The Walking Dead RP

Sky quickly fell asleep, exhausted from the day.

Jaycee looked down at the city before climbing into her sleeping bag. She started at the stars silently. 
(I don't care. Either one works for me.)
Jamie fell asleep soon. She started dreaming a while after she had fallen asleep. She was dreaming of when she was younger: about 6. Her mom and her dad were riding horses with her. They were having a great time until suddenly a Walker appeared coming out of the trees. It attacked her mom. Jamie's 6 year old self screamed. Her dad pulled her off the horse and onto his, running back to the house. When they went inside, there were more Walkers. Both her 6 year old self and her father were eaten alive by the dead. *DAY 2* She woke and sat up quickly, breathing hard. There was some sunlight shining in through the window. She sighed with relief and looked at Sky, seeing that she was still asleep.
(Hmmm... Which do you think makes more sense?)

Rex caught eye of a weapons store and smiled. Today was a lucky day. He headed for it, hoping it hadn't already been cleared out.
Sky slowly woke up, looking around confused. She remembered where she was and sat up. "Good morning," she said, seeing Jamie was awake.

Jaycee had been awake for a few hours. She was eating her breakfast in preparation for another day of raiding.
Jamie sat watching out the window for a while. There were a few walkers outside just walking around. When she heard Sky's voice, she looked over at her and smiled a bit. "Good morning.."
Sky got up, stretching a bit to get the stiffness out of her back. She looked out the window, shuddering at the sight of the walkers.
Jamie sat on the floor a few minutes longer before getting up. She sighed. "It's gonna be a long, hard day... Maybe we'll get lucky," she said in a slightly cheerful voice, smiling more.
Sky nodded. "There's an auto shop three blocks down," she said. "I think there's a couple trucks there and a couple gas cans. We might have some luck." She kept thinking. "There was a small general store sort of like a gas station without gas two streets over as well. Neither have been raided, but there's also a few walkers surrounding them."
Jamie watched her as she spoke. She nodded as she put her jacket back into her bag and stood up, putting the bag on her shoulder and taking her bat into her hand. "With the both of us, we'll be able to take on a few here and there.. It's just running into a horde of them that I'm worried about."
(Rex could run into Jaycee...?)

Rex woke up in the weapons shop, where he had stayed the night. He gathered his things, including the supplies from the shop, and prepared to leave.
(Works for me. :) )

Jaycee carefully made her way down from the roof. She had her crossbow and a large duffel bag over her shoulder as she climbed down the ladder into the alley below. She had picked up a single walker from the top.
"Yea," Jamie agreed. "If you're ready, let's go now. We have a lot to do. Let's try to get as much done as we can. Hopefully we luck out with our findings. The sooner we have enough supplies, the sooner we can leave this city." She stood ready, bat in hand, as she spoke.
Rex left the shop and began walking down the middle of the street. He kept an eye out for walkers and killed one or two when they got too close.
Jamie walked to the front door of the store. She peered out, seeing only a few walkers. She slowly opened the door stepping out and waited for Sky to follow. She turned to look at her, holding her finger to her lips, signaling her to stay quiet. "Just try to get there without attracting too much attention to yourself. Kill one only if you have to," she whispered softly to her then started walking in the direction of the auto shop.
Jaycee glanced a man in the corner of her eye, quickly she turned, aiming the crossbow at him before realizing he wasn't infected. She lowered it a bit, not completely. She looked him over slowly. He was easily twice her age, maybe more.

Sky nodded, staying close to the wall of the buildings. She kept the baseball bat firmly over her shoulder, ready to strike if needed be.
Jamie did the same with her bat. She looked in alleys as they passed them, making sure there weren't any walkers that could grab either of them by surprise. Once they reached the auto shop, there were two walkers right by the door, each facing different directions. Jamie nodded in the other direction for Sky to get one walker to come towards her so she could take it out, she went the other way. The walker facing her grunted and started shuffling towards her. When it got close enough, she swung the bat hard, knocking the walker in the side of the head and instantly killing it. She looked over at Sky, waiting for her to kill her walker. Once it was dead, she went to the door. Luckily, it was open. She peered inside, seeing only one walker. She turned to Sky and spoke softly. "I only see one, but watch out, there could always be more. Keep a look out."
Jaycee nodded. "Are you clean?" she called, moving a bit closer.

Sky snuck up behind her walker before swinging the bat hard onto its head. She nodded, following Jamie in.
Jamie slowly approached the one walker that she saw while keeping an eye out for any more. Once she was close enough, she swung her bat, whacking it hard in the head. The walker dropped and she explored the rest of the auto shop, not seeing any more walkers. She spotted a few gas cans and went towards them. She picked up each of them, one at a time, none of them having gas in them. She sighed and found a hose. She took her knife out and cut about a two foot long piece of hose. She looked at their selection of cars in the shop. There was one Chevy truck, an old Toyota car, and a Ford van. She didn't particularly like vans, but they had the most room and it like newer than the other two did. She walked to it, the window was rolled down and the keys were sitting on the front seat. She grabbed the keys, putting them in her pocket, then set her bag in the front seat instead. She sighed, looking at Sky. "I guess I'm going to siphon the gas from the other two vehicles.." She made a disgusted face when she made the statement.
Sky nodded. "I'll look for anything else that might be useful," she said. She started searching around. She found two spare tires that looked like they would fit the van. She went over, popping the trunk open and rolling them in. She kept looking, carefully.
She took one gas can and the hose and started with the car. She opened up the lid to the gas tank, took the cap off and slid the hose down into the tank. She sighed and picked up the hose. She sucked on the end of it until the gas started to come up the hose, then she quickly put the hose into the open gas can, sitting there while it filled.

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