The Valkyrie

Artorias went reeling from the Kraken's counter attack. As the group of tentacles came bearing down on him, Artorias gripped his shield again and raised it, the golden aura from before creating a barrier around him, rendering Artorias immovable. Once again, the sea shook with the force and noise of the Kraken's blow striking Artorias's barrier. Unfortunately, Artorias dared not drop the barrier so quickly, and thus was force to remain absolutely still, the barrier not even allowing him to sink to the ocean floor.
"Shit," Crane muttered when the warrior rolled away. He saw Crim fire at the warrior and prevented him from getting hit from behind. "Thanks!" He quickly said. When Crim continued to fire, Crane said quickly "Don't hit me!" Due to the fact the warrior was distracted by Crim, Crane seized the opportunity that provided. He punched the warrior in the side of the head, in an attempt to make her dazed and them aimed a slice at her elbow.

"If I move aside, what will you do?" Black Manta asked "Will you join us?" He offered his hand to Corrin "Join us and end the filth of the murderous surface-dweller!"

"Yeah, you kill pretty much everyone on Earth but we're the murderous ones." Harleen replied sarcastically as she dodged another one of Aquaman's attacks "Seems kinda..." She was cut off as Aquaman delivered a swift kick to her stomach, knocking the air out of her and throwing her across the throne room in the process.

"You talk too much, wench." The King spat as he aimed a blast from his trident at Harleen

Crane's blade cut into the warrior's elbow, throwing her off-guard. She gritted her teeth and charged at Crane, aiming a slice for his throat only for Crim to hit her from behind with a laser blast, blasting a hole in her back. Despite this the warrior continued to fight and charge at Crane.

The Kraken: The beast bombarded the barrier Artorias had created with the might of it's tentacles, pushing him downwards but struggling to break open the barrier.

@Baku @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
Corrin responded. "The filthy surface dwellers happen to be my family. Black manta if you feel as though defending your lord is the right thing I won't hate you. Now I will ask you this is Aquaman truly as good as you make him out to be or did he just beat you into submission?

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
After a few strikes, Artorias felt his feet hit the seafloor, forced down by the monumental force of the Kraken's attack. However, Artorias had begun to notice a rhythm to the Kraken's attacks. He grit his teeth as he dropped the barrier, sidestepping as he brought his sword up into a slash at the first tentacle. He then rolled to the side as the second tentacle crashed where he'd been standing a moment before, using his momentum to twist his body and bring his word hacking down at the second tentacle. Artorias then leapt up into the water, meeting the third tentacle with the blade of his sword, spinning with the force of the blow to bring his weapon slashing through the fourth.

By the time he floated back down to the ocean floor, the tentacles the Kraken had been using to attack were all either severed, or slashed so deeply that they were beyond use.

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"Aquaman and I were enemies for years!" Manta shouted as he aimed a punch at Corrin "But after the surface dwellers murdered his wife, he offered me pardon in his new world. He knew of my own hatred for the surface-dweller, due to the hardships I and my people faced on the surface. If I assisted him he would allow me to settle some of my own people in Atlantis."

As Aquaman fired at Harleen he was hit from behind by Mirus, spoiling his aim. She sliced into his left shoulder, drawing blood in the process. He looked at the blood in shock that quickly turned into anger as he faced Mirus.

"Ocean Master, you have have the wretch. Leave this one to me." He ordered

"Of course, your grace." Ocean Master nodded. He turned to face Harleen who dodged one of his attacks and kicked him in the jaw.

"How were you able to make me bleed? Bullets cannot pierce my skin." Aquaman asked angrily

"These blades are made of an alien metal on a planet run by an alliance of lizard-people and bird-people." Mirus explained with a shrug "It's a nice place. Went there on holiday once."

@Baku @ryanpk200

The Kraken: The Kraken paused in it's assault as Artorias noticed that the first tentacles he had sliced off were beginning to grow back at a rapid pace. The monster aimed one of these newly-grown tentacles for Artorias and struck him from behind.

Artorias was sent flying by the force of the Kraken's attack, tumbling through the water and slamming into a shelf of rock. When he got to his feet, Artorias growled. The dark oily substance of the Abyss ran down his blade, giving the weapon a sinister swirling quality.

