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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“Great to have ya back. Should probably start thinking about dinner, yea?” Aaron asked, getting up from the couch. “Not sure what Rosie wants but Logan’s taken a liking to homemade mac and cheese,” he told Xavier. “I think my mum made it for them one night and now he’s hooked,” said Aaron with a laugh. “Yes daddy! Mac and cheese please!” Logan said, perking up and getting excited hearing his new favorite food.
Xavier shifted as Aaron mentioned dinner. "Shocking, it took you that long to ask about dinner" Xavier laughed. He could make homemade mac and cheese if that was what everyone wanted. He laughed at Logan asking for it. Rose was right behind him. "Yes! mac and cheese Daddy" She told him. "Alright, homemade mac and cheese for dinner it is" Xavier said, getting to his feet, and headed into the kitchen.
Rose too seemed to have taken a liking to mac and cheese but Logan was pretty much obsessed with it and couldn’t get enough of the food. Aaron found it amusing in all honesty. “Sounds like a plan,” said Aaron with a nod and a grin as Xavier said he’d make them some homemade mac and cheese. “Hey count me in there too, I’ll have some,” he said. “Daddy! Make me more than Rosie and papa,” said Logan with a giggle.
Xavier looked over at Aaron with a laugh. "I guess I can count you in too" He said, before he looked down at Logan. "You'll get the same amount as everyone else" He said laughing, ruffling Logan's soft brown hair. He entered the kitchen and began cooking, happy as he could possibly be.
Logan frowned as Xavier ruffled his head of soft brown hair and told him he’d be getting the same amount of food as everyone else. “Bollocks…” he grunted. “Oi! Logan! Language!” Aaron scolded. Aaron really needed to stop using swear words in front of the kids, especially Logan, because the boy picked up everything. That one he had certainly got from him at some point or another.
Xavier looked down at Logan with a frown, before he heard Aaron scold their son. Xavier looked at Aaron with a frown. He knew that Logan learned that from Aaron, and he sighed, shaking his head before he continued making dinner, and eventually the home made mac and cheese was done and plates were filled at the table. "Alright everyone, dinner" Xavier called. Rose got up in her chair, they were big enough that they didn't need high chairs anymore.
Aaron looked at Xavier and saw a disappointed frown on his husband’s face. He blushed slightly, knowing that his spouse wasn’t too pleased that Logan was picking up expletives left and right from Aaron since he didn’t watch his mouth too often around the kids. Aaron stayed in the living room with Logan as he watched him play with his toy cars until Xavier called them in for dinner. Logan perked up and ran into the dining room, ready to be served and eat. Aaron followed, sitting down. Logan hopped up onto his chair and grabbed his spoon, banging it on the table. “Mac and cheese now daddy!” Logan demanded. “Use your manners buddy, we’ve been over this,” said Aaron tiredly.
Xavier had started filling plates, Rose was first, then Aaron, and then he grabbed Logan's plate, filled it but looked at his son. "What do we say when we want something?" He asked. He wanted to hear it from his son, especially after that.
Logan sighed and rolled his eyes. “Ok, pleeeease?” the little boy asked with sweet big brown eyes. “That’s more like it kiddo,” said Aaron. Logan didn’t look too thrilled that Rose had gotten her food first. “Why does Rosie get it first?” Logan asked with a pouty face.
Xavier smiled at his son. "Thank you buddy" He said, setting the plate down in front of him. "She got it first because she was polite and waited to be served" He told him. Rose looked up from her food to stick her tongue out at her brother. Unfortunately, Xavier caught it. "Rose, be nice to your brother" He scolded. Rose ducked her head down with a small nod. "Yes daddy" She added.
Logan furrowed his brow irritatedly at Rose as she stuck out her tongue at him. He immaturely stuck his tongue out at her back. Obviously the twins loved each other very much and were close, but there were sibling teases and taunts and rivalries. Logan quickly pulled his plate closer and grabbed his fork, beginning to eat the mac and cheese, a food he loved so much. Aaron found the little banter amusing.
Xavier began to eat his own dinner, even though he caught the same stuck out tongue from Logan. He loved his kids, knowing that they loved each other but like all siblings loved to tease and taunt each other. Sometimes Xavier wished he had that as a kid, it was lonely being an only child and he was glad they had each other.
