The Valkyrie

Artorias growled in rage as he grabbed the Atlantean King's arm, driving his fist into the King's face. One of the rings on his finger light up, pushing enough of the madness from his mind for Artorias to answer.

"I am a warrior!"

He hurled the King downwards towards the Kraken's stomach, where (hopefully) the beast's insides opened up into a massive cavern.

"A knight of the sun, who wades through the darkness!"

Artorias grabbed the trident protruding from his chest, and ripped it free of his own flesh. The tip still smoked with the poisons of The Abyss.

"In the times before man took his first steps, my allies and I hunted creatures much like your Kraken, until we drove them to extinction!"

Artorias pulled back his arm, prepared to thrust the trident into the King's chest right as they hit the base of the Kraken's stomach. Behind Artorias, the Atlantean King would be able to see the effect Artorias's toxin was having on the Kraken's insides, tissue rotting away and falling after them in a rain of diseased, rotting flesh.

"I am Artorias! Knight of Lord Gwyn, and protector of the City of Anor Londo! I am the Abysswalker!"

Crane saw the charging warriors dodged his rifle. When Aqualad tried to grab his gun, he said "Oh no you don't. Hands off my rifle." He also noticed the blade coming towards his throat. Crane quickly dropped to ground to avoid the blade and rolled to the side. He jumped up and grabbed several throwing knives from a side pocket on his backpack. Crane threw two of them out Aqualad and then started firing at him. He hoped dodging the knives would distract the warrior, Crane could land a could shots on him.

Black Manta laughed at Lilith's actions "Your companion is useless. Who stops in the middle of a battle to eat?"

Harleen raised her hand in response "Does it count if the fight started while you were eating? This one time I was trying to eat some ice cream and some regime soldiers burst in. Thankfully I'd mixed one of those green pills in with the ice cream so I whooped their butts pretty easily...I didn't want the ice cream to melt so..." She shrugged

"I am Groot." Said Groot in agreement

"Yeah, that's what you think. I was asking Manta though."

"It does not matter." Manta replied, shaking his head

"You guys ready?" Mirus asked her team, speaking inside of their minds "Well I don't care. Now! Attack!"

Harleen and Groot dashed to Manta's right while Mirus ran at his front, ready to attack and waiting for Corrin's move.

Outside of the throne room Aqualad managed to dodge most of Crane's knives, with one bouncing off of his armour. The bullets on the other hand, struck Aqualad and knocked him back. He gritted his teeth and ran at Crane "Your bullets cannot pierce Atlantean skin, surface-dweller!"

Crim opened fire on Aqualad, drawing the warrior's attention towards the bounty hunter while Crim tossed Crane his blaster pistol.

The Kraken: "Your titles mean nothing to me, monster!" Aquaman shouted "I am King of the seas! I hunted down and killed beings that were considered Gods among men! You and your dark magic mean nothing more to me than another surface dweller who believes he can overthrow an empire! My empire!" Aquaman aimed a swift kick at Artorias chest and went to grab his trident, to reclaim it only to see the dark liquid coat it.

"You dare corrupt my trident!?" Aquaman shouted, punching Artorias in the face "You dare!?"

@ryanpk200 @Baku @TommyGun15
Artorias took the punches and kicks without flinching, his armor protecting him from the brunt of the damage. He glared at the Atlantean King, darkness swirling behind his helmet.

"You call yourself a king? I have served a king, and you are no king!"

Artorias aimed a swift backhand swipe with his shield arm at the King that would send him flying, following up the motion with a swing of his empty sword hand that would send a wave of Abyssal toxins after the King, causing hissing, burning injuries to the Atlantean King and the insides of his pet monster.

"You are a child wearing a crown, demanding the respect you have yet to earn, and hiding behind your pet monster whenever you do not get your way. But look around you!"

Artorias motioned to the rapidly decaying flesh of the Kraken's stomach and Abyssal toxin ate away at the beast's insides.

"You monster dies, even as we speak, polluted by the very dark power that is destroying your weapon and your own flesh. Such is the fate of all corrupt empires, to be consumed by the Abyss. And now I know, without a doubt, the gods have sent me here to see this come to pass!"

Lilith was clearly angered by Mantas comment. "I think you need a lesson in respect!" Lilith fired a projectile made of pure darkness at manta. Upon hitting manta it left a severe burn mark on his ribcage.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
The Kraken: "Your Gods are false!" Aquaman shouted as he delivered a number of punches to weak points in Artorias' armour "Ask yourself this...If the Gods are so just, why is this world full of injustice? A God would have stopped the surface-dwellers from taking Mera! A God would have stopped me!" Aquaman yelled as he kicked Artorias "The so-called Gods of this world were killed as they tried to defend the surface world, leaving only me...The God of the Ocean!"

