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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Logan continued to look at Rose, staying there as if to offer silent encouragement. By now Aaron was tuned out as to what was going on and was on the verge of drifting off to dreamland. Logan seemed intrigued, almost as if he was debating as to whether or not he should attempt to do what his sister was doing.
Xavier was focused on the twins, watching Rose grabbing at the mesh. Rose looked over at her brother before she put both hands on the mesh, grabbing it and pulling. Her body moved a little at that and she let go for a moment. Then she did it again, with a little more pull before she let go. She tilted her head slightly as she thought about it.
Logan’s attention was entirely on his sister now. He crawled a few steps closer to Rose in order to better investigate what she was doing. By now Aaron had completely fallen asleep so he wasn’t paying attention to what was going on with the twins.
Xavier had noticed Aaron was passed out and rolled his eyes with a chuckle. He watched Logan crawl closer to Rose who was still fascinated by the mesh of the playpen. Rose grabbed the mesh higher up this time and pulled, her butt came up off the ground before she let go. Xavier was ready to comfort her when she got this little determined look on her face. She looked over at her brother before grabbing the mesh again, pulling herself up, before dropping down again when she let go. She was going to figure this out, whatever this was.
Logan sat quietly, both intrigued but seemingly offering looks of encouragement over to his twin as she attempted to stand up. As she let go and tried again, Logan made a little baby noise, as if he were talking to his sister.
Rose looked over at Logan, babbling a little before returning to the mesh. Xavier was intrigued watching his two children try and figure out how to stand. Rose looked at the mesh again, grabbing it and pulling herself up, this time she managed to stand for a moment before sitting back down again. "Look at you angel. Good job" Xavier said with a smile, watching his daughter stand for a moment before she had sat back down. "You got it" He added, and she tried again, standing for a little longer before sitting back down. Rose looked at Logan and clapped her hands, trying to encourage him to do it too. "Aaron! Aaron wake up!" Xavier said, leaning over and shaking his husband's shoulder excitedly.
Logan appeared to be waiting for Rose to try to stand first before he even attempted to do so himself. He’d let his sister lead by example this time. Logan smiled and clapped as he heard Xavier saying “good job,” words he had learned to associate with his father being proud and happy that they had done something significant. Aaron soon felt himself being shook awake and slowly opened his eyes. “Hmm, what?” he grunted quietly, yawning, “I’m awake,” he lied.
Xavier rolled his eyes at his husband. "Aaron. Look at your daughter" He said, his pride showing in his eyes. Rose had smiled when she heard her dad say "good job" and then grabbed the mesh again. She managed to get herself up, and held herself for a moment before letting one hand go, turning to look at Xavier. "Come here" He encouraged, shifting himself so he could extend his hand out. Rose looked between him and his hand, she knew the words "come here" meant to go towards whoever spoke. Rose wrapped her little hand around his finger and wavered for a second, unsure. She let go of the mesh with her other hand and grabbed onto Xavier, standing there for a moment before she slowly moved one leg and then the other before she stopped. "You got it sweetheart, come to Daddy" He told her, she laughed and took another step closer to Xavier.
Aaron was initially dazed snd confused, still in his tired nap state, but he then widened his eyes once he realized what was going on. Rose was trying to walk! Suddenly, Aaron perked up now and was attentive to everything that was happening. He smiled, excited and anticipating another big milestone, as he watched Rose attempt to walk and Xavier encourage her. The whole time, Logan seemed to be studying everything that was going on, taking it in, perhaps preparing to attempt to stand and walk on his own for himself. Seeing the praise Rose was getting, he assumed it must be a good thing. “Go on Rosie! Go to daddy!” Aaron encouraged.
Xavier was focused on Rose, her hands in his as she moved forward towards him. Her head turned to look at Aaron when she heard him, laughing before turning back to Xavier. She took a few more steps, making her way and stopping when she reached Xavier. "That's my girl! Good job sweetheart" Xavier said when she reached him, picking her up and kissing her forehead. Rose giggled, clapping her hands before looking over at Logan, watching her brother.
