The Valkyrie

Baku said:
"You know where I'm from my people would consider this a trap. In hiding or in the open both leaders of the parties must meet in a neutral ground. No messages no excuses. Though I'm not sure how things here work. But I must advise caution Mirus, something doesn't seem right to me."
Artorias eyed Lilltih suspiciously, then sighed.

"While my companions and I all indulged in the hunting of dragons, Ornstein was always the one to harbor a special hate for them. I will make peace."

When the robots arrived on the ship and refused to allow Eternity to be seen, Artorias was initially curious about these beings the likes of which he'd never seen, though he remained reticent. It was not until they refused to present Eternity that he spoke.

"Tis a suspicious circumstance indeed." He rested his hand on the scabbard of his sword, which was at least 10ft long and easily capable of crushing a man with it's sheer weight alone.

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
"Artorias please restrain yourself. No need to fight unless they prove there is no choice. Now if I may be so bold do you even have a message from Eternity? Not from your mouth an honest letter explaining his reasoning for not showing up!"

Corrin was familiar with these sort of meetings. And if this played out like what Corrin experienced things will be going south.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
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"I assure you Eternity wants you alive." One of the robots tried to reassure the crew

"Are you trying to tell me the only reason he didn't show up was because he didn't want me poking around in his head?" Mirus asked with annoyance in her voice

"Yes." The same robot nodded in response

"And how do we know you're not lying?" Tyfo asked

"We can spend a millenia arguing or we can deal with this cult." The voice of a man spoke through one of the robots. He had a slight German accent to his voice and he spoke with calm grandeur

"Eternity?" Seeker asked

"Well, you were insistent." Eternity spoke through the robot "I have had to go into hiding as a result of this cult targeting me but I have been doing research into this cult and managed to find something of use."

"Go on." Mirus replied, folding her arms

"They worship a city that fell beneath the waves and their masquerade disguises are more than just disguises. They wear them as protection."

"Protection from what?" Tyfo asked

"The sun."

"Are these guys Vampires?" Harleen asked

"Some sort of Vampire, perhaps a completely new species." Eternity explained

"So they're a bunch of Vampires who worship Atlantis?" Seeker asked

"Not Atlantis. Although, that was also my first assumption as well. I assume it is due to my own immortality that I am being targeted."

"So you're a Vampire too?" Harleen asked "I thought Vampires got along, just going around the drinking the blood of well...Everyone."

"No." Eternity replied sternly "I am not a Vampire."

"Are you sure?" Harleen asked

"Right so we grab the crossbows, garlic and then what?" Mirus asked "Why not contact actual Vampire hunters for this?"

@Baku @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
"You don't have those?" Harleen asked "Maybe it's for the best that your world wasn't exposed to the horrors of Twilight." She shuddered slightly "Why was the adult werewolf in love with the baby again?"

"Don't remind me." Mirus shook her head

"Shall I draw up a diagram on what a Vampire is?" Tyfo asked "The Shadow Proclamation has a..."

"It's alright, Tyfo. I'll explain." Mirus rested a hand on the Juddon's shoulder "Vampires are, at least in most of the lore members of the undead. They died and then they came back. In most of the lore they drink the blood of the living, dress quite well and possess supernatural powers. They're not big fans of sunlight and more often than not they get on like dicks. Only a few things can kill them really. Stakes to the heart, exposing them to sunlight, certain spells, fire and decapitation. Well, actually those last two work on pretty much everything. Garlic, holy water and religion stuff seems to slow them down."

"Wow where you guys come from must be weird. That's saying something coming from me. At least my world doesn't have the dead rising from the grave."
So robots boarded the ship, and refused to show Eternity, and then were telling them to go fight vampires. They did eventually convince Eternity to show up. That didn't take as long as Crane thought. "I can provide the crossbows for fighting the Atlantis Vampires," Said Crane "I've got at least one somewhere in my things, and the ability to make more. I don't think I can make one big enough for Groot or Artorias." @Some_Bloke @Baku @TommyGun15
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Baku said:
"Wow where you guys come from must be weird. That's saying something coming from me. At least my world doesn't have the dead rising from the grave."
Artorias decided it would be wisest to allow his companions to do the talking. While he was familiar with the concept of the Undead, these did not sound familiar. He absently wondered if the enchantments upon his sword meant to slay creatures of The Dark, such as his world's undead, would fair the same against these "Vampires". He heard sir Crane mention that he could not provide Artorias with a crossbow.

"Tis fine. I wouldst fair best with my sword anyway."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @Baku
"So it's settled." Eternity replied "All you you can handle yourselves...Well. Apart from the child."

"Miku?" Harleen asked "It's not like we're going to be using her to fight Vampires." She shrugged "I don't want to use Krypto either." She smiled, scratching behind the dog's ears "super powered or not, he's still a dog."

