The Walking Dead RP

Darren smiled. "Better," he said. He wasn't sure how long it was last. The ibeprofen had gotten rid of the fever but it was slowly starting to creep up as the time for another dose came. He smiled at her as he left, glad for the support. He cleaned out the juice bottle as best as he could so they could use it later.
Jamie laughed softly as they kept talking at the same time. When they had finally told her what they were going out to do, she nodded. "Good.. We need the food." She walked a bit faster so she could get in front of Elliot. She walked down the road, towards one of the neighbors' houses. Once they got to the yard, she looked around. There were a few walkers standing by the side of the house. As long as we're quiet, we can just go inside without having to deal with them.. She walked up to the house cautiously and opened the door. She looked around inside. She saw one walker in the kitchen, but that was all. She walked up to it and slammed the bat into the walker's head, watching it drop dead. She turned to Elliot for a moment. "I've been in this house before..." She murmured. She saw a few pictures on the wall of the family. She frowned and shook her head, turning back around. She searched the cabinets, finding a few cans of food here and there. She stuffed them all into her bag then turned to the fridge. She opened it and searched for water bottles. There were only three, but she took them and put them into her bag, too. She walked down the hall and into the bathroom. There was a walker standing in there and she quickly killed it. She searched the bathroom cabinets, finding a half-full bottle of peroxide, a roll of gauze, and a roll of tape. She put everything else useful into her bag then walked back down the hall, into the kitchen. She looked around, thinking. She walked outside and found the storm shelter that led underground. She sighed and opened it, taking the flashlight out of her bag and turning it on. She walked down into the shelter, finding one walker in it. She slammed the bat into its head then looked around, finding some more cans of food. Once she was done, she met up with Elliot and Patrick, shrugging a bit. "Didn't find much.. Every bit counts though, I guess.."
Elliot stared down at the items and shrugged. "Patrick, stay with Jamie please." Elliot glanced over to his older brother with a serious expression on his face.

"Alright." Patrick nodded, knowing exactly was his little brother was going to do. "So, your name is Jamie, right?" Patrick began using his charismatic skills to have a polite chit chat with the girl as Elliot left the house silently.

Elliot went around the side of the house and gripped his crow bar tightly. The less walkers there are in the world, the better. Elliot silently approached one of the walkers and punctured it's skull, pulling his weapon out of its brain before it fell down and alerted the rest of its group about Elliot's presence.

With a hint of a smirk on his face, Elliot took down the walkers one by one, staining the side of the house red with blood. After the deed was done, Elliot frowned and stared down at himself. His clothes were a little bit bloody, but nothing a good wash couldn't fix.

Entering the house, Elliot walked into the room where Patrick and Jamie were. "I'm back..did you miss me?" Smirking, Patrick walked up to his little brother and brought him into a tight hug.

"Of course I did, little brother!" Patrick chuckled lightly, trying hard not to get his own clothing bloody.
Alaina stood by the ladder, waiting for they're response. It might be good being with a group. But after what happened to her a few days ago, she wasn't too sure if she could trust people again.
Jamie glanced up at Patrick and nodded. "Yes.." she murmured to him. She waited for Elliot to come back, standing still and holding her bat in front of her. When Elliot walked back in, she turned her head to look up at him, smiling a bit. "I'm not hugging you like he did, though." She laughed softly as she walked past him. She exited the house and walked back to the road. She looked up at the sky, noticing that the sun would be setting soon. "We waited a bit late in the day to do this.." She glanced back at them. "I guess we can check this house real quick and then go back home." She shuddered a bit as she said home. Yea, it is her home, but without her father, it just didn't feel like it anymore. She shrugged off the thoughts as they reached the house. There were a couple of walkers standing in the yard. She walked up to one and killed it, looking back to make sure someone had taken care of the other. She walked inside the house and scavenged it like she had the last one. She found cans of food, bottles of water, and a box of ammo. She looked at the bullets carefully. I think they're for my gun.. She shrugged and put them in her bag anyway. I'll check later. Even if they're not, it's still good to have them just in case we find a firearm that we can use them in.. Once she was done scavenging the house, she walked outside. She led Elliot and Patrick back to her house. Opening the gate and walking in, she looked around the yard. She frowned a bit as memories of her childhood flooded her mind. She sighed and looked down, latching the gate once they had made it inside the wall. She walked inside, setting down her things, then ran upstairs. She carried down the notebook and added the new supplies to the lists they had made. Once she had finished, she put everything in their rightful bag or box and ran the notebook back up to her room. She walked down the hall, to the master bedroom, and walked in. She looked over at Darren and Sky before walking to the closet. She held her breath as she opened it. Ignoring the bloody mess on the floor, Jamie pulled out a couple of shirts and two pairs of jeans. She quickly stepped out of the closet and shut the door. She walked down the stairs and handed both Elliot and Patrick a pair of clothes, smiling slightly at them. "Here you go.." She murmured before turning away to sit in her chair once again.
"Thank you," Patrick gave Jamie a grateful smile as Elliot grabbed the clothes from her hand and nodded at her. Leaving the room, Elliot went to go get changed into the new clothing. "Sorry," Patrick chuckled apologetically. "P's more of a man of action." Taking the clothes from Jamie's hand gently, Patrick quickly hurried off in the same direction Elliot went.
Jamie watched them leave then brought her feet up into the chair. She got comfortable, grabbing the photo album from the table. She flipped through it, smiling at a few pictures here and there. A single tear fell as she noticed a picture of her and her father riding horses together. She quickly wiped the tear away then went back to looking through the pictures. She paused for a moment, reaching for her bottle of water to get a drink. She set it back down and continued to look through the album. She giggled softly at a few pictures, smiling a bit more and holding back her tears.
Sky jerked awake, tangled up in the blankets, and her forehead covered in sweat. "Darren?" she tried to say, looking around and not seeing him. She couldn't force the words out. She gasped for breath, clutching her chest tightly, sinking her nails into her shoulders.
[ jeez people, slow down with the replies there are slow people you know ]

