The Walking Dead RP

Shocked at the sudden contact, Elliot stared down at the girl in pity. Looks like he's dead... Wrapping his arms around Jamie, Elliot pet her hair, trying to comfort her. I wonder what I would've done if I had found out that Beatrice was dead... Elliot pushed the negative thoughts away and focused in on the sobbing girl in front of him.

Deciding it wasn't a good idea to ask what happened, Elliot hugged the girl tightly, not really knowing what he was doing, but still went along with it. Looking around warily, Elliot continued petting Jamie's head, whispering soft nothings into her ear to calm her down.

Please don't be a walker, please don't be a walker. Elliot chanted to himself as he glanced up the stairs and into one of the rooms. I'll wait for her to calm down first. El sighed, releasing a breath he didn't even know he was holding, as he continued to hug Jamie.
Jamie kept her face pressed against his chest. She sobbed for a few more minutes. She looked up at him, tears still running down her cheeks. She took a deep breath then grabbed his hand, turning towards the stairs. She walked up them slowly, pulling him along. She took another deep breath as they reached the master bedroom. "I can't do it myself.." She whispered, turning to him. She pulled him into the bedroom, shining the flashlight at the closet door. She sighed and turned away. "I'll be in the garage.." She walked out of the room and down the stairs. She went back into the garage and sat in the front seat of the van.
Elliot stared at the walker in disappointment. "She really loved you, you know?" Raising his gun, Elliot wanted to give this walker and quick and easy death. Taking off the safety, El sighed and pulled the trigger. The shot could be heard all throughout the house. I need to get a silencer. Elliot frowned at the now dead walker, and walked out of the closet. Not glancing at the dead man even once, Elliot slowly shut the door and walked down the stairs.

Meeting up with Jamie in the van, Elliot opened one of the bags and pulled out one of the few silencers he had left and placed it on his gun. Glancing up and Jamie, Elliot carefully stepped over the bags and pet her head. "He's in a better place now." Elliot sat down in his seat and silently mourned for Jamie's father along with her.

I just hope Beatrice doesn't end up like him.
Jamie stared down at the steering wheel, silently. She flinched when she heard the gunshot. When Elliot came back, she slowly looked up at him. She leaned over and tightly hugged him, resting her head against his chest. After a few moments, she sat up straight again. "We should get inside.. I refuse to sleep in this vehicle again." She stepped out of the van and looked at him. "Do you think there's anything specific we need to take inside..?"
Elliot paused to ponder for a moment. "Food." Food was a necessity anywhere, any time. Food could run out at any moment, and without it, they would be dead. "But, I guess we can leave the rest in here..."

It's not like walkers know how to drive. Humans however...

Glancing over at Sky and Darren, Elliot jumped out of the van and nudged his head to them. "What do we do with them?" Elliot glanced at the barriers. "I suggest we stay here until Sky gets better." Although Elliot really wanted to go find his little sister, he knew he had to be patient, rushing into things we just get them all killed.
Jamie nodded and walked to the back of the van. She looked at the garage door then walked over to it, locking it. She walked back to the van and opened the trunk. She took out the box of food and carried it into the kitchen, setting it on the floor. She walked back out to the van and looked in the back at Sky and Darren. "I agree.. We need to stay here at least until Sky is better.." She shut the trunk of the van and looked at Elliot. "There's only two bedrooms.." She bit her lip. "Sky and Darren could take the master bedroom... You could have my bed, I guess.."
Elliot snorted at the girl's proposition. "You take your own bed, I'm used to sleeping standing up," Jamie obviously didn't want to share a bed, it was either mine or yours it seems. "A couch would be wonderful to me." El wandered around the kitchen with a hint of a smile on his face. "You have a very nice home." Elliot sat down in one of the chairs as he kept an eye on the gate through the window.

Deciding it would be best to tell Jamie about his sister later, Elliot decided to engaged in a polite chit chat to get their minds off what had just happened. "What's your favourite colour?" The former SWAT team member had no idea what he was talking about, but still went along with it.
Jamie shook her head. "I wont allow you to sleep on the couch." She smiled a bit at him. "We could.." she bit her lip. "We could share my bed." She suggested. She followed him around, sitting down in a chair next to him. "Thanks.." She murmured as he complimented the home.

She blinked and looked up at him as he asked about her favorite color. She stayed silent for a moment then decided to answer the question. "Um... Purple and Teal..."
Elliot nodded at the suggestion. "Sure. Mine's," Elliot flashed Jamie a little smile. "Okay, don't laugh. It's pink. My little sister once made me pink PJs, and that's when I started liking the colour." Elliot chuckled at all the memories he and his sister had. Leaning back in the chair, El ran his hand through his hair, letting out an exhausted sigh.