"I know that you seem eager to fight these Vampires but going in guns blazing is only likely to get all of you and perhaps even myself killed." Eternity explained with a sigh "Instead, I need you to do a little bit of research first. I'd do it myself if I wasn't in hiding."

"Go on." Seeker muttered

"I can send the coordinates to Cortana but contained in a nearby universe is a planet coated mostly in water. Sources tell me that answers may lie there. Be wary for this planet is ruled by a tyrant with this cult pulling his strings. Not even he is aware he is a puppet."

"What are your sources?" Mirus asked suspiciously

"Others from Monocle station. It's how I get most of my research done now." Eternity sighed

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Baku
"I kinda guessed that," Crane said to Artorias "All of us using crossbows would have been cool." He then said to Eternity "We'll make going in with guns blazing plan B. Stakes and crossbows are pretty quiet, so that will work." He then said to Seeker and Mirus "I guess we should go start that research."

@Some_Bloke @Baku @TommyGun15
"In that case, I shall leave you to it" Eternity replied as the robot he was speaking through bowed. The group of robots then proceeded to walk towards the airlock. Another robot walked on board the ship carrying some kind of package which they left at the feet of the crew.

"You will need this." The robot explained in a feminine voice before turning to leave.

The package resembled a birthday present, the wrapping paper covered in red rocketships with a neatly tied bow on top.

"I really hope that dosen't explode." Harleen spoke calmly

"Seems clean to me." Seeker replied with a shrug. She turned to Harleen and tapped the side of her head "X-ray vision."

"Krypto has that ability too." Tyfo cut in "How else would he know what I was currently baking in the oven?"

"Let's just open the damn package." Mirus sighed, kneeling down to unwrap the gift.

Inside was a letter.

Dear Mirus

As we were talking, my creations took the liberty of installing a dimensional drive on your ship.

Don't worry, I know what parts I shouldn't muck around with. Apart from the drive, everything else is exactly as it should be.

I know I will see you soon.


Doctor Eternity

Written on the back of the letter were instructions on how to use the dimension drive as well as coordinates. Written underneath was another note by Eternity.

Please be careful.

If you punch in the wrong coordinates you may end up in that pudding universe again.

For both our sakes I hope that dosen't happen.

Your friend, Doctor Eternity.

Mirus quickly passed the letter around the room, allowing everyone apart from Krypto to read it.

"How'd he know about that pudding universe?" Harleen asked in a confused tone

"I think he's a telepath. A powerful one at that. But...But that dosen't make any sense. If he's powerful enough to read minds from long distances, why wouldn't he want to get close to me? Surely he could just block me out of his mind." Mirus spoke at a fast-pace as she processed her theory

"What about his Monocle Station contacts?" Cortana suggested "It's more than likely he just had someone spy on us."

"That..." Mirus paused, raising one finger "That actually makes a lot more sense."

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Baku
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"Well there is a gym, but I'm not sure if you'd be able to fit a whole dragon in there." Seeker replied as she walked back into the cockpit, Eternity's note in hand. She waved Mirus over.

"How do we know this isn't a trap?" She asked

"We don't." Mirus shook her head "But you remember the deal we made."

Overhearing their conversation Harleen walked over "We gotta take that chance." She spoke in a grim tone

"Who's Lucy?" Mirus asked

"I thought I asked you not to poke around in my noggin." Harleen replied

"And I am, I just overheard the name mentioned by that woman back on Monocle Station."

Harleen looked down, rubbing her left arm nervously before looking back up at Mirus and Seeker again "Let's just find and fight these Vampires. That sounds a lot more fun."

"If you don't want to talk about her now, that's fine." Mirus smiled reassuringly "But I'm here when you feel you're ready."

She turned to Seeker and shrugged "What choice do we have?"

"If this kills us, I'm somehow goin' to come back as a ghost and haunt you." Seeker replied in an annoyed tone as Mirus entered the coordinates.

The entire ship shook for five seconds before being pulled into another part of reality. As it arrived, a voice began to play over the speakers.

"Automated message will play in two seconds." The voice of one of Eternity's robots spoke

"Sorry if there's a mess. Regardless of the ship and I must say, she is a nice ship indeed the first dimensional jump is always a bit...Well, shaky to say the least." Eternity explained with grandeur, as if he enjoyed the sound of his own voice "No need to panic for the drive is completely safe. You should be in front of Earth now, an Earth covered in water like I said. The answers to both of our questions lie within the tyrant's palace so you'll have to overthrow him or find another way to sneak inside the palace." He paused "Oh, and one final thing. I suggest talking to Cortana about being the ship's AI. I noticed you do not have one. Good luck."

