The Walking Dead RP

(Haha... We can just make it up then xD )

Rex walked down the street towards the place he was going to collect supplies with Jaycee.
(I think that's close enough.)

Jaycee held her small crossbow tightly in her hands as she approached the door. She looked through the window, checking for walkers.
Rex just walked in not worried. There weren't any, that he could see. "So," he began, "What kind of stuff can you find here?"
"If we end up sticking together... I think I'm more qualified to drive," Rex stated. Suddenly, a walker appeared out if nowhere, shuffling towards the two.
"Probably," Jaycee nodded. She quickly jerked her crossbow up, letting the loaded arrow fly through it's thin and rotted skull.
(I gots some ideas if we ever like get to rping again and actually make it to Oklahoma...)

Jamie sighed and looked out the window. Her eyes widened a bit when she noticed about a dozen walkers. She noticed that they were walking towards their car. "Uhm, guys? We have a bit of a problem." She looked at them, pointing out the window at the walkers. A horde was approaching them. If they reached the car, there was no way they'd get away alive. The walkers had already seen them, they knew they were there. As the walkers got closer, she noticed that there were more than a dozen. She gulped and quickly leaned forward into the front seat. She started the car then sat back. Probably around two dozen, actually. "There's way too many of them! We can't let them get close, Sky! You need to drive now!"
Sky frowned, standing up. "That's not good," she said. "Do you think we can take them?"

Darren looked out the window, eyes wide.
"No, I don't! That's why I'm saying you need to drive Now! There's about two dozen of them Sky! Come on!" Jamie yelled, panicking.
Jamie slammed back into her seat. "Mmph" she looked out the window, the walkers reaching the road just as they took off. She relaxed and sighed contently. "Phew..."

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