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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier laughed at that. “Food dispenser that’s all we are.” He chuckled. He looked over at Logan with a smile. “Yes buddy, food.” He said, turning to Rose. “Daddy. Food.” She said. “Okay angel” Xavier said, grabbing the spoon and scooped up the first bite of food, looking at Rose. “Open up” Xavier told her and she happily did so. Xavier smiled as he fed his daughter.
As Aaron continued to feed Logan, he smiled at the baby boy. “Are you ready to open your Christmas presents soon? Excited to see what Father Christmas got you?” Aaron asked. After swallowing, Logan banged his hands on the table and smiled. “Food!” he chirped once more. This caused Aaron to chuckle. “Guess we need to finish breakfast,” he said.
Xavier continued feeding Rose, looking at her with a smile. “You excited to see what’s under the tree for you sweetheart?” He asked. Rose clapped her hands but was more intent on breakfast than the tree. “Food. Daddy!” She told him and Xaie shook his head with a smile. “Alright.” He said, continuing to feed her.
Logan seemed to grin hearing his sister repeat after him and demand sustenance from their father. Aaron smiled and rolled his eyes as he continued to feed the baby boy. “They’ve got my appetite, I’ll tell ya that,” he said with a chuckle.
Xavier looked over at Aaron and sighed. “Great, three of you with huge appetites.” He laughed, returning to Rose. He continued feeding his little girl with a smile on his face.
“Good! Two mini Aaron’s! Excellent!” Aaron snickered with a playful smirk. “Speaking of food, what’s for breakfast, love?” he asked Xavier with a grin. Hearing the word food again, Logan smiled and clapped his hands together. “Food!” he chirped once more. “Oi! No talking with that mouth full Logan!” Aaron scolded the one year old baby boy.
Xavier rolled his eyes. “Yes, triple the groceries. Wonderful.” He said with a laugh. “I haven’t even finished feeding her yet, so I don’t know.” He told Aaron with a smile. He heard him scold Logan and laughed. “Yep, he’s your son.” He said as he continued to feed Rose who was the more patient even if she loved to eat.
“Hey what?! I don’t talk with my mouth full! Err- anymore…” replied Aaron. He’d always get excited when he ate and sometimes manners took a backseat when he was a boy, and he’d speak with a mouth full of food. Xavier would constantly have to remind him at Hogwarts to swallow first. Like Aaron, Logan was impatient when it came to eating.
Xavier laughed again, sending a look at his husband. “Yeah, anymore. Key word there babe.” He said. He remembered how he’d often have to remind Aaron to eat first and swallow before he talked. “You’ve gotten better now that you’re older.” He said with a chuckle. Rose was almost finished her breakfast.
“See? I’m not so bad!” Aaron said with a laugh. Aaron had finally fed Logan the last bite of food. When Logan had swallowed, Aaron smiled. “There you go! All done!” Aaron said. “All done!” Logan repeated adorably in his little baby voice.
Xavier sighed. “I never said you were bad, just that your manners have improved as you got older.” He said with a smile. He finished feeding Rose with wiped her mouth off. “That’s my girl. All done.” He said with a smile. “Food. Gone” Rose said with a laugh. “Yep. Foods all gone.” He said. “Can you watch these two monsters while I make us a quick breakfast?” He asked Aaron with a small chuckle.
Aaron chuckled as he heard Rose state that her food was all gone. These two were just too cute for their own goods. Aaron nodded and smiled as Xavier asked him to watch the children as he prepared them breakfast. “Of course,” he replied, sitting in between both Logan and Rose’s high chairs. “You two behave for me now ok?” Aaron said, looking from both babies. “Food gone!” Logan said, clapping his hands together and giggling. “Yes, food’s gone bud,” chuckled Aaron.
Xavier chuckled as he walked into the kitchen. He pulled out the eggs and bacon, something simple. He started cooking it and it really didn’t take that long before breakfast was finished. He put the food on plates and walked back out into the dining room about twenty minutes later. He sat the plates down and smiled. “Breakfast for my handsome husband.” He said, sitting down himself.
