The Valkyrie

Lilith opened her mouth in protest but Corrin stopped her. "I'm still young considering my ability. Maybe you guys need Lilith more than me." Lilith wasn't as good of a fighter as Corrin even in her human form she had some bad weaknesses even if she was pretty powerful. "Corrin I cannot take your place in combat. Astral dragons can't take much punishment. If you have trouble controlling your dragon form that's because you only learned about it three weeks ago. It took me hundreds of years before I could. And I didn't have a dragon stone on me. You have that advantage. Now don't listen to that Eternity person. Listen to the person err, dragon that helped raise you when you were still young and had your memory wiped."


Baku said:
Lilith opened her mouth in protest but Corrin stopped her. "I'm still young considering my ability. Maybe you guys need Lilith more than me." Lilith wasn't as good of a fighter as Corrin even in her human form she had some bad weaknesses even if she was pretty powerful. "Corrin I cannot take your place in combat. Astral dragons can't take much punishment. If you have trouble controlling your dragon form that's because you only learned about it three weeks ago. It took me hundreds of years before I could. And I didn't have a dragon stone on me. You have that advantage. Now don't listen to that Eternity person. Listen to the person err, dragon that helped raise you when you were still young and had your memory wiped."

"I say we should just get going." Mirus sighed

"Corrin, don't listen to him. That Eternity guy is trying to get inside your head the human way." Mirus spoke inside of Corrin's mind reassuringly as she led the crew back into the shuttle.

The group made it back to the shuttle and took off, approaching the Valkyrie and leaving Atlantis and her people behind. Mirus turned to Harleen.

"You mind wanting to tell me what that was about?" She asked, speaking inside of Harleen's mind "Aquaman knew you and the two of you seemed to hate each other."

"Does it really matter, Captain?"
Harleen replied mentally

"Yep. Although Tyfo hasn't managed to make you fill out all that paperwork, you're part of my crew. Wait a minute, I haven't filled it out yet either...Anyway. You're crew so I gotta watch out for you. Captain's duty and whatnot."

"We kicked his butt so I'm fine. I got it out of my system during the fight."
Harleen replied, shrugging her shoulders

The shuttle docked with the ship and Jim instantly flew aboard ahead of the others. Mirus removed her helmet and breathed deeply, turning back to Corrin "Captain's duty." She half-smiled "Someone's gotta keep our heads together."

"Then it's my duty too." Seeker cut in, getting an eye-roll from Mirus in response "Now where's this shite that Eternity left us?"

"Captan." Tyfo spoke as he walked around a corner "One of Doctor Eternity's androids left something for you. He had all the appropriate Shadow Proclamation paperwork for it so I could not deny it. However as the package is for the entire crew, I have not opened it yet."

"I may have peaked a little bit." Cortana admitted over the ship's radio.

@TommyGun15 @Baku
Corrin knew for a fact that Mirus was a good leader. "You know Mirus when you said it was part of your job as captain I can't help but see a bit of Ryoma in you. He always said the same thing to me."

Baku said:
Corrin knew for a fact that Mirus was a good leader. "You know Mirus when you said it was part of your job as captain I can't help but see a bit of Ryoma in you. He always said the same thing to me."
"I have no idea who that is but I'm going to take it as a compliment." Mirus shrugged as Tyfo led her towards what appeared to be a square cardboard box, with a giant "E" painted on the side in bold. As Mirus approached it, the box opened. Inside was a square and golden device that displayed a hologram of a humanoid figure sitting on a marble throne.

Due to the positioning of the image, Mirus was unable to see the person's face as it was blocked out. All the crew could see was the throne itself with the figure hidden in shadows.

"Despite my...Observations." Doctor Eternity spoke "You passed the test and as I do my research, you need to complete your mission. In the wars to come we are going to need all the help we can get and so I need you to keep someone safe for me."

"Who?" Harleen asked

"The child known as Franklin Richards. He may be vital in the wars to come, capable of turning the tide of any war. Locating him will be easy, but keeping the child safe will be your true challenge. Do not fail me."

Corrin listened to what Eternity said. But to Corrin he was stumped with how a kid was capable of turning the tides in a war. "Mirus what do you think Eternity means when he said keeping the kid safe is the hard part? Don't tell me he can cause stuff to explode with his mind. Or is he being hunted by the other side of this war? If anyone else has heard about this kid and the war to come he's a big target."

Artorias wasn't in the room. He'd decided that at the moment what he needed was to spend a little time with Sif. Being near the great wolf always seemed to calm him down, and this time was no different. He figured his companions would inform him should anything important happen, and if they didn't inform him, it was likely none of his business.