Maybe...I'll go out tomorrow morning. Agreeing in his head, Elliot decided that he would look for his sister in the morning, when the sun comes up. Please be safe. Elliot seemed to pray to the heavens that his little sister would be okay.
Jamie smiled a bit. "Pink? Huh. It's rare for guys to like pink.." She giggled softly then leaned back in her chair. She stared at him then yawned. She rested her head against the chair and closed her eyes after a moment. If he talked any more after that, she didn't really hear it. She was drifting to sleep. Her body had relaxed and her breathing was slow, her arms resting on her lap.
It's been a long day for everyone. Elliot picked Jamie up and carried her up to her room and placed her on the bed. Staring down at the girl, Elliot brushed her hair out of her face and tucked her into bed. El could recall many times he had done this with his sister, and with that thought, Elliot left the room and glided down the stairs to the van.

"Hello there." Elliot popped his head into the van. "We're sleeping here tonight." Gesturing for Darren and Sky to follow him into the master bedroom, hoping that the smell of the dead walker would be trapped inside the closet. Wouldn't that be nice? Falling asleep to a rotten smell. El snorted lightly at his sarcastic thought and left the two teenagers in the bedroom.

Let's hope they control their teenage hormones. Don't want to get anybody pregnant.

Elliot silently slipped in the bed where Jamie was and closed his eyes, letting his breaths slow down and even up as he fell willingly into the clutches of sleep.
(*cough* They're siblings *cough* Guess that was never mentioned though. Ha)

Jamie groaned a bit as she was tucked into bed. She laid still, sleeping peacefully until she felt the bed shift as Elliot crawled in next to her. She rolled over and pressed against him as she slept. After that, she didn't move throughout the rest of the night.
((Lol but Elliot doesn't know that [PLEASE DON'T KILL ME AlleyKat666 ]))


Elliot felt something press against him. His eyes snapped open as the former SWAT team member grabbed his gun and pointed it at whatever it was' head. Oh, it's just Jamie. Elliot set the gun back down and fell back to sleep, wrapping his arms around the girl.


((When's AlleyKat666 getting on? Or should we go ahead and time skip?))
(I don't knowwww :()

Jamie made a soft noise as she felt Elliot's arms wrap around her.

*Day 4*

Even as the sun rose and shone through the window, Jamie stayed asleep. The day before had exhausted her. After a while, though, she woke up. She made a face, not wanting to get up out of the bed. She kept her eyes closed and pressed closer to Elliot
((I keep watching your I'm waiting for it to roll up completely...))


Elliot had awoken the moment the sun appeared in the horizon. Habit, I guess. Not wanting to get up, El hadn't had this good of a sleep in years. This is a really nice bed. Elliot chuckled lightly as he laid his head back down on the pillow. Letting out a sleepy yawn, El felt Jamie come closer to him. Hugging her, Elliot carefully climbed out of the bed, not wanting to disturb the woman.

Time to get going. Glancing at a notebook, Elliot ripped out a piece of paper and wrote down a note for the group.

I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back around the afternoon (hopefully)

-Elliot P

Elliot laughed lightly at his little joke. Growing up, El's nickname was P, because El Em Eno P. Leaving the note on the night stand, Elliot grabbed his gun and crowbar and glided down the stairs. Opening up one of his own granola bars, Elliot left the house, slipping out of the gate silently.

Please be alive.

((Lol, nice))

Jamie murmured softly as he got up out of bed. "Elliot...?" She didn't bother opening her eyes. She listened to him move around the room and then walk out. Where's he going..? She wondered. Though she worried about what Elliot was doing, she was still too tired to get up. She stayed in the bed and laid quietly. After a few minutes, she curled up and drifted back to sleep.
Elliot dashed across the road, keeping an eye out for any walkers. It seems that most of them were around the house. Elliot put his back to a wall and peered behind the corner. Walkers. A whole horde of them to. Elliot quickly opened one of the doors to see more of those damned things.

This is going to take awhile.

*this time skip was brought to you by the Governor*

Elliot walked up to a house, it had a few walkers surrounding it but that wasn't a problem, most of them were crippled. It looks like the house Beatrice took a picture of. Elliot checked his phone once more and walked up to the front porch.

Knocking on the door, Elliot called out for his little sister. "Beatrice! It's me! Elliot!" After waiting for a few seconds, Elliot tried to open the door. And it opened easily...Shouldn't it be locked? As the door creaked open, El came face to face with a walker.

Grabbing his crowbar, Elliot slammed it into the walker's head, hearing a satisfying crack as the thing fell to the floor, dead. Entering the house, Elliot panicked as he killed the few walkers that were inside, desperately trying to find his sister.

"Beatrice? Beatrice! Where are you?" Elliot had scavenged the whole house for his sister, destroying the brains of the walkers while he was at it. Stepping over the dead bodies, Elliot exited the house and sat down on the front porch.

Looking down at the ground, Elliot sighed in frustration. Is this even the right house? Checking his phone once more, Elliot had given up hope. You had to be an utter idiot not to know this was the correct house. Walking down the steps, Elliot gripped his crowbar and began killing off the zombies on the yard, staining the grass red.

Oh, look. It's Christmas. Elliot thought sarcastically as he came to the last walker. Staring it in the eye, Elliot raised his crowbar only to let it drop to the ground.

"Beatrice?" Elliot got down on his knees and stared at the limbless walker. It seemed like the arm and legs had been eaten off by the others. Holding the walker's face in his hands, Elliot felt tears stream down his face. "...Beatrice...." All the walker could do was make weak little sounds, kind of like it was pleading him to end it's miserable life.

