The Valkyrie

Corrin started looking for Lilith. "Damn where is she? Look chances are she ran off to find a safe place in the ship to transform. Now if she has transformed already look for a women that has yellow eyes along with blue and red hair." Corrin took off looking in each room.

"She can do that?" Mirus asked curiously as Corrin ran off "I'm still better at the shapeshifting thing." She muttered to herself with a smug smile on her face

"You can shapeshift?" Medusa asked

"Well, not exactly...It's more of a telepathic thing, creating illusions and that." Mirus replied before turning away and looking back into the ship "Lilith!" She shouted

In one of the bedrooms Harleen sat on a bed, looking at a photograph. She hadn't added anything to the room yet apart from the words "Harley's Room Keep out" painted on the door in dark red and black letters with red and black diamonds next to the letters. This was much to the dislike of Tyfo.

Upon hearing people running through the ship looking for Lilith Harleen looked up from the photograph and sighed, opening the bedroom door only to see the human version of Lilith walking down the corridor.

Lilith was clearly struggling with walking. Every step she took ended with a stumble. She kept walking only to trip. She got up clearly upset. "Dang it all walking is tougher than I remember. Come on Lilith you can do this."

"Lilith?" Harleen asked, poking her head out of the bedroom door "I thought you were a dragon-fish...Thing. Why are you human all of a sudden?"

Lilith saw Harleen. "Corrin isn't the only one who can transform. Actually can you give me a hand I have to get used to walking again? It's been five months since I've done this."

Harleen placed the photograph back into one of her pockets and stepped out of the room, offering Lilith her hand "If you can turn into a human anytime you want, have you ever learned to dance?" Harleen asked curiously and with a smile

"I just thought it was becuase dragons ate a lot." Harleen shrugged "If it takes that much energy why are you doing it now?" She asked in a confused tone "You're on a ship with aliens and a living tree, you've got nothing to hide."

Harleen reached into one of her pockets and pulled out a pair of glasses, putting them on "Don't worry about that, you patient confidentiality." She grinned

Lilith was hesitant to tell Harleen this. "Before I met Corrin I hated him. Me and him are half siblings. Our dad was always interested in Corrin. It was always him voicing high hopes for Corrin. He always ignored me and favored Corrin no matter what I did. I chased three outsiders out of Fathers realm on my own and all my dad did was give me that same cold look. I was unloved and began to blame Corrin for dad ignoring me. One day these feelings overwhelmed me and I was cast out of my home. I was forced into my dragon form and wandered until I met Corrin for the first time. He thought I was a bird or something and refused to leave me injured. He nursed me back to health. After that I felt loved. Even if it was from my own brother I felt loved. I wanted to stay with him so I made my first transformation into a human and found Corrin in the same fortress we first met in. I became a stable girl and he visited me every day. And eventually I saved his life returning the favor after all those years. After that you know what happened."

"You two ended up in another dimension and stuck on this ship with the rest of us." Harleen replied with a sigh "You want my advice? You should tell him. That way you'd be able to let go of your these negative feelings...Eventually. It'll still take time."

Mirus turned a corner, coming face to face with Harleen and Lilith.

"Corrin's looking for you." Mirus spoke, leaning against one of the walls "And we met Franklin. He seems like a good kid."

Two guards walked down the corridor, approaching the three of them.

"Come with us." One ordered

"I promise, whatever went wrong it wasn't me." Harleen protested, raising her arms.

The two guards exchanged confused glances with each other before looking back at Harleen.

"No. A tear opened in the royal court. According to Franklin you know the person who fell out of it. She's in the medical wing now..."

"Who is it?" Harleen asked, her face brightening up

"Franklin didn't give us her full name, he just told us that she likes plants. Does that mean anything to..."

Before the guard could continue his sentence, Harleen whizzed past him. She then turned back down the corridor, poking her head out.

"Erm, where's the medial wing?" She asked with a smile

"It's left from the royal court. You can't miss it." One of the guards replied "It's signpos..."

Before he could continue, she was gone again.

