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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Aaron lingered and stayed in that passionate kiss for a little while. They had shared so many of these over the years yet it never ever got old. Each time was more glorious than the last it seemed. He was so thankful to have the best husband and co-parent in the world.
Xavier was more than happy to keep kissing Aaron. He had kissed him so often after years but each one was better than the last. He felt like the luckiest man on earth to have this life with Aaron. His husband and co-parent. A part of his world. He unfortunately pulled away to breathe but smiled at Aaron. “I love you so much dear.” He said softly.
“And I love you too,” he replied. “I love you and our children so much,” said Aaron with a smile, his heart full. To him, his little family was everything.
Xavier’s heart was full. He had everything he ever wanted. “Our beautiful family. One I can’t imagine having without you right beside me.” He said with a smile.
Aaron couldn’t agree more. The kiddos played for a while and then it was lunch time. More hours passed and it was getting a bit late. The family had just eaten dinner and it was now time to give the two new two year olds their birthday cake. Once they had finished dinner, Aaron looked over at Xavier, giving him a grin and a little wink signaling for him to get the cake.
Xavier had enjoyed spending time with Aaron earlier. The kids played for a while before lunch. Then a few hours had passed and the family had dinner. Xavier caught the wink from Aaron and smiled, walking into the kitchen and grabbed the twins cake. He’d gotten one smaller sized cake. He brought out plates for them. Walking into the dining room, he cut a piece for each twin. He slid the piece for Logan over to Aaron. He set Rose’s on her tray table. “Happy Birthday sweetheart.” Xavier said. Rose was a lot more eager, even as she carefully ate the cake on her tray.
Aaron took the piece of cake that Xavier had cut for Logan and gave it to the little boy, who excitedly bounced up and down in his high chair upon seeing it. “Happy birthday, kiddo,” he said with a soft smile. “Papa and daddy love you so much,” he told his son as he served him. Logan wasted absolutely no time in eating his cake, shoving his hand into it and stuffing it into his mouth, already making a big mess, just like he had when he was one. Aaron rolled his eyes at this. He found it amusing that his sister was more careful when she ate her cake. Logan was very clearly the messier of the two twins.
Xavier looked over at Logan to see him making a mess while eating his piece of cake. He smiled at his son, at least one chair was going to have to be cleaned after this. He turned his attention back to Rose. She was putting smaller mouthfuls in using her hand, the biggest mess on her was her face. He loved seeing the little differences between their children, it was just adorable to Xavier.
Aaron looked back to Rose and saw that a mess was forming on her face. He supposed that was bound to happen when you used your hands to eat. Though Logan had her beat in terms of the messier child. The little boy gobbled up that piece of cake, shoving it into his face but smiling the whole time. Aaron knew that soon it would be clean up time.
Xavier could see the mess on Rose’s face but he just smiled. She was clearly happy and enjoying her cake. He would happily clean her face when she’s done eating anyway. He looked over at Logan who was equally as happy and much messier than his sister.
Logan had finally finished the piece of cake, inhaling it and wasting no time in doing so. It reminded Aaron of himself, he had to admit. He wouldn’t say it out loud though because Xavier would probably tease him about it, but Aaron, particularly in his youth, was known to wolf down and devour any food that was placed in front of him. “Ok little lad, you’ve made quite the mess,” chuckled Aaron as he got a napkin and leaned forward to dab at Logan’s face. The little boy fussed at this and turned his head away. Logan didn’t like to be cleaned either- something he shared with Aaron although when he was a little boy just like Logan.
Rose finally finished her cake, though she’d taken her time and wasnt half as messy as her brother. She was similar to Xaie in how she are a little more slowly, and not as messily. Xavier took her plate and set it on the table before cleaning her face and hands. Rose was more than happy to let her daddy clean her up. “There’s my clean little angel. Did you enjoy your cake?” He asked her. She clapped her hands. “Cake. Good!” She said giggling. “Yes angel, good cake.” He told her, his gaze moving over to Logan and Aaron while Aaron tried to clean Logan up and the boy was not having it as usual.
“C’mon birthday boy, work with me,” groaned Aaron as he attempted to clean Logan’s face. The little boy kept turning his face away and whining, fussing as his papa tried to wipe his mouth with the napkin. “You can’t possibly expect to go to bed with frosting on your face mate,” said Aaron as he shook his head and sighed, having some success with the cleaning process as he managed to sneak in a swipe at the boy’s face but not much.
Xavier could see that Aaron was trying and their son was not having any of it. He was just as stubborn as could be about getting his face cleaned. Rose had also turned to look at her brother, curiosity in her eyes.
Aaron grumbled with frustration as the little boy just would not keep his head still. “Why can’t you be more like your sister? She stays still for cleaning!” Aaron complained. He rolled his eyes and sighed as he managed to get a firm grasp on Logan’s head to keep it still. The stubborn baby whined and fussed, but Aaron just needed to get him all ready and cleaned up for bed.
Xavier was working on trying not to laugh because it wasn’t funny, and he knew that. But at the same time, it was definitely a sight. Logan was not having it, the little boy fussing. Rose was definitely paying attention to her brother and papa.
“Come on lad!” grumbled Aaron as he struggled. He gripped Logan’s head firmly but gentle enough to not hurt him. There was a balance there in that regard. He finally wiped off the last of the icing and let out a long exhale as he let go of Logan. “Bloody hell, finally…” he muttered. “Bloody hell!” Logan chirped. Aaron immediately widened his eyes and looked at the little boy. “Oi don’t say that!” he scolded.
Xavier crossed his arms as he watched, shaking his head. He was glad Aaron had gotten all the icing and cake off Logan. He was not however happy that Aaron had sworn in front of him again. “Aaron..” Xavier said, not real venom in his voice but a little annoyance did slip through. Rose, who had been paying close attention, found it funny. “Bloody hell!” She echoed her brother and papa. Xavier turned to look at her. “Rose. Don’t say those words.” He scolded her, then sent a look at Aaron with a sigh. “Alright you two, bedtime.” He said, picking Rose up in his arms.
Aaron widened his eyes again as Rose parroted her twin brother, who had repeated the expletive he let out earlier. “Ay! None of that!” barked Aaron, not wanting the children to inherit his potty mouth. “It’s certainly bed time,” said Aaron with a nod as he stood up. “Up you go,” said the man as he lifted his baby son out of his high chair and carried him up to the nursery room as Xavier handled Rose.
Xavier sighed as he picked Rose up in his arms. She was content to be in her daddy’s arms, a little yawn escaping her mouth. “Alright sweetheart let’s get you to bed” Xaie said, following Aaron to the nursery. Xavier went over to Rose’s crib and set her down. He pulled her pink blanket over her and kissed her forehead. “Good night angel.” He said softly. Rose’s eyes were closing sleepily. “Night. Daddy.” He smiled at her. “Happy Birthday Rose.” He added before straightening up.
Aaron gently set Logan down in his crib and gave him a small kiss on the forehead. “Good night sweetheart, and happy birthday my sweet boy,” he said gently. “Night night papa!” Logan replied with a smile. Aaron then went over to Rose’s crib and bent down to give her a little kiss as well. “Good night princess,” he whispered to the girl.
Xavier looked over at Aaron as he tucked Logan in. He walked over to Logan after and bent down to give him a kiss as well. “Good night buddy.” He said softly. Xavier straightened up and walked over to Aaron. “Bed time for us too.” He said taking Aaron’s hand, ready to head to bed himself.
“Night night daddy!” Logan replied with a smile. Aaron gave a last look at both babies before looking at Xavier and nodding as his husband took his hand. He too was tired. The two fathers quietly left the nursery and headed to their room to sleep.
Overall, the twins second birthday had gone rather smoothly. It was a perfect day although it was bittersweet. Now that the two were toddler age and didn’t need constant care and attention, that meant that Xavier and Aaron would be returning to their jobs while their parents watched the children. Xavier made sure to spend as much time with Rose and Logan as possible for the last month and a half. The morning he had to go to the Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross Station had been the worst day of his life. Kissing his kids and husband goodbye for the term was a lot tougher than he’d been expecting it to be, not that he’d thought it would’ve been easy to do.

