The Valkyrie

"I don't want you to save me. I only want to live long enough to punish Manta for his actions." Aquaman spoke with bitterness, gritting his teeth

Mirus sighed in response "Alright. He's in the throne room, but there's something else. I could only pierce his mind by touching him. Even for an enhanced human that's...Well it's a bit odd to be honest."

"Dark magic?" Aquaman suggested "Your friend appears to also use it. Can you pierce his mind?"

Mirus shook her head in response as the three approached Atlantis.

Throne Room: "Stand down or I will crush the stone in my hand." Manta threatened

@Baku @TommyGun15
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Corrin began to laugh "Good luck with that. No one has been able to break it. And besides if you keep it than it's your funeral when you are being ripped apart by a dragon. In fact the only thing that can break it is one of the First dragons."

"I do not fear death." Manta replied to Corrin in a bitter tone "Even if you are able to rip me apart as a dragon, who will stop you from killing your friends?"

"Well I guess I could try talkin' down a dragon." Harleen shrugged

"In that case I wish you the best of luck." Manta replied smugly. His left hand began to glow with a dark energy as he attempted to crush the stone.

"Oh no you don't." Harleen said as Groot attacked Manta from behind while Harleen kicked him from the front "While having my own dragon would be pretty cool, I'd rather have one I could control."

"I am Groot?" Groot asked

"Fine. If we find baby dragons you can have one." Harleen smiled

Manta was tossed out of the throne room while Harleen caught the stone, handing it back to Corrin. As she handed it back she noticed there was a small crack running across it.

"Was that there before?" She asked

Manta was thrown before the feet of Crane, Aqualad, Seeker and Crim and scrambled to his feet only to run face to face with a wounded Aquaman.

"Manta." He spat bitterly "You will face justice for the atrocities you comi..."

"I committed!?" Manta shouted, taken aback "You were the one who murdered the Justice League! You were the one who led the Kraken to kill billions! All I did was provide a guiding hand."

@Baku @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
Artorias, having picked up his sword on the way back, escorted Aquaman to Aqualad.

"He is wounded. He needs a healer immediately, or his leg may be lost."

Then Artorias drew his sword and pointed it at Black Manta.

"The Atlantean King has paid for his crimes with his blood, and the blood of his monster which dies outside the city as we speak. Now, Deceiver, it is your turn to face Lord Gwyn's judgement!"

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
"Ya wanna talk about it?" Harleen asked Corrin in a soft, reassuring voice before beginning to pat herself down "Drat. I left my notepad back on the ship."

"I am Groot." Groot sighed

"Hey, I'm just doing my job...Even if I'm not being paid as a professional psychiatrist anymore."

In the hallway Aqualad rushed to assist his King only for Aquaman to raise a hand "Hold. If Manta is to face judgement, I shall be the one who carries it." The King attempted to stand as he faced Black Manta, staring deeply into his red, exposed eyes.

"Who are you?" He asked angrily "Manta had no training in dark magic, nor immunities to telepathy of any kind."

Manta began to laugh in response "I'll never talk. Plans have already been set in motion."

"If you won't talk, I'll just force it out of your mind." Mirus sighed

@TommyGun15 @Baku @ryanpk200
Manta chuckled at Mirus' threat and gritted his teeth together. He stared deeply into her eyes as his eyes turned black and empty, his mouth began to fill with a dark liquid.

"Poison!" Aquaman shouted, grabbing Manta by the shoulder as he fell

"Resurget in urbe..." Manta muttered to himself before letting out one final breath.

Aquaman stepped away from the body and turned to Mirus, shaking his head

"That was Latin. Something along the lines of the city will rise." Mirus sighed "Any ideas what he meant?" She turned to Aquaman "Give us access to your archives. We might find an answer there."

"Of course." Aquaman nodded

"I wasn't asking." Mirus replied bitterly

In the throne room Harleen rolled her eyes at Corrin's words "You won't need to tell her anythin'. She can read your mind ya know."

@Baku @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
Corrin sighed "It's about my mom. That crack formed after her death. It was the first time I transformed into a dragon. Gods I remember every moment of it. The grimeal getting a mind of it's own. And the explosion that stupid sword caused. And my mother blocking me and taking a lethal shot just to keep me safe."