“This is very good dear,” said Aaron as he ate slowly and politely. It was a stark contrast to how Logan was wolfing down his own mac and cheese. “Logan slow down, it’s not going anywhere,” said Aaron, remembering what Xavier would tell him all the time when he ate fast at Hogwarts as a young boy.
Xavier smiled at Aaron. "Thank you love" He said, and before he could mention to Logan to slow down, Aaron beat him to the punch. He'd often said that same thing to Aaron and it was amusing to hear Aaron say it to their son.
“A certain kid once told me that years ago,” said Aaron with a grin as he winked over at Xavier. Logan sighed and began to eat at a slower pace.
Xavier had just finished his bite when he heard that. His eyes went up to Aaron and chuckled. "Years later it finally sank in" He said, looking at his husband with a laugh. Rose had been quietly eating, she liked to enjoy her food and wasn't eating super fast.
“Better late than never, eh?” Aaron asked with a laugh. Aaron was thankful that Rose was at least ladylike and ate with much less haste and much more regards for her manners as did her twin brother. Logan was a splitting image of his papa when he ate- like a starved dog at times.
Xavier nodded with a chuckle. “Yes, better late than never love.” He agreed. He looked between his two kids, and noticed such a difference in them when it came to meals. Rose was slower, mindful of her manners and less messy. Logan was very much like Aaron, and Xavier found it funny that while they’d adopted the two, they were taking traits on from himself and Aaron. Rose reminded himself of him when he was little.
Logan was the first to finish his mac and cheese. Aaron ate more like a human as he got older after graduating Hogwarts so like his husband and daughter, he was still working on the last bits of his dinner. Logan went to go get up from the table to go back to play with his toys but Aaron stopped him. “Uh where do you think you’re going mister?” Aaron asked as he saw his son getting up. “To play!” Logan responded. “Not until everyone’s finished with their meal. We’re a family, we stay together,” said Aaron.
Xavier looked up when he heard Aaron talking. It was then that he realized Logan had finished and was clearly heading to go play with his toys. Xavier smiled at the way Aaron handled it. Rose had finished her dinner while her papa was talking to Logan. She sat back in her chair while she waited for her daddy and papa to finish.
Aaron looked over at Rose and smiled. “Thank you, Rosie,” he said sweetly to his daughter. Eventually Aaron had finished his dinner and looked at Xavier to see if he was done. He was usually the slowest eater of them all, Aaron found. Or perhaps Aaron was just a fast eater.
Rose smiled at her papa. “You’re welcome” She said happily. She didn’t want to be scolded, already seeing what happened when Logan tried to leave. Xavier finally finished his dinner, sliding his plate up. “Alright, you two are free to go.” He said with a chuckle, standing himself to collect the plates from dinner. Xavier was a slow eater, he’d always been. Why rush to eat?
Logan just rolled his eyes at his papa’s compliments for his sister. When they were finally excused by Xavier, Logan was the first to leave the table, running into the room he last had his toy cars in. He was playing out some kind of race in his head and his wild imagination. Aaron looked over at Xavier and smiled once he had finished his dinner. “Lovely meal love, thanks as always,” said Aaron. He was grateful his husband could cook because Aaron was absolutely useless in the kitchen. “I’m so proud of you- of us. This whole family.”
Rose left the table after her brother, heading to play with her ball. She loved playing with it. Xavier looked over at Aaron with a smile. “Thank you dear. You’re welcome. I missed cooking for you three.” He said happily. “And I’m just as proud of you. It’s so amazing and crazy to me that the little eleven year old Gryffindor boy I met all those years ago would become my husband, my love and we’d have this beautiful family.” Xavier said with a small laugh. He was so grateful he’d entered that compartment all those years ago now and met Aaron.
“How shocked do you think I am that the little nerdy Hufflepuff boy would become the love of my life and eventual husband?” Aaron asked with a laugh, just teasing Xavier a bit. Aaron got up from the table and took everyone’s plates. “I’ll do the dishes tonight love, you got rest or hang out with the kids. We’re just so happy to have you back home,” he said with a soft smile.

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