With a roar of anger, Artorias leapt at the beast's face, bringing his blade slashing through one of it's massive eyes. Where his blade struck, the oily substance clung and began to eat away at the Kraken's flesh, widening the wound and counteracting the monster's healing. Artorias stood ready to strike again, corrosive Abyssal toxins running down his blade.

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Crane dodged a slice and went behind the warrior. He noticed the hole in her back. "Maybe you should aim for the head next time." He told Crim. Crane swung his sword. He was aiming for the warrior's arm. His objective was to at least break the warrior's arm. She couldn't fight with a broken arm. Killing the warrior would be much easier if she couldn't fight back.

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Corrin grabbed Black manta by the throat and proceed to pin the warrior down. "You joined him because you were forced into a corner. In this world the surface dwellers might've been evil but not every version of the surface dweller is evil. Some are kind hearted willing to help anyone in need. I wish you could see this truth. But I know that's impossible. So there is only one option for both of us. We fight to the death."

The Kraken: The beast screeched in pain as one of it's eyes began to be slowly consumed by the corrosive liquid. It lashed out in anger yet again, pummeling the sea floor with it's tentacles in an attempt to crush Artorias. Atlantis itself shook under the might of the Kraken.

Atlantis: The interior of the sunken city began to shake violently as the Kraken lashed out, throwing Crim off-guard and causing him to miss a shot directed at the female warrior.

"Normally I don't need to. The one blaster shot's enough...Most of the time" Crim stated as he steadied himself.

The warrior turned to Crim and charged at him, screaming with burning hatred in her eyes. Crim dropped his rifle and drew a blast pistol, aiming it at the Atlantean's head and pulling the trigger. She dropped to the ground with a smoking hole in her forehead.

Crim sighed in relief and reached down to pick up his rifle only to see the other Atlantean warrior and Aqualad charging towards him.

"Crane!" He shouted

Within the throne room Manta pushed himself out of Corrin's grip due to the shaking of the throne room "So be it." He stated in a serious tone "I will mount your head on the King's walls!"

Harleen dodged an attack from Ocean Master's trident at hit him in the face with her mallet. As Ocean Master stepped back in pain Harleen hit him in the groin with her mallet. Despite this Ocean Master remained standing.

"That normally works on everyone..." Harleen said, somewhat taken aback "I guess I just didn't swing hard enough." She shrugged, hitting Ocean Master again in the same area. He attempted to swipe at her but she was too quick and dodged out of the path of his attack.

"Batter, batter swing!" She shouted in an over the top New Yorker accent, striking Ocean Master in the same area again before shooting a bullet into his left eye. She blew out the smoke from her revolver and holstered her guns as Ocean Master fell to the ground like a rag doll.

Aquaman looked over at Harleen in anger and tossed his trident towards her. While Harleen tried to dodge the trident struck her in the left arm and pinned her to the wall, causing her to cry out in pain. Aquaman batted Mirus aside with the back of his hand and walked towards Harleen "You're going to pay for that." He spoke with bitter anger.

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Baku
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Artorias dodged the Kraken's flailing tentacles with ease, leaping upwards at the monster once more. As he rose through the water, he dragged his blade along it's armored chest, Abyssal Toxin eating away the monster's chitin armor.

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The Kraken continued it's assault against the ocean floor as it attempted to crush Artorias. What was left of the planet itself started to shake under the Kraken's weight and the interior of Atlantis began to crumble.

Upon feeling the shaking, Aquaman stepped away from Harleen "Your friend has ignited the wrath of the Kraken. I am amazed he survived this long. If I do not leave this fight and take control of the beast then Atlantis will be crushed." He spoke in a stern, serious tone.

"Leave them to me, my King." Manta spoke "I will keep the surface-dwellers occupied as you deal with the Kraken."

Mirus turned to Corrin and smiled "Aw, thank you. Hear that, guys. A guy who can turn into a dragon is loyal to me...And yeah, I'd get right on to dealing with your monster, your highness." She spoke to Aquaman in a sarcastic tone "Unless I stand in your way and won't let you get to him unless you surrender."