"Maybe Eternity would know a thing or two." Crim suggested

"Eternity?" Aquaman asked curiously

"He goes by the name Doctor Eternity. He's a bit of a..."

"That can wait." Mirus cut him off "Anyway, archives. One of Manta's memories showed them so maybe we'll find something."

Aquaman nodded and led the group down another corridor, coming face to face with a room with two large doors that was guarded by at least twenty soldiers. Upon seeing their King approach they stood to the side without a word, allowing the group to step inside. As Aquaman tried to lead the group deeper into the archives Mirus grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Get that leg looked at. We can take it from here." She muttered

"I want to help." Aquaman replied, taken aback

"Then make sure your leg dosen't fall off." Mirus patted Aquaman on the shoulder and the King was taken away by Aqualad

"That was a bit forgiving." Crim sighed

"It wasn't." Mirus shook her head sternly "I want him to live with what he's done. Manipulated or not, he still committed a mass genocide. Death would be too kind."

Crim nodded in response and followed his Captain inside.

The archive room was very similar to a large library with bookcases stretching for miles, however it was being patrolled by small, circular and metallic orb-like machines that floated above the air. From each of their heads a small blue light was omitted.

In place of books however appeared to be blue holographic projections.

Throne Room:

Harleen let out a deep yet sympathetic sigh and turned to Groot. He nodded in response and using his branches and vines created a long chair identical to one seen in the office of a psychiatrist. Groot also created a pair of fake glasses out of a chain of flowers and handed them to Harleen while creating a chair for her.

"I am Groot?" He asked

"Oh please, I'm never without my notepad and pen." Harleen smiled "This is...Well apart from all the plants and the fact that we're in a city at the bottom of the ocean this is just like my old office." She explained, seeing Groot frown "But that's what my old office was lacking. Not enough plantlife." She smiled, causing a grin to appear on the living tree's face.

Harleen sat in the chair and gestured for Corrin to sit down, preparing her notepad and pen.

@Baku @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
Corrin looked at the chair. "Harleen it's nice of you to offer help like this but I just can't accept it. Yes it's a terrible memory but it's a memory that drives me forward in life. Ever since my mom died I swore that I would stop the war raging in my world. Even if it met my family branding me a traitor, even if it meant me facing the world on my own. I will bring peace to my world and put an end to the war." Corrin took a deep breath "But on a lighter subject you guys might need a good strategist. And I don't mean to brag but I fought off a army with only three people and it was me Azura and a maid of mine named Felicia."

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Artorias looked around at the blue projections, his eyebrows raising beneath his helmet.

"Impressive. There must be a powerful wizard here in order to keep so many illusions cast at once. That, or a very dedicated staff.

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
Throne Room: Harleen sighed sympathetically "You don't want anyone else to feel what you feel. I know a guy like that and trust me he's kinda miserable and brooding. Keeping it in or bottling it up to punch bad guys in the face just isn't healthy. Look, I'm not here to tell you to stop doing what you think is the right thing, kiddo. I just don't want you to eat yourself up over your mother's death."

"No wizards, just us." One of the orbs answered "We were designed in order to store and protect the history of Atlantis."

Mirus approached one of the orbs and gently touched it, causing the orb to back away from her. It paused before coating Mirus in a blue light as it started to scan her.

"Welcome back your highness." The Orb greeted in a friendly tone

"Your highness?" Crim asked, simply getting a wink from Mirus in response

"Are there any legends or any mention of a city rising?" Mirus asked "Maybe something about Atlantis itself rising from the ocean?"

"Error, no information available." The orb replied

"Check for other cities. Check to see if Manta had any conversations with outsiders."

"Error, all data regarding Black Manta was recently deleted."

"Under who's orders?" Mirus asked impatiently

"Why, yours. Your highness. Approximately five minutes ago."

@TommyGun15 @Baku
<p>Corrin chuckled a small bit. "Harleen I'm saying I don't need help because two people I know really well helped me get over it. I've been helped already. But tell you what if you want some stories of my world I'm more than willing to tell them on the ship. Now let's catch up to Mirus and the others."</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="" data-mentionid="3340">@Some_Bloke</a></p>
"Hmm... so it appears there is an imposter."

Artorias paced as he thought about this.

"Does anyone else have any ideas? I must admit, I am not usually one for plans."