"Mean anything to you two?" One of the guards asked Mirus and Lilith

"Nope." Mirus replied, shaking her head with a shrug "She dosen't talk much about the people she has back home."

Harleen sprinted past Medusa and out of the ship.

"Red!" She cried gleefully as she pushed past two more guards, making her way to the medical wing "Red!" She shouted again, pushing past another two guards. Another four were stationed outside of the medical wing, they simply stepped to the side and let Harleen pass. Two of them followed her inside.

Lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by monitoring equipment was Poison Ivy. Harleen gently walked up to Ivy's side, sitting next to the bed. As the room fell silent she licked her pinky finger and stuck it inside of Ivy's left ear, giving her a wet willy.

@Baku @LadyAria

Poison Ivy.

The female had been unconcious ever since she had landed, no idea and not the faintest clue where she was or how she got there. She laid there motionless as the screens around her showed signs she was still well... alright yet it looked as of she was in a coma.

It had been a while now but despute she was 'asleep', internally she swore she could hear a familiar voice. Calling her. A voice she hasn't heard in ages. She wanted to wake up but she couldn't her brain wasn't registering to wake up even after feeling a wet finger slide inside her ear. If she was concious she would have earned an automatic responce vine whip to the face.

Lilith had no idea what just happened but then saw Corrin looking for her. He looked at Lilith in shock. "Uh Lilith why are you human again? And Mirus I just saw Harleen dash off like her life depended on it. Can someone explain to me what is going on."

Seeing no response from Ivy Harleen's grin faded "That usually works..." She muttered "I mean back in Arkham I..."

"She appears to be in a coma." One of the guards spoke in a sympathetic tone

"You guys are a bunch of powerful metahumans with a moon base!" Harleen snapped angrily, turning back to face the guards "How do you not have the technology to wake someone up out of a coma!?"

Back on the ship Mirus shrugged in response to Corrin's question "The guards said something about someone Harleen knew turning up so she dashed off." Mirus smiled "Maybe it's Lucy, maybe it's someone else, I dunno."

@LadyAria @Baku

Poison Ivy.

Her inside kept fighting to wake up, hearing the voices in the background she wanted to make them aware. To make them aware that she was awake.

She tried to make her finger flinch but it was as if she couldn't she tried so desperately to do so and she managed. Her fingers flimched ontop of that ivy leaf leotard she was wearing. She hoped that the sign was picked up.

Harleen smiled upon seeing Ivy's fingers move "Looks like my trick worked." She turned towards the Inhumans before looking back at Ivy "Red, I know you can hear me, I know you're in there and I swear if you don't wake up I'm gonna give you another wet willy. In fact, I'll give you two!"

Poison Ivy.

Upon hearing that Ivy wanted to just jerk awake and tell her she was ok but she couldn't. Trying to force her systwm to wake she slowly flinched, her eyes squeezed shut for a little as she slowly blinked them open, her vision oh so blurry, a soft groan escaping her lips. "H-Harls?" She muttered.

"In the flesh." Harleen smiled, another sigh of relief leaving her mouth "Apart from waking up from a coma, are you alright, Red?" She asked with a grin.

Corrin was still confused but he turned his attention to Lilith. "Lilith if you ever need to transform you tell the others you need space. I highly doubt anyone in this ship would kill you for transforming. I mean no one would try that right Mirus?"

"You're on a ship with a giant wolf, a giant knight three aliens, one of them being a dog, an android and a guy who can shift into a dragon...There isn't really much to worry about when it comes to sticking out." Mirus replied with a slight chuckle.

Just as Corrin was about to thank Mirus he heard the sound of someone falling followed by something bigger. "What on earth was that?"

Corrin/Lyla fell onto a hard floor. She had no idea where she was but then the familiar heavy breathing of a Faceless broke the silence. "Damn it all you don't know when to quit do you?" She kicked the faceless away and began to try and get out only for a second and third facelesss to block her way. "Oh crap this is bad I guess I have no choice but to- wait where is it?" Corrin noticed her sword lying on the ground out of her reach. One of the faceless punched Corrin causing her to hit one of the walls.

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