"Are you mad?" Aquaman asked, completley taken aback "We will all be crushed!"

"Or we won't if you surrender." Mirus grinned, twirling her katanas

Manta tackled Mirus from behind, knocking her to the ground "Go!" He shouted at Aquaman "Stop the Kraken!"

"I will, but first." Aquaman sighed as he approached Harleen. While she struggled to remove the trident from her arm Aquaman grabbed her by the throat "Thanks to the Kraken, your death shall be quick." He said through gritted teeth.

Groot stood up from inside the stealth shuttle, pushing five Atlantean soldiers aside and charging through the hallway, passing by Crane, Crim and Seeker as he charged towards the throne room. Groot burst through the door and ran at Aquaman

"I AM GROOT!" He yelled, throwing the King of Atlantis aside and turning to Harleen "I am Groot." He said, apologetically

"Hey, somebody had to keep an eye on our ticket outta here." Harleen reassured him

"I am Groot?" He asked

"I've hurt worse than this. First time I've been stabbed by a trident though." Harleen smiled.

Groot pulled the trident out, causing Harleen to yell out in pain "Mirus asked you nicely to surrender." She tried to shrug, only to hold her left arm in pain "So, I'd consider it."

Aquaman charged forwards, picking up his trident and kicking Groot as he tried to leave the throne room.

The Kraken: The monster's armour remained in place as the Kraken's eye healed. Despite this it continued to lash out in pain as the ocean and the world around it shook violently. It finally managed to grab a hold of Artorias, tearing the sword out of his hand and letting it fall to the sea floor.

It began to squeeze the life from Artorias while it opened it's massive jaws, revealing a set of sharp teeth the size of passenger jets and a gaping mouth large enough to swallow an entire city.

@TommyGun15 @Baku @ryanpk200
"Nice shot." Crane told Crim, when the warrior was killed. He turned when he heard his name shouted and saw Aqualad and the other warrior. "Two on one isn't very fair." He muttered. Crane moved out of the way of the two attackers and saw Groot charge into the room. He thought taking on two melee attackers with a sword would a bad thing, so Crane decided to switch to a rifle. He started firing at the two and moved away from them so they wouldn't hit him.

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@TommyGun15[/URL] @Baku @ryanpk200
(( -_- ")... Fine, I can work with this.)

Artorias grit his teeth as the Kraken's grip tightened on him. Using his shield's barrier, he was able to prevent himself from being crushed, however that did little to prevent the beast from drawing him closer towards it massive maw.

Corrin shouted back. "Don't get any ideas Mirus. I'm just being loyal to someone who's willing to help me. Although you might want to be prepared because I might accidentally hit you with that Manta on you."

"In that case..." Mirus grinned. Using her telekinesis mixed with a strong kick with both of her legs aiming at Manta's chest she was able to kick Black Manta off of her "Now! Hit the son of a bitch!" Mirus shouted as she dived for cover

The two warriors charging towards Crane and Crim dodged the shots from Crim's blasters and Crane's rifle with relative ease, pushing forwards. While the other warrior went for Crim, knocking him to the ground with a strong kick Aqualad focused on Crane. He attempted to grab Crane's rifle with one hand in an attempt to disarm him while holding a blade in the other as he swung for Crane's throat.

Seeing that Manta was taking most of the attention, Aquaman pushed past his companion, dodging Groot's vines and ran into the hallway outside. He passed by the fight and to one of the exits leading to the waters surrounding Atlantis where swam towards the Kraken.

The Kraken:

The King of Atlantis was almost struck by one of the beast's tentacles until they suddenly stopped and gently lowered to the sea floor. The Kraken stopped moving all of it's tentacles except for the one wrapped around Artorias.

The King swam to the top of the Kraken, standing on top of it's head and the tentacle around Artorias stopped moving towards the beast's mouth.

"I must say, I'm impressed." Aquaman gloated "You managed to survive this long against the monster that brought all of China to it's knees simply by moving towards it. Keeping the Kraken this close to Atlantis is a heavy risk, but it prevents off-worlders from even daring to try and conquer the ocean." His smugness was replaced by anger and hatred, not just for the knight the Kraken held in it's grasp but for anyone he deemed an enemy.

