The Valkyrie

"As do I, surface dweller." Aquaman replied smugly.

Corrin... Mirus spoke inside Corrin's mind Um...Well we all know that asshole's the King and his warriors, the three that brought us here seem to hold some kind of authority. I wouldn't seem them as royal advisors though...Maybe he rules without advisors?"

The door to the throne room opened and two men stepped through. Harleen recognized them as enemies of Aquaman and for a split second believed they were there to overthrow the King of Atlantis. She sighed as they bowed before Aquaman.



"Rise Black Manta. Rise Ocean Master." Aquaman commanded

"You sent for us, my liege."

"Yes. This group of surface-dwellers has challenged me. One has even been idiotic enough to challenge the Kraken. I would take them all on myself but that is not a fair fight."

These wankers serve him too...But one isn't Atlantean. Mirus continued to speak in Corrin's mind That Manta guy's human.

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Baku
Whoops. I didn't think of that. Crane spoke inside of Mirus' mind.

Crane listened to what the Tyrant said about the surface dwellers. This guy was kinda reminding him of Rais. He was happy when Artorias said he would fight the Kraken. "Thanks." Crane said to the knight. He then saw the Kraken's tentacle. "That's one big monster."

So we're fighting the king and those other guys? Crane thought.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15 @Baku
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"May the first dragons be with you Artorias."

Corrin switched over to his mind conversation with Mirus

"What about Aquaman himself is he too powerful for me to take on? Or do you think I should try and try to persuade that Manta guy into joining our side. I've got two plans and I'll put one of them into play depending on whether I could beat Aquaman in combat or persuade that manta guy to join our side.
"I slew the first dragons. Now, shall we be on our way?"

With those words, far more hostile sounding than any words he would've said had he not been fighting The Abyssal influence on his mind, Artorias turned towards the door and began walking, eyes forward, his combat instincts waking up. He was in for one hell of a fight. He turned and looked back at the Atlantean King and his guard.

"Oh. Atlantean King. If you truly intend to fight my comrades to the death, please feel free to take your time about it. I want to see the look on your face when I return, dragging your soon to be disemboweled beast's heart behind me."

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
Pretty much Mirus replied, speaking inside of the minds of her crew mind But we don't have to fight the Kraken...Not if I can work something out.

You don't have a plan, do you?
Crim replied

I have part of a plan...I think. Mirus replied As for Aquaman himself, yeah he's kinda tough. Everyone thinks he's a wimp though...That's at least what I'm taking from this. Well...That and he's a giant dick.

Aquaman turned to Artorias "I do not make idle threats, knight." He spoke bitterly "However, I shall give your companions the opportunity to choose which warrior they fight, just as she has." He pointed at Harleen

@ryanpk200 @Baku @TommyGun15
Artorias heard Mirus speaking in his mind. He didn't know if it would work, but he still tried thinking back to her. The influence of The Abyss on his mind carried in his thoughts, the combination of anger and bloodlust that it brought him coating his thoughts and words like the black, oily substance that ran from the joints in his armor.

Wait. I WANT to fight his pet monster. I want to see his face when I return, sword bathed in it's blood, and a trophy of my kill in my hand.

To the Atlantean King, Artorias said this.

"They may make their choices while I battle your beast. Take me to it now. This idle prattle bores me, and I fear I may go mad if I am not allowed to slay something within the next few minutes."

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
Hey Mirus, can you take a peek inside the warrior's heads? Maybe you could find a weakness to exploit, or could you try attacking their mind. Like you did to the dinosaur monster a couple universes ago. Crane thought.

You really want to be lunch? Mirus asked Artorias as she spoke inside of his mind. She began to listen to the minds of the rest of her crew Crane, I can't just keep killing people that way. I'd have to get up close...That and...Nevermind. I'll search for weaknesses.

"I'm gonna fight that guy" Mirus pointed at Ocean Master who grinned at her in response.

Aquaman gestured to two of his soldiers who proceeded to lead Artorias outside of the throne room "That fight will be over quickly." He grinned, turning to Corrin "The best warrior would be me but I am already fighting someone else. My two second greatest warriors are Black Manta and Aqualad."

"Quit your yapping and let's get this over with." Harleen snapped, cracking her knuckles together.

Guys, I think I finally got a plan. But we'll have to move quickly. Mirus spoke inside of the minds of her crew Once this fight begins, we focus on the King. We take him out first. In the diversion, someone needs to go after Artorias before that melter gets himself killed. We bring down Aquaman, take his throne and then go for his lackies. Starting with the other guy with the trident. He's the half-brother so he'd be next in line for the throne.

Someone else needs to lead the others away somehow while we're doing this

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Baku
(I hope you don't mind me improvising a bit here.)

Artorias followed the Atlantean guards to where he could fight the Kraken, flexing the muscles of his sword arm in anticipation. Whatever this creature was, if the rest of it's body was as unarmored as it's arm, then his blade would slice through it like butter. He also had no fear of being eaten alive, the toxic nature of the Abyssal energy surrounding him ensuring that he would prove quite the hard pill to swallow. And of course, being swallowed would provide easy access to all the important organs within the beast. In fact, it was likely that being eaten would serve to speed the battle along.