Aaron could smell Xavier cooking some delicious breakfast, something simple- bacon and eggs. When he came back, Aaron smiled and thanked his husband. “Thanks my love. And my what a handsome chef!” Aaron said back, winking and grinning playfully. He then began to eat, happily with his two lovely children on either side of him.
Xavier blushed and smiled as he heard Aaron. “You’re welcome. I’m glad you think so.” He said grinning back just as playfully. He started working on his own food, then it would be time for the tree. He was excited about it, seeing his kids opening their presents and of course the one he’d made for Aaron. He couldn’t wait to see his face when he saw the blanket Xavier had made. He managed to keep eating at a regular pace, even with his excitement.
Aaron ate quickly so that they would be able to open the kids’ very first Christmas presents with them. Logan watched his papa eat from his high chair. He was all full and fed so the baby boy was quite satisfied.
Xavier finished his food rather quickly. Rose was intrigued watching both parents, her head moving from her daddy to her papa and back. Xavier looked over at Aaron with a smile. He couldn’t wait to watch their kids open their first Christmas presents.
Once Aaron was finished, he got up and smiled as he picked up first, Rose in one arm, then Logan in the other, holding them firmly. “Ok, I think the little monsters are ready for their presents,” chuckled Aaron as he looked at his husband. Logan just seemed happy to be held.
Xavier smiled as Aaron grabbed both children. "Well then let's head to the tree" He said happily. Rose was happy to be in her papa's arm, a smile on her face. Xavier led the way to the living room with a smile on his face. This was going to be great. He was excited to see their faces when they opened their presents.
Aaron nodded and took both babies in his arms to the room that they had set up their Christmas tree in. He entered the living room and sat down on one of the couches, smiling as he looked from Rose to Logan in his arms.
Xavier walked over to Aaron. "Alright, who's ready for presents?" He asked with a smile. Xavier walked over and grabbed the presents for the two children. He brought them over to the couch, sitting down beside Aaron. Xavier took Rose gently from his husband, it would be easier than having two children in his lap trying to rip paper. Logan's presents were set between him and Aaron, and he had Rose's on his other side. Xavier took the first one and handed it to Rose. It was a bigger pink ball and he was excited to see her open it. Rose looked at the present in front of her and grabbed the paper with her hands, trying to figure out how to open it.
Aaron loosened his grasp on Rose as Xavier came over to take her from him. Aaron continued to hold onto Logan and stood up. He gently set Logan down on the floor and grabbed his presents, putting them in front of the baby boy. Aaron smiled as he began to get started on opening the wrapping paper of the present, doing it so that Logan could first see how it was done. The baby boy watched him with his beautiful brown eyes and curiously crawled forward and got his own hands on the wrapping paper and began to tear at it.
Xavier set Rose on the floor and sat down beside her. "Hold on angel" He said, taking one hand and gently ripping a piece of paper. "Try again" He encouraged her. Rose did so, her little fingers working the wrapping paper and tearing it off, revealing the larger pink ball. Rose smiled wide, clapping her hands. "Ball. Ball" She said excitedly. "Yes sweetheart, ball. Here's this one" He said, handing her another one, moving the ball a little over. Rose wanted the ball, not the other present. "Ball!" She reached towards the ball, wanting that back. "You can play with the ball in a moment, don't you want to open this one?" Xavier asked. Rose shook her head. "Here, daddy will help you get it started." He said, ripping the paper a little bit. Rose was torn between the ball and the second present once she heard the paper tear.
Aaron assisted the baby boy as Logan made some rips at the paper. Logan was delighted to see that his first present was a new toy car. “Car!” Logan chirped happily. Aaron couldn’t help but smile and laugh. “Yes little buddy! Car!” Aaron replied. Logan quickly took the car and held it in his hands as Aaron fetched his next present. “You have some more big guy,” he told his son. Logan quickly put down the car as his face lit up upon seeing yet another present. Aaron gave the box to Logan and the baby boy began to tear open the next one.
Xavier smiled as Rose turned her attention to the second present, ripping the paper off to reveal a cube with different knobs and buttons that she can play with. He saw her eyes light up as she played with it. "One more sweetheart" He told her, and she set the toy down as Xavier grabbed the last present, helping her with it.

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