The Valkyrie

Corrin got another chill up his spine. "I don't like this I've been feeling spikes of power ever since we went under."
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Mirus placed a hand against the side of her head and let out a grunt in pain.

"What is it?" Crim asked

"I was testing Crane's theory." Mirus sighed "And I'm not sure. It's as if there's someone else mucking around with their heads, trying to block me out or something. I'm getting real damn tired of people blocking my telepathy." She complained

"Wait a sec..." Harleen butted in "You're saying that someone's mind-controlling controlling these fishies?"

"Seems that way, why?" Mirus asked curiously

"I think I know who our tyrant is..." Harleen sighed

@ryanpk200 @Baku @TommyGun15
"It sounds like a guy I know called Aquaman...Actually I know two versions of the guy. One from another universe who's pretty neat but then there's another who's a total bozo. He helped another tyrant take over the world. By the looks of this world being flooded I'm thinkin' we're dealing with the bozo-version." She sighed

"Aquaman?" Mirus asked "I thought that guy was meant to be a joke."

"You've seen what kind of messed up stuff lives in the ocean, right?" Harleen asked "Well this guy commands the ocean, which means he commands all of that stuff."

@TommyGun15 @Baku @ryanpk200
Artorias frowned.

"I must admit that my knowledge of the sea is lacking. Lordran is a landlocked nation, and we have little contact with those nations who do border the water. However, some of our larger lakes have been found to contain hydras, and I have no desire to be attacked by a beast so massive in a ship his small and this deep underwater."

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
"Ok can this guy read minds or anything like that. Give me weaknesses patterns something to work with so I can make a strategy to take this guy on."

(Everyone because I'm lazy today)
"Not our minds." Harleen explained "He can only mess around with the minds of fish. For some reason that includes dolphins and whales even know they're mammals. I never understood that."

"Maybe we can ask him." Crim cut in

"Yeah, let's ask the tyrant that when he's trying to kill us."

As the shuttle continued to fly downwards a light could be seen at the bottom of the ocean. The large sea creatures at the sides of the shuttle swam closer towards it to the point where they were almost colliding with the shuttle and were blocking it off. It became clear to Seeker that the creatures were directing the shuttle towards the light.

Upon getting closer it was clear that the light was coming from a city.


The city was guarded by large sharks as well as other creatures such as Isonade, colossal squid, giant squid and a swarm of fish that included black dragonfish, large eels and black swallowers. All of them turned their attention to the shuttle as it descended, as did a group of what appeared to be humans wearing scaly armour and wielding swords and tridents. They moved through the water gracefully and without struggle as if the sea was natural territory to them.

From this group, three people approached the shuttle.

"The king will see you now." The woman spoke

@Baku @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
Artorias allowed the power of The Abyss to wash over him once more, protecting him from the hostile environment of the ocean. Careful not to accidently harm any of his companions, Artorias made his way out of the ship, picking up his sword and shield along the way. Once out of the ship, Artorias sank slowly to the sea floor, kicking up a lazy cloud of dust when his boots hit the silt beneath him. He strapped on his shield and shouldered his sheathed weapon. Best not to draw too much attention immediately.

"Hail." Artorias said pleasantly. "May the light of The Sun shine brightly upon your kingdom."

One of the customary greeting's of Gwyn's knights, Artorias's tone gave no indication that this greeting was at once both a blessing and a threat, as anything Gwyn's sunlight shone upon was, by his power as Lord of Sunlight, under Gwyn's shadow.
"The sun has no power over the depths of the ocean." The woman replied with a smug grin

"Basic science says otherwise." Seeker muttered to herself "Idiot." She rolled her eyes

Mirus glared at the android and stepped outside with Artorias.

"I am Captain Mirus." Mirus introduced herself with a bow while Jim followed suit.

"We know." Aqualad sighed "And there was no need to step out of your shuttle. Atlantis' royal court has a docking station and places where you surface dwellers can breathe without the use of your suits."

"I consider it a rather idiotic move." The woman replied smugly "It's a wonder the water pressure didn't damage any parts of the shuttle."

Mirus looked upwards at the sea creatures floating above their heads.

Next time you want to jump out of a shuttle like that, do tell me first. It's kinda important she spoke inside of Artorias' mind We could get sucked into the vacuum of space next time you pull a stunt like that.

"You two can follow us. Our King's fleet will direct your ship towards the royal court." Aqualad stated, getting a nod from Mirus in response "I just want to meet your king and get this over with as we both go our separate ways."