Aquaman raised a hand and the dying Kraken opened it's mouth, allowing a massive amount of sea creatures to flow through and attack Artorias. Among the group were colossal squid, Isonade and various sharks. They swarmed Artorias and came to their God's aid with two Colossal squid attempting to hold Artorias limbs in place while an Isonade went for the knight's head.

Throne Room: Manta's armour was burned and he was thrown back, allowing Mirus and Harleen to strike. Mirus cut one of the wires attached to his helmet in two while Harleen struck Manta on the head with her mallet.

"What was that?" Manta asked, almost chuckling at Harleen's attack

"A distraction, ya big silly goose." Harleen smiled as Groot grabbed Manta with one of his arms and hit him against both the wall and floor "I am Groot!" He shouted as he tossed Manta across the room, striking the Atlantean throne.

Manta quickly steadied himself and charged forwards at the group, dodging a swing from Harleen and kicking her aside while blocking Mirus' katanas and dodging the reach of Groot's vines.

@Baku @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
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Corrin was beginning to show signs that his transformation had caused some damage. "What's going on? I've never felt this weak after transforming." Despite his feeling of weakness he still fought Manta with everything he had.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
Artorias ducked the attacking Isonade as he grappled with the squid, tying their tentacles into knots as Abyssal toxins injured the stronger sea creatures and killed the weaker ones outright. As he battled, he called answer to the blustering of the Atlantean King.

"You make the false assumption that I hail from your world. Where I hail from, the gods are alive and well. And I see now that I am here to punish you for your crimes against your world! You are not a god! You are barely a warrior! You hide behind your pets, and your monster, because you are too cowardly to face a worthy opponent yourself!"
Crane caught the blastor pistol and quickly looked it over. He found the trigger and fired several times at Aqualad. "Can these pierce your Atlantean skin?" He asked with a sarcastic tone.

The Kraken: "A God is nothing without his followers." Aquaman replied grimly as the squids managed to wrap Artorias up, holding the knight in place. "Are you going to tell me that you completley innocent? That you have committed no crimes?"

Throne Room: "We'll figure it out later, just hit him with everything you've got!" Mirus shouted as Corrin blasted Manta. He was thrown back and grabbed by Groot who proceeded to hit Manta off of the floor several times. Cracks slowly began to show in his helmet but he managed to kick himself free of Groot's arms and charge towards Mirus.

As he aimed a blow for her head she ducked and sliced into his helmet, increasing the cracks in size until they finally gave way. Enraged, Manta punched Mirus in the gut, pulling one of her katanas from her hand and aimed it at her throat. Before he could make a move Mirus kicked Manta backwards, and into Groot's arms.

Manta looked upwards, revealing a scarred and pale face. As he glared at Mirus his eyes turned red.

"You're not Manta..." Harleen muttered "Last I remembered, Black Manta was, well..."

Manta said nothing and smiled as he charged towards Harleen again only to be grabbed by Groot from behind, flung into a wall a knocked unconscious. Mirus approached Manta and rested a hand against his head, shutting her eyes.

"Something...Something's blocking me from some of his memories. It's as if someone has them under lock and key." She spoke in a confused tone. She gasped and stepped back from the body "He killed Mera and manipulated Aquaman into declaring war on the surface, but he didn't do it alone." She shook her head sternly "If we can prove that to the others no one else has to die."

She turned to Groot and Corrin "Watch Manta. If he tries to get up, knock him back down." She ordered in a bitter tone before running outside with Harleen. The two arrived in the hallway where Seeker, Crane and Crim were fighting the Atlantean warriors

"If they hit me, sure." Aqualad replied in a cocky tone as he ran at Crane. One shot managed to hit him in the left leg, causing him to fall in front of Crane. Before Crane could deliver the final shot Mirus interrupted.

"The surface dwellers didn't kill Mera. Manta did."

"Prove it." Aqualad replied in a bitter tone

"I looked through Black Manta's memories." Mirus explained "I remember what he said to your King the day he swore loyalty." Mirus cleared her throat and began to speak in Manta's voice

"You and I have been enemies for years, Arthur. If circumstances were different I would want to pummel you into the ground but both of us have accepted far too much from the surface dwellers for too long. I will help you."

"Help me?" Mirus asked, speaking in Aquaman's voice

"You are not going to let this murder go unpunished, are you?" Mirus asked speaking in Manta's voice "They killed..."

"That's enough." Aqualad replied, raising a hand "Not sure if you've convinced me but I'm willing to listen. The King might be too."