When they at last met their destination, Artorias unsheathed his sword and swung it a few times to get used to it's movement underwater. A bit odd, but nothing he couldn't get used to. He glared at the beast as he let a bit more Abyssal power flow through him. Abyssal toxin, normally a liquid, billowed out of his armor in an aura of oily black.

"Have at you thee beast!"

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Artorias was brought before a large gate, similar to that of one on a medieval castle. The gate was massive in size, close to that of a small continent stretching across the ocean floor. The gate slowly began to open and a tentacle, similar to the one that had wrapped around Atlantis emerged, almost larger than the gate itself.

The soldiers that had escorted Artorias towards the gate turned and fled as something beyond the gate started to shake. As the creature beyond it tore the gate apart, it created an earthquake, drowning some the small island's left on the surface. From beyond the gate the creature emerged, facing Artorias and causing all fish near the gate to flee.


Within Atlantis Black Manta nodded in response to Corrin, stating that he had accepted the challenge as the throne room shook violently.

"The Kraken has found it's lunch." Aquaman smirked, unphased by the shaking "Let us end this."

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Baku
(Ooooooh. It's that kind of Kraken. I was picturing something like this)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/kraken.jpg.00e1bf7e66039bf4aff2385531cd10eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/kraken.jpg.00e1bf7e66039bf4aff2385531cd10eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Artorias watched the Kraken for a moment. He'd misjudged this beast, assuming it was some kind of octopus. Instead, it was almost exactly like one of the old Archdragons Gwyn's knights had killed in both size, and defenses. The tentacle arms were different, and the beast lacked wings, but it's overall form felt familiar to Artorias. He remembered fighting these beasts with the might of The Lords on his side. Now, he was fighting one alone.

The whole thing brought back memories.

Using the decreased weight that the water afforded him, Artorias leapt at the Kraken, shield raised and sword held ready. He brought the blade down on the beast's armored carapace, it's blade glowing with magic that sheared into the beast's armor with relative ease. The scales of a dragon were hard as stone, and thicker than a man is tall. The Kraken's carapace was almost as strong. But, Artorias's blade was enchanted to cut through such armor. This battle would be long, and harder than he'd anticipated. But Artorias had faced such odds before, and he did not shy away from this challenge.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @Baku



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Manta raised his arms to his face in an attempt to block Corrin's sword while aiming a kick for his stomach while Aquaman gripped his trident and grinned "So it begins." He stated, charging at Harleen and aiming the trident for her head.

Ocean Master took a defensive stance, glaring into Mirus' eyes as she drew her katanas and twirled them "I will let you have the first blow." He stated

"You're such a gentleman." Mirus replied sarcastically, shooting Ocean Master a half-smile "But I do think you should go first." She gestured to Ocean Master with a sarcastic bow

Harleen dodged out of the way of Aquaman's attack, causing his trident to pass by her face by inches.

Aqualad and the two warriors who followed him turned to Crane, Crim and Seeker and grinned before lunging forwards.

The Kraken: The beast roared in pain as the blade cut into it's flesh. It swiped at Artorias with one of it's tentacles in response, causing a massive ripple in the ocean as it moved.

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Baku
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"Why are you serving him? He killed your kind and yet you serve him. Don't you feel any hate for him?" Corrin was playing this fight defensively hoping that he could get black manta to join his side.

Artorias raised his shield, an aura of golden light surrounding him. He froze in place as the aura rendered him completely and totally immovable. The sound of the Kraken's arm hitting the aura was deafening, reverberating through the sea all the way back to the throne room.

Artorias dropped the shield and sliced down at the Kraken's tentacle. His blade cleaved through the carapace, cracking it and cutting through the soft flesh beneath like butter. Though he did not slice completely through the tentacle with his swing, he definitely cut more than halfway, leaving the end of it dangling and useless.

In addition to this, the oily cloud spewing from Artorias's armor clung to the Kraken's flesh and armor where it touched, sticking to the beast and eating away at it's body like corrosive acid.

@Baku @ryanpk200 @Some_Bloke
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"Humans?" Manta asked bitterly "My own kind rejected, hated me and while at first I fought my King he was able to show me the error of my ways. Humans deserved what they got!" He shouted, aiming a punch for Corrin's head.

"Suit yourself, surface-dweller." Ocean Master stated at Mirus before charging towards her. As he attempted to plunge his trident into her, Mirus blocked the attack with both her katanas. Ocean Master pushed forwards, Mirus' katanas almost reaching her throat as the two struggled. As her blades were inches away she pushed her katanas away from her neck with telekinesis, catching Ocean Master off-guard and causing him to stumble back.

Mirus grinned at him and ran forwards, aiming a slice for his face only for him to block it. He fired a blast of energy from his trident only for Mirus to dodge it, causing the blast to take out a statue standing behind her.