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"Haven't a clue. I just don't hope we have to find out." Mirus replied "Cortana, enter the coordinates and prepare to jump...No wait, cancel that order." Mirus paused, turning to face her crew "For all we know we're walking into a trap."

"I am Groot." Groot nodded in agreement

"Yeah, what he said." Harleen nodded

"I say we jump into the same universe, sure but directly onto the planet itself seems a bit suicidal. We need to learn what we can about this kid first. Eternity left files I'm sure so...I'd say we take the time to read them."

"You also need this time to fill out proper Shadow Proclamation paperwork." Tyfo butted in "Through sections one point seven four seven seven six up until sections one thousand, two hundred and ninety four point nine nine nine. These sections must be fully studied."

"Alright fine." Harleen sighed, folding her arms "Who has to sign it?"

"All lifeforms must sign."

"So you're counting the tree, superdog, Jim and the giant wolf thing?" Mirus asked sarcastically "Wonderful."

"Was that sarcasm. Using sarcasm when discussion protocol is a direct violation of the..."

"No, no...It wasn't sarcasm." Mirus shook her head

@Baku @TommyGun15
Corrin knew something wasn't right here. "I'm not sure guys the entire idea behind this kid seems to good to be true. I mean think of it he can turn the tides of war. I highly doubt Eternity is the only one to know about this kid. For all we know a group just like us could be charging in as we speak. I'm not saying we should rush but at the same time we shouldn't dawdle around trying to figure out what we do next. But something about this doesn't feel right. Just to be clear Eternity doesn't need to know what I'm saying."

"I wouldn't be surprised if this Doctor Eternity prick bugged my ship." Mirus sighed, clenching one of her fists "And you're right, this dosen't feel right. It feels trappy."

"Is that even a word?" Harleen asked

"I am Groot." Groot shrugged

"I don't want to risk my ship. We need to be careful about this." Mirus continued

"You mean our ship..." Seeker butted in, folding her arms

"This isn't the time..."

"I would like to point out that according to the official Shadow Proclamation documents, this is Seeker's ship." Tyfo cut in sternly, causing a cocky smile to grow on Seeker's face

"Where do I sign?" Mirus asked with an annoyed look in her eyes.

@Baku @TommyGun15
Corrin was annoyed that the others were bickering over something as trivial as who's ship it was. "Excuse me am I the only one who's worried about us marching to our death? As far as I'm concerned who it belongs won't matter when we're dead. So can we please focus on what we're going to do instead of bickering over who this ship belongs to."

Baku said:
Corrin was annoyed that the others were bickering over something as trivial as who's ship it was. "Excuse me am I the only one who's worried about us marching to our death? As far as I'm concerned who it belongs won't matter when we're dead. So can we please focus on what we're going to do instead of bickering over who this ship belongs to."
"All the more reason to be careful." Seeker replied in "Rushing right into this 'ill get us killed."

"We jump to this new universe, scan for Franklin and then look at what planet he's on." Mirus suggested "We'll have to work on a strategy from there, especially if this is a trap."

Corrin nodded. In his head he was bothered by this situation. If they get this Franklin kid would he be willing to come along? "You guys just do what you're going to do I have some thinking to do myself."

"Cortana." Mirus spoke "Do your thing."

"I don't think that's a good idea. Doctor Eternity gave us coordinates. If we're off by even a few numbers we could end up in an entirely different universe. Even for an AI like me, I'm dealing with unfamiliar territory. For all I know we could rip the ship apart if we jumped to the wrong place."

"Or end up in that pudding universe you mentioned." Harleen said to Mirus with worry

"Yeah, don't want that to happen again." Mirus sighed, with a look of horror on her face as she remembered her adventures in that particular world "Okay, Cortana. We're just going to have to risk it."

"Why should we trust this Doctor Eternity, anyway? Does he even have a recognized PHD?" Tyfo asked

"He's promised us a ride home." Mirus sighed

"We already have a ride home." Seeker replied

"Yeah, and we have no idea how the hell it works, not really. The coordinates back home are not exactly going to be easy to find considering how we're looking at the entire friggin Multiverse!" Mirus shouted with impatient sarcasm in her voice

"I am Groot." Groot butted in with a nod

"What did he say?" Seeker asked

"He has a racoon he has to get back to." Harleen explained in a somber tone "I got someone I gotta get back to too." Harleen looked down, avoiding eye contact with the group as she mentioned the person. She fell silent.

The Valkyrie jumped into a new universe and into unfamiliar territory. It arrived on a planet that appeared to be Earth, from space the planet appeared to be normal apart from a blip appearing on the ship's radar. On closer inspection the blip was coming from a certain area of Earth's moon.