Erik was walking down the forest and towards the town. He needed to visit there to gather up some supplies if he wants to survive on his own. He crept towards a bush and knelt down as he looked around and saw only a couple of walkers idling around. One one against a wall on a Pharmacy staring into space. Others were wandering around. And some was gobbling up some poor man, he must've stumbled here and wasn't able to escape alive. Or wasn't able to escape at all.

He took out the map portraying the Town. It showed the town and it's buildings. He looked for the nearest convenience store to gather up some supplies and found one only a couple of blocks away. If he was going to go there rambo style, he won't make it out alive just like that man. He decided that he would sneak by. Moving away from the safety of the forest, he headed towards the back of a building were he was hidden. Then made his way towards the back entrance of the said convenience store. Erik turned the knob, and to his luck, it was unlocked. He then opened the door and took out his m1911 and pointed it in front of him.

He then made his way inside as he checked his corners. There was no one inside, no walkers, no looters, no survivors, except him. Inside was clearly looted by other looters such as him. But he'd be surprise by the things that they leave behind. He looked around for some spare canned goods and a bottle of water. He checked the cabinet to find 2 canned corn, it was good enough, i mean corn is his favorite fruit, next to apples. He then walked towards the fridge where all the beverages are stored, there was no power obviously. But inside was a couple of bottles of water. He took them and added it on his bag and quickly crept back to the back door of the store. He needed to make it out of the town alive this time rather than creeping in.
"Why would I kill you guys? Do I have a reason to?" Alaina looked Rex in the eye. Was he challenging her?
Rex shrugged, "Only your own fear and ignorance," he stated, "Otherwise... Not really." He was slightly more relaxed now, but not completely.
"Well luckily I'm neither ignorant or scared. So what's it gonna be? Am I in or not?" she put her knife back in the sheath and looked at both of them.
Walking out from the change room, Patrick went upstairs to go check on Jamie. Seeing her looking at a book, Patrick's curiosity got a better hold of him as he silently went up to the girl and looked over her shoulder. It was a photo album. Most likely from her childhood. Patrick smiled at a few of the photos as he reminisced about his own childhood. Patrick remembered getting into all those fights and cleaning up the house with Elliot. A small smile crawled onto Patrick's face as he remembered the time when Elliot used to look up to him and call him, "Brother."

Elliot stepped upstairs and past the room where Jamie and Patrick were. Opening the door to the room where Sky and Darren were, Elliot was holding a warm bowl of soup and vegetables. Sky would need as much nutrients as she can get before the winter comes.
Jamie flipped through the last few pages of the photo album then looked up at Patrick. "Hey.." She spoke softly, smiling a bit. She slowly got up and walked over to the desk. She opened up a drawer and pulled out another photo album, placing the other one back in. She sat back down in the chair and opened up the album. The first pictures that were in the album were ones from her graduation. She smiled a bit at one of her and her father. She ran her fingers over the picture before flipping the page. She looked through the pictures, recalling the memories. She reached out for her bottle of water, without looking away from them, and took a drink.
"I don't know," Rex stated, "Are you... Or are you not? That's a very good question." He shot her an inquiring gaze.
Darren smiled, walking up behind Elliot. "Thanks," he said. He had been downstairs still, relaxing a bit. Her looked in the door, instantly rushing to Sky. Why had he left her.

Sky was still gasping for air. She had fallen to the floor and two of her fingers were cracked and bleeding. She had pulled herself over the bucket, hoping the thing blocking her air was just more blood. 
Jaycee say back and watched, amused.

((You know, the whole thing with Darren and Sky being siblings still needs to come up.))

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