Aquaman stepped off of the Kraken's head and swam down towards Artorias "I would have the Kraken enjoy you as a snack, but I think you would make it sick. Whatever substance runs through your blood is impure."

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Baku
Artorias's body twitched beneath his barrier as the Abyssal influence took over more and more of his mind. Artorias was rapidly approaching the edge of rational thought. Right now, he was able to logically process two things.

First was the Atlantean king, standing in front of him and insulting him.

Second was the Kraken behind the Atlantean king, maw still hanging open.

"You think I wouldst sicken your beast?" Artorias growled, madness and bestial rage swirling in his voice. "Let us find out. Both of us!"

With another blast of Abyssal energy and toxins flying from his body, Artorias dropped his barrier and kicked off of the Kraken's tentacles. He tackled the Atlantean king, his momentum dragging them both through the jaws of the Kraken and deep into it's gullet. In their wake, a trail of Abyssal toxin flowed freely from Artorias's body now that the Abyss had all but completely taken over his mind.

(Please let me have this. (*^*) I kinda want a fist fight at the center of the dying Kraken's stomach to happen.)

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"I underestimate no one." Manta replied. "I was only holding back."

"Okay, why? You like being beaten up?" Harleen asked sarcastically

"No. I was testing your abilities, seeing what you were capable of." Manta shook his head "Now I know." He clenched his fists and took a defensive stance as he waited for one of his four opponents to make a move.

The Kraken: Aquaman struggled but was ultimately caught off-guard and unprepared for Artorias' move. As he fell inside of the beast he tried to plunge his trident into the side of it's gullet in an attempt to steady himself but was not quick enough and only fell further with the now insane knight into the Kraken. Aquaman aimed his trident for Artorias' chest while he used his free hand to try and grab Artorias by the throat.

@Baku @TommyGun15
Corrin immediately shouted at Mirus mentally. "careful Mirus that's a Riposte stance! Any one of us who uses melee techniques shouldn't go after him. He'll turn our attacks on us. I just hope Lilith is keeping her end of the plan and getting her dusk breath ready."

Artorias made no effort to stop the trident from plunging into his chest. Far beyond the point of feeling pain, Artorias didn't so much as flinch when it punched through his armor. However, no blood flowed from the wound, only another jet of oily black Abyssal toxin, landing on the Atlantean king's trident and body. It hissed as it ate into the King's weapon and flesh, and on an even deeper level the Atlantean King would feel the vile substance even beginning to eat into his soul.

Artorias allowed the Atlantean King to place his hand on his throat, however Artorias's massive neck was far too large for the King to get a decent grip on. Artorias however was able to easily wrap his giant hands around the King's entire head, much the way a human might wrap his hands around an apple. The Abyssal toxin that coated his armor was pressed deep into the Atlantean King's face as Artorias began to squeeze, all the while mumbling, growling, and occasionally bellowing in an maddened, incomprehensible voice.

As they fell, Artorias left a cloud of toxin in his wake that began to eat away at the inside of the Kraken, causing bits of corroded, necrotic flesh to fall after them into the creature's stomach.

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"Yeah, I've seen it before." Mirus spoke to the group using her thoughts "He won't be able to block all of us at once though, so I suppose let's just hit him with everything we've got. Go team...I guess."

"We don't even have a team name yet...We should pick one!"
Harleen replied enthusiastically, speaking to Mirus via her mind

Mirus twirled her katanas and gave Black Manta a cocky half-smile.

"Corrin, you and Lilith hit him from the left, Harleen and Groot you go for the right...I'll hit his center." Mirus spoke inside of the minds of her team.

The Kraken:
Although Artorias gripped Aquaman's face, the Atlantean king was eventually able to kick himself free. He clawed at his own face in an attempt to wipe the substance away "What is this dark magic!?" He asked in a demanding tone "What...What are you?!"

@Baku @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
Corrin spotted Lilith doing something he told her not to do. "Lilith we are in the middle of battle you can eat fish later!

Lilith turned around her mouth full of fish. "But you haven't given me fish in ages!"


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