Xavier began his third year teaching in September of 2006. His students from two years ago were thrilled to see him, especially Jenn. She had done well under the substitute professor but she told him she’d missed his classes. He had printed out a picture of his kids to put on his desk in his office as well. It was bitter sweet but he loved it. He wrote letters to Aaron, and to their kids. The year had started off no different than others. It took him a little to get used to it again, but he fell into it easy enough by October.

The school year crawled by as he taught and thought of his kids and Aaron every night. Xavier couldn’t wait for the year to be over. He had missed teaching though, and the thought that one day he’d be teaching his kids had crossed his thoughts more than once. He couldn’t wait to see them in their robes, sitting in class and learning. He remembered when Aaron joked about having another him to teach and he had a feeling that would be Logan. But then his son could surprise him too.

Eventually the year did come to an end, and it was June 20th 2007. The twins would’ve celebrated their 3rd birthday. He wondered how big they’d gotten since he’d seen them last year. Xavier boarded the red steam engine, trunk in hand as he found a compartment to sit in. He was ready to be home for a little bit, to see his kids and to see Aaron. He’d missed the three of them so much.
The time flew by. Later in September of 2006, months after the twins’ second birthday, Xavier went back to Hogwarts to begin teaching again. In October, Aaron was back to Montrose, Scotland for Quidditch. While both husbands and fathers were away, Xavier and Aaron’s parents were kind enough to alternate which couple watched the children while their dads were away at their jobs. The year went by fast. The Quidditch season had gone alright. Although it was nice to be back out on a broom flying on the pitch, he dearly missed his children and even his husband. But before he knew it, it was already June of 2007. Luckily Aaron had been able to get home for June 13th to celebrate the twins’ third birthday. They were getting so big, and he was so happy to see both Logan and Rose again.

Today was June 20th, 2007, and finally Xavier was coming home after finishing another successful semester teaching at Hogwarts. Aaron had decided to surprise his husband by bringing Logan and Rose to accompany him and greet Xavier at the platform when he came off of the train. Aaron waited on the platform for the Hogwarts Express with Rose and Logan, thinking about how hopefully, one day he’d be sending them on that train come September for their first semester at Hogwarts once they were eleven years old. But, they were growing up too fast, so he was fine with waiting. Aaron stood with the two three year old children, keeping them close by his side as he waited for the train to arrive.

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