The Walking Dead RP

Sky also found a box of tools including wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers, and a small saw. She put it next to the tires in the trunk.
Once the car's gas tank had been emptied, the gas can was close enough to being full. She put the lid on the can and put it in the trunk. She took the next two gas cans and did the same with the truck. The gas in the filled about 3/4 of one gas can. She put the lid on it and stuck the two gas cans in the trunk of the van, too. She walked around, finding the door to the lobby. She looked inside: clear. She opened the door and started looking around. She saw a vending machine and went towards it. There wasn't a butt-load of snacks in there, but there was a good amount. She picked up her bat and swung at the glass, turning away as it shattered.
Sky cringed at the sound of breaking glass. She peered in, smiling at the sight of the vending machine. She grabbed a crate out of the shop and brought it into the lobby to help her empty it out.
Jamie looked up at Sky, smiling brightly. "Thanks." She began filling the crate with the snacks quickly. When they were done removing the snacks from the vending machine, she took the crate out to the van and put it in the backseat. She leaned against the van for a moment, thinking, then she looked at Sky. "Anything else..?"
"I don't think so," Sky shook her head. An idea suddenly dawned on her. She went into the lobby, jumping behind the desk to where the coffee pot stood. She ducked down into the counter, finding a couple bags of beans. She smiled, picking them up and came back in. "It's a fetish of mine," she said.
She opened the door to the van and put the key in the ignition. She checked the fuel gauge: just about a full tank. She rolled up the window then shut the van off, looking at Sky. "We need to have a plan before we leave. Driving the car is obviously going to attract them. I know we're going to the gas station next, but what's are plan for after that? Are we getting out of the city and hitting up small towns? Are we finding more stores around here? I personally think we need to get out of the city. There are a lot of walkers out here and it seems just too dangerous to stay, but I don't know how much we're going to find out of the city either. I'm not from around here.. I need your input."
Sky thought for a moment, putting the coffee beans into the crate. "There's a couple small towns to the north," she said. "We could possibly find more gas there. I think we should walk on foot through alleys to to gas station and come bag here afterwards. We can risk our chances with the car once we're ready to stay in it."
Jamie nodded and pulled the keys out of the ignition. She picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. She closed up the car and locked it. "Okay, lets try to hurry." She walked to the door, opened it and looked around. Once she made sure there wasn't anything around, she walked out and started walking she looked down the alley: it was surprisingly empty. She walked down it, coming out on the other side then walked across the road to another alley. When they got to the gas station there were a few walkers, but none were close enough to the door to worry about. She walked to the door and went inside. She looked around for walkers, finding one and quickly smashing its head in with her bat.
Sky grabbed a couple large duffel bags before following her. She rushed into the store, wiping out a walker quickly.
Jamie took one of the duffle bags and looked around, finding one more walker sitting on the floor. She took it out quickly then started looking around the store. She found a few bottles of motor oil and looked at Sky. "Do you think we should take this oil, just in case..?" she said, holding up a bottle of it.
Sky nodded. "It's small enough it won't take up much room. I'm sure we'll need it." She started filling the first bag, taking all the healthier stuff first, like the bags of nuts and a couple jars of peanut butter.
Jamie took the four bottles of motor oil and placed them in her bag. She looked around more, finding a couple small boxes of plastic utensils. She took them both: one box containing forks, the other containing spoons. She walked around, looking on the shelves. She knelt down beside Sky and helped her gather food. While gathering up the food, she looked at the calendar on the wall behind the counter. The last day that had been marked off was September 15th. She looked from the calendar to Sky. "Any idea what today is..?"
Sky glanced at the calender. "By the looks of it, maybe mid October. I don't know exactly what day. I'm sure winter will hit soon. We shouldn't get much snow, but it'll get a little chilly."
Jamie got up, leaving her bag, but carrying her bat. She walked to the counter, checking behind it before actually stepping back there. She took the calendar off the wall and brought it back over to Sky. She looked at it for a moment then stuffed it into her bag that was slung over her shoulder. "I want to try to figure it out later.."
Jamie went back to helping gather food. She started to zone out, thinking about her dad. After a few minutes she snapped out of it and looked up.
Sky went to the drink coolers. All the milk was long expired thought there was some water bottles and juices left. She filled the other duffel bag quickly.
Jamie walked over to the coolers with her, looking through the other drinks. She made a face at the soda section then looked at Sky. "What else..?"
"We've grabbed what we can of the healthy stuff. Just grab what you want now," Sky said. "There's still some room in both bags and no one thought to grab the chips and stuff. Just because the world's over, doesn't mean cravings are."
Jamie laughed softly and went to grab whatever food there was and stuffed it into the duffel bag. "I really don't care what I eat at this point, as long as I'm eating Something."

((wow I forgot to post it after I typed it out. Sorry))
Sky nodded, laughing softly. She grabbed a still sealed box of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and a few more things she could fit in the bags.

(It's fine.)
Jamie kept shoving anything she could fit into the bags. When she was done, she zipped up the bag and stood, picking it up. She looked around the store once more. "Hmm.."
(Woah... I missed a lot)

"Clean?" Rex questioned, unsure of what he meant. This was the first human contact he had had since before the apocalypse.

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