The Walking Dead RP

"Okay.." Jamie answered him softly before he had fallen asleep. She sighed and continued to stare ahead at the interstate. This is going to take so long...

* * * * *

About two and a half hours later, Jamie checked the fuel gauge. Damn it... She thought, seeing that they were almost out of fuel. She pulled to the side of the road and checked for walkers before shutting the vehicle off. She didn't really want to get out of the van in the dark alone. She hesitated a moment before reaching over to touch Elliot's arm while leaning over to speak softly into his ear. "Elliot...?"

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Darren jerked awake. He had fallen asleep again. He looked over at Sky who still hadn't waken up.

Sky's face was pale white except for the her bright red cheeks and lips.
Elliot's eyes snapped open as he grabbed whoever was touching his arms and brought the person's face to his own. Realizing it was just Jamie, Elliot let go of her and apologized. "Sorry about that. Reflexes."

Getting up, Elliot stretched his body a little, thinking That was the best sleep I have ever gotten ever since this crazy thing started. Glancing around, Elliot could see that it was dark. After a few seconds, El's eyes quickly got used to the darkness as he carefully climbed over a few bags and opened one that had a pink bear key chain on it's zipper. Taking out a two faint flash lights, the man quickly check it they were working by turning them on and pointing them to the ground.

Tossing one to Jamie, Elliot carefully stepped over the bags and sat back down in his seat. "What happened? Run out of fuel?" Elliot glanced at the gauge and frowned when he saw that there was only one bar left.
Darren got a bottle of water out of the trunk and propped Sky's head up on his knee. He parted her lips and forced a small bit of water between her bloodied lips, massaging her throat until she swallowed.
Jamie's eyes widened for a moment. "It's okay..." She took the flashlight from him and smiled a bit. "Thank you.." She looked up at him and nodded when he asked about fuel. "There's, um, three cans of gas in the trunk, but..." She paused and looked away. "I just didn't want to get out in the dark alone.."
Elliot nodded, grabbing his crowbar in his other hand. "Keep the flash light on low, we don't want to be attracting any walkers, now." Opening the door, Elliot kept his flash light on low and whispered to Jamie. "I'll stand guard, you go get the cans and fill the van up, okay?" The man glanced around, looking for any figures. They had just recently stopped, and there weren't any walkers when they were on the road, but you never know when those damned things could pop out.

Stepping out of the van, El extended a hand out to Jamie and helped her out, still watching for any of the un-dead. His dark eyes narrowed as Elliot quickly glanced around the corner. Clear. Elliot gestured for Jamie to get the cans quickly. "Hurry." Elliot mouthed to the girl as he kept watch for any of those rotting and vile creatures.
((Can someone tell me what happened to Sky? I'm curious. :D ))


Elliot glanced around warily, keeping on hand on Jamie's arm just in case he needed to pull or shove her away from any danger. Clutching the crowbar tightly, El glared at nothing in particular, he was just waiting for a walker to pop out.
Jamie turned the flashlight on low and took his hand, climbing out of the van. She looked down at their hands and blushed a bit, quickly letting go. She walked to the back of the van and opened the trunk. She grabbed a gas can out and pulled it to the side of the van. She took the cap off and started to fill it with gas.

Once it was filled, she put the cap back on and put the gas can back in the trunk. She hopped back into the driver's seat, turning off the flashlight and setting it down, and waited for Elliot to get back in.
Jumping into the van, Elliot took one last glance around and shut the door, locking it tightly before setting back into his seat. "We're off to see the wizard, the magical wizard of Oz." El sang blankly, not even trying to reach those high notes. Elliot still had a feeling something terrible was going to happen, but, he hoped it was just one of those feelings.

Leaning onto the window, Elliot's eyes scanned the area as it passed by. Please just be a feeling. Elliot silently pleaded, not wanting something bad to happen. But, Elliot's gut was always right.
Jamie glared at Elliot "It's the wonderful wizard of oz.." She giggled then looked forward. She started the van and put it in gear. She pulled out onto the road and pushed down on the pedal so they would speed up pretty fast. She glanced in the rearview mirror, back at Darren and Sky. "Is she okay..?" She asked Darren. She frowned a bit then looked back towards the road.
Elliot glanced back at the girl and frowned. "Her name's Sky, right?" Elliot pointed at one of the bags he had. "There should be some Buckley's in there, I think." Elliot shuddered at the word. Buckley's. It tasted terrible, but, it always worked. "Before the last person of my group died, we raided a little pharmacy and took everything that we could." Elliot leaned back and continued looking back outside the window. "I hope she gets better." To Elliot, it wasn't that he was actually worried about the girl, he had just met her for Barbie's sake! No. He was worried about the big picture. A sick person would be a burden to the team, and the chances of her getting everyone killed is doubled. Elliot just didn't want to die.
Jamie frowned more and continued to drive on. She glanced up at the sky, seeing it was about the middle of the night. She sighed and stared at the road again, just wanting to get home.

* * * * *

After a few more hours, they were finally almost there. "About another ten minutes.." She said to anyone that was still awake. She looked around at the town that she had grown up in. She sighed, frowning a bit at how it looked now. When they had made it to her house, she noticed a small wall built around her house. Dad was busy.. She thought to herself. She smiled a bit at the though. It made her think that maybe he was actually alive inside. She pulled the van up to the gate and looked around for walkers, but didn't see any. She turned to Elliot. "Will you open the gate... please..?" She asked him.

