The Valkyrie

Corrin explained "Uh that's not the multiverse we call those versions of my world Outrealms. Now I know what your thinking it's like the multiverse but it's more... Contained. I've met some people in those outrealms. There was Chrom and his army The Shephards. There was Ike and the Grell mercenaries. I've been to a few of them."

Baku said:
Corrin explained "Uh that's not the multiverse we call those versions of my world Outrealms. Now I know what your thinking it's like the multiverse but it's more... Contained. I've met some people in those outrealms. There was Chrom and his army The Shephards. There was Ike and the Grell mercenaries. I've been to a few of them."
"It's all part of reality." The child explained as the ship descended "Those Outrealms are just alternate universe versions of your own universe. They're close together sure, but..."

The Valkyrie docked with a base and was instantly approached by six armed guards.

"By order of the royal family, your ship is to be inspected." One of the guards spoke sternly "Open the cargo bay doors and prepare to be boarded."

Mirus sighed "Cortana, open those doors and disengage the defences in the corridor." She ordered

"What if they try something?" Crim asked

"They won't." The child spoke over the radio "These guys are good guys, they're just a bit weary of outsiders."

The guards pushed inside, frst approaching Harleen and seeing her standing next to a giant knight with a wolf matching his size. Sif growled but Artorias patted her on the head in an attempt to calm her down. They looked to Harleen next who bowed before them in an over the top manner.

"I am Harniss Everquinn." She spoke in a formal tone "And I welcome you to our ship, the Valkyrie."

"Rise...Harniss Everquinn." One of the guards replied, somewhat confused by the gesture "What is your role on this vessel?"

"I'm the ship's psychiatrist...And hammer expert, I guess." Harleen explained with a smile

One of the guards sighed deeply and began to take notes on a device. He interviewed Artorias while the other two guards made their way into the ship. One approached Corrin and Lilith "Alright, so what do you two do here?" He asked "What's your role on this ship?"

"Crew." Mirus butted in "I can vouch for them bo..."

"I want to hear it from them." The guard replied sternly

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Corrin took a deep breath "My names Corrin. I'm the strategist of this ship. Whenever we go into battle I make sure we have a plan. And this is-" Lilith butted in. "Names Lilith an Astral dragon my job is to watch Corrin here and make sure no harm comes to him."

The guards nodded understandingly and began to search the rest of the ship "You have an AI on board?" He asked

"That'd be me." Cortana replied

"Alright. We're going to need to talk to the rest of the crew any anyone else onboard this ship." The guard explained "But the two Captains, the strategist, the security officers and the psychiatrist are free to go."

"I'll be alright, the rest of you go ahead." Cortana reassured

Mirus gestured to Corrin and Lilith "Let's go." She sighed, leading the two outside. A group of guards escorted them along a corridor, leading them towards the main throne room.


Medusa turned her attention towards Groot "We have met before, Guardian."

"I am Groot?" Groot replied in a confused tone

"He says that he hasn't met you before." Harleen replied

"Then he must be a Groot from another dimension." Medusa sighed "That aside, the child Franklin Richards has already informed as as to why you're here. He says we can trust you, but..."

"But what?" Mirus asked

"We'd like to test that." Medusa replied sternly

Corrin was relieved that they believed him. Actually mentioning who he was would be dangerous. "Well what exactly do you have in mind Miss. A test is only fair given Franklin is still a kid and his word might not mean too much to you."

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"A test of our trust dosen't make all that much sense, I mean we're totally trustworthy." Harleen replied with a grin, only to see that Medusa maintained her stern expression. "Alright, what do you actually want us to do?"

"Franklin told us about why you are here. To quote him, so a guy called Doctor Eternity wants you to protect him. To make sure he stays safe."

"Pretty much." Mirus shrugged

"We are already providing that service. Franklin is safe here."

"Who's this friend?" Harleen asked Black Bolt. Upon seeing no response from the King she turned back to Medusa "He dosen't talk much, does he?"