@Some_Bloke @Baku
Archives: "Five minutes ago we were fighting Aquaman and you were inside the stomach of the Kraken." Mirus muttered skeptically "That means that someone snuck in. Someone used our fight to delete something important."

"Fighting Aquaman?" One of the orbs asked "Your highness, I am confused."

"Good...I was testing you." Mirus lied "Security footage in this room during the last five minutes."

The orb displayed a holographic image of a figure wearing a hood and a white masquerade mask that covered their entire face.

"Well that's helpful." Mirus sighed sarcastically

"Search archives for any information regarding that mask." Seeker butted in, giving Mirus a cheeky grin

"Scanning...It appears to be a masquerade mask dating back as far as the thirteenth century. Popular in Venice during the Carnival of Venice event."

Throne Room: "I thought we still had another fifty five minutes." Harleen replied in a confused tone. She turned to Groot "Alright." She sighed "Let's see what the Captain's up to."

@Baku @TommyGun15
Artorias frowned, a somewhat ominous idea occurring to him.

"Does the mask have any apparent connections to any gods, or powerful magic users. Back in Lordran, some of the gods or magic users used to put some of their magic into objects, masks being fairly common. A few of the more powerful mortals were even able to put their conscious minds into these objects, allowing them to possess whomever wore the mask.

@Baku @Some_Bloke
Archives: "Possess people?" Harleen asked as she entered the room with Groot and Corrin "Like that Goosebumps book? We're in hot water now." She shook her head

"The festival where the masks originated was a human thing. I'm not really sure how it started." Seeker explained "Pretty sure it had nothing to do with RL Stine though."

"Maybe the mask is just a convenient disguise." Mirus suggested "I think we should just finish up here and see what Eternity thinks of this. We've done what he asked after all." She sighed

"I am Groot." Groot butted in

@Baku @TommyGun15
Baku said:
Corrin walked in to hear that they were reporting to Eternity. "Hey did we figure out anything? Or have we hit a dead end?"
Artorias looked over at Corrin as he walked into the room.

"Someone wearing a mask came in and deleted some files during the fight. We're trying to figure out what we can about the mask right now."

@Baku @Some_Bloke
TommyGun15 said:
Artorias looked over at Corrin as he walked into the room.
"Someone wearing a mask came in and deleted some files during the fight. We're trying to figure out what we can about the mask right now."

@Baku @Some_Bloke
"We can take it from here." A voice spoke from behind the group. Mirus spun around to see one of Eternity's androids standing there, speaking in Doctor Eternity's voice calmly "You've done your job and with little bloodshed. Only three deaths, just as I predicted."

"Three?" Crim asked

"The Kraken will survive if it receives the right treatment. As will the Atlantean king. Both of them will for the Kraken is a valuable asset and although the King is riddled with guilt he knows that his people need him. I'm somewhat satisfied with the results of this test. Mirus, you need to work on actual leadership skills, Artorias you need to work on your anger and Corrin you need to be a bit more cautious. I would not like you to kill your companions."

"So this shite was nothin' more than a test?!" Seeker asked angrily

"Not exactly. I predicted that you would discover this. We each have tasks to do for now. I have taken the liberty of pushing the needed coordinates into the Valkyrie so get to it. Chop chop."

"I really don't like people running around on my ship uninvited." Mirus replied sternly

"Our ship." Seeker replied

Corrin raised his hand. "So wait I'm confused. Was there a point to us coming here? Or was this some side mission. I mean not that I can complain the sooner I use that master seal I have in the ship the better."

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
Baku said:
Corrin raised his hand. "So wait I'm confused. Was there a point to us coming here? Or was this some side mission. I mean not that I can complain the sooner I use that master seal I have in the ship the better."
@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
"Pointless?" The android asked, speaking sternly in Doctor Eternity's voice "No. It was both a test of your abilities and a means to discover what was going on here. If you don't like it, you can always quit. I can find another crewmember. One with a bit more control and less likely to turn into a murderous dragon."

The android began to walk into the archives "You have work to do, save your complaints for later and a full mission briefing is waiting for you back on the Valkyrie, as well as a little gift."

"Does the gift explode?" Harleen asked, raising her hand "The last time someone promised me a gift like that it kinda blew up."

The android ignored Harleen's words and continued walking.

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