@TommyGun15 @Baku @ryanpk200
"You know once upon a time I would asking what an AI was. But now I'm just going to go with the flow."
Crane read the letter. "How nice of him. That's always useful." He then felt the ship shake as they entered a new universe. "You guys sure if we got the right place? For all we know it's the Honey Badger universe." The automated message answered his question. Crane asked Mirus and Seeker "Do you guys need my help with the research? Otherwise, I might go find the gym and beat a practice dummy."

"Artificial intelligence." Harleen explained "Also the name of a movie that's pretty great up until the end when things get a bit confusing. Basically it's a machine that can think for itself. Tends to evolve as well as it learns. Sometimes they can go kinda crazy."

"Cortana's technically an AI and so am I." Seeker shrugged "Minus the insanity, or at least I hope so." She joked

"Well actually if you're in denial about your insanity the chances are you are probably crazy. At least to some extent" Harleen butted in with a grin "Whereas those who accept their own madness are the more sane ones. You run around shouting "I'm perfectly sane" the chances are you're a bit loopy." She waved her arms in the air before resting them by her sides"

"I am Groot." Groot sighed

"What did he say?" Seeker asked

"He said "there she goes with the psychiatry again." She explained, using a put on deep and gravelly voice to impersonate Groot.

"Can I interrupt?" Cortana asked with some sarcasm "I'm willing to become the ship's AI if you think it would help." She turned to Seeker

"Are you sure?" Seeker asked

"Chief...John's gone. I want to help you." Cortana replied, looking down

Seeker nodded understandingly and turned to the others "I'll fly her down and keep watch from the air. Who's going to the surface?" She asked, causing Harleen to raise her hand enthusiastically. Groot followed her, as did Crim.

"I need to run the AI through protocol." Tyfo explained "For becoming the AI of a ship the Shadow Proclamation has documents that need to be filled in."

Mirus turned to Artorias, Corrin, Lilith and Crane "You guys wanna help?" She asked "Chances are we're gonna be overthrowing a tyrant of a world that's mostly water so..."

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Baku
Corrin came out of the gym in his human form. "We're talking a planet covered in water. This is the perfect place for me to let loose." Corrins left arm turned into a spike.

"Trust me he's telling the truth. Corrins dragon form is that of a water dragon"
"It would go against my honor as a knight not to accompany you. I will gladly join you on this excursion. Although... Sif may have to stay behind. I will return in a moment."

Artorias turned and left, heading back to the cargo bay to collect his sword and shield. He thought about what Mirus said. While his usual foes were the creatures of the dark, Artorias was happy to depose an unjust ruler. When he arrived in the cargo bay, Sif was lying on the ground staring at the wall. Her ears perked up as Artorias grabbed his equipment. He did his best to calm the large canine, scratching her neck fondly.

"Apologies Sif. Unfortunately, the land we intend to visit lack suitable terrain for you. Be patient. Soon enough we will have the chance to fight side by side once more."

Sif whined in disappointment, but gave Artorias a giant-sized lick to the face and upper torso area. Even with his own massive size Artorias had to admit, Sif had grown large. After a few more ear scratches, Artorias returned to the rest of the crew, his armor still somewhat covered in wolf hairs several feet long.

"I am ready."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @Baku
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"Then it's settled." Mirus smiled "The water dragon, her mate, the giant knight, a physiatrist, a tree, a bounty hunter and yours truly." She pointed at herself in an over the top manner "Will be going to the planet's surface. Unless..." She turned to Crane "You want to tag along too? I'm sure the shuttle can fit all of us if Artorias and Groot duck."

"I-I just need to o-obtain my armour." Crim stuttered nervously, leaving the main room

"Well getting all that armour on takes time." Mirus shrugged "You wanna come?" She asked Crane

@ryanpk200 @Baku @TommyGun15
"Uh Mirus, I'm not a water dragon. I'm a celestial dragon. My kind isn't exactly made for combat. Well in our dragon forms anyway. If I hadn't used so much mana saving Corrin I wouldn't be stuck in this form."
Crim returned, wearing his armour and nodded at the others

"Maybe we can find a way around that." Mirus smiled at Lilith "I'm new to magic myself, didn't even know it existed until a few months ago and even then I can do bugger all with it. Not a wizard, unfortunately."

"Let's go." Crim stated, walking to the cargo bay with the others

"If this planet's gonna be covered in water, I hope everyone packed their swimsuits." Harleen joked "No, but seriously. How are we gonna breathe down there?"

"We have a few spare spacesuits in the shuttle. Once you put the suit on it adjusts itself to fit." Crim explained

"The beauties of twenty third century technology." Mirus grinned "Printers are still shit though. Not sure if it'll work on Artorias though...Or Groot."

"Groot can breathe in space, he'll be fine." Harleen smiled

@Baku @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15

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