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Fantasy The Vampire Era


Lady, running down to the riptide
Lizzy submitted a new role play:

The Vampire Era - The vampires have taken and captured humanity, who are you?

The vampires have suddenly multiplied by the million and have captured, killed, tortured, and sold human beings. There are only 100 or so that are still free and in hiding across the world.

These certain humans are in terrible conditions and often starve or freeze. These are the people the vampires have yet to find, but when they do find them they normally will take the younger, healthier looking ones to the slave markets, the others not in that category are killed or sucked dry of their blood.

Vampires do as they please, ruling the world with no one to stop them.

Humans have no freedom at all. And often the vampires suck their blood when they please.

Vampires have even established their own royal court(roles are open).

King: ~

Queen: Callisto(Yessibella)

Prince(s): Sedrian (Jafar)

Princess(s): Vineres (Ayezombie), Alyssa (Lizzy)

Elder: Vetis Abaddon

(These are not the only roles. They are just vampire royalty roles)

(Other roles are slave, peasant, noble, human(Wild), etc)

A huge kingdom surrounded by forest. In the forest there are very tiny villages for humans, though every now and then the villages are found and destroyed.

The castle:

(Of course in the day it isn't totally dark like this.)

The city is huge, so big I couldn't find a picture. It's also mostly medieval.

And the human villages are usually just a few dirty blankets, pots, and tools in a cave or elsewhere in the forest. Normally there are only a few families in each tribe/village. And to avoid being found the people move a lot if they feel the need to.


1. No god modding or controlling anyone else's character whatsoever.

Don't kill actual players without their permission.

3. Relationships and stuff like flirting are allowed, but PLEASE do NOT do anything 18+.

4. If you swear please code some of the letters with symbols; @!#*

5. You can have up to 3 characters, only if you can handle it though.

Also, remember that humans are the slaves and vampires are the masters. Not Vice-Versa.


Kira sprinted down the worn path, suddenly disappearing into the forest. But the person chasing her didn't stop. Kira clambered up a tree quickly and crouched in the fork of two branches while trying to settle her panting breaths. She began looking down at the ground below her expectantly. She could hear the girl shoving her way through the underbrush, occasionally whining under her breath. Kira smirked slightly with amusement.

"Kira come out! I give up!" The girl called in an exasperated tone.

"Aww, you guys are no fun. You never find me!" Kira replied with a playful smirk as she came into view.

"Your too fast. And you always hide somewhere in the woods." Came her friend's reply.

Kira played this game with all the other kids around her age... There weren't many though, only one or two others. Kira usually ended up going out in the forest alone and hanging around in the trees or picking berries. Her father always told her never to go out of shouting-distance because 'those blasted vampires are always looking for new prisoners'. Kira rolled her eyes at that. She bet she could outrun any vampire that came in these parts. They were all lazy anyway. Getting slaves to do everything. Pfft.

"Kira? Can we go back now?" Lanie requested. The girl was at least two years younger then Kira, but it was one of her best friends anyway.

"Fine. Let's go." Kira sighed, beginning to trek back up the mountain's side to a shadowy, vine-covered opening in the mountain's side. It only took a minute or two to get up there. Kira and Lanie then pushed themselves inside. There wasn't much if any light, and quite a few bodies walked around or were laying down, seeming to be waiting for someone to trip over them. This room was always crowded it seemed, it was the only one that got any light really. Kira sighed then walked down a small tunnel to her father's chamber. Then she plopped down on the ragged, dirty blanket she used for her bed pretty much, and stared at the black ceiling. Her father wasn't in here.
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Vineres strode down the west wing corridor, her slave Arya following close behind. Wherever she went within castle walls, so did the young teenage girl. It took her a while to become accustomed to the faster life style, but Arya has definitely adapted nicely.

"M'Lady, has your father returned yet? I was ordered to remind you to speak to him about the human territories when he did." The girl said, keeping her head low. A high neck on the slaves dress hid any noted or recent bruising. Vineres preferred for her slave to show just ad much class as any other, and that meant hiding evidence of what they do in their spare time together. Even if it is very normal for the royal families.

