were dead. Elliot frowned at the thought of his brother. I wonder if he's still alive..most likely. Elliot's brother was a tough man, to him, he doesn't survive the zombie apocalypse, the zombie apocalypse survives him. Elliot chuckled at the thought, and quickly turned his attention back to Jamie. "I'm sorry to hear about your mother." Elliot pat Jamie's head, feeling very soft hearted at the moment.
"Thanks.." Jamie slowly sat up and slid into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her forehead against the side of his head. She giggled softly and kissed his cheek. "Soooo what about your childhood?" She prompted, poking the side of his face with her nose. She giggled again and stared at his face as she waited for him to answer.
Erik woke up, dreaming a little about his past. He got off off of his bed and rubbed his right eye with his right palm. He wasn't able to sleep well again today, like any other past days. Erik rubbed his neck, it was aching, he now has a stiff neck and it's going to be a pain in the ass to be having one right now. He then walked over to the table where his equipments are.

Over the seat's edge, his plain white t-shirt was hanging.He took it and put it on as he puts on his belt with the holster for the m1911. He then took the bag from under the table and swung it behind him. He took the m21 rifle and also swung it on his right shoulder. He was now ready, being in the woods gave him a new experience as a city boy. But it doesn't mean he can't adapt to his surroundings. Erik walked out of his cabin and looked around to see a reinforced fenced all over with long stakes on it.

A walker was stabbed by on of the fence's defense system. It can't move until either it is moved or it got out of the stake. There was only one who got skewered by the defense system that he himself made by carving woods. He walked over to the walker, Took out his hatchet which he used in gathering firewood and swung down the edge on the walker's head. There was a soft cracking sound of the skull and a splitting head.

" I guess that's what they call a 'Splitting Headache' " Erik humored himself as he withdrew the axe and walked away from his cabin. He was off to get some supplies so that he may survive another night.
"Hey!" Jaycee shouted as she got on the roof. "What are you doing on my camp?" She looked around. The worn tent was still there, along with the bag of food behind the broken furnace. She glared at the girl.
Rex stood with his weapon ready, just in case the girl was trouble. He didn't want to act too soon, though, she might not mean harm.
((Lol splitting headache))


Elliot glanced over at Jamie and sighed, running a hand through his hair. " childhood...?" Elliot frowned as he pondered upon his childhood. "I had a pretty okay childhood, I guess." Elliot shrugged and leaned back. "Nothing interesting really happened." Closing his eyes, Elliot smirked. "I guess you could've called my family 'rich'." Elliot chuckled lightly as he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. "But, yeah. Not much really happened." Elliot didn't see his childhood that interesting. Nothing really happened to Elliot, no parents getting sick, no extreme poverty, just a normal childhood that most kids had.
"I see..." Jamie giggled and bit his cheek gently, tugging on his skin. She let go after a moment and smiled widely at him. She nuzzled his cheek and then rested her head back against his. She yawned and closed her eyes. "Did you have any other siblings besides your sister?"
Elliot paled at the question. "Nope." Pushing Jamie off, Elliot hurried off somewhere else. He didn't want to even think about his brother. Stop typing about him! No. Elliot walked into the bathroom and locked himself in there. "Think happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts." Elliot took deep breaths to calm himself down. Looks like that's not working. Getting out of the wash room, Elliot grabbed his crowbar and exited the house.

Walking up to the gate, El began puncturing the walkers' heads, getting his irritation out in physical movement. "Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts." Elliot hissed out between his teeth. The mere thought of his older brother made the man want to kill someone, or something.

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