((Jaycee and Rex are in Atlanta. They're going to be going to his cabin as soon as it's morning. Darren, Sky, Jamie, and Elliot are in Oklahoma. You could join Jaycee and Rex probably.. Just meet up with them in Atlanta sometime. I'll check where the last posts of them are and tell you.)) 
((Page 33))
Elliot nodded and smirked at Jamie. "I feel like a Glenn." Chuckling lowly at one of his inside jokes, Elliot grabbed a flash light and quickly checked around the area for walkers.

There are a few over on the left. They haven't really noticed us...yet.

Elliot frowned and glanced around before swiftly stepping out of the van and running towards the gate, keeping his eyes open for any of the un-dead. Reaching the gate, Elliot pushed it open, creating a loud creeky sound that was bound to attract walkers.

El's eyes widened as he saw the walkers look over to him and snarl. There weren't much of them, but who knows if there's more around. Elliot rushed back into the van and held the door shut as he watched the walkers slowly get up and stumbled towards the van.

"Go!" Elliot felt like he was in the heat of war, even worse in fact. Because in war, you're usually just shot dead. In a zombie apocalypse, however, you're slowly torn apart by monstrous flesh eating..things.
Jamie waited as he opened the gate. She looked around as the gate creaked, biting her lip. As soon as he had jumped back in the van, she quickly drove through the gate and stopped. She grabbed her bat and hopped out of the van herself, going to latch the gate back. She bashed the bat into a walkers head that had gotten too close while she was shutting it. She turned and ran back to the van, hopping back into the driver's seat. She started driving up the driveway, towards her house. Let him be alive... As they reached the garage, she got out and opened it. She pulled the van in then shut the vehicle off, getting out once again to shut the garage door. The headlights stayed on for a couple of minutes, but once they went off, she turned the flashlight on. She sat in the driver's seat and looked around at everyone. "Darren... you just, need to stay here with Sky while I go in." She turned her head to Elliot. "Will you come in and stand at the door so I can call for you if I need any assistance..?"
Elliot got up and grabbed his crowbar and Glock17. Locking and loading, Elliot flashed Jamie a winning smile. "Ready when you are, marine." Getting up from his seat, Elliot quickly stretched his body, not liking how he had been sitting for the past few hours.

Slowly opening the door, Elliot stepped out of the van and turned to Jamie. "You sure you don't want me to come in with you?" El frowned at the thought of a walker being in there. Jamie's screams of terror if she found one would attract more of those things and then cause the gate to be break through. Ultimately causing everyone to die. Call Elliot paranoid, but his paranoia has kept him away from many dangerous situations, in both war and apocalypse.
Jamie grabbed her bat and got out. She took Elliot's hand and led him over to the door that led from the garage to the kitchen, shaking her head. She found the key on top of the door and unlocked it, slowly opening it. She had her flashlight on low as looked inside. She turned back to Elliot. "Just wait here.." She smiled at him slightly before stepping inside her house. As she looked around, it looked the same as she had last saw it. She walked through the kitchen, looking around for any walkers, just in case. She gripped her bat tightly in her right hand as she made her way into the living room. Where is he..? He's gotta be here.. She walked slowly up the stairs, cautiously checking all the rooms as she passed, looking for her dad, and any walkers that may have made their way into the house.
Elliot sighed and shook his head, but stayed where he was. Keeping an eye out for anything suspicious looking, Elliot's trained ears kept track of Jamie's footsteps, making sure he knew where she was just in case of a walker, or human, attack. Yes, human attack. The apocalypse has come and not everyone has managed to keep their sanity or humanity. Everywhere people are doing horrid things, be it sacrificing others to keep themselves alive to actually keeping walkers with them and feeding them the flesh of other people. The world has gone insane.

Elliot's eyes caught a glimpse of a small teddy bear in the window. That's when El remembered why he was here in the first place. He was here to find his little sister. The former SWAT team member knew she was alive, for he had gotten a text message from her saying to go to Oklahoma and she'll meet him there. But, where in Oklahoma was she...?
Jamie slowly made her way into her own room. She looked around it then checked the closet, shaking her head. She walked into the master bedroom. She checked the whole room then walked into the master bathroom. There was still no sign of any walkers or her father. She sighed, shining the flashlight around the room once more. The caught the sight of something on the door to the walk-in closet. She walked over and took the note from the door. She read the note, her hands starting to shake.

'Jamie, If you ever read this, I just want you to know how sorry I am. I waited and waited for you to come home. I was going insane, worrying about you. I couldn't handle being alone in this hell of a world anymore. I'm so sorry, Jamie. I love you. I always will. ~Dad'

Jamie slowly slid the note into her pocket, trying not to cry. She slowly opened the door to the closet and held the flashlight up. There was her father, hanging in the closet, transformed into a walker. The walker started to growl and move around as the light shone on him. She quickly shut the door and dropped her bat. Her hand immediately moved to cover her mouth. She turned and ran out of the room and down the stairs, running straight to Elliot. She was shaking as she ran into him and hugged him tightly. As soon as she pressed her face into his chest, she started sobbing.

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