"Thats what we are checking now, Darling." Vineres said. Crossing over one more hallway, Arya opened the door to her Fathers library and allowed the girl inside, sniffing for any sign of his cologne and listening for any sign of his shuffling about.
Rebel sat atop a rocky outcrop near the edge of the forest, looking out at the area.. From here she could see a lot of forest but she could also see that stupid castle and surrounding area with all it's stupid vampires. She really did hate them and what they did but luckily for her she'd avoided them for long enough, and mostly on her own. For now she intended to keep it that way since she kinda like her freedom and not having sharp pointy teeth stuck in her throat
Outside of the cave system the daylight was fading into an assortment of beautiful colors, dusk. That meant it was about time to fall asleep in the caves. But for a certain girl, it meant it was just about time to sneak out into the forest. Just then the tribe's chief wandered into the room and slid down one of the walls with a tired sigh. "Kira?" He whispered, unable to see his daughter in the darkness.

"I'm here." Kira said, faking her tired tone and soon, a yawn.

"Good. I don't want you outside, some of the others thought they heard a few vampires roaming around the forest about a mile from here."

"A mile?" Kira yawned again, rolling over.

"Yes, they could be closer now.. Hopefully farther though. Anyway, I better let you get to sleep.Good night Kira." He said, smiling softly in the darkness. His wife and twin sons had died, so his daughter was all he had left.

He walked over to his own sleeping area and laid down and with a last sigh, fell asleep. His snoring almost made Kira giggle, but she stayed silent, waiting for the caves to be absolutely silent.
Vetis was sitting on the railing of the balcony overlooking the main hall with his wings tucked back into his spine removing any visibility of them. He was sat drinking a glass of blood out from a wine glass, his eyes an inferno, his clothes black and his heart dead. It had been dead for over 5,000 years. The Abaddon Clan has always served the Royal Family as personal Assassins, Hunters or Elders. It was very rare for someone of the Abaddon Clan to take up two jobs for the Royal Family however Vetis was the last of the Clan and the most powerful to ever be born.
After long, silent minutes of laying on the blanket Kira slowly sat up to begin waiting a minute or two longer. When that was up she stood up and with hands scaling the walls, she made her way to the main cave. She had to be very careful here. The full moon was out though and cast some silvery light into the room that helped Kira get out without tripping over anyone. She sighed with relief when she made it out successfully then began to walk down to the dark forest. She looked up at the moon once or twice, finding it beautiful. When she reached the forest the warning about the vampires didn't even come to mind as she skipped farther into the dark woods. Owls hooted and other creatures made noises as well. Kira sighed contently. Why couldn't the whole world be like this? It was so peaceful.
With her father nowhere to be found, Vineres lifted the hem of her dress and spun on her heel, marching out of the room. If she couldn't find her father, his hand would do.

Her dress was shorter that her mothers often hung, but still hugged to floor. The corset was a matching purple, any embroidery being black. Her hair was stark against the darker colors, but as was any older vampire. It seemed the older she got the lighter in color it grew as well.

She was not as old as many of the other matriarchs, but in her time being 'alive', she had made herself known and tried her best to please her parents and honor the family.

It was killing her to hear so many minds at once as she made her way down the west wing, but finally she reached the landing over looking the main hall, where she found Vetis.

"Sir, good day" she said, ordering Arts to stay where she was as they spoke, and to stay quiet with a wave of her hand.
"Nothing more that a bit of helpful information, Vetis." She said, placing a hand on the railing.

