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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier felt like he was trying to magic the train to go faster with how excited he was to see his family again. The train of course still moved at its own pace, much to Xavier’s frustration. It was a long and painful wait as it finally pulled into the station. Xavier smiled, grabbing his trunk and walking out of the compartment, down aisle of the train and stepped off of it. He took all of two steps before his heart stopped, melted and restarted. Aaron was there, with their kids at his side. They were so big now, standing on their own and staying beside Aaron. Xavier began walking quicker towards them and Rose spotted him first. “Daddy!!” He heard and a huge smile crossed his face. He didn’t waste any time walking toward them.
Logan looked on eagerly and took in the scenes of the train station. He’d never been here before. He excitedly awaited the arrival of his father. Eventually the train did pull into the platform and the students and some teachers began to disembark. It was Rose who saw Xavier first, causing both Logan and Aaron to turn around and perk up. Then they saw him- beloved husband and father, as well as professor, Xavier Collins. “Daddy! You’re here!” Logan shouted with joy as he quickly ripped his hand away from Aaron’s and charged at Xavier, tackling him with a hug (but not really moving Xavier at all due to the fact that he was a little three year old boy). Much like his papa, Logan gave a big tight hug to his daddy (which wasn’t very tight, but as tight as the toddler could muster).
Xavier laughed as he saw Logan's reaction, crouching down as his son charged at him. He held his arms open as the boy gave him a big tight (for his age) hug, similar to how Aaron would hug Xavier. "Hey buddy! I missed you so much!" Xavier said with a smile, he hugged Logan back just as tight. Rose, not wanting to be left out, ran towards her daddy. "Daddy! Daddy!" She shouted, pushing in beside Logan to hug Xavier too. "There's my little angel," He chuckled, wrapping both kids up in his arms. "I missed you two so much." He didn't want to let go of them, but he did eventually. He slowly stood up from the crouch, breaking their little hug gently. Rose held on tightly to the side of Xavier's leg, not wanting to let go of him.
“Don’t leave again daddy,” said Logan with a frown, looking up at Xavier with his big beautiful brown eyes. He then buried his head in Xavier’s leg, holding on close to his father whom he had missed dearly. He closed his eyes as Xavier put an arm around both him and his sister. Aaron smiled fondly at the sight. He then approached his husband but let him have some space with the kids. He’d get all time he needed close to Xavier later on tonight, that much he knew. “Welcome home, love. The two little monsters missed ya lots,” said Aaron with a grin.
Xavier's heart broke a little at the frown on his son's face and those four words. He didn't want to leave ever again, but that was life. He had his job, he had to help provide for his little family. Xavier felt Logan bury his head into his leg and sighed softly. Xaie looked over at Aaron who'd approached but still have him space. "Thank you dear. I can see that. I missed them too" He said, ruffling both of their heads lovingly. Xavier crouched down to look at both kids again. "Alright, who's been feeding you two, you grew so much since I saw you last" Xavier said to them playfully. Rose giggled, looking at Xavier. "Grammy, Grampa and Papa!" She said. Rose was happy to have her daddy back. He smiled at her, then smiled at Logan. His heart was full once more, having his kids in his arms.
Aaron laughed at the comment about how big they had gotten from Xavier. “What can I say? They’re growing so fast by the minutes,” he chuckled. Logan then looked up at his daddy and tugged on his sleeves. “Home!” he said, wanting to go back to their house. “Patience, Logan, in a moment,” said Aaron with a soft sigh.
Xavier laughed, looking at Aaron. "I can see that." He said, looking down at Logan when he felt the tug on his sleeves. Rose copied her brother a moment later, tugging on his sleeves too. "Daddy, go home!" She said, looking up at Xavier. "I guess we should go home huh?" Xavier said, looking at Aaron. He was more than ready to be home for a while.
“Yes! Let’s go!” Logan urged them all on. “Fine fine! Jeez, I wish he didn’t have my patience and had yours, Xaie,” chuckled Aaron. And so, the happy little family of four went back to their home out on the countryside.
