The Walking Dead RP

Darren frowned as Jamie left. He glanced at Sky and sat on the edge of the bed. "You feeling any better?"

"I don't know," Sky asked. "Am I sick?"

Darren nodded slowly.

"Oh," Sky frowned. "That explains a lot."
Jamie's eyes had closed as she continued to sip on the bottle of water. She hadn't notice Elliot wake up and she sat quietly in the chair. She tried to lay sideways in the chair and rest her head on the arm of it. She sighed and held the bottle of water close to her chest. She would take sips of the water every once in a while. A few tears silently ran out of her eyes and down her cheeks. She squeezed the top of water bottle, the plastic making a crackling noise.
Alaina took a step closer to the girl. "Are you calling me weak?" She glared into her eyes. She didn't want to fight, but if this girl started it she wouldn't mind.
((Lol I'm Canadian, eh!))

Patrick trudged around the town, looking for any sign of an actually living human being. Finally, the doctor came to a highly protected house that obviously screamed SURVIVORS HERE!! Smiling happily, Patrick stabbed a few walkers with a volleyball trophy he had found. After making sure that they were all dead, Patrick stepped over the bodies and rattled the gate, making a bunch of sound.

"Hello! Is anyone here alive?" Patrick hoped that the survivors residing in the house would come out to get him before more walkers did. Of course, this protected house reminded him of his own little cottage that got overrun. It could probably survive until the winter... Patrick examined the house, making sure everything was in shape and strong.
Jamie blinked her eyes open and sat up. She glanced out the window, seeing someone shaking the gate. She slowly put the cap back on her bottle of water then got up. "Elliot." She shook his arm a bit, not looking at him to see if he was already awake. She kept staring out the window at the gate.
Rex readjusted his positioning, more to remind the girl to watch herself then to get more comfortable.

(Yay! I'm Canadian too! xD i love it when I find fellow Canadians oot and aboot on the Internet xD )
((Yay! My polar bear is sitting right next to me! xD ))

Elliot opened his eyes once again and stared at Jamie, feeling a little irritated that he was woken from his peaceful slumber. "What is it?" Elliot frowned as he followed her eye gaze to a very familiar looking man by the gate. Sighing in exhaustion, Elliot got up from the couch and head out to the gate with Jamie.

As they exited the house, Elliot felt like he knew the man at the gate, but shrugged it off. As they neared the survivor, Elliot recognized him immediately. "Nope." Elliot stated before turning back into the house, leaving Jamie outside with his brother.

"Elli?" Patrick called out, feeling a little confused that his brother was there. After a few moments, Patrick felt a large grin appear on his face. "Elli!" the doctor waved at his little brother, only to be given the cold shoulder. "As cold as ever, aren't cha, P?"

Elliot froze at his nickname. Glancing back for a moment, Elliot sighed once again. "Let him in..." Walking into the house, Elliot tried to get as far as possible from his brother.
(I'm an Illinoisian. xD )

"No," Jaycee smirked. "I'm not calling you anything. I'm implying it." She began securing her stuff so it would be ready to take with them the next day.
Jamie followed behind Elliot as they walked out of the house. As they near the gate, she looked up at Elliot when he turned to go back inside. She stopped and watched him then looked back and forth between them. She slowly stepped towards the gate when Elliot had told her to let him in. She glanced up at the man standing in front of her as she unlatched the gate. "Hi.." She murmured to him. She opened the gate a bit to let him in, latching it back once he had stepped inside the wall. She turned and walked back towards the house and then inside.
(Pai, no way! U have a polar bear? I tried to get one, but they were a our so I had to gets moose xD )

(Alley, cool! xD is it nice there?)

Rex held back a chuckle at Jaycee's words. When he saw her beginning to pack, he raised a brow and voiced the question currently occupying his mind, "What are we going to do with her?"
Alaina smirked and pat her head. "I don't have time to fight little girls honestly. Where's your family?" she looked at the man and back at her. "You don't look related. and what do you mean by 'do with her'?"
Rex didn't answer her first question, but replied to the second, "What do you think I mean?" He asked, still suspiciously watching her. In all honesty, he hoped they let her join them, he didn't want to have to kill her, or leave her to the walkers, which was basically the same thing.
Jaycee jerked her head away, glaring at her. "My family's dead," she said simply, an edge to her voice. "We're leaving in the morning and you're free to do whatever the hell you want with the roof. But until then this is my camp."
Rex tried not to let his disappointment show. The poor girl wasn't coming, and that was that. Maybe it was for the better, he hoped it was.
"Well there's not much you can do to me honestly. Leave me, tell me to go away, but I doubt you can kill me." she smiled. She looked at the girl who obviously wasn't too happy about the head pat. "Listen kid, sorry if I was being rude. I'm not usually like this..." she said with an apologetic look in her eye.
(Ik :P Rex doesn't though... How old is Alaina ? xD )

Rex looked between the two women, ready to step in if a fight broke out.
Alaina smiled at her. "Well I already introduced myself, now I think it's your turn" Alaina couldn't help but think about how much this girl reminded her of her brother. 
((Alaina's 19))

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