"My husband's voice is strong enough to level mountains with a single whisper. I act as his interpreter." Medusa explained

"Yikes." Harleen replied, stepping back "So what happens if he sneezes?" Harleen asked curiously

"Excuse me?" Medusa asked, somewhat confused by Harleen's question

"What happens if he talks in his sleep?" Harleen asked

"My husband has performed mental training to prevent this, all throughout his life. He had to do this before he entered society." Medusa explained sternly

"Intense mental training won't stop the common cold." Harleen stated. She had a pondering look on her face "I mean when Black Canary did it she had to scream in order to do the shouty thing..." She muttered to herself

Medusa cleared her throat, catching Harleen's attention.

"Listen. All we know is we have a job to protect this kid." Mirus explained "If we do it, we get to go home. All of us."

Medusa and Black Bolt made eye contact with each other and the two began to engage in a form of sign-language.

"If you prove to us that you can be trusted, Black Bolt is willing to let you stay temporarily. We'll have engineers look at the dimensional drive on your ship, to try and find you all of you a way home."

"You'd really do that for us?" Mirus asked

"So long as you promise to keep to yourselves and behave, we're allowing you a temporary stay here. We don't take outsiders in often, but these are special circumstances."

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Corrin had no idea if he could even trust these two. His trust has been broken several times in the past. But the idea of going home was tempting to say the least. "Well what do we have to do?"

"For now, you will stay with your ship under the supervision of guards as our engineers work on your dimensional drive." Medusa explained "If our guards believe you mean them no harm, we will consider letting you stay within the walls of our city." She turned to Mirus, staring into her eyes sternly "No telepathy. We will know if you have tried to influence our guards in their decision."

"Telepathy's not the only thing we can use." She muttered under her breath

"We know." Medusa replied with a sigh

"Mirus" Black Bolt spoke inside of his mind in a clear, stern tone "I know you are trying to read my thoughts. The boy tells me you can be trusted, however despite having the powers of a God he is somewhat naive. For the sake of your crew and the sake of my people, do not be so bold. Please, it will make this situation run a lot easier for both of us."

"Can your engineers really help us?"
Mirus asked telepathically

"In time, yes."

"If Franklin has the powers of a God, why can't he send us home?"

"He's still learning to control his abilities as both you and I did. You had to control your emotions, I had to teach myself never to speak a word...Franklin's powers can be far more destructive than the power of my voice if he uses them without the proper guidance.

"Got it."

Black Bolt turned to Medusa and nodded

"Then it's settled." Medusa spoke "Unless you have anymore questions?"

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Corrin was silent. To him there was a chance someone from his world who wanted him dead had talked with these two. "I can't think of anymore questions. Mirus shall we head back?"

"Alright." Mirus sighed "We don't really need your guards to escort us back to the ship. We know where we're going."

She turned away, walking out of the throne room "Are you alright Corrin?" She asked in an concerned tone, speaking within Corrin's mind "I don't have to be a mind reader to tell when something's wrong."

Corrin responded mentally "Just some alarms going off in my head Mirus. I'm just worried that those two are in league with someone from my world who wants me dead. I'm happy I could get to go home but what if they set it up to where I'm in enemy territory. I'm nowhere near ready if they opened the portal and he is waiting for me."

"And who might that be?" Mirus asked mentally "You can tell me and there's a chance you're right, you need to tell me. I need to know what we're up against. We need to protect Franklin from them, too if that's the case."

Corrin winced in fear. "Mirus what we would be dealing with is a dragon. Not like the ones you guys read about. A dragon that hates all of humanity for what they did to him. You Harleen and every human in sight will be viewed as an enemy. And he doesn't kill either he makes his victims into mindless puppets who will obey every command he gives. You have to promise me if my fears are true you leave me behind and get Franklin and get the Valkyrie out of here."

"All of humanity?" She asked telepathically "I'm an alien you numpty. Also, why would these Inhumans work with a dragon intent on destroying humanity? They probably live on the moon for a reason and not becuase they want to blow up the Earth. I don't see any moon lasers around."