@TommyGun15 @Baku
Artorias had remained in the cargo hold with Sif, keeping the great wolf calm. Unfortunately, the jump didn't help, and Sif began to whimper. Artorias stroked the wolf's fur and spoke gently to her.

"Shh... It's okay."

@Some_Bloke @Baku
Harleen left the room, walking to the cargo hold where she saw Artorias attempting to comfort his friend.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Harleen asked with concern "Are you gonna be okay, Artorias? Mirus told me about what happened with the hentai mons...The Kraken where you kinda went full Red Lantern on it."

Harleen walked deeper into the cargo hold, approaching Artorias. She pulled out her psychiatrist glasses "You wanna talk about it?" She asked

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Artorias looked up when Harleen walked in, continuing to pet Sif. He'd taken off his helmet, and set the massive piece of armor in the corner of the cargo hold.

"I fear that being cooped up in this ship is making Sif nervous. Perhaps she could accompany us the next time we reached land? But I digress. My behavior in Atlantis was largely fed by the influence of the Abyss. The power it grants me is great, but allowing it to enter my mind for too long can have some drastic effects on my behavior."

"I'm sure she can come with us." Harleen replied with a half-smile "So long as she dosen't eat anyone...At least anyone who dosen't have it coming I guess." She paused for a moment as she took in Artorias' words "So it's kinda like a Red Lantern minus the whole napalm blood thing?" She asked "I think I get it...I don't really know too much about that sorta stuff, just try to be careful the next time we go up against a horrible monster."


"Start to scan for any kind of disturbances and look for the name Franklin Richards if this planet has any databases." Mirus ordered sternly

"What about that thing on the moon?" Cortana asked

"Find out what you can, for now we gotta be careful." Mirus ordered


"Start to scan for any kind of disturbances and look for the name Franklin Richards if this planet has any databases." Mirus ordered sternly

"What about that thing on the moon?" Cortana asked

"Find out what you can, for now we gotta be careful." Mirus ordered

Artorias shrugged at Harleen's advice, continuing to pet Sif as he replied.

"I know not of these Red Lanterns. However, I shall keep your advice in mind, and work to contain the abyssal influence during our next endeavor. Truthfully, I'd been using that power far longer than I normally do in that place, and so I was exposed to it's corruption more than I am accustomed to."
"All you really gotta know about the Red Lanterns is that they wear red, they spit napalm blood and they, um...Have a lot of anger issues. I can't exactly get to the root of the anger issues physiologically with one as they tend to lash out during therapy. It's a hazard of the job sure but..."

Something struck the side of the ship, causing it to shake slightly.

"What was that?" Harleen asked nervously

On the bridge Mirus was able to steady herself while Krypto ran onto the bridge. He looked around before barking at whatever was outside, scratching to get out.

"Cortana, what was that?" Mirus asked

"It came from that blip on the moon."

"I'm sorry." The voice of a child emitted on the ship's radio "Are you alright? I was only trying to get your attention. Mr Black Bolt said I shouldn't use my powers too much."

"Who are you?" Mirus asked

"I'm the kid you guys are looking for." The child's voice replied nervously.

@Baku @TommyGun15
Corrin felt the hit it was convenient that something always happens when he's thinking of home. "Mirus what on earth is going on? I swear the multiverse loves to interrupt me when I'm thinking of my home."

"If you want I could send you back there Corrin." The child's voice spoke again "Well, I'd have to find your universe first. I'm still learning, you see."

"Has Mr Black Bolt given us permission to land or..." Mirus spoke

"Hold on, I'll ask him. He dosen't talk too much."

"Is he rude?" Tyfo asked

"No. It's just if he does talk he could level a city." The child's voice explained

"Fantastic." Mirus sighed sarcastically

The kid they were looking for knew Corrin. "Sorry how on earth do you know my name? I don't believe you or me ever met before." Now Corrin was starting to realize how powerful this kid is.

Baku said:
The kid they were looking for knew Corrin. "Sorry how on earth do you know my name? I don't believe you or me ever met before." Now Corrin was starting to realize how powerful this kid is.
"Sorry, I did some snooping." The child explained in an embarrassed tone "Oh and Mr Black Bolt says it's okay for you to dock as long as you promise not to cause any trouble."

"Alright." Mirus sighed "So how are you doing it? The snooping I mean? Are you a telepath too?" She asked curiously

"Not exactly no. When he talked about his home I was able to look into it. But I can't send him home, not yet becuase there's so many versions of his home. The Multiverse is a really big place."

The Valkyrie descended to the blue area of the moon, home of the Inhumans.

@Baku @TommyGun15

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