"You said something about a distress beacon?" The man asked suspiciously

"Well...Yeah, we're a medical ship. It's our job to respond to distress beacons and the like."

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Baku
Cross communicated to Mirus via his thoughts. "If push comes to shove tell me when to mention I'm a prince. Hopefully they'll believe the ship is mine and you guys are some helpers who came here out of goodwill."

Artorias stood at the bottom of the ocean, standing at attention as best he could. Every so often, a part of his body would suddenly twitch as he fought the powers of The Dark for control.

(Sorry... That's all I got at the moment.)

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
Alright. Mirus replied to Corrin's thoughts I'll keep that in mind, for now don't say anything until we're inside.

Hey, Mirus
Harleen thought Listen, where I'm from this guy butchered hundreds of people under the orders of another tyrant. Seeing as how you're the one going in first please be careful. No offence to Seeker but I reckon you're the better Captain.

Mirus smiled at the thought I can handle myself

Tell that to the fish.
Harleen replied On second thought, maybe not. I don't want them to suspect anything, especially those squid. I've seen enough of the internet to know there's only one direction...Well, it's not like I clicked on it intentionally or anything but still...

Mirus shook her head as she and Artorias were led inside while the shuttle docked and the others were led aboard. Accompanied by a platoon of soldiers the two were led down a long corridor. The entire time Mirus attempted to scan the minds of the soldiers and found them to be full of images of conflict. Mirus stopped in her tracks as images of an army emerging from the sea to conquer the land appeared.


"The King does not like to be kept waiting." Aqualad spoke in a stern tone

"Sorry...I'm just taken aback by all of this." Mirus lied

Upon reaching the throne room the soldiers and the three warriors accompanying Mirus and Artorias feel to their knees before the throne as their King stood.



The King of Atlantis pointed his trident towards the crew of the Valkyrie and was silent for a moment before finally speaking. "It is custom to bow before rulers." He spoke in a stern, threatening tone

@Baku @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
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Artorias followed Mirus down the hallways, observing the building and soldiers around him with a warrior's eye, planning exit and attack strategies in case of trouble.

When they arrived before the King of Atlantis, Artorias couldn't help but feel a bit underwhelmed. This king was... short. He did not possess the godlike aura of Gwyn, nor the titanic size that allowed him to tower over his subjects like the God he was. Nevertheless, their deception relied on making a good impression. Having served in court before, Artorias knelt before the throne, setting his sword on the ground in front of him and bowing his head.

He had not dismissed the powers of The Abyss, knowing that they might face combat at any moment. The oily black magic still swirled around his armor, and he still twitched involuntarily at varying intervals. Still, he maintained overall control, and felt no urge to lash out ay those nearby.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @Baku
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Corrin was even more on edge because of aqua man. "I apologize your lordship. My manners seemed to have left for a moment." Corrin bowed to the king.
"Aquaman? He's on the same level of uselessness as Hawkeye." Crane said. "This is going to be interesting." Crane looked at the window and saw the city. "I have to admit that the city looks pretty cool." He followed the others and made sure to keep his distance from Artorias. Crane didn't want his magic to hurt him.

Crane heard something about a docking station and being able to breathe. He was going to keep the suit no matter what. Crane followed the others into the throne. He didn't what to piss off the king inside of throne while near his army, so he bowed in front of the king.

@Some_Bloke @Baku @TommyGun15
Mirus, Crim and Seeker all bowed before Aquaman however Harleen remained in place with her arms folded.

"Did you not hear me, you mewling quim?" The King asked sternly with bitterness in his voice "I said, kneel." He spoke in a threatening tone, staring directly into Harleen's eyes.

Reluctantly, Harleen bowed before the King who then raised his arms, indicating for the group to rise.

"I should note right now that we've been listening to you surface-dwellers speak. Every word, every plot. We've heard it. I have heard it." He turned to Crane "I do not take kindly to surface-dwellers mocking my name." He turned to Harleen "And I know who you are. I assumed one of my warriors had killed you when I commanded the sea itself to consume the cancer that was Gotham..." Aquaman stepped forwards towards Harleen and Crane.

"You two will be fed to the Kraken." He spoke in a threatening tone before turning to the others as he began to pace back and forwards "The rest of you, however I will offer a choice. It is clear that the distress beacon was a lie, we worked that out by listening to you speak...I want you to tell me who sent you here to kill me. Those who cooperate will meet quick, clean, warrior deaths."