"Would you happen to have the slightest idea as to where my Father is? We have very important matters to discuss about the tribes our scouts have been searching for. My mother is with him, I'd assume."
"I would think so as well however your father is in a secret meeting, even I don't know the location of it" He got up off the railing and emptied his glass.
Kira began to hum, gaze drifting about her surroundings peacefully. By now she was so far from home she couldn't even see the mountain, partly because the trees were blocking her view. Her father wouldn't be pleased at all, but so what? Kira was confident she wouldn't be hurt or captured out here. Kira approached a stream and sat down on it's banks, letting her dirty and scarred feet rest in the cool water. She leaned down and began to scrub and rub at her feet, getting the dirt and sharp stones out of her feet. She hadn't ever had shoes so it was actually rare that the rocks and twigs she stepped on hurt her bare feet. When her feet were relatively clean she hugged her knees to her chest, letting them dry while at the same time just relaxing there, and staring up at the moon.
Vineres thought for a moment, weighing her chances of finding him. Knowing her father though, he wouldn't dare take his chances.

Vetis' offer though snapped her out of thought.

"No, I'll be fine." She said, letting a breathe out.

"Thank you though."
*sniff* *sniff* "I smell a human outside. I'll be right back" Vetis walked out to the main door and exited the castle in broad daylight 
When Vetis unleashed his wings he flew to the smell only to find a weak man hiding in the forest, he picked the man up by his throat and started to examine the wild creature aware of another human presence. 
The weak human was begging for his life even though he knew that Vetis had no care, he could see it in his eyes 
He drank the man dry and left his body to become a Goul, he flew back toward the castle and entered "I'm back from my outing" his wings returning back into his spine
Kira watched the sun rise, and by then she was rather tired. Oh no, she thought. Father and the other hunters would be waking up and hunting soon. Kira stood up and began to race back to the caves, though was stopped on the thin trail skywards when a few grown men approached her. Her father was one of them.

"Kira!" He exclaimed, glaring at his daughter. "Where were you?" He demanded.

"Just in the forest..." She replied meekly, casting her gaze downward at her freshly clean feet, but already they were coated with dirt.

"I was worried. Go back to the caves and you are forbidden to leave until I tell you so." He growled.

Kira gasped, "But father!"

"No buts. Get inside." He dismissed her, he and the others pushing past to begin their daily hunting trip. Kira walked inside with a sulky expression. She sat in a secluded corner and pouted, staring at the cave's entrance. That wasn't fair at all. She had been safe. Father was just too protective.
Vineres smiled, hearing the man enter she tapped her foot once before setting down a glass that Arya had previously gotten her.

"In the library, Vetis." She said, inviting him to join her company.
Vetis joined, his clothes returning to normal, his eyes changing from the inferno to normal and his body altering to his 'Unreleased' state (OOC: see my Sigh -Up post)
A soft and gentle knock sounded through the door leading to the Prince's chambers, a small girl standing outside of it. She didn't want to enter his chambers unless asked to do so, after all, her neck was at danger if she did a single mistake. "Prince Sedrian, I believe it is time for you to get up. It is becoming late" She knew he would hear her, just like he heard anything. It wasn't even necessary to speak loud to get the attention if he wanted to give it. A small cough, or just a sharp intake of breath. Anything could trigger the senses of a vampire.

( @Jafar )
Vineres stiffened, hearing her brother's slave girl go to wake him up. She was always very well behaved, and was smart as well. Even Vineres herself would anger him, as she didn't try and be perfect. His slave though did.

"How was your hunt?" She asked Vetis, striving conversation.
Having slept out on the ridge, Rebel woke up with a stiff back and sore muscles. Pushing herself up, she forced herself to stretch and warm her body up for the new day before staring out at the new day from her high vantage point.
"It was nice, A+ I believe, always such a sweet blood type" Vetis stood not far from the door, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed "There were more Humans there, a B-, A- and another A+. But i left them, no wild Human has ever seen my released form before nor my normal form without being a victim"
"I feel like the more wild humans there are, the more live stock there is." She said, standing to pour herself another glass.

"Though that reminds me. I was thinking of purchasing another slave. This one for blood. Arya is sweet but I cannot drain her every night, she will grow weak"
"That is true although i prefer to hunt rather then drain it from slaves, i would drain them dry just for a snack" He picked up a glass and poured himself a glass of blood and started to drink it
"You have a large appetite though" she teased, raising an eyebrow to the man.

"I am not as old, nor do I feed fresh as much."

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