The Walking Dead RP

Jamie stared out the windows then looked in the front seat at Sky. "You can slow down a bit... They aren't that fast." She laughed a bit.
Jamie smiled and shook her head. She dug through her bag and pulled out a granola bar and a bottle of water. "Are you hungry or thirsty?" she asked, handing the snack and water out to her.
Jamie nodded. "No problem," she responded, smiling at him. She leaned back and looked around the car. "How long do you think it will be?" She asked Sky.
"To Oklahoma?" Sky asked. "Around six more hours. Maybe a bit more if we come to a road jam. I might get off the highway soon."
Jamie groaned. "Too longggggg" She laid across the backseat, laying across Darren's lap. She sighed then looked up at him. "Sorry..." she said, sitting up.
Jamie smiled and took a pillow and blanket from him. "I'm just gonna..yea.." She laid back across his lap and put the pillow under her head, laying the blanket over herself.
(Sounds fun to me.)

Jaycee filled her bag with heavy cans of fruit, vegetables, and questionable meat. 
("Dang it," Alley frowned, realizing she had slipped, talking in first instead of third person point of view. She knew she would have to be better about that.)
Rex began filling his bag as well. He coughed nervously, "I have this really nice place in the woods," he stated, "Safe... And cozy. If you wanted to come back with me, you can." It was unusual for him to be so kind, but there was something about this girl. She reminded him of her daughter.
Jamie awoke as the car slowed down. She stretched and looked around. "Where are we?" she asked, yawning. She looked at Darren as she sat up then turned her head to Sky. "Want me to drive? I don't think we should just park here and sleep.. Anything could happen.."

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