The Walking Dead RP

Jamie unbuckled and climbed up into the front seat. She started the car again and buckled up again. She yawned once more then put the car in gear and started driving down the road again. She looked at the gas gauge. Half a tank she thought. Not that bad at this rate.. She pushed on the pedal, speeding the car up more. She always looked ahead while she drove, not wanting to hit any cars that may be in the way, or worse, any walkers. She kept thinking back to earlier about the horde that was coming towards them. That's why she didn't want to stop the car for a while to even sleep now. It would've been terrible if we would've been filling the car with gas when we saw that horde. She shook the thought out of her head. She glanced up at the sky. It was getting closer to sunset. She hated driving in the dark even before the outbreak, but it was worse now because she knew there was a higher possibility of her actually hitting something now than there was before.
Jamie continued driving, still watching in front of her for as far as she could see the road. After a few minutes, she turned the radio back on so that the CD would play, and she turned it down so it wouldn't bother anyone who was or was trying to sleep.
Elliot was driving through the road, passing by a few walkers while at it. His messy raven hair was being blown around by the wind because his windows were rolled down.

"Where the hell am I?" El muttered, furrowing his eyes together. Deciding to pull over, El got out of the car and stood on top of it, trying to see where he was.

Clutching his gun, El squinted into the horizon, knowing that he was in an abandoned part of the country, there were very little walkers, and if there were, they posed absolutely no threat to the previous SWAT team member.
Jamie stared ahead of her as she drove. I wish this drive could just be over.. She thought to herself as she sighed. In the distance, she noticed a figure. A walker? She asked herself. As she drove a bit closer she shook her head. She saw that there was someone standing on top of their car. She slowed down the van as she neared the other vehicle. She shut the car off and looked out the windshield at the man. She started to grab her bat but then left it instead. I don't want to seem like a threat.. She slowly got out of the car and looked at the man. "Need any help..?" She asked cautiously. "I'm Jamie.." She carefully stepped over to the vehicle, watching him.
Elliot looked down to see a girl with long brown hair. How can she manage having long hair in the apocalypse? You'd think the walkers would've grabbed it by then. El shrugged and stared down at the girl, who said her name is Jamie, warily. I hope she hasn't been bitten.

Resting on his haunches, El raised an eyebrow at "Jamie", ready to reach for his crowbar at any sight that this girl was infected. "Yes, I do."

Elliot's dark eyes scanned her body, looking for any wounds. She's clear. Feeling a little bit more safer, Elliot decided it wouldn't hurt to tell the girl his name. "El." Elliot gave Jamie a quick salute and then went back to looking for any sign to tell him where he was. "Do you know where we are right now?" Elliot frowned, although she may not be bitten, she could still be dangerous. But, I don't want to waste my bullets on her. Elliot stared down at the girl, waiting for an answer.
Jamie ran a hand through her hair and looked around. "Um.." She frowned a bit, looking back up at him. "Not exactly..." She walked back to the van and climbed inside. She grabbed the map and reached in the backseat for her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. She walked back over to his car and opened the map. "Somewhere on this road, probably along somewhere in here.." she said, pointing at the map then holding it out to him. She dug around in her bag for a moment then pulled out a bottle of water and a granola bar. "Are...are you hungry?" She asked him, holding the snack and water out for him to take if he wanted it. She smiled softly at him. "We're... on our way to Oklahoma.." she spoke softly, but loud enough for him to hear her.
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Elliot stared at the granola bar and water as if it was an iPod in the 1600s. "You'll run out of food if you offer food to every person you pass by." Elliot pushed the food away and quickly glanced at the map. "Keep your food."

Jumping off the car, Elliot groaned when he noticed he was completely off track. "I was going backwards the whole time?" Frowning, Elliot took the map from the girl's hands and sighed. Running a hand through his dark black hair, Elliot admitted to Jamie. "I'm going to Oklahoma, to." El still didn't trust the girl enough to tell her the reason why he was going there.

Quickly weighing the possibilities in his mind, Elliot saw that it was better to travel in a small group than by himself. "Would you mind if I tag along with you?" It was all for survival, after all.
Sky stirred slightly as she stopped. Her cheeks were bright red, the rest of her face paler than ever. She lifted her head, looking out the window.
Elliot's eyes quickly glanced over to the girl in the window as he blurted out. "How many people do you have?" Elliot suddenly had flash backs to his comrades, each of them dying in their own different way. Shuddering, El pushed the terrible memories aside and focused on the scenery around him, or more of, what's in the scenery around him.