Getting back up, Elliot gulped and grabbed his crowbar. Raising it over his head, Elliot smashed the walker's head, tears fall to the ground. Staring at the dead body, Elliot reached down and removed the bloody necklace that he had given Beatrice for her birthday last year. Her 6th birthday. Holding the necklace tightly in his hands, El left the body and headed back to the house.

*this time skip was brought to you by Glenn*

Elliot slipped in through the gate with no problem. The moment he was safe inside the barriers, the former SWAT team member walked into the kitchen and began washing the blood off the necklace, his eyes a little swollen from crying.
((Why the Governor??? No one likes him!!!! :mad:))

Jamie woke up again after a while. She opened her eyes and looked around, noticing that Elliot still wasn't in the bed. She saw a note laying on the side table. She groaned. It's only the second note and I'm tired of finding them already... She picked up the note and read it. She jumped out of bed and searched the house. "Elliot?" She checked all the rooms then sighed, deciding to lay on the couch and wait for him to return. ended up falling asleep but woke up when she heard him come inside. She yawned and sat up, stretching and opening her eyes. She looked over, seeing him standing in the kitchen. She got up and cautiously walked over to him. "Elliot...?" She spoke softly. She stopped a few feet behind him, watching him.
Elliot hummed softly, acknowledging Jamie's presence. "Yes?" Elliot lifted up the gold necklace out of the sink and wiped it off with one of the paper towels. "May I help you?" Elliot turned around to look at Jamie as he dried off the necklace in his hands. "How was your sleep?" Elliot flashed Jamie a small smile as he wiped the counter with the used paper towel and then threw it away in the garbage bin.

Leaning on his elbows, Elliot examined the necklace. It's not broken. Elliot hid a sad smile as he twirled the necklace around in his fingers. Glancing up at Jamie, Elliot raised an eyebrow at the girl. Looking back down at the necklace, Elliot easily put it around his neck and locked it. It was always much too big for Beatrice.. Elliot chuckled lightly as he was surrounded by memories of the past.
Jamie watched him as he turned around to face her. She looked up at his face. "I slept great.." She smiled a bit. She looked down at the necklace in his hands. "Where did you go..?" She asked softly. She watched as he put the necklace around his neck. She waited for him to answer as she went into the box of food and pulled out a granola bar. She sat down at the table and started eating it, looking up at him as she did.
"I went out to look for my sister," Elliot admired the necklace with a soft smile. "I found her." Tucking the necklace under his shirt, Elliot stretched his arms and went over to sit by Jamie. "I'm happy that I know she's safe now." Elliot closed his eyes and pictured his little sister playing around in a field of flowers. "One day I'll join her, but not today." Leaning back in the chair, Elliot opened his eyes and stared at Jamie. Getting off the chair, Elliot walked over and took out a map. "Where are we heading after Sky gets better? The Buckley's should do her good." Placing the map on the table, Elliot crouched down and pointed to a spot in Oklahoma. "We're here right now."
Jamie shrugged. She looked down at the map and spoke softly. "I never really thought that far ahead. I thought we could settle down here. There's really no reason to move on to anywhere else at the moment, is there? We could just stay here for as we possibly can. I hate to admit it, but eventually we'll either be run out by walkers or we won't have enough food. But...right now.. I think we should just settle down for a while, even after Sky is better. Maybe every other day or so we can go out and look for supplies..?" She leaned back and rested her head against Elliot's stomach as he stood over her. She stared up at his face. "It'll be winter soon, anyways. We don't need to be running around without a permanent place to stay."
"Hn." Elliot leaned back in the chair. "...Winter...." Furrowing his eyebrows together, Elliot ran a hand through his somewhat blood covered hair. "We need to stock up on food." Winter meant one, there would be less walkers, two, there would be less food.

Glancing out the window, Elliot's eyes narrowed in on a small group of walkers pounded on the gate. "We also need to take care of those things, if that continues they're going to knock it down." Elliot leaned over and assumed the thinking position. "Later in the afternoon, would you like to go walker hunting with me?" Elliot smirked at Jamie, gesturing over to the walkers by the gate. "They're setting themselves up anyway."
Jamie nodded. "We Do need to stock up on food..." She looked out the window with him at the walkers, nodding again. "Yea... I'll go out with you later to take care of them.." She giggled a bit and leaned forward, resting her arms on the table. "With Sky sick, it'll be just me and you going out to look for supplies... Sky needs someone with her at all times, and Darren probably wouldn't leave her side anyways." She turned her head to stare at Elliot's face again. She began to zone out as she stared at him. Without thinking, she lifted her hand up slowly to stroke his cheek and she smiled a bit.
Elliot felt a little awkward when Jamie felt his cheek, but let her continue. Feeling a little smile appear on his face, Elliot shook it off and stood up. "I'm going to go reinforce the barricades." Walking out of the room, Elliot glanced back at Jamie. "Do you want to help?" Elliot put his hands in the back pockets of his pants, waiting for Jamie to respond.

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