The Walking Dead RP

Jamie groaned and rolled over then sat up. "God, guys, I was trying to sleep. Couldn't you be a bit more quiet..?" She stretched and rubbed her eyes before looking up at them, yawning.

Joe walked through the field, towards the house. Once he had made it to the wall, he walked around to the gate. He didn't have any weapons with him, considering he didn't kill walkers anymore. He made it around to the gate and unlatched it, opening it just enough so he could slip inside. Once inside the wall, he shut the gate back and latched it. He turned towards the house and took a deep breath. "Here we go.." He muttered. He walked up the driveway and into the house. When inside, he noticed a girl standing at the sink who wasn't Jamie. "Hello.." He spoke softly so that he wouldn't startle the girl.
Rex sighed, "Don't tell me you were one of those lazy teenage girls," he almost pleaded, "Hanging around on your phone, refusing to go anywhere unless it was with your friends or some cute boy was involved. And even then, not wanting to walk." He hadn't just pleaded because of the inconvenience such a character would cause, but because of the reminder it would be. Rex's daughter had been one of those girls, and to have someone like her hanging around would be unbearable. A flash of pain filled his eyes for a split second. It was a deep sorrow, deeper than the colour of The two pools sitting on either side of hus nose. But it was gone before anyone could notice, unless they were very observational. "We are going to walk," he said simply, after a pause.
Sky turned around slowly. "Hello?" she frowned, carefully putting the bowls in the sink. A bit of dried book was in the corner of her mouth and her skin was pale. Her blonde hair was tangled can somewhat caked with dried blood. Dark circles rimmed her eyes. She looked at the man that had entered with curiosity. 
"No problem!" Jaycee smiled. "It'll attract less walkers anyways. Sure we won't be able to carry s much, but it'll be enough."
Joe smiled softly at the girl and walked over. "Here.." He took the bowls and quickly washed them He dried them off then put them away. He looked down at her. "Where's everyone else..?" He asked. That makes it sound like you've been spying on the place.. He told himself in his mind.
Sky smiled. "Thanks," she said. "They might still be sleeping," she said. "We've had a rough couple of days." She smiled as she talked, seeming much younger than she really was. Whether is was just her usual nature or the slowly recovering illness was unknown.
Patrick grinned as he glanced over to the now awake Jamie. "Elliot's in love~" Patrick skipped around the room singing, "Elliot and Olivia sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G!!" Grabbing the lamp in his hands, Elliot threw it at his brother, missing the doctor's head by an inch.

"Be happy that I missed." Elliot growled before turning around and stomping down the stairs, fuming furiously.

Chuckling lightly, Patrick quickly followed in suit and stretched his arms as he walked out of the room, not caring if he almost hit his head on the top of the door frame.
Jamie blinked, watching the lamp fly passed Patrick's head and into the wall. "My lamp.." she murmured. She watched them walk out of the room then stretched again. She slowly go up and picked the lamp up, putting it back on the table. She stared at it, kind of happy that it didn't break.

Joe smiled. "No problem. So upstairs..?" He asked just as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He turned to see two people come down. "Hello." He said to them as they came into the room.
Alaina glared at Rex a bit. Do these guys like starting trouble with me or something? "Don't judge me if you don't know me. If you really must know, no I'm not one of those girls nor have I ever been." She saw his eyes change for a second then went back to normal. What's this guy thinking? "Well then I guess we're walking."
Sky nodded slowly. "Yeah," she smiled. She turned as Elliot and a man she didn't recognize walked in. "Hello," she smiled.
Elliot froze at the sight of the man. Had he left the gate open when they came back with supplies? No, he made sure it was properly shut and even set up alarms if anyone got through without his consent. Quickly taking out his gun, Elliot pointed it at the unknown man. "Sky, get behind me." Elliot's eyes never left the man. "Sky! Get behind me right now!" Elliot growled as he glared at the man.