@ryanpk200 @Baku @TommyGun15
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(@Some_Bloke I just wanted to let you know that you said Isaac, not Crane.)

Crane stood up. "The Kraken? Fun." He started to dig around in his backpack. "Are we getting out of here, or are we attacking?" He said to Mirus "I'd rather not be fed to the Kraken."
Artorias grabbed his sword and stood. Despite the fact that the King was standing on a raised throne, Artorias still looked down on him.

"Sea King, we are not here as your enemies." Artorias said, his voice coming out low and growling as a result of the Abyssal influence upon him.

"However, I realize you have no reason to believe this. Therefore I propose a challenge. I will face this Kraken of yours. Alone. If I slay it, will you concede to listen to our tale?"

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
Corrin stood up with a blue aura surrounding him. As Corrin spoke his voice had a deep and distorted sound to it. "CANCER do you really view other life as that. I'd much sooner take whatever you dish out to me then taking the cowards way out. You aren't a king what you are is a murderer!"

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
You really could have just thought that rather than saying it out loud Mirus spoke inside of Crane's mind.

Aquaman gestured to two of his soldiers to restrain Crane "Check him. He may be carrying explosives." Aquaman ordered before turning to Artorias "Face the Kraken?" Aquaman asked before chuckling "Such a proposal would be suicide even for the greatest Atlantean warrior. The Kraken was our weapon. I commanded it to level entire cities. However...Should you wish to accept such a challenge..." Aquaman paused as Corrin spoke

"The surface-dwellers of this world were a cancer on it. So I destroyed them. Not only were they destroying this world and her ocean that I pledged to protect but they were plotting to have me and my people killed." He replied bitterly, gritting his teeth

"So you prevented genocide by committing genocide? Wonderful." Mirus replied with bitter sarcasm

@ryanpk200 @Baku @TommyGun15
Artorias did not back down. He had faced dragons that had laid countries to ruin. He had battled the demons hordes of Izalith. He'd descended into the very depths of the Abyss itself. He did not fear this Kraken.

"I will accept this challenge, but only if you vow on your word as a fair and just King that you will honor our agreement to hear our story should I prevail."

Artorias paused a moment and added.

"Given that you intend to feed us to this Kraken anyway, the only reason you might refuse my challenge is that you fear I will prevail."

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
Aquaman chuckled and placed his trident down. The throne room started to shake as a tentacle, as large as the throne room itself wrapped around it. Aquaman stood in place, eyeing Artorias

"Oh God I've seen enough of the internet to know where this is going..." Harleen muttered

"If I were to give you an up-close display of what you were in for, all of Atlantis would be crushed under the might of the Kraken." Aquaman spoke with smugness as he continued to stare at Artorias.

"Don't do this..." Mirus cautioned Artorias

"He has already made up his mind." Aquaman shook his head "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Crim asked "Speak."

"Unless he wanted to challenge the King of Atlantis himself. However, the Kraken is due it's lunch relatively soon. And I cannot promise you a quick and painless death should you choose to challenge me."

Keep letting this asshole speak for now and wait for my signal Mirus spoke inside the minds of her crew I have a...

"How about this, bozo..." Harleen began, approaching the King of Atlantis "Let the giant knight challenge your scary fish monster while I.."

Harleen, what are you doing? Mirus asked, speaking inside of Harleen's mind

"While I kick the crap out of you. If I win, I become the Queen of Atlantis and you lot run away."

"Atlantis already had a Queen...Until the surface-dwellers murdered her." Aquaman spat bitterly "I shall accept your challenge, quim. But I refuse to grant you a quick, warrior's death."

He turned to the rest of the crew "Each of you will each challenge one of my warriors in a fight to the death." He continued in a bitter, threatening tone "Those who refuse will be fed to The Kraken."

@Baku @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
Artorias eyed the monsters limb. The beast was definitely massive, but he'd faced massive beasts in the past. Perhaps it was foolish, but Artorias chose to accept the challenge with one final boast.

"It will be difficult to feed people to your Kraken after I return with the beast's heart as a trophy. But I suppose we all grow weary of idle boasting. Take me to where I may fight this beast! I wish to be done with this quickly!"

@Some_Bloke @Baku @ryanpk200
Corrin realized something. He knew Mirus was going through everyone's mind. He opened up his thoughts again to ask her something. "Can you see any openings in their defenses? Before you ask I need an idea of how they behave any how they're positioned. Leaders, high rank officers, anything can help."


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