Aaron couldn’t believe it! Rose had taken her first steps! He was so proud of her, and it was clear Xavier was too. “Good job little Rosie! You’ve taken your first steps! Brilliant!” Aaron congratulated, a prideful grin on his face. Logan looked, in all honesty, a bit baffled. But seeing the praise his sister was getting, he wanted some of that for himself too. He put two and two together and could tell that this standing up and walking thing was a big deal. So, Logan crawled over to the mesh of the play pen and did what his sister had done previously, clawing at it and trying to maintain grip strength so that he could stand up. When Aaron saw this, he watched on with hopeful hazel eyes.
Xavier was very proud of their little girl, she had managed to take her first steps. He couldn't believe it, they were growing up so fast. Xavier moved his gaze from where he had Rose, setting her down on the blanket in front of him. He watched as Logan crawled over to the play pen. It was clear that he wanted to try too by the way he clawed at the mesh. "You got it buddy" Xavier said, encouraging Logan.
“Come on Logan, you’ve got this,” said Aaron very quietly. Initially, Logan seemed to struggle. When he appeared to make leeway, he immediately fell right onto his butt. Staying upright was a challenge but Logan was going to back down and was determined to stand up and walk over to his dad, just like Rose had done. Finally, after attempt number twenty four, Logan had managed to grab ahold of the mesh and stand. He looked a bit shaky but he was standing. Aaron couldn’t believe his eyes- he was so proud. Both of his little babies could stand. Now the hard part was walking. Logan seemed hesitant to walk at first, having barely mastered the art of standing on two legs.
Xavier was watching Logan, he definitely seemed to have a tougher time standing, but he managed to do it. "That's it buddy. You can do it" Xavier said with a smile. "Come here," Xavier said, gently moving Rose out of the walking path, holding out his hand. Xavier was so proud of his children, they were managing to stand and learning to walk. Another milestone come. Rose clapped for her brother after Xavier had moved her, trying to encourage her brother to walk.
“Go to daddy!” Aaron encouraged with a sweet smile. Hearing the words of his fathers and even the little clapping from his sister, Logan mustered himself and began to take his very first step. He knew the word “go” meant he was to move over to Xavier. So, Logan took a second step, then a third, and then a fourth. Now he was walking for the first time. “Yes Logan! That’s it! Keeping going little man!” Aaron continued to encourage, trying not to burst out of his own skin with excitement. He was so proud that both of his kids had taken their first steps. The twins seemed to hit all of their significant milestones together- it was cute in its own way. Now Logan was visibly smiling as he picked up pace a little bit and continued to step closer to Xavier. Finally, Logan reached his daddy, laughing his cute baby laugh as he fell into Xavier’s arms. “Good job Logan! Yay Logan!” Aaron said, clapping.
Xavier smiled as he looked at Logan taking his first step. Then he took more steps, getting closer to Xavier as he walked. "Come on Logan, you got it son" Xavier encouraged, watching as Logan came closer to him. Rose was clapping and laughing as she watched her brother. "That's my boy" Xavier said with a smile, taking Logan in his arms when he reached him. "Good job Logan, good job!" Xavier said, giving Logan a little forehead kiss like he did to Rose. He was so proud of the two kids, taking their first steps. His heart swelled with pride at the two of them.
Logan smiled and giggled, clapping his hands together as he got the same kiss on the forehead that his sister Rose did. He knew he had done a good thing based off of the positive reactions from both of his fathers. Aaron couldn’t be more proud of both of his children. They had now spoke their first words, turned one year old, and finally, taken their very first steps.
Xavier had been so proud of their two kids for taking their first steps. Of course, after that day, Xaie began baby-proofing the lower parts of the house, electrical outlet covers and making sure that as the two walk more, they can't hurt themselves. He couldn't believe how fast the twins were growing, and it was amazing and sad at the same time. The next few months went by, both Aaron and Xavier turning 23 and spending all their time with their kids. Xavier couldn't believe that he was 23 now, had two kids that were close to a year and half, and was married to the love of his life. The months flew by, the kids learning how to walk better, managing to start walking without any real help from their parents or objects around them. It was truly delightful to watch the two.

And they were close, wherever Rose or Logan went, the other was usually right behind them. Xavier found it adorable, watching them. Eventually December came and Xavier was so excited. He was looking forward to spending Christmas with his small family, especially now that the twins would understand it more than they did last year. Xavier had gotten them some new toys and wrapped them under the tree, and he had spent some time, it took longer than he cared to admit because he was trying to do it without anyone knowing, working on a blanket. It was a golden base, with red accents and on it read 'Xavier and Aaron - August 16th' which was their wedding date and below it was 'Rose and Logan - July 5th' which was the day they adopted them. It was his present to Aaron. He had it wrapped up under there as well. He loved to make things, and so that was usually his go to for presents. However he couldn't make toys so those he had to buy.