Patrick stared at the mysterious man in a rather calm way, but he didn't stop his brother from pointing a gun at him, just for safety precautions. Pushing the girl, Sky, behind him, Patrick stepped forward and stood to the side of Elliot. "May I ask who are you, and how did you get in here?" Patrick's voice was very relaxed, a skill he learnt from being a doctor. If your voice is panicky and alarmed, the patient will be scared to. It was all in the tone of voice.
Sky frowned as she stumbled from the push, obediently going to stand behind the two. "He seems nice," she pouted.
Joe put his hands up. "Didn't think I'd get a gun pointed at me in my own home.." He muttered.

Jamie slowly walked out of her bedroom and down the stairs. She noticed everyone standing in front of the stairs. "What's going on..?" She stepped passed them and looked into the kitchen. She froze, gasping and her eyes widening. "D-Dad?"
"Mom?" Patrick added in, imitating Jamie's tone of voice. "Just kidding~" Patrick chuckled, and leaned in to Sky. "He may seem nice but not everyone has kept their sanity." Patrick whispered, warning the girl because he had knew what was out there.

Elliot frowned at Patrick, keeping his eyes on the man. Elliot was so close to shooting the man, so close, and then Jamie comes in and calls him dad. Great. Absolutely wonderfully perfect.
Sky nodded slowly, understanding. "Okay," she said. "Why are you so surprised, Jamie," she frowned. "I thought you said he was okay."
Jamie ignored Patrick and stepped forward. She put her hand on top of Elliot's gun, pushing it downwards. She walked up to her father and hugged him tightly. "I thought you were dead.." She murmured.

Joe looked at Jamie as she walked in. He smiled, wrapping his arms around her as she walked up and hugged him. "I guess I have a bit of explaining to do.." He frowned a bit.

Jamie pulled away and looked up at him. She smiled then turned around to look at Elliot, Patrick, and Sky. 
She looked directly at Sky and frowned. "I....I told you that so you wouldn't worry.." She admitted.
Elliot frowned and lowered his gun, still keeping an eye on Jamie's 'dad'. "A bit?" Frowning Elliot gripped the gun, prepared to shoot the man in the head if he tries anything funny. Glancing over at Patrick, the two brothers seemed to have a silent conversation with each other before nodding and turning back to whatever they were doing. Elliot leaned back on the door frame and stared coldly at Jamie, not liking this one bit.

Patrick kept his ears open and approached the man with a calm smile on his face. "Is it alright if I search you? It's just to make my brother here," Patrick gestured over to Elliot who looked like he was going to murder someone. "Feel better. I apologize for doing this." Patrick flashed the man an apologetic smile as he waited for his response before even beginning to pat the man down.
Jamie smiled apologetically at Sky. "Sorry for lying to you.."

Joe shook his head and stood still. "Go ahead, I guess." He sighed and lifted his arms up, waiting for the guy to search him.

Jamie stepped up to Elliot. "Can we talk..?" She took his free hand and led him to the top of the stairs. "What's on your mind?" She murmured to him as soon as they were on the top floor so the others couldn't hear them. She stared up at him, waiting for his answer.
"It's fine," Sky smiled before James followed Elliot upstairs.

She looked around before grabbing a bottle of cranberry juice and slowly walking upstairs.
Patrick beamed cheerfully as the man complied easily, it was better than having a struggle. "Thank you for your cooperation, it'll only take a moment." And, like Patrick had said, it only did take a moment. The doctor quickly patted the man down, searching for any dangerous items. Just a gun and a knife, nothing too special. "Anyway, I'm sorry for barging in on your home. My name is Patrick, the gloomy man that went upstairs with your daughter is Elliot." Patrick chuckled at his description of his little brother. "Please don't mind him, he's been through a lot." Patrick pondered for a moment and then put on a bright smile. "Then again, haven't we all?"