She sighed deeply before continuing "Also, if this guy hated humanity that much he could have killed us all using his voice. He could have literally said 'Hey guys I'm in league with a big ass dragon'. Might have kept me, Groot and Jim alive though...Look, I understand that you're concerned about these people but there's being a bit paranoid and then there's...What you're doing here. It's a bit far-fetched."

Mirus was the first to enter the ship "Guys, we might be here for a while so you'd better get settled."

"A while?" Tyfo asked, running out of the kitchen "The perfect amount of time for you to fill out the required Shadow Proclimation paperwork!"

Mirus placed her head in one hand and groaned.

Filling out Tyfo's paperwork did not take any time at all for Mirus. By simply holding the mountain of paperwork in her hands, she began to search through it as she would any book. For a human being, reading a large book might take a day but due to her alien abilities Mirus was able to read a book in several minutes. She had read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in three minutes, a full hardback version of Sun Tzu's Art of War in six minutes and a cookery book detailing every breakfast known in the galaxy in eight minutes.

For her, all she had to do was sign the papers. Harleen on the other hand, struggled with it. Every single paper was filled with text in regards to regulations. Many of them bored or confused her, including:

20-8-14: Do not vandalize Shadow Proclamation property using green paint.

25-5-10: Bananas are a good source of potassium and so are not to be wasted, even in dire situations such as a sudden an invasion of nanogen-created zombies

12-10-79: Vorgons are prohibited from performing poetry on Shadow Proclamation property. This is in accordance with the dangerous arts act. This law also applies to the Azgoths of Kria.

However, the regulations and paperwork proved rather traumatic for Groot, mostly due to how much paper actually used. There was also the issue to him holding a pen.

With the papers finally filled out for everyone on board, Tyfo processed them "I expect you to uphold these regulations."

"I am Groot." Groot sighed, looking down with a glum look on his face

"Shhh...It's okay big guy." Harleen replied, patting him on the back

The Inhuman engineers and guards sent onto the ship were exempt from Tyfo's frightening amount of paperwork, mostly due to Tyfo being distracted by the mess Krypto had left in the kitchen.

As the engineers got to work, another mass of guards entered the ship. In the middle there was a small child standing next to Medusa.

"You have a visitor." Medusa smiled

Franklin smiled in response, waving nervously at the crew. Upon seeing the child Krypto ran over to him, sniffing Franklin before licking his face. He giggled in response, scratching the dog behind the ears "Good boy Krypto!" He laughed. In the palm of his other hand Franklin conjured a blue tennis ball from nothing and tossed it across the ship "Now fetch!" He continued to laugh.

As Krypto flew after the ball Franklin took another step towards the crew.

"You know, dogs aren't fully colourblind. They just have one less colour sensitive cone cell in their retinas. They only see yellow and blue colour-wise." Franklin explained with a smile as Krypto returned, setting the ball down at Franklin's feet and wagging his tail.

Mirus reached out for the ball using her telekinesis and threw it back into the ship, sending Krypto after it again.

"Oh cool." Franklin smiled "But the way you read books takes all the fun out of reading. I mean I can read books pretty quickly but the way you do it seems boring."

"Well..." Mirus began but was cut off as Krypto flew past her, handing the tennis ball back to Franklin.

"Yeah, I know. It's the way your people learn about stuff." Franklin replied, throwing the ball for Krypto again "It just seems kinda dull is all."

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Corrin saw Franklin enter along with that Medusa women. He wanted to speak with Franklin but he had no idea how he would do that. "Hey Franklin you mind if I can ask a few questions of you? That is if it's alright with your caretaker?"

Baku said:
Corrin saw Franklin enter along with that Medusa women. He wanted to speak with Franklin but he had no idea how he would do that. "Hey Franklin you mind if I can ask a few questions of you? That is if it's alright with your caretaker?"
"Ask away, Corrin." Franklin smiled "Oh and don't worry about that nasty dragon."

