The Valkyrie

Artorias looked confused.

"Oh? Does our journey take us underwater? I believe I may be able to circumvent the restriction, although I dislike doing this."

Artorias bowed his head for a moment and focused on the fragments of The Dark he could feel within him from when he'd gone mad. With a bit of focused effort, and the help of his Ring of Abyss-Walking, Artorias formed a small pocket of The Abyss around himself. To someone viewing him, a dark oily substance began to drip from the cracks in his armor, hardening into a sort of swirling shell around his armor.

"Now let us depart." Artorias said, his voice slightly strained as he resisted the madness. "I do not wish to do this any longer than necessary."

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
"Yeah," said Crane "I'm definitely going. It wouldn't be the first time that I've overthrown a tyrant." He then said "Lets go grab those the spacesuits." Crane asked Harleen "How is Groot able to breathe in space? Don't trees need carbon dioxide? As far as I know, there isn't any of that in space." Next he asked the knight "Artorias, what exactly did you do?"

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
ryanpk200 said:
"Yeah," said Crane "I'm definitely going. It wouldn't be the first time that I've overthrown a tyrant." He then said "Lets go grab those the spacesuits." Crane asked Harleen "How is Groot able to breathe in space? Don't trees need carbon dioxide? As far as I know, there isn't any of that in space." Next he asked the knight "Artorias, what exactly did you do?"
@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
In the corner of the cargo hold, Sif was whimpering and looking at Artorias, to the others, and back over and over.

"I am channeling the energy of The Abyss. My ring protects me, however this is not something I enjoy doing. It will allow me to survive in extreme conditions like the creatures of The Dark for a time, but it puts great strain on my mind."

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
"Then maybe it's best you don't activate it until we actually get there. Last thing we want is you going all Red Lantern on us." Harleen giggled nervously

"Let's just get going already." Crim sighed as the group entered the shuttle. Harleen turned to Crane "Yeah, but normal trees don't walk, talk and punch things."

"I am Groot." Groot shook his head, appearing offended by Harleen's words

"Of course I know you do more than just punch things." Harleen reassured Groot with a grin

Seeker stepped into the stealth shuttle and waited for the others to get inside "That tyrant isn't going to overthrow himself." She spoke sarcastically "Get in, everyone."

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Baku
@TommyGun15[/URL] @ryanpk200 @Baku
Artorias nodded and, more slowly than it appeared, the dark oily substance began to seep back into his armor. He climbed into the shuttle, sitting in order to fit. He was forced to lay his 10ft sword and 6ft shield in the center of the shuttle. Hopefully it would not be too difficult for people to step around them.

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
Corrin realized something.

"So what's our method of attack? Knock some patrols out, or go in guns blazing."
Crane followed the others into the shuttle. He carefully walked around Artorias's sword and shield. Crane said to Corrin "Guns blazing would probably get us killed. We're supposed to be wearing spacesuits, and getting a tear in the suit would be very bad."

@Some_Bloke @Baku @TommyGun15
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"I say we figure out just who this tyrant is first." Mirus suggested "We have to be careful about this."

"Yeah, let's be stealthy. Can't image how that'd go wrong with two giants and a dragon on our team." Harleen replied sarcastically

Mirus rolled her eyes and handed Harleen, Crane and Corrin spacesuits. They were sleek and slim in design with soft material on the inside. The helmets were dome-shaped and appeared to be made of a sturdy bulletproof glass. The spacesuits themselves were a grey colour.

"Grey's not really my colour..." Harleen began "You got any in red and black?"

Mirus pointed to a holographic panel on the left wrist of the suit "It's got a stealth mode and a few other features like customisation. Seeker added a music player."

"Hey, I had a lot of free time." Seeker shrugged "Pretty much all music up until twenty sixty...Well, except for the shite stuff."

@ryanpk200 @Baku @TommyGun15
Crane took a spacesuit. "Thanks. That stealth mode will be useful." He placed the helmet on head. It adjusted itself to fit his head. Crane took it off and asked "Is there a certain way to get the suit on? Or do we just wear it over our normal clothes?" As he waited, he ran his hands over the soft material.

"It should work over your regular clothes. But it's okay, the suit has air-conditioning. It'd get pretty stuffy in there otherwise." Mirus explained with a smile "Everyone ready?" She asked "I want to get this over with."
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Crane quickly put the suit and helmet on. He nodded at Mirus. "Yeah, let's go." He began to fiddle with the holographic panel and scroll the music options.

"If you're looking for music on that thing try searching for Journey." Mirus suggested to Crane as she sat down, budging up next to Artorias and putting her helmet on "I'm not sure if they have it in your universe."