Elliot glared down at the stairs, not even paying Jamie much attention. "I have a bad feeling." Elliot's gut was pretty much turning at the smell of the man. He smelled like walkers, but Elliot didn't want to tell Jamie about it just yet. He didn't have any clear evidence. "Never mind. Just let me keep an eye on him for a few days." With those words, Elliot paused for a moment to see what Jamie would say. After she did, Elliot turned around and went back downstairs. "How is he?" Elliot approached Patrick and the man.

Patrick gave Elliot a thumbs up. "He's clear." In their own secret eye language, Patrick asked if he could talk with Elliot later, and Elliot blinked, agreeing to the idea.
Rex nodded rather business like and lowered his weapon. "Then it's settled," he stated. Rex sat down and leaned against a wall, closing his eyes. Sleep came easily to him; his life meant nothing and he didn't fear death. For the others, he knew, it would be a lot harder. They may even stay up the whole night, not getting any sleep. These girls had the will to live, they wouldn't throw it away by sleeping around people they didn't trust. It would be too easy for one of the other two to kill them in their sleep. Right through the brain, so they wouldn't turn. Rex, however, had no reason to live.
Jaycee slipped a knife carefully into her boot, between the padding so it wouldn't cut her. It was something she did every night, whether there were others near or not. She pulled a few blankets out of her tent, draping one over Rex, handing one to the girl, and curing up with the third. She wrapped it around her shoulders and sed her arms as a pillow.
Jamie tilted her head as he spoke. She frowned a bit, staring up at his face. "Okay, fine.." She was a little concerned, too. First she finds a note telling her that he's sorry and can't be in this world anymore and a walker in the closet, then he shows up at the house. She shook the thoughts away for the moment and walked downstairs after Elliot.

Joe nodded as Patrick talked. Once Jamie had come back downstairs, he looked at her and smiled. "If you all just come into the living room, I'll explain." He walked into the living room and sat in a chair, waiting for everyone else to come in and take a seat.

Jamie followed after her father into the living room. She sat on the couch and looked at him, waiting for him to start explaining himself.

Joe sighed and started talking once everyone had sat down. "Well, I'd waited here for a while, waiting for you to come home." He started, looking towards Jamie. "For a while, I had some of the neighbors here.. Not too long ago..I sent everyone out for supplies, knowing winter will be here soon and all." He paused and sighed. "A few people had been bitten, but they had came back and not told anyone. We all noticed that they just got really sick and died, eventually turning into walkers. Once that happened, after people had watched their family members die and turn into walkers, other people in the group started killing themselves. Some of them would put a gun to their head...others hung themselves. That's when I learned that the bite wasn't what made you turn." He paused again, looking over all of their faces. "Finally it came down to me and one man left in the group. One day, I went out to find Lori.." He looked at Jamie, knowing that she knew who Lori was. "I found her, but she had already turned. I came back here.. The last guy that was in my group had cracked and finally killed himself. I found him hung in the closet, already turned. Struck by devastation of finding Lori as a walker and losing all of my group, I left the note on the closet door, claiming it was me in there, apologizing to Jamie. I didn't want to be around people anymore.. I didn't want her to go looking for me if she ever showed up. After writing the note and taping it to the door, I left. I've been living somewhere else, not too far from here, ever since." He finally finished his story, looking at their faces once more.

Jamie's eyes widened as her father finished explaining. She stayed silent. I wonder where he's been staying...
"Thanks.." Alaina took the blanket and yawned. She hadn't slept for two days since she couldn't find a place to sleep safely. She put a bit of distance between her and Rex, sitting on the ground against the wall. She wrapped the blanket around herself. It took her a while and was a bit difficult to fall asleep due to her trust issues. But a couple hours later she closed her eyes, happy she could finally rest.
Sky sat in bed, sipping on the juice. She stared at the wall. She wondered if the shower was working as she ran her hands through her bloody hair. She knew for sure one of the duffel bags had some fresh clothes she could change into at least. She was too exhausted for that now, though. She sat back and continued sipping on the juice, saving most of the bottle for later.

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