That morning, the babies had been sleeping in later as they got older, Xavier actually managed to relax beside Aaron. They had also cut out most formula from the babies breakfasts, so they usually had solid foods during the day and a bottle at night. Xavier had his head on Aaron's chest, enjoying the quiet for a little longer. Eventually the babies would wake up, but he was content to relax for the second.
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First birthday, first words, and first steps were out of the way now. Things were changing, but in a good way, as the two kids learned to walk and talk more. Aaron couldn’t be more proud of his two babies and of course, his husband Xavier for being such an amazing partner and father. With their growth (which was way too fast for Aaron’s liking), the twins’ relationship seemed to grow closer too. Even though they were infants, both babies seemed to do everything together- and that was clear since birth. Each kid was different in their own way yet so similar. Aaron assumed it was some magical twin thing that had Rose and Logan so in sync with each other. But finally, December 25th, 2005 had arrived- Christmas Day. That morning, as was becoming somewhat common again, much to Aaron’s thrill, the two husbands and fathers slept in a little later. Both Rose and Logan seemed not to get up and cry so early anymore, which was a welcomed change by Aaron for sure. Aaron was content to remain sleeping close to Xavier until either his husband or the babies inevitably woke up and did something to let the two dads know they were either hungry or wanted attention- or both.
Xavier was content to stay right where he was, he was awake now, but didn’t want to move. It had been forever it felt like since they’d been able sleep in like they have been lately. He knew the kids would wake up soon, but until he heard the crying, he was staying right there. His eyes closed and relaxing, listening to Aaron’s heartbeat like every time they lay in bed. It was peaceful and relaxing.
Aaron breathed gently as he laid in bed with his husband. It was a nice and peaceful start to the Christmas morning, one like the ones he used to know. Outside, snow was gently coating the ground. It was almost picturesque.
Xavier knew the quiet would not last, but he took what he could. Eventually the crying did come, and he sighed. Sliding off the bed, he headed out of their bedroom and into the twins room. Rose was standing up in her crib, little hands grasping the frame. “You guys hungry?” He asked them with a smile.
Soon, loud crying from the nursery room awoke both dads. Aaron yawned as he followed Xavier out of bed and made his way to the babies. Both were wailing, presumably for both food and attention. As Xavier headed over to Rose’s crib, Aaron went to Logan’s and picked the baby boy up. Logan stopped crying as he knew his dad was taking him to get fed. “Merry Christmas Logan,” he said quietly to the baby. “Food!” Logan replied. Aaron chuckled tiredly, “Ok little bud. Papa will feed ya,” he assured the child.
Xavier picked up Rose, holding her in his arms as she stopped her crying. “Merry Christmas Rose.” He said with a smile. She looked at him for a moment before she smiled back. “Food.” She said, copying her brother. “Okay sweetheart, let’s go.” He said with a small laugh. Xavier headed out of the nursery, heading into the dining room. “You sit for me and daddy will have your food out real quick.” He told her, setting her in her high chair. Xavier went into the kitchen grabbing two cans of baby food and poured them into bowls and brought them out. He set one down over by Logan’s chair and sat down with the other one for Rose.
“I’m convinced that’s all these kids use us for- food!” Aaron said to Xavier as he carried Logan in his arms out of the nursery room and to the kitchen. “Food!” Logan repeated, hearing his father say the word. “Yes I’ve got it. Food,” replied Aaron. Aaron settled Logan in his high chair next to Rose’s in the dining room and then went into the kitchen to help get the food for them with his husband. He then came back to the dining room and went over to Logan to go feed him. The baby boy was delighted when Xavier had set down a bowl of baby food in front of him. “Daddy! Papa! Food!” Logan chirped. “I think he’s saying thank you,” said Aaron with a grin as he looked over at Xavier. Aaron the scooped up the first bit of food for Logan with the spoon. “Open wide,” said Aaron. Logan happily obeyed and opened his mouth wide so that Aaron could feed him.

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