The Walking Dead RP

Jamie blinked and dropped her hand from his face. She watched him as he stood up and walked away. "Um, yea. Sure." She got up and ran upstairs to grab her bat. She came back down and walked ahead of him. She opened the door and stepped outside, looking around. She walked around to the back of the house and opened a shed full of wood, sheets of metal, and other supplies.
(I have no idea what kind of interesting thing would happen while barricading stuff sooo...TIME SKIP :D ))


Elliot leaned back and admired the newly barricaded walls. "We did pretty good." Looking back at the house, Elliot glanced over to Jamie. "Do you think Sky and Darren are awake yet?" Walking back into the house, Elliot entered the kitchen and turned on the stove. "Pretty smart, applying solar panels." Grabbing a can of soup, Elliot turned the heat up to high and poured the soup into a pan, heating it up evenly.
Jamie stared at the walls and shrugged. "I'm not sure. They might be..." She followed Elliot inside and into the kitchen. She sat up on the counter and watched him cook the soup. She swung her feet a bit. "There's a garden in back, too.. If we plan to stay, we could grow food when it starts to warm up again. Then we could save all our other food for winter." She looked up at him and smiled.
Elliot nodded as he turned the stove off the placed the bowl to the side and took out a few smaller bowls. Pouring the soup into each of the four bowls, Elliot placed them on the table and checked the one on the stove for any more extra. Smirking, Elliot felt pleased with himself to see that it was pretty much wiped clean.

Grabbing four spoons, Elliot took the two bowls and walked upstairs. Placing the bowls on the night stand in the master bedroom, El entered the kitchen and began to eat his own food. "Garden, huh?" Elliot chuckled at the time when he fell asleep while gardening and woke up to find that he was buried neck deep into the soil. El shuddered at the memory.
Jamie took the bowl of soup and a spoon and sat down at the table. She looked up at him as he walked back into the kitchen. She smiled. "Thank you.." She began to eat the soup slowly. As she ate, she glanced up at him every few minutes. When she finished, she got up and washed the bowl and spoon, putting it aside to dry.
Elliot nodded as he savoured the hot soup in his mouth, letting the flavour be absorbed by his taste buds. The warm aroma of the soup could be smelled all around the house, even the walkers were probably getting hungry. Elliot put a spoonful of the soup into his mouth, leaving it there for a moment before slowly swallowing it. The soup was a combination of canned meat and vegetables. Elliot thought it was tomato soup, mixed in with pork, potatoes, carrots, and sweet peas. It was the best meal he had had in months...! And the man was loving every moment of it.

As he finished up, Elliot made sure there was practically nothing left in the bowl before getting up and washing it, careful not to leave any residue. The smell of the soup was still in his head as the former SWAT team member as he wiped the bowl with a towel before putting it back where he got it.


((I'm hungry now))
Darren woke Sky up carefully when Elliot came in with the soup. He nodded thanks and ate his quickly. He helped Sky eat her bowl carefully.

Sky struggled to eat the soup but managed to get half of the bowl down.

(Their twins actually! xD )
((Is it pretty easy to tell they're related?? Cuz besides that, I don't think Jamie was ever informed on them being siblings either.))

Jamie walked over to Elliot and gently hugged him. She lifted her head up to look at his face. "What do we do now? I was thinking that..maybe we should organize through all the stuff we have. Take inventory maybe? Then put it away in their rightful places?" She smiled up at him a bit.

Darren came down with the two bowls, one still half full. He put them in the sink, dumping the left over soup in the trash.


Elliot pondered for a moment then pet Jamie's head. "Take inventory, yes. But, keep them in their bags." Elliot frowned at the possible future. "Never know when we have to leave this place." Elliot glared outside at the walkers, they were just waiting for us to come out. "We can't get too comfortable."

Elliot watched, horrified, as Darren dumped half a bowl of soup into the trash. "That was perfectly good food..." Elliot shook his head, feeling very disappointed. "That could've fed a child in Africa." Then again, they were probably flesh eating zombies.
Jamie nodded. "Alright. I'll get a notebook.." She let go of him and walked upstairs. She grabbed the notebook on her desk and a pen. She walked back downstairs and set the notebook down on the table. "Should we start on food since it's already in here..?" She pointed to the box of food on the floor.
Elliot chuckled lightly and nodded. "Alright, alright." Turning back to Jamie, Elliot bent down and picked the box up, placing it on the island. "Okay. We really don't have much left..." Elliot stared at the very little food left. "We'll go out for a food run tomorrow morning, I guess." Sorting through the foods, Elliot would call out the food and how much there was while Jamie would write it down.
Jamie shrugged. "There's quite a bit actually... but.. nothing that would last us through the winter or anything." She nodded at his suggestion and wrote down in the notebook as he called out the food. Once they had went through the whole box, she walked out to the van and brought in the crate of snacks from the snack machine she had found in the auto shop a few days before. She set it on the island and picked the notebook back up.
"So many things to do, so little time." Elliot sighed as he ran a hand through his hair and continued sorting the items out and calling them. "We should start that garden after the winter is coming! has gone by.." Glancing out to the back, Elliot spotted what he thought looked like a little garden patch.
Jamie continued writing down in the notebook. "Agreed.." She looked up, out the window. She noticed the chicken coop that was beside the shed. "What do you think the chances of there being any chickens left in there are?" She asked, looking over at him.
Elliot pondered about it for a moment. "Dead skinny ones, probably. Unless they went cannibal and ate each other." Elliot glanced over to the chicken coop and smirked. "If they're still alive we can get the eggs..." Or use them as bait for the walkers. Elliot chuckled darkly, thinking of many ways he could use the chicken and it's corpse. What can I say? Elliot can be very....Frugal.
"That's what I was thinking... But we'd have to go check. I don't know what my--..." she paused and took a breath. "I don't know what he had going on here. There's a pretty good wall around the place.." She stopped and looked around the kitchen. "We didn't check the cabinets..." She stepped away and walked over to the cabinets, opening them. She found a good portion of canned foods, but still not enough that would last them. She sighed and set them on the island then wrote down in the notebook. "Still not that much..." She rested her head on her hand and looked at him. "Maybe in the cellar..." She shrugged and closed her eyes.
"The roof," Jaycee smiled, leading the way to an alley. hung from the top.

Darren smiled. "Need any help?" he asked the two. "Sky's gonna be out for awhile and she can't have any more meds for a few more hours. I could finish bringing stuff in from the van.

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