Harleen saluted Lilith "Well, I guess I'll try." She replied

The back of the ship opened and the shuttle descended to the planet below, quickly entering the atmosphere and engaging stealth mode. The world was without continents on the surface, with very small and empty islands scattered throughout the world. The shuttle flew over a skyscraper sticking out of the water

"According to the coordinates I have, that's London underneath us." Seeker pointed out. She pressed several buttons on the shuttle's console and began to scan the ocean below "The ocean's crawling with life so finding our tyrant might take a..."

"You have entered restricted airspace, identify yourself." A woman's voice demanded, speaking on the radio

"Guess not." Seeker shrugged

"What is it with voices on the radio?" Harleen asked "It's like no one wants to show their face to us."

"This is erm...Captain erm Josaphine of the ship the Valkyrie. We're a medical vessel." Mirus lied "We picked up a distress call coming from this planet." She turned to the others and put a finger on her lips.

"We detected your ship due to the scan. What use does a medical vessel have for stealth technology?" The voice asked suspiciously

"If we're in a dangerous area it works for lifting patients in and out." Mirus lied

There was a long pause before the voice spoke again.

"Very well. Our King would like to speak to you." The voice spoke before going silent

"Seeker." Mirus began

"No radio contact. They aren't listening in." Seeker explained

"Alright, well the chances are they might pick up on my bullshit." Mirus shrugged "So we'll be dropping into the belly of the beast."

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Baku
"Oh hello *we are hopelessly outnumbered and about to be in a giant fight* situation how's it going since two days ago?" Corrin began to pace around. "Just think me you've gotten yourself out of worst than this."
Artorias smiled beneath his armor. He couldn't deny he anticipated the coming fight, even if he would have to make use of The Dark to survive in the climate. Part of him even enjoyed the irony of using The Dark so smite it's servants.

"Greatly outnumbered against a foe that we know little about in an area where the very environment will attempt to kill us. I have fought those odds before... and I like them."

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
"Lilith." Mirus muttered to herself as she paced around the ship thinking of a solution "Lilith!" She shouted "If you can heal people, we can keep my bullshit up for even longer. Harleen's a physiatrist so I guess we've got that one covered already, Seeker has detailed files on human anatomy and..."

"Well Crane can make stuff." Harleen shrugged "I mean if he can make bombs from scratch he might be able to make medicine from scratch. Give him an rubber band, some glue and a sheet of paper and I imagine he's able to make a bandage."

"I guess Groot, Artorias and Corrin can be the muscle. Our security officers."

"Just don't give them red shirts." Harleen shook her head

"I am Groot." Groot spoke sternly, standing up straight and attempting to look like a soldier.

"What about you?" Seeker asked

"Well I'm the shapeshifting telepath so like most covers I'll make it up as I go along." Mirus grinned

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Baku
"Good idea I just hope it works."

Corrin tried to look like a guard but his armor really said otherwise.
Artorias looked down at his armor. It wasn't quite as heavy as that of Gwyn's silver knights, and it had been scratched over the course of many battles. He looked nothing like a guard of royalty. However, he could probably pass himself off as some sort of mercenary. As a knight, he disliked using deceit to achieve his goals, but discretion was the better part of valor, and right now that was exactly what the situation called for.

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
Crane sat quietly as the shuttle flew towards the planet. He listened to Mirus's bullshit. When he heard Harleen mention him, Crane began to dig through his backpack. He grabbed a few boxes of gauze and bottles of alcohol. "I've got everything you need to heal wounds and bruises," he said to Harleen.

"I know what you lot are thinking." Mirus sighed, pointing at the side of her head "I read your minds." She lowered her arm "If you really don't feel you're convincing guards...Well, think about it this way. The Multiverse is full of weird universes. Universes where what you're wearing is the norm for guards. If our tyrant questions it, let me do the talking, alright?"

Without waiting for a response Mirus smiled "Good." She turned to Seeker "Take us down."

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Baku
Mirus was handed a small spacesuit, identical to the ones the others had received apart from it's size. Upon closer inspection it was revealed to be fit for Jim's size and she assisted the dinosaur sitting on her shoulder into the suit.

"Well, he seems to like it." Mirus smiled

"It's better than drowning so of course he does." Harleen butted in with a grin

The stealth shuttle descended beneath the ocean's surface and continued to descend. As the group looked out of the windows they saw that the shuttle was quickly becoming surrounded by large sea creatures.

@ryanpk200 @Baku @TommyGun15
Crane watched Jim get into a spacesuit. "I completely forgot about him. How long was he sitting there?" He then noticed the sea creatures. "Maybe they're friendly?" He said with a shrug.

@Some_Bloke @Baku @TommyGun15
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