Xavier was more than happy to go home that day. He spent all day with the kids and then was happy to cuddle with Aaron that night. He'd missed his little family and was thankful to be back home. As always, the time flew when he was home. The last half of June had quickly melded into July, blended into August. He spent as much time as he possibly could with his family. Xavier realized that once again September 1st came around and he was both excited to see his students again, but he was upset to leave his family again. He'd gotten used to leave Aaron, but it was ten times harder to leave their kids. They didn't really understand why he left every year. Xavier made it to the train, trunk in hand as he left for Hogwarts for the 2007-2008 school year.

He spent the next year doing much of the same as last year. Working with his students, helping them learn. He would send letters every day as always, it made him feel better. Almost like he was talking to the kids and Aaron every night. Imagining them there as he wrote. The months passed a little quicker this time, which Xavier was thankful for. He couldn't wait for the school year to be over so he could see his family again. Xavier spent his time between teaching students that needed some one on one time and teaching the course himself.

Finally, June 18th had arrived. Xavier was on the train and headed back home. The large steam engine chugged along the tracks as he watched the scenery pass by. Eventually the massive train pulled into the station. Xavier got off and headed home, his pace quick as he made his way there. It didn't take a crazy amount of time, and he found himself standing in front of their house, looking at the door with excitement. He opened it and stepped inside, setting his trunk down near the door. "I'm home!" He called, not sure which room everyone has in.
The years continued to zoom by and the twins only grew with each coming month. It was now June 18th, 2008, and the twins were now both four years old. At any moment now, Aaron was expecting Xavier to walk in through the door. Another semester had just finished at Hogwarts so he was coming home. With that meant that another season of Quidditch was in the books for Aaron. Aaron had ended up falling asleep on the couch waiting for Xavier to come home. When he did come home and through the door, announcing his arrival, Logan, who was playing around with some toy cars on the floor, immediately got up and ran to the front door. An excited smile was on his youthful face. The little four year old boy was getting taller and had a beautiful full head of soft like silk brown hair. Of course, his brown eyes were stunning, just like Xavier’s. “Daddy! You’re finally home!” Logan said as he ran up to Xavier and tackled him with a hug.
Xavier had waited all of a minute or two before he crouched down as he was tackled by Logan. He hugged his son back tightly. "Hey buddy, look at you. You got so big" He said, ruffling the boys hair. Rose was a minute behind her brother, abandoning her ball to run to the front door. "Daddy! Daddy! I missed you!" She yelled, her hair bouncing around her head. It was about neck length currently. Xavier opened one arm as Rose ran into it. He hugged both of his kids tightly. "You too, you're both so big. I missed you two so much!" He said, holding them close to his chest, happily.
They indeed had gotten big- both children. They were four years old and getting taller by the day. Of course, they were still little, but they weren’t babies anymore. “Don’t leave us for so long again, daddy,” whined Logan, giving Xavier a frown and those big brown puppy dog eyes. Both twins had remained close as they grew up together. They were always in sync with each other and at times it even seemed the beer run sync with each others’ feelings and emotions. As much as they were similar, they were different too. But even though they had each other (and Aaron for a few weeks now) for company, they both still very much dearly missed their daddy.
Xavier looked at Logan when those puppy dog eyes, his heart melting. "I have to buddy. If I didn't, then I'd never leave you again" He said, kissing Logan's forehead gently. "Daddy, please don't leave us again" Rose said, her own milk chocolate eyes looking at Xavier. "Oh, I don't want leave you two" He said, kissing Rose's forehead. "Come on, let's go see papa okay?" He said, standing up and taking their small hands. He walked with them towards the living room.
Logan wasn’t satisfied with Xavier’s answer but decided not to fuss. Aaron had explained to him countless times as to why both he and Xavier had to go for a few months because of their jobs but it still didn’t really resonate with the little boy. “Papa’s sleeping,” Logan told Xavier with a giggle.
Xavier looked down at Logan with a grin. "Is he? Why don't we go wake him up" Xavier said softly. Rose giggled herself at that, even if she didn't like Xavier saying he had to go every year. She'd heard it from both parents but still didn't like it one bit.