"Where is he now?" Mirus asked

"Fighting your idiot friend who thought it was a good idea to challenge the Kraken."

@Baku @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
Corrin felt the pain intensify. Small sparks of red lightning were coming out of his body. "Oh gods what's happening to me? I feel like someone's shoved a wrymslayer into me and moving it around just to inflict more pain!"

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
(Had some account trouble, but after some work, and some time to think, I'm back.)

Artorias allowed the squid to hold him, letting the Abyssal toxins rolling off his armor eat into their flesh and loosening their grip. He glared at the Atlantean King through his helmet. Live or die, Artorias's spirit would not surrender. Not to this man.

"The only crime I have ever committed, was falling in battle to the forces of the Abyss. Ironically, the powers I have gained from my time in the Abyss have made me more suited to carry out Lord Gywn's judgement."

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Throne room: Manta grinned at Corrin's pain and charged towards him "You're going to feel a lot worse when I'm done with you."

Groot took a defensive stance in front of Corrin.

Outside, Mirus continued to run towards an exit and swam into the ocean with Jim by her side. She tried to connect with Artorias telepathically as she approached the Kraken but found that something was holding her back. It was as if something unnatural was inside of Artorias, something she did not understand.

Inside of the Kraken Aquaman continued to hold his own, swimming deeper into the Kraken was he waited for the knight's next move.

"This Abyss." He gritted his teeth "It is a darkness that flows within you. At first this fight was nothing more me protecting my Kingdom from the Kraken's wrath but now...Now this fight is me protecting my Kingdom from the Abyss that flows through your veins, monster!"

"Wait!" Mirus shouted, speaking inside of Aquaman's mind

"Who is this!?" Aquaman shouted angrily "Show yourself, mind-reader! I have faced the likes of you before!"

"Tell that knight that his Captain would like a word. He'll stand down if you will." Mirus spoke in a serious tone


"Manta killed your wife, I can prove it! You just need to listen to me."

"This is nothing more than trickery! I will not fall for it!" Aquaman yelled, swimming up towards Artorias with his trident aimed for the knight's head.

@TommyGun15 @Baku @ryanpk200
As the Atlantean King charged with his trident, Artorias jerked his head to the side. Rather than spear completely through him, the trident merely dragged across the side of his face, leaving a nasty gash that would likely scar. As Abyssal toxin sprayed from the wound, Artorias raised his shoulder and used his head to pin the trident in place. As the toxins corroded the metal of the trident, Artorias sharply twisted his body, snapping the head off the trident. Then, with an animalistic roar, another wave of toxins flew from his body. The toxins burned into the flesh of the giant squid holding him, and he pulled himself free of their grip.

Falling the bottom of the dying Kraken's stomach, Artorias quickly scooped up the head of the trident out of the mess of blood, toxin, and decaying flesh pooled at the bottom of the stomach. He held it in his hand like a punching dagger, the Abyssal toxins coating it like they had his sword. He fell into a boxing stance and prepared for the Atlantean King's attack.
"You need to listen to me!" Mirus shouted, speaking inside of the King's mind "Manta killed Mera, he's behind all of this! Mera wouldn't want this!"

"You dare use my wife's name in vain!?" Aquaman shouted "You dare!?" He screamed, turning to Artorias "You and I will settle this fight later. Right now, I will claim your Captain's head!" He attempted to swim upwards and out of the Kraken.


Artorias reached up and grabbed the Atlantean King's leg, pulling closer and stabbing him in the thigh with the head of the trident. The weapon sent Abyssal Toxins deep into the muscles of the King's leg. Within less than a minute, the wound would begin to fester, and the muscles would eventually rot without extremely strong healing magic. Artorias continued to drag the Atlantean King closer, pulling back his arm to plunge the trident head into the King's body once more.

"Do not seek to flee from this fight! Stand and face Lord Gwyn's judgement!"

Corrin was beginning to snarl and growl in an inhuman way. He looked down and realized what was causing this feeling his dragonstone was missing. "Mirus my Dragonstone is missing. If we don't find it soon I'll lose control and... Just be prepared to kill me if we don't find it!"

@ryanpk200 @Some_Bloke
Mirus swam closer and closer to the Kraken. From the outside the beast appeared exhausted, with some of it's tentacles slowly growing back into place and it's body covered in scars that refused to heal. It did not even appear to notice Mirus as she swam into it's mouth to witness the fight below. She started down at Aquaman as he attempted to swim towards her.

"Artorias!" Mirus shouted in a demanding tone "Artorias, stop! He's had enough!"

Mirus was caught off-guard as she heard Corrin calling out to her from the throne room. She reached out to him and Harleen via telepathy.

"Corrin, you have any idea where that dragonstone is?" Mirus asked in a concerned voice, speaking inside of Corrin's mind "You're part of my crew now. I don't kill members of my crew...Unless they literally stab me in the back but that was only one ti...Nevermind."

"What happens if we don't find it?" Harleen asked Corrin, taking a step away from him.

@TommyGun15 @Baku
Artorias had slammed the Atlantean King to the floor of the Kraken's stomach, and had the head of the trident held high ready to plunge it into the King's chest when he heard Mirus's order to stop. For a moment, Artorias stood still, glaring down at the King. The Abyss within him screamed at him to finish the man, but the knight within him had a sense of duty that insisted he follow order. With a sigh, Artorias released the Atlantean King.

"Count yourself lucky that my honor as a knight is enough to keep me sane. And remember, the sun holds sway over even the deepest corners of the sea. Now excuse me, while I finish off your beast, as was the terms of our agreement."

With that, Artorias kicked away from the King and began to slash and stab at the insides of the Kraken with the head of the trident, leaving patches of corrosion wherever his Toxin coated weapon struck.

Corrin looked up parts of his body were transforming into his dragon form. Through sheer will Corrin was able to stop the transformation but only temporarily. "If we don't find it in time I'll transform into my dragon form. But I won't recognize any of you in it. I'll try and kill all of you."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
"That was an unwise choice." Aquaman stated as he wiped blood away from his mouth with a fist and swam towards Mirus, grabbing her by the throat. Mirus raised a hand to Artorias, indicating he stood down and placed a hand against Aquaman's head, entering his mind. She kept her hand against the side of Aquaman's head as she showed him everything she had seen from Manta's memories.

The two leaders fell to their knees in the mouth of the Kraken.

"Trickery!" Aquaman shouted "Dec..." He paused as he rested his head in his hands "Oh God...Wh-what. What have I done?" He asked in horror. He turned to Mirus who was still on her knees and offered her a hand up "You felt it too, didn't you?" He asked

"Yeah." She replied. hiding her emotions and standing to her feet by herself. She looked down at her companion hacking what was left of the Kraken to pieces before turning to Aquaman.

"The Kraken killed billions under my command. Do not let anyone else die becuase of my actions." Aquaman pleaded

"Artorias!" Mirus called down to her companion "Stand down! It's over!"

She heard Corrin's words and called out to him and Harleen via telepathy "Try not to panic."

"Yeah, being a dragon sounds kinda cool." Harleen reassured Corrin with a smile

"Not helping." Mirus replied to Harleen

"Okay...Corrin, when did you last see the stone?" Harleen asked "It seems kinda important so I imagine it's less like losing your keys and more like losing your insulin jab. Retrace your steps."

@TommyGun15 @Baku
Corrin responded. "I had it when the battle started. I don't remember where it went because the battle was a blur up til now. It's a small round blue stone. It has to be in the throne room."

Artorias sighed, and let the head of the trident fall fro his grasp. He looked around at the rotten flesh around him, and at the blood rapidly pouring from the Kraken's wounds and forming a sickening pool at their feet. He sighed, and looked back at Mirus.

"Very well. This beast will likely die from it's injuries anyway. No need to injure it any further."

Artorias walked over and picked up the Atlantean King, carrying him over his shoulder.

"Let us get you to a healer, before your leg becomes too damaged to save. In the meantime, I suggest you try not to move it around too much. Doing so would risk getting the Toxin into the blood stream, which may kill you. If you are lucky, the Abyssal Toxins will only leave the leg slightly disabled."

With that, Artorias began to swim towards the Kraken's mouth.

"Well then it's lying around here somewhere." Harleen replied with a sigh, glancing around the throne room "You had us worried."

"I would not be so cocky surface-dweller." Black Manta spat as he stood to his feet. In his hands was a small and round blue stone that he waved in front of his face to tease Corrin.

The Kraken: "If no attention is sought, then how long do I have?" Aquaman asked Artorias "A day? An hour? Less?"

@Baku @TommyGun15
Artorias thought about the question for a few moments. A dark part of him was tempted not to answer, or to lie. Ultimately though, he decided to tell the truth.

"Well, you only have to worry about dying if you thrash about too much and get the toxin in your blood stream, or if you try to suck it out like a fool. If we want to save the leg, we have to get that Toxin removed within a little less than half an hour. The Abyss is funny like that. It takes much longer to kill those that have a strong soul. As for the weakness, I am afraid there is no avoiding that. You will likely require a brace and a cane for the rest of your life."


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