El waited for Jamie to answer while keeping watch for any walkers.
Jamie blinked and held onto the food. She watched him as he studied the map. Once he admitted that he was also going to Oklahoma too, her eyes widened a bit. She thought about asking why but then decided not to. It's not really any of your business.. she told herself in her mind. She shook her head, stuttering a bit as she answered his question. "I-I don't mind.. As long as you don't mind being around a couple of sixteen year olds." She laughed softly then looked back down at the food in her hand. "Take it.." She insisted, holding it out to him again. "We have plenty." She smiled again. "You can, um, sit in the passenger seat. There's room in the back of the van for anything you have with you." She looked up at the sky again. "We should probably hurry.. It's getting dark." She mentioned. 
"Um.." She glanced back at the van again. "Two other people," she replied.
Elliot nodded and opened his trunk to reveal a whole bunch of weapons and first aid kits. There wasn't much food though. "Could you help transfer the stuff? That way we can get on the road faster." Elliot swiftly began throwing the bags into the van, he recalled a time where he had to do an exercise like this in the army.

Good thing I found these people, I was almost out of gas. Elliot tossed a the small bag of food he had left to Jamie. "You can have it, I guess." El then closed the trunk and opened the car, where there was more resources, but still, very little food.
Jamie pulled bags out of the trunk and carried them to the van. She opened the trunk and slid the bags in with all of their supplies. She took out the little food that he had and put it in their big box of food in the trunk of the van. She walked back over to his car and helped him clean out the rest of it, taking any supplies and putting it into the van. Once they had finished, she looked up at him. "Let's go.." She walked to the back of the van and closed the door then she hopped into the front seat. She waited for him to get in before starting the vehicle and driving off. She glanced in the backseat at Darren and Sky. "This is El, guys..." She looked at El. "That's Darren and Sky." She smiled, looking back towards the road. "Is El short for anything?" She asked him curiously.
Darren got out of the car and helped move the supplies over to the van silently. He eyed the first aid supplies, hoping he wouldn't have to use them for what he thought he would.
Elliot stared at Jamie for a second and then nodded. "Short for Elliot." Elliot and the group of survivors quickly emptied out the car. Looking off into the horizon, El turned to Jamie. "We should get going." Glancing back at the car, Elliot paused for a moment.

Walking up to his vehicle, Elliot gave it a big hug and kiss. "I'll miss you, baby." The man's heart was hurting, obviously not wanting to leave his precious car. With one last pat, Elliot reluctantly entered the van, staring longingly at his precious car as they drove away.
Darren smiled as he shut the trunk and hopped back into the back seat.

Sky managed a small wave, curling up tighter in her blanket.
"Nice name.." Jamie stared ahead at the road as she drove. "I, uh, used to live in Oklahoma.. I'm hoping my dad's still there. He was always an 'end of the world' freak. I thought, maybe, he's got something good going for him. I just hope he's alive still" She stopped and shook her head 'He doesn't want to hear your sob story..' She scolded herself. "So.. How old are you?" She asked as she glanced over at him again.
Elliot stared at Jamie blankly. "I'm....twenty-four...I think." Elliot frowned for a moment as he leaned back in his seat and watched as the scenery passed by. "How about you? I don't think a 16 year old could drive. Even if they could, they'd still be an L." Elliot's eyes quickly dashed over to Jamie and then back to the window. The man wondered if the reason he was going to Oklahoma was still alive...Nah, they can't be dead. El's trained eyes kept watch as the scenery outside of the van passed by.
Jamie laughed. "They're sixteen." She said, pointing back at Darren and Sky. "I'm twenty-one." She smiled. "I, um... I was in Atlanta visiting friends when everything started. I was staying in a hotel, though, so I don't know what happened to my friends." She frowned a bit. "What..about you? If you don't mind me asking all these questions that is." She laughed nervously.
"Dead." Elliot leaned back in the chair with a cold expression on his face. "I was in the military when the walkers attacked," Elliot brushed his raven locks out of his face and glanced over at Jamie. "A few of my comrades and I escaped, everyone else, well, I haven't seen them." El frowned at a sad thought. "Each of them died in their own way, I guess. I'm the only one left." Elliot wasn't that upset about it, he had already gotten over his friend's deaths, the former SWAT team member just hoped that the person he was looking for in Oklahoma wasn't dead.
(So driving from GA to OK takes about 14-15 hours... Last time Jamie asked Sky how much longer, she said 6 hours... So we're gonna go with that... I never handed Elliot a map of Georgia... lol. I'll actually go back and edit that just because...)

Jamie nodded slowly as she listened to him. She didn't know what else to say afterwards, so she just reached over and pushed the CD button on the radio. The CD started playing quietly in the background again. She sighed softly, staring out the windshield. "We have about five or five and a half more hours of driving, I think.." She looked for any signs that may have not been destroyed.

(And do you care if I do a time skip on my next post????)
((Nope not at all. Not like we're going to have an epic fighting scene while we're on the road or anything))


Elliot stared outside the window, it had been a long day for him. Too much driving, that's for sure. The former SWAT team member felt himself yawn, and stretched his limbs. Letting his eyes close, Elliot told Jamie that if anything happens, don't hesitate to wake him up. It'll take some time to get to Oklahoma, anyway. With those thoughts, El fell into the clutches of sleep willingly.

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