"Dragon?" Medusa asked suspiciously

"Corrin was worried you guys were working with an ancient dragon that hates humanity..."

"We don't hate humans, Corrin." Medusa replied sternly "We're just cautious of them. If you knew all of our history you'd understand..."

"You live on the moon becuase the humans persecuted you?" Mirus asked "And no, before you ask. I didn't read your mind to work that out."
Corrin replied "Look I'm sorry about that. In my world I'm public enemy number one. Everyone wants me dead, not just the dragon. But my question is who or what are you Franklin? I mean you don't have to answer if you're not willing to tell a stranger like me."

"Yep, pleased to meet you in person." Franklin smiled "And don't worry about that dragon, or anyone from your universe."

"You're more than welcome to just stay with the Valkyrie." Mirus reassured Corrin

"I'd send you home myself Mirus, I'd send all of you where you wanted to go but...But I don't know how to control my powers yet." Franklin spoke with guilt in his voice, looking down "I'm still learning and Black Bolt said I shouldn't risk it."

Harleen approached Franklin and knelt down so that their faces met "It's alright, kiddo." She reassured him with a smile "You've got time to learn these things. Don't beat yourself up becuase you're just a kid."

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Corrin felt bad for the kid. He knew what it was like to not be able to help others because you can't control you're power. "Hey Franklin I can turn into a dragon. If you would like I could transform just to show you. That might cheer you up."

"Cheer me up?" Franklin asked, somewhat confused "I'm fine Corrin, I'm just sorry that I let you guys down." He continued to look down

"Kiddo, you can't beat yourself up over this stuff." Harleen replied, a concerned look on her face "Listen, the longer you spend beating yourself up the less time you'll have to actually learn about your powers. The quicker you do that, the quicker you could help us."

Franklin stared into Harleen's eyes, his expression shifting to one of determination "You're right!" He shouted, clenching his fists "I'm gonna go practice now!" Franklin grinned and turned away, leaving the ship. Many of the Inhuman guards split off, following after him. Medusa remained on the ship, glaring at Harleen.

"Psychiatry." Harleen grinned

"I know." Medusa sighed. She stepped forwards "But I must warn you, do not push the boy too hard." She cautioned in a concerned tone

"I have a kid of my own, I know..." Harleen replied with a smile. It suddenly faded, and she looked down "I gotta go." She spoke in a soft voice, turning away from Medusa and walking back into the ship.

Corrin watched Harleen walk off. He honestly wanted to say something but he wasn't sure what to say. "Look miss I can understand what it's like to be pushed too hard. I didn't have a normal childhood. I was practically raised for war. Nine hours a day I sparred with Gunther and Jakob with my father sending me messages saying when I can beat Xander one on one I could go and join the family. It happened alright and..." Corrin had a pained expression on his face "Sorry I have to excuse myself bad memories are popping up."

"None of us had easy lives, Corrin. I'd send you to the ship's psychiatrist but I think she wants to be left alone." Mirus replied with a heavy sigh

"Mine was actually pretty..." Tyfo butted in

"Shut up, Tyfo. Now isn't the time." Mirus ordered sternly

"Sh-She's right..." Crim stammered, walking back into the room and no longer wearing his armour "B-u-But we cannot allow the past to define us."

"While we're here, Medusa is there anything we can do to help?" Mirus asked

"Just keep an eye out for anything suspicious." Medusa replied "There are people in the Multiverse who want to hurt Franklin. If anything and I mean anything comes up, let someone know straight away. Use telepathy if you have to."

Corrin stopped turning back to Mirus. "Hey Mirus I hate to change the subject but, have you seen Lillith she's usually by my side. And she's been missing for a good amount of the conversation."

"Where'd she go?" Mirus asked "She's gotta still be on the ship. I mean if she left the guards would have noticed..."

"They didn't see anything." Medusa stated "Neither did I."


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