“Lazy papa,” said Logan with an adorable giggle. “Can we jump on papa to wake him up?” Logan asked with a mischievous little grin as he stepped forward to make his way to the living room where Aaron was sleeping on the couch and where he had been playing with his cars on the floor waiting for his daddy to come home.
Xavier chuckled. "Yes lazy papa. Of course, how else does one wake him up?" Xavier asked, seeing that mischievous grin on Logan's face. Rose was just as eager as her brother. "Jump on papa" She giggled, following after her brother. Xavier kept in pace behind them, a grin on his own face as they entered the living room. "Okay, on three, we're all going to jump on papa" Xavier said. He'd use his hands because if he jumped on Aaron, it might not be that pretty. Rose crawled onto one side of the couch, and waited for the signal.
Logan grinned excitedly and giggled as he started to run towards the living room. He turned around and waited for Xavier and Rose and come in and then nodded, ready for a countdown and signal to pounce on his sleeping papa. He could certainly count now at four years old, and definitely to three. In fact, he could even count to twenty (although with some difficulty, but luckily, papa and daddy were there to remind him of the numbers that came after ten).
Xavier smiled, seeing Logan in position. "Alright guys. 1.. 2.. 3.." He counted down, looking between the excited four year olds. When he hit three, He pounced, his hands aiming for Aaron's shoulders so the kids could jump on his chest under Xavier's arms. Rose knew how to count too, she could make it to twenty with help from her papa and daddy. She heard the number three and leaped, under Xavier's arms and onto her papa's chest yelling "Wake up Papa!" and laughing.
Hearing three, Logan hopped up onto his papa’s belly and bounced up and down. “Wake up papa! Wake up!” Logan giggled as he jumped on the soft cushion that was Aaron’s gut. Aaron instantly awoke from his slumber, dazed and confused at first. He grunted from the pressure of Logan bouncing on his stomach and Rose on his chest. “Blimey! I’m up! I’m up!” Aaron cried. He then looked and saw that his husband was home. Aaron was waking up to his three favorite people- his two kiddos Logan and Rose, as well as his handsome spouse Xavier. It caused him to smile, and although his stomach sort of hurt from the weight of Logan on it, his heart was full of joy. “Welcome home love,” he said softly. “This was certainly a rude awakening, eh?”
Rose giggled when she felt Aaron wake up, looking up at him with a smile on her face. Xavier laughed, looking at Aaron with love. "Thank you. I'm glad to be home." He said with a smile. "It was Logan's idea, I just helped out" He said laughing. "He's definitely your son with that mischievous streak" Xavier said with a chuckle. He sat down beside Aaron, and immediately Rose abandoned her papa's chest and went to Xavier, hugging his torso with her small arms. He was happy to be home for sure.
“Merlin help us all of Logan’s half the joker I was as a kid,” chuckled Aaron. He should’ve known such an idea was the idea of his son, who was increasingly gaining a bit of a playful trickster side to his personality that honestly reminded Aaron a lot of himself when he was younger. “No it wasn’t! It was Rosie!” Logan replied with a giggle and an innocent grin as he blamed it on his sister. Aaron rolled his eyes and smiled, “You’re not fooling anyone mate,” he told the boy.
Rose looked over at her brother with a pout. "It was not me!" She said, giggling a little. Xavier chuckled. "Yes, if he's anything like you dear, we're all in trouble" He said with a grin. He laughed hearing Logan try and pin it on his sister who denied it completely. Aaron was right, no one was fooled by Logan's attempt to blame his sister.
“Worth a shot,” shrugged Logan as he giggled and hopped off of his papa’s belly. “Little rascal,” muttered Aaron as he chuckled to himself and slowly sat up. “How was the train ride home? Trust it wasn’t too bumpy?” Aaron asked his husband.
Rose giggled at her brother, sliding off Xavier's lap and going to kick her ball around the living room again. Xavier turned his head to look at Aaron. "Boring, quiet, not horribly bumpy" He told his husband. "I'm glad to be home, I've missed you guys" He said, shifting so he could rest his head on Aaron's shoulder with a happy sigh.

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