Aquaman aimed another blow for Harleen's face only for her to jump to the side, dodging it and kicking him in the face. The King of Atlantis did not flinch, the expression on his face only growing in anger as he aimed another blow only to miss.

The Kraken: The monster screeched in agony as it's tentacle was sliced into. It attempted to bat Artorias aside with one tentacle while using the other to try and grab him.

@Baku @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
Corrin slid back from blocking black mantas punch. What black manta had said really hit home for him. Both of his families had abandoned him for not choosing to side with them. "I can't speak for the people that existed for this world, but I know humans aren't all bad. My older brother always told me to look for the good in people. And I can see it in you. The only person who I can't find any good in is your Lord!" Corrin jumped up into the air and lunged at black manta with his now transformed lance arm.

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Artorias met the first tentacle with a swing from his blade, cutting into it much like the first tentacle. When the second tentacle wrapped around him, Artorias grimaced at the immense pressure of the Kraken's grip. With an almost animalistic roar, another cloud of oily black liquid burst from his armor, thicker than before. It clung to the Kraken's tentacle and began to eat away at it's flesh.

The Abyssal influence was getting stronger. Artorias could feel it.

Manta was thrown across the room as Corrin's lance arm hit him. However Manta managed to steady himself, touching the ground with his arms in order to slow himself down. He quickly stood up and charged at Corrin "Your older brother is an idiot!" Manta shouted "Arthur needed to cleanse the Earth of humans in order to save it!" He aimed at punch for Corrin's head "Some humans still live, here in Atlantis. Only in the hundreds. They serve the King, as I do."

"As slaves, I take it?" Harleen asked bitterly "Yay, your King is such a nice guy!" She replied sarcastically as she dodged another blow from Aquaman.

Last time I took on someone like this, I had green pills that gave me superpowers. Kinda wished I had those now as I can't even make a dent in his guy.

Harleen jumped backwards as she avoided another blow and drew her dual revolvers, opening fire on the King only for the bullets to bounce off of his skin. She landed, steadied herself and delivered a kick to Aquaman's head only for him to grab her foot.

"You're quick, I'll give you that. But this fight is over." Aquaman stated in a serious tone

Harleen aimed one of her revolvers at Aquaman's left eye and fired, causing him to jump back in pain while holding his face.

"I guess you get to be a pirate now." Harleen joked with a smile. Aquaman looked up, not missing an eye as Harleen would have thought but instead a look of fury was on his face.

"Oh poop." Harleen muttered as the King charged towards her, yelling angrily

Crim and Seeker were knocked back by kicks from Aqualad, who drew two blades and charged towards them. Crim nodded at Crane and Seeker as he drew his blaster rifle and opened fire, aiming for Aqualad's legs. However the Atlanten was too quick for Crim as he dodged all of the blasts and attempted to slice into Crim only for his blades to be stopped by the Mandelorian armour. This caught Aqualad off guard, giving Crim a chance to punch him across the face.

"Crane!" He shouted as the female warrior aimed a slice for Crane's head. The remaining warrior went for Seeker who dodged his first attack and kicked him in the stomach as she reached for her shotgun. The warrior was too quick for her and kicked the weapon out of her hands.

The Kraken: The beast loosed it's grip around Artorias as the oily liquid ate into it's flesh only for another tentacle to aim for Artorias from above in the attempt to crush the knight under the Kraken's weight.

@Baku @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
Crane nodded back at Crim. He also saw the sword and dodged it. He quickly drew his own sword. "My turn," he said. Crane kicked one of the warrior's legs and knocked her over. Crane jumped into the air, and aimed his blade at her neck.

Corrin shook his head. "Then this conversation is over!" An explosion of blue light surrounded Corrin. When the light faded away there was dragon where Corrin was standing.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.8c1456df33487dc3c877f5dc17e5681a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.8c1456df33487dc3c877f5dc17e5681a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Let's make this quick we've got places to be!"

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15



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As the Kraken's massive tentacle arced down at him, Artorias knew he couldn't afford to dodge. If the Kraken put him on the defensive, he might never be able to get another attack in. So, Artorias let go of the handle of his shield, letting it connect to his arm by just the strap. He held his sword with two hands and upwards, swinging at the Kraken's tentacle.

As his momentum carried him further up into the water, he heard the Kraken's newly severed limb fall heavily to the sea floor behind him.

The warrior Crane was fighting rolled to the side, causing his blade to strike the ground and attempted to hit Crane from behind. Seeing this Crim attempted to hit her with his blaster, only for her to toss a knife at him. It struck Crim in the shoulder and spoiled his aim, causing his shot to take out a nearby statue instead.

"Damnit." He muttered, firing on the warrior again.

"How..." Manta muttered "Hold on, you're not human?" He asked "And you harness the powers of the sea, it seems?" He shook his head "Then I have no reason to fight you. We should be allies against the filth of the surface-dwellers."

The Kraken: The beast screeched in agony as it's tentacle was sliced off and batted Artorias aside. It brought down four tentacles at once